Thursday, 19 May 2022


FRIDAY - 20TH MAY, 2022


IN THE GRAVE WHERE YOU GO - Heart of Wisdom Series 001

Ecclesiastes 9:10, KJV

"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest."

What God wants you pay attention to in that verse is, "in the grave, where you're going." This verse is one of the verses in the Bible which if understood will make you live your life to the fullest. You have found a thing doing. Good! Are you a student, professional or a minister in God's vineyard? That's a thing you might have found doing. However, we can't talk of "doing well or labouring actively" in what you have found doing if you had not first of all found a thing to do. If you're on the wrong road, consistency is not your message. It is a u-turn. Meanwhile, if you have discovered purpose and you're beginning to live it, this place admonishes that you live it wholly to the utmost. Give yourself to it. Let it have you. Let it use you. Take purpose to its peak. Take calling, career, skill, gifting, vocation or that discovery to its apex where all eyes will see it and you'll be deemed to have made your "calling and election sure (II Pet.1:10)." The reason however for which you must be dedicated and become a spender of it all on that which you have found doing is because of a stated specific reason. What is it?

"...for in the realm of the dead, WHERE YOU ARE GOING, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom [NIV].

Our being admonished to be wise here and do all with our might is due to the grave in front which we near daily. Have you held unto, "the grave where you and I are going?" I found out as we sleep and wake up, we become a step closer to the grave. Even if you'll spend 500 years on earth, if you wake up from yesterday's sleep to read this, a day in this year's 365 days is already spent again! As you use it and use it, you actually draw near the grave because you decrease your allocated time by living it out. Time is the resources God gives to man to live by. All other things being equal, at birth, we all come with a tag in the spirit bearing the number of the full years we should spend here on earth . Once your time is up, you get called home. So, God through Solomon has seen the fate of man. Having beheld our end and final destination, that place says, "the grave where we're going." The tense is in the present continuous tense. We are always taking a journey towards the grave daily. The baby born today (with many years still ahead him) will have a year lesser than God allocated him when he does his one year birthday this time next year. The foetus in the womb is no better because in nine months time, he must obey his schedule and rush out to live out his lifetime. At birth, his time begins counting. At all stops and levels of life he reaches, that time reduces. His time will be much fuller as a primary school student than a married man. As he age and celebrates what we call birthday, he is actually making moves towards his death day. Note it, we are not insinuating his dying untimely. Even when God has ordained he lives his days and die like the patriarchs in the Bible who were gathered at old age to their children and children's children, he can't still but go. When he eats, he's fattening himself for death day. When he sleeps, it is an action towards this same grave. When he marries, he simply acknowledges that's what's next to do because a day of entering the grave will also soon come. So, he too is on the move against this day. His entire living is towards the grave. That is because birth is the entry point of all humans into this world and God has set death to be the exit of man also. We all have a span. God is so wise. He controls humanity's population by birth and death. I imagine how many people we will have in the world, that city of Lagos or Paris for instance if no one ever dies. Overpopulation can't but result. So, death is that means God uses to curtail overpopulation. Even if no one dies untimely, we can't still occupy the whole space. Today, God wants you remember that as you journey, the grave is actually ahead you. It doesn't matter your age now. You can't stop your time from counting. Even if you go into coma, day will continue to turn into night behind you and you can't but grow old on that same bed to heed death eventually. You can't stop time from ticking against you. Your being sent to school, your being told to be serious with life and be full of focus is so that you'll arrive early to eat the benefits of life and have sufficient time in front of you to enjoy life before slipping finally into the grave. As for the grave, it is fixed for us all. No one can evade it. It is the place we're all going yet as we live. This new morning will soon be darkened. As that happens, we all near it. If so, what sort of man we ought be?

PRAYER: Teach me activity, dedication and on time discovery to take much out of this life before my time is up.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Samuel 24:1-25:44, John 10:22-42, Psalm 116:1-19, Proverbs 15:20-21

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