Thursday, 26 May 2022


FRIDAY - 27TH MAY, 2022



READ Luke 16:19-31

Luke 16:27-29, KJV

"27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: 28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. 29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them."

Yesterday, we saw that the prayer of Moses, "teach us to number our days..." which obviously was an address to God finds fulfilment through God finding preachers who could reveal the urgency and graveness with which man ought to do his work on earth due to his brevity of life which he needs to discover. Today's teaching reemphasizes that. God won't come from heaven to teach man like that. He'll rather oracle this truth and cause this revelation dawn on man by partnering with some called and taught men on earth. In today's passage, a debate of no mean importance ensues between a certain rich man and Father Abraham. He is thirsty (being in hell) and would want Father Abraham send Lazarus (who was in his bosom) to quench his thirst by just a dip of his finger tip into water. What value would that be to him? Nothing. He made that humble request because he had lost all sense of entitlement. So, he couldn't decree big in boldness. When people sin or are in any fallen state, they lose their right and act this way like a slave. If a partner commits adultery and the other gets to know, the same principle goes into play. They lose sense of entitlement even if they're no longer condemned or judged by the other. Until they could see themselves in the right image and as co-owner and possessor of things of the other, they'll continue to act as an outcast to acknowledge their status of having fallen from grace, favour or love. This is why you should avoid being tainted by sin as much as it lies with you. Run from all its appearances if you don't want to lose sense of entitlement, boldness or right. 

Father Abraham wouldn't send Lazarus and he argued why he won't. He gave two points to counter this rich man's request (Luke 16:25-26). What a debate! Seeing Abraham's position on the inability of dwellers from each sides crossing to either of the sides, he saw the vanity of having his request granted and pressed on Abraham another request. Being already doomed, he switched his attention and began caring for the living though dead. He advocated that Lazarus be sent to go witness to his five brethren living on earth. Abraham didn't grant this again. He refuted him and had his request discarded by saying, "they have Moses and the prophets on the earth" to instruct them. The rich man still not pleased pressed further that the testimony of someone from a supernatural or fearful realm like "of the dead" would be extraordinary, esteemed and persuading enough to be believed. Father Abraham said they won't believe the testimony from the dead if they can't believe the law and the prophets with them. That's how Father Abraham won all the cases which the rich man opened. God is just. He'll always give us a fear hearing and explanation that can't be debated any longer.

The point is this. Preachers were not send to earth from this place (Abraham's bosom), neither will they be sent to earth from heaven now. God is saying, "your teachers are with you." That man pressed for it but it always met with a stiff refusal. Father Abraham kept telling him they've been provided for and the provision is on earth already and not any where else. Don't be shocked, what many are looking for from the far distance is actually by their side but familiarity is blinding them to taking it. We men have falsely trained ourselves to believe in the super taste. We would ask, "can it take me further, give me a feeling that's beyond this world, launch me into a craze that's different?" That's how some became addicted today because they were chasing to catch feelings even to its highest level on the long run. Yet, an illusion. This craving for  what is but already there make men unnecessary thirsty of something from a world beyond even when God Himself has granted them that by placing it with them or amidst them. To long for the divine or the supernatural is part of our core. There's a gulf that only Eternity can satisfy. The Bible is there to have such wonder or truth revealed to you today. The Holy Spirit will give you its explanation as you read it. However, the preachers in all their offices are called and caused by God to bring revelation of this same written word on us all. So, we listen to them and hear God speak through them. God has not left us without witness. Did He not speak that He'll raise a prophet for his people from amidst them and He did (Acts 3:22). What I'm emphasizing on is that the prayer of Moses, "teach us to number our days..." has been answered and will be answered continually by God giving men to teach the truth that will bring such understanding and possession of a heart of wisdom on them. This is the dealing of God - that He raises mortal men to have released through them the will of the Immortal. The question should be, "how well have you been listening to what the Bible and those oracles of God teaches to be true in the will of God?" I hear, "your preachers are with you." If you won't be persuaded to receive the truth of the gospel through them, you won't still be persuaded if there's a supernatural rising or send forth from God. You can't but remain a waster, despiser, neglect and rebel to all divine inputs sent to salvage and save your soul. 

PRAYER: Lord, grant me estimation for your Word and ministers. I won't be a despiser of holy things.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 9:1-11:27, John 15:1-27, Psalm 119:49-64, Proverbs 16:1-3

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