Wednesday, 24 January 2024





Judges 14:3, KJV

"Then his father and his mother said unto him, Is there never a woman among the daughters of thy brethren, or among all my people, that thou goest to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines? And Samson said unto his father, Get her for me; for she pleaseth me well."

In the book, Fences by August Wilson, Troy refuses to allow College Recruiters have his son, Cory for football. Though the young man is very skillful in the sport and has been spotted by them yet Troy does all to frustrate this very dream of Cory as he refuses to sign up Cory as the authority figure in his life. Rose, Troy's wife and mother of Cory begs to no avail. Even Jim Bono, friend to Troy does to no end. At the end, this boy's dream gets broken and exchanged for another because a father couldn't sense that times have changed. 

Oftentime, parents don't smell the divine moments and opportunities of their wards. It is not enough to give birth to them or groom them. You must seek to maintain an active role in helping your children to discover themselves and become who God wrote them to be at heart when they were created. The parents of Samson provides us with a good example to study this morning. They both received from the Lord consequently upon each other how the Lord would visit them for a son and what manner of lifestyle the boy should cultivate to remain a Nazarite of the Lord (Judges 13:3,13). However, when the very reason for which Samson came into the world arrives and is being lowered for him to take, they were hindering him from "rising, killing and eating" it. They said, "are there no daughters among your people that you go after an uncircumcised Philistine?" The Bible only replies with, "and they know not that God was involved, seeking an occasion against the Philistines." On this note, God is calling parents to know on with the Lord as it concerns who and how their children would manifest. You can be fighting how your ward should manifest because you don't know all the details of it. 

Rebekah when in darkness went to enquire of the Lord why she is thus. Unfathomably, she gets a pleasing answer of two nations being in her womb and two people who would be divided against each other from the womb (Gen.25:22). This attempt made her know these two boys and learn from the onset something about their destinies and then expected end. When confused and at a crossroad, Christian parents have the responsibility of taking their wards' matters to the Lord in prayer for enquiry. Samson's occasion came. A time he's been waiting for eventually arrives for which the Lord would fling open to him a great and mighty door by which he would begin to deliver Israel, yet Manoah and his wife never detected or smelled it. At times, your wards are correct and they may be moved and directed by their sense of destiny into the right choices than you could fathom. They need your consent and support if their dreams and God's given task won't be jettisoned. If not for the tenacity of Samson, who knows whether it'll have to take God another occasion or chance for Samson to begin to deliver Israel. Thank God he insisted saying, "get her for me, for she pleases me well." May God's invisible hands stir your wards towards their destinies. May they be tenacious about what is life to them. That's one thing you see about those with a definite call or particular destiny to fulfill. There's a tenacity of pursuit that follows. Most times, they are hard to persuade out of their choices of calling. Doing so forcefully might result into a shattered individual who'll being disconnected from his purpose and his very life. 

Therefore, let parents be on the same page with their children. You're called to help them find expression and fulfill God's calls on their lives. It therefore becomes your responsibility to enter into them and feel like they are feeling, see like they're seeing so you'll be able to decipher their motivations and by this judge things/them rightly. God can raise further occasions but if Samson had missed this one, who knows when the Lord would bring another again? Opportunities or occasions are scarce. This fact is encrypted in the fact that the angel that troubles the water doesn't come daily. He does so once in awhile and that awhile no one can predict. If he comes today, who knows whether it'll take a year or even years before another visitation to stir the pool of Bethesda? On this note, it becomes important that having found out the placement of your ward, you help him in fulfilling his dream and destiny by helping him to leverage all the occasions that can avail him the platform for doing so - especially the God given ones. 

Mind this, if you miss the stirring angel now, you may need to wait for another while. It is the cumulative missing of divine occasions by a man by the pool that made him to have spent 38 years unhealed. May you not wait or stay for such donkey years unrealized. That won't be because God is unmerciful but because you can't sense your time and take it. Act differently. Sense the time and rise with the tides. 

