Friday, 27 May 2022




BECAUSE NIGHT COMES - Heart of Wisdom Series 009

Read John 9:1-9

John 9:4-5, KJV

"4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. 5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."

I hope you know we don't have all day here. We will transit. We can't but pass to glory. This tabernacle of flesh will give way. Why we even call it "body" is because it is merely our house where the spirit, the hidden man of the heart indwells (I Pet.3:4). We've tarried on Psalm 90:12 specifically for these 8 days and we shall make further references to it. Jesus was confronted with the healing of a blind man from birth. After answering the question that confused his disciples, he proceeded to saying, "He must work the works of He that sent Him..." Did he stop there or indeed manifest the work of He that sent Him which he had afore referred to? Immediately, Jesus who knew His time was not as long as the tongue spits on the ground, makes clay and anoints the eyes of this blind with it. Then, He instructed him to go bathe in the pool of Siloam. He was healed!Jesus isn't a mere confessor. He is a doer. Realization has first of all dawned on Him. He knew He won't last for eternity and that He only have a short time for ministry to the children of men on earth. So, He never delays or postpones what is His appointed work dealt Him by the Father. Rather, after such confession of Himself as the light of the world, He makes preparation to heal the man. He has been equipped. He didn't waste equipping.

Have you gained a heart of wisdom like this or you're still beating the streets lamely and irrelevantly around? Jesus knew the season that's always upon Him. He said it and you saw His determination towards achieving what He has discovered to be true. If Jesus we respected said something, it should worth noting. He said, He  must do the works of He that sent Him while it is day because night comes. Something is inevitable. It is the night falling. It is the night shadowing and falling on you in particular. You'll then be trapped because you won't be able to further any work or device or knowledge again on this earth. The revelation is always, "the grave where you go (Eccl.9:10)." You draw nearer to it daily. It is your final destination and it's in front of you. You and I will one day get in. 

How many people are still veiled? Where are those that urgency of assignment has not yet gripped? I'll say, you can't but waste away. You'll not only waste away but waste men away. How? The divine ingredient given you to make impact amidst men won't be used at all. So, where you could have been felt, you'll just pass away like that like a snake that slithers on a rock without trace. Then, God will then allocate those who awaited your revelation and then manifestation to another so they won't be unfortunate and irrelevant on the earth (not finding their own purpose) because you've failed God and them. Be like your Master, Jesus who couldn't delay healing that man at the time He found him. His saying was, "look, I'm totally consumed, feeling compassionate towards healing this man. I must work the works of He that sent me. Why delay what I have to do since I don't have all day." That's the Word who was with the Father at the beginning speaking that way. Despite that, He acknowledges His being a human. If it were not so, He won't be hurrying against time. Let low of the truth that Jesus carried the anointing without measure. The day He was born is the day His time started counting. The fact that He'll die at thirty three plus started hurrying from that day onward and He knew it and so made good use of that knowledge. The knowledge some fear having at hand is what others uses to further themselves. This is why he admonished himself not to waste time but to be set to work. His admonishing himself before His disciples also mean they should model their lives after His. If you're a disciple of Christ indeed, you won't deny time is running against you and you won't deny setting right away to work and do with all your might, intelligence, resources, device what your hand has found to do. If the Master modelled it to us, we must do same and model same to men. (I Cor 11:1).

PRAYER: We have a perfect mentor in Jesus. May I do His works. May what gripped Him become my revelation to live out God's will in my soul. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 12:1-31; John 16:1-33; Psalm 119:65-80; Proverbs 16:4-5

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