Monday, 23 May 2022


SUNDAY - 22ND MAY, 2022


HOW MANY EGG DO YOU HAVE LEFT? - Heart of Wisdom Series 003

Psalms 90:12, KJV

"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."

Yesterday, we saw the mathematics of numbering one's days or years. It is the discovery of the years already used that'll make any gird himself towards the thorough and purposeful use of the remaining in his future before being called home. That place says, "teach us to number our days..." It was a prayer point Moses, the man of God prayed to God. It seems forgetfulness is worrying many in this age. They need to be put in remembrance of their days being numbered by which they'll cultivate a heart of wisdom which will make them do what they should do now and not postpone till later. There's no one who's first of all brought into the awareness of the years he has left to live that doesn't do something different from what he's been doing before. You'll see new love, passion, commitment e.t.c by which he'll attack what his hands has found doing. 

May I say one of the reasons many don't want to number their days though they do birthday yearly is basically because they don't want to have thoughts of nearing death. They'll say, "I don't want my mood spoilt. Whether I learn what is left or not, life can't but go on and I can't but one day die." None of us debates those. Whether you live life consciously or not, life or time can't but pass. However, God wants you beware. If you're brought into the awareness of how little time you have left , you will wake up, hurry to fill it with so many objectives toward the fulfilment of your vision. You ought to number and seek to know whether you still have much years left to live naturally or not. That will bring you to a face to face confrontation with awareness.

Just like people won't intentionally number their years and thereby be affected with the temperance of the "coming night", so do people don't want to go for checkup for the fear of discovering one abnormality or the other. Do you know that if you do frequent checkup and it is found you have chances to become diabetic, you'll stop the eating of much carbohydrates and ensure other safeties. What if tendency towards diabetes was never discovered? Life will continue until the person finds himself a patient of what he could have controlled by discovery and then prevention. God is not here to spoil your fun or make you at discovery slip into depression. I don't know anyone who's daily fulfilling purpose who's unnecessarily put at alert of dying. He'll only like Paul contemplate whether to go or stay. His staying is to benefit mankind and the entire world the more. If he leaves, he has achieved enough and he'll have no regrets. That's the life God wants you live. A life that has discovered what to live for, is living it and is assured of eternal rest one day. Ask yourself, how many eggs do I still have left in the crate? This is the typical question housewives do ask. They'll check the level of rice, beans, palm oil and all other ingredients at home to determine what next to do; either to supplement them for longevity or continue feeding on same until it abruptly finishes early. If a driver doesn't know how much fuel is left in his vehicle, he too can't gain a heart of wisdom. That's why every vehicle has a fuel gauge. It is to prevent unwanted shocks of sudden stoppage. You may not cherish adequately what it means for fuel to be used up until it happens to you and you're stranded especially where there's no fuel station and complicatedly, on a path less trodden. But, what difference will it make if you had known that you need more fuel to reach your destination and have gone for it. This numbering to gain a heart of wisdom is really not despised by any general or military tactician too. They check before the D-day. They don't live on assumption. They live on facts gathered from investigations. This help them forestall events and make them live in the tomorrow that has not come. God is saying I should ask you, "put in the gauge. How much fuel is left in your tank?" Will the years left be enough to fulfill the unfulfilled or you simply need to double up to meet up? Count the eggs you have left in your crate and you'll immediately see how much you've eaten different from the leftover on which you'll plan your remaining life, activity, calling, career, purpose etc.

PRAYER: Sensitize me to the time I am in. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Samuel 29:1-31:13; John 11:55-12:19; Psalm 118:1-18; Proverbs 15:24-26

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