PRAYER: Father, grant us a special sense of our ward's destiny and the timing of accomplishment. May we not fight what you orchestrated.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 46:1-47:31, Matthew 15:1-28, Psalm 19:1-14, Proverbs 4:14-19

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Tuesday, 23 January 2024





Judges 14:3, KJV

"Then his father and his mother said unto him, Is there never a woman among the daughters of thy brethren, or among all my people, that thou goest to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines? And Samson said unto his father, Get her for me; for she pleaseth me well."

One of the greatest forces on the earth is the destiny force. If you're destined or fated to become something or somebody, one major characteristic that you'll exhibit is a strong sense of fate or pursuit of that thing unlike others. You'll just have a revelation of your life not being ordinary; of something being ahead of you that must speak or burst forth to the world to see and be blessed with. More importantly, irrespective of your background, race, gender etc, you'll believe in the possibility of its fulfilment. In this way, you'll be unrelentless but seeking avenues and watching out for opportunities that you can latch unto for what you have implanted in you as a sense of destiny to be manifested and poured forth like a drink offering for your world. A strong sense of destiny can direct and ordain what you do per time. There would be people who having smelled what they should be are quietly waiting for a season and an opportunity to become that. They are like a pretending reptile who seems to be dead but very much awake to every passing prey. It immediately sucks and gulps it in. In like manner, some are waiting in preparation, prayer and hope that their days would come. They have long been waiting on the queue of destiny but it seems nothing is happening for them. Such people have now become desperate to fulfill their inner sense of destiny which is troubling or demanding them to burst forth. You can no longer persuade them to wait any longer. You can't smooth talk them to delay further or have them exchanged the glory of their callings or destiny which they have tasted for something ephemeral or other than that. 

On this note, they become a Samson who smells the season, smells an occasion even in seemingly unclear event and would refuse to let it go but take it. Samson is like a surfer. He sees the waves gathering and he rides on it. Many times when people hear of someone in the main stream causing waves, what they don't know is that such fellow has been in that vocation for long. He only was not revealed earlier like he is now. However, his day came when what he has been doing in the secret or preparing for has now come to everybody's notices. When has the Lord been stirring, preparing and getting Samson ready for a war and fight with the Philistines? Long time ago at camp! A long time ago from his adolescent before he ever thought of getting married. 

Judges 13:25, KJV

"And the Spirit of the LORD began to move him at times in the camp of Dan between Zorah and Eshtaol."

However, around what time did Samson begin to manifest his calling?  At a very much later time - at adulthood when God sought an occasion for him to pick a fight with the Philistines. 

What God is bringing to you today is the issue of DESPERATENESS. The Lord is saying, "if you have tarried longer waiting to burst forth, when you sense a leverage that would make it happen, you wouldn't let it go. You'll rather cling to it." That's the story of Samson. He saw a Philistine woman who pleases him. The parents suggested considering somebody of his tribe or of his nation. However, Samson persisted. His reply to their refusal and wanting to turn him away from the occasion that would launch him into ministry was, "get her for me, for she pleases me well." He rather became more ardent, tenacious, affirming again what he had seen. He wouldn't let that season and occasion that it took years to cook or bring to him bypass him. That's why he reinforces his speech to them again by saying "for she pleases me well." When you near what you've for your life waited for, you won't let it go. On smelling the season, you'll know this is what you've been waiting for. Do you know why people are careless and are having opportunities bypass them? One, they are not prepared or ready for manifestation. Their time is not yet at all and they know on their own insides. Also, they haven't gotten to an edge where it is important to live out what they have been pining after. I know people who are given to purpose, who have been training but with little opportunity to make their waiting become a manifestation. Such people are those you can't dissuade to back off from the opportunity that'll make them something once sighted. Imagine all those invalids at the pool who had stayed there for donkey years trusting to be healed. Do you think such are those you can dissuade not to compete for the troubled water once they sight it troubled! Obviously no! They'll never agree to take their ease. They'll rather spring up to compete to enter first and be healed by that once and for all healing virtue in the pool (John 5). 

