MONDAY - 30TH MAY, 2022
WHEN NO MAN CAN WORK - Heart of Wisdom Series 011
John 9:4, KJV
"I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work."
Jesus is indeed a revealing and emphatic teacher. He knew that "at night" no man can work. There's no remedy to it. At night, you're useless because night makes you useless. At old age, it is only little you can do. That's even before death, the ultimate night comes. You'll lack strength to move from your bedroom to the bathroom in the same jurisdiction. Your hands may be shaking. Spoon may not stay in your hands. You'll need another to help you rise or walk because uninvited weaknesses or sicknesses might begin to appear. Is this the time you want to establish that enterprise? Is this the time you want to take your vision to all continents and reach men through all possible means? Is it at this time of no pleasure you want to do high things? Stop waiting to learn the consequences of being slow to put your youthfulness to work. Even in the natural, we know God has not created the night for work though we might transgress there for good reasons. There's a natural or cosmos law God put there which makes humans obey the natural night. Though man has power of choice to obey sleep or not (which comes very much easily at night), yet he knows the designated period God has given him to lay down before he goes to his work in the day is this night time (a period in the day).
Psalms 104:23, KJV
"Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour until the evening."
Until the what? If he goes to his work until the evening, what do you think he comes back to do in the evening? To rest! What I'm hearing is that, "the night comes when no man can work." Those men may desire working. They may have it laid in their hearts to do great things for Jehovah but nature and the laws of cosmos will fizzle them out and weed them away. This is a warning to those who are slowing down themselves by living in sin and heeding all forms of distraction. If the night (which begins at old age naturally) catches up with you, even if you have desire and plans that can raise a tower to the sky, they can never be implemented by you. How painful it is then when where God could have used one, it is another he has found for use? Did you not hear Solomon speak? He said the grave whither you go, there's neither work, device or knowledge there? Night was not created for work but sleep. Darkness symbolizes and heralds night time while the light signifies the breaking of the day. The appearance of darkness should communicate something to you. When we sleep, we close our eyes. That's how our eyes shall be finally closed in death. You can't say I have an idea in that realm. Earth is where we test the practicality of anything, build invention and affect our world and for same get recognition. In the realm of the dead, it is stillness forever. The night hurries. It comes. You near it and it nears you. Unfortunately, night is a slave master and enforcer of one principle. "No work!" Night has enough potency: known and unknown that weakens and disqualifies any man: male or female from setting his heart to doing anything he may see worthy to do. Before night makes nonsense of you, make nonsense of it with all revenge and daily utilization of your time. Achieve in these few years you have to live and be willing and sweetened at heart to meet your Saviour at appearance.
PRAYER: I fall on night before it falls on me. I receive wisdom to beat the potency of night.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 14:1-15:22; John 18:1-24; Psalm 119:97-112; Proverbs 16:8-9
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