Monday, 30 May 2022


TUESDAY - 31ST MAY, 2022


ARE YOU UNDER CONSTRAIN? - Heart of Wisdom Series 012

READ John 9:1-9

John 9:4,KJV

"I MUST work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.

Jesus said the above verse before He went to heal that blind man. In it, you'll see compulsion. He constrained Himself. Anyone who will therefore as a matter of compulsion do His Father's work must have mastered himself. You need great discipline and conquering of your body(flesh) so at its lusting after other things (contrary to your calling), you won't be taken away from what your works are. Unless your flesh is subjected to your willing spirit, you may not be able to (as a matter of compulsion) lay hold on yourself to do the works of Him that sent you. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. If your yearning is diverse, forget about doing the Father's works. Anyone who says, "I MUST do the works of Him that sent me...." and will make it good must be ready for a fight with distraction. If he's not vowing full time duty, he may be excused. At a time, they wanted to make Jesus king but He escaped it intentionally because He already knew the type of works He was called to (John 6:15). You'll meet luring and juicy attractions like this that will appeal to take you out of what you're designated and consecrated for - the works of the Father, your very calling.

"I MUST" means "I MUST" always be up and doing. This is not the matter of whether you feel like working or not. You must put yourself under such a great constraint while reminding yourself how much you owe someone. Jesus owes the Father. It is His (the Father's) work Jesus was obligated doing. Jesus will give accounts. That became part of the revelation and knowledge that drove Jesus to do the works of He that sent Him while He could do it (at the day). He's a man under obligation. That Jesus was human when He walked this earth will help us greatly. If He was human, it means He was as well tempted in every point as we are not to do the works of He that sent Him. I just said He was almost made a king yet didn't disappoint His consecration. This is what we are called to aspire to. Being human may mean you and I may not always be willing to do the works of He that sent us. We must then learn how not to disqualify ourselves further but how to be qualified. Whenever you wake up, pick up a confession to make yourself willing to go about your Father's business daily. What a positive confession from Jesus. He put Himself in a willing position by that confession of "I MUST (whether I like it or not).... That will then create a good atmosphere of work around you. Words are spells. They can bind or loose you. This will tear off you the garment of reluctance and laziness. He said, "I MUST work the works of He..." "I must!" It just keeps ringing in my mind. Many of us can't be said to have tried at all. We have not yet given our best. We're still working only when we are comfortable. We rise when we can. We sleep when nature calls for it yet at the works' expense. We only do ministry when we are inspired and not by faith when we don't feel like. Why live purposefully only "in season" and not "out season (II Tim. 4:2).

But Jesus worked at both times. He constrained Himself to work here and you can bear Him witness His working was not in vain because He eventually brought wholeness to that blind man. Have you appeased, convinced and win your mind and body to work by saying, "listen now, I must WORK and do the works of He that sent me." Have you? I'm hearing, "you've not yet resisted until the shedding of blood." You're only coasting along. You've not been gripped by the works. If it does, you'll always be ready to work in order to fulfill the obligation, constraint or oath by which you're bound here. If you don't know, Jesus' statement there was very much binding oneself with difficult words that he can't dissociate from later but see to its fulfilment. Jesus has become my own example. He holds Himself unto a higher standard more than anyone could request of Him. He doesn't give excuses. He's a man of one straight confession, "I MUST work the works of He...." What a sense of duty! Knowing He has been limited to working "in the day", He brought fulfilling purpose to a matter of necessity and not what He'll do as hit and run. Today, God is asking to know whether you've been living in the awareness of brevity of time and life under "I Must" or "I May."

PRAY: Baptize me with the power of decision, discipline and grace me to be a doer.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 15:23-16:23; John 18:25-19:22; Psalm 119:113-128; Proverbs 16:10-11

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