What season are we in? A season of harvest but in which Jordan has also overflowed his banks (Joshua 3:15). You'll meet with resistance but there'll be an opportunity for you to take. Will you fight the resistance to leverage that once in a lifetime opportunity?

PRAYER: Lord, I remain tenacious in hope. I shall not waste the occasion and deride the season that you have sent to bear me up.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 46:1-47:31, Matthew 15:1-28, Psalm 19:1-14, Proverbs 4:14-19

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Monday, 22 January 2024





Read Judges 15

Judges 14:4, KJV

"But his father and his mother knew not that it was of the LORD, that he sought an occasion against the Philistines: for at that time the Philistines had dominion over Israel."

We had seen how the Lord gave Samson an open door and made right an occasion or opportunity for him to start ministry - begin to deliver Israel. Prophecy had gone ahead of him even before he was birthed that he'll begin to deliver Israel and God bears witness to it (Judges 13:5). However, when the time came for this deliverance to begin to happen, God had to sovereignly look for a launch pad for Samson. He couldn't have started just like that. He couldn't have gone to pick a fight with the Philistines without a cause. It wouldn't make sense. An excuse had to be provided and indulged him. So, God organized a cause for which Samson could begin to fight the Philistines. 

This cause began with the strange desire of Samson to marry a Philistine woman. The Bible records that the parents were against it because they didn't know the Lord was involved - seeking an occasion or opportunity against the Philistines who at that time ruled Israel. This occasion or opportunity was eventually granted like I said in yesterday's devotional. When granted, Samson wasn't slack to take it all. His responses to those situations were what God was expecting. He recognized it as his open door. He sees it as his passage way to achieve an intent and he walked right into it. Do you know that God can give you an opportunity or open door to begin to do something and you may still not take that door. There are many people that their divine moments came yet have no discernment that here's that moment they have long waited for. They therefore become like a fish caught in an evil net because they know not their time (Eccl.9:12). They are therefore caught unawares by such opportunity of a lifetime that they should have been ready for. I pray for you that when the Lord is ready to grant you an occasion to do His will and fulfill the call, desire and destiny on your head, you'll as well be ready. You'll at that time be full of ears round your body and on tip toes anticipating such time. 

People rarely see any good quality in Samson or his life. However, Samson never lost sight or made nonsense of the open door God granted him. From the dubious dealing of the Philistines in deciphering his riddles to the giving away of his wife, he never allowed those events slip but to rightly cling to it as reasons to take revenge on the Philistines. And even after these first sets of events that opened the door, Samson didn't stop leveraging this wide door that was opened to him as it continues to avail him more opportunities. For instance, after he had burnt down the farms of the Philistines and they had revenged by burning his wife and wife's father to death, he also went on another rampage slaughtering the Philistines on and on. In this way, Samson not only stepped into that tiny, little and once slightly opened door or granted opportunity God made available to him that first instance, he rather maximized it to its possible fullest. Samson maximized all the yields that sprouted from that one time opportunity. He didn't let it slip or shut on him. He rather sought its enlargement and from just that one occasion God granted him against the Philistines, he took advantage of all the opportunities that stem from it in order to justly pick a fight with the Philistines and recompense them justly. 

Brethren, your life depends on your awareness and leveraging of opportunities. If the Lord grants you an occasion no matter how tiny it may be, can you smell all that it can avail you in the now and in the nearest future? Can you cultivate the Samson's tenacity and maximization of just an open door and the cultivation of it to its highest level where all the blessings of that one open door is derived and totally enjoyed. Today, may you have a heart and nose that smell opportunities. God can give you an occasion like He gave Samson and that one door may be source for many other opportunities. There's always a door that leads to other doors. I call it the master door. We do know that God lowered a sheet from heaven to Peter and in that one sheet were diverse animals - just all sorts. So, it's possible for a door to open that leads or can open to you many other doors. A door can avail you with many opportunities. You can have a sheet with many animals to "rise, kill and eat." God can give you many choices this way. This is the unlimitedness God is giving you. God is ordaining a door for you like He ordained a lamp for His anointed, David. That door is a passage way that will lead to other doors and blessings. I see a door that opens other doors. May you take it right early. 

PRAYER: Lord, I walk into all you want me to see and take. I take and maximize my master door that avails me other opportunities.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 44:1-45:28, Matthew 14:13-36, Psalm 18:37-50, Proverbs 4:11-13

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Sunday, 21 January 2024





Read Judges 14, 15

Judges 14:4, NLT

"But Samson told his father, "Get her for me! She looks good to me." His father and mother didn't realize the Lord was at work in this, creating an opportunity to work against the Philistines, who ruled over Israel at that time."

There are those who where they are, it is the troubling of the water they are waiting for (John 5:1-7). Once they sight the water troubled, it'll be to them a shot in the air. It will herald their take off. That'll immediately launch them into what they have been waiting or hoping to do. However, if the troubling of the water never comes, they might tarry waiting for the opportunity to launch into the water. That's because the arrival of the stirring angel and the moving of the water is the only provided occasion to launching into the healing pool. 

To do something or become something, you need the rightful leverage or opportunity. You can't manifest more than the open door God has given to you. If you're agitating inside you to manifest and be revealed to the world in your own day but you have no divinely granted opening, occasion or opportunity for that, you might remain at the backside of the desert for life. For David to leave obscurity and be revealed to Israel, the entire Israelites' army including King Saul were paralyzed for forty days. They couldn't take on the Goliath challenge. It took God to sovereignly send David to battle through the hands of Jesse, his father. The occasion God found for that was the checking on the welfare of his brothers at battle. However, that was just a front God hide the real purpose behind. Even David had to respond to Eliab saying, "is there not a cause?" (I Sam.17:29). 

How I pray today that those of you where you are who are seeking an occasion to launch into something or start something would see that door opened unto you so soon. Until then, you'll have no accommodation or granted space to manifest. You'll just remain pregnant with your vision without a platform created for you to give birth to it. If not, one might even die waiting. 

In today's reading, Samson was thought to have been frivolous. At Timnath, he saw a beautiful woman who he sought to marry. He troubles his parents over getting her for him. Knowing that a believer must not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever, the parents would not. They wanted him to make a choice of an Israelite. However, the Bible adds this side comment to vindicate Samson and his desire. 

Judges 14:4, KJV

"But his father and his mother knew not that it was of the LORD, that he sought an occasion against the Philistines: for at that time the Philistines had dominion over Israel."

So, it was the Lord roaming about - moving and vibrating on the earth seeking an occasion to give to Samson to begin to live out the calling of being a deliverer. However, that occasion - the first of it that'll open the door of ministry to Samson began by being couched in an unequally yoked marriage. Not that God seeks to work against Himself or contradicts His everlasting principles. If you follow the storyline, you'll see that Samson eventually didn't marry this Philistine woman. All that God needed was to create an incident that can avail Samson the opportunity, leverage and open door for the fulfillment of why He called him. Samson's inability to enter into his wife coupled with the fact that he was angered and outwitted by the Philistines who ploughed with his heifer started the beginning of the deliverances God started to wrought with him and give to Israel. While you may mourn the fact that Samson lost a wife to his friend, God's thought was established firmly on that advancing purpose and the bringing of Israel the predicted deliverance. 

Samson couldn't have started on his own. An occasion had to be presented him from heaven to take. That's why I believe the verse that says, "a man can receive nothing except it be given him from above" (John 3:27). I know those who'll break their backs trying to have what has not been given them from above. If you have a destiny to fulfill, while you're eager to manifest, one wisdom you must watch out for is God's divinely ordained moment coupled with an open and granted platform for that. I know those who out of eagerness to manifest soiled their garments because they took a leverage and sought to rise, kill and eat from a sheet that never descended from God. At day's end, they pollutted their callings having been joined to the uncircumcised. Samson however had to receive an open door in order to begin to manifest the stirrings he had felt in Mahaneh-dan, between the towns of Zorah and Eshtaol. God has been moving, training and coming on him for that purpose. The intent for that stirring is therefore about to be fulfilled and it couldn't have found expression until God had found the rightful occasion or opportunity for Samson to begin to manifest through. If you'll follow this storyline to chapter 15 of Judges, you'll see how this little door or occasion led to the many killings of Philistines - the beginning of deliverance for Israel. 

May God allow you too to manifest your calling. May God ordain an occasion that's ripe for you. Have you been waiting for a time or an opportunity that'll avail you swift moves? I pray, let there be orchestrations towards that. You'll see signs and you shall know that, "now is the time and today is the day."

PRAYER: Father, give me a door to avail me my heart desires. Cook for me an opportunity that'll become my launch pad into destiny.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 42:18-43:34, Matthew 13:47-14:12, Psalm 18:16-36, Proverbs 4:7-10

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Saturday, 20 January 2024





Read John 10

John 10:1, KJV

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber."

First of all, who judges a thief and calls him who he is if not himself first and foremost? How did I come by that conclusion? Read our Bible verse for today again. It says, "...he that enters not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber." While such man as this above is labelled "a thief and a robber", the householder or shepherd earns a different reputation. 

John 10:2, KJV

"But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep."

So, we know a thief by where [which is illegal to conscience, the law and to God] which he tries to pass to do what he wants to do. A thief or robber breaks order, protocol and laid down processes. The very reason for which he doesn't enter through the door. He rather will devise a means that can accommodate his shady deed. 

That's why the title of this teaching is, "conscience matters." Have you observed that if you're the householder, you don't seek to pass through the window or some other ways into your house. You have a believe in the right to do so. That's because you're entering into what is lawfully yours and you're not afraid of being challenged. It is the knowing coming from this that leads to sureness and clear conscience that you're not wrong or in the wrong.

However, a thief or a robber who lacks that same motive is immediately judged by his or her own intention. Knowing he has the intention to steal unnoticed or even kill and destroy, he therefore gives attention not to pass through the door which is obvious and public for use. In that way, he avoids being challenged.

However, let's ask, "why would a thief or robber not enter by the door but climb in some other way?" That's because he lacks the clear conscience of the householder. It is our heart that judges us first of all. Even the hearts of thieves, robbers and sinners judge them first of all. Their hearts highlight for them what is right and wrong. Picking therefore what is wrong and frowned upon by the society, he (the thief or robber) seeks to climb in some other way in order to hide his identity, escape punishment and perpetrate his evil. 

Brother and sister, it is your heart that judges you first of all. If your conscience has not been seared, it would judge you on what is right or wrong. Being wrong in the inside can then be seen or felt in your actions and relations with men practically outside. The conscience of thieves and robbers judges them as not being the householder. Being strangers that they know, they don't take the door (though designated and meant for passage). They rather go the extra mile of climbing in some other way. Your conscience is your first judge. I don't care how free a thief is, he can't have the clear conscience of a householder. He can be bold and maintain a straight face but he also knows the need to exercise caution lest he is caught. The householder doesn't have that fear. He's free in his mind. However, if a householder in number 4 goes to another house uninvited but with intention of entering it by force, first of all, his heart becomes aware of that objective and his heart judges the rightness or wrongfulness of it. This is what would solely make him make a choice of climbing in some other way. It is the fact that he knows he has no pass or right to take the door that'll make him voluntarily make a choice of climbing in some other way. Knowing he is illegal, he can't pass through the door. That act is therefore caused first by his having an awareness of himself as a thief. 

You and I enter the bank without taking thoughts unnecessarily. That's because we are not thieves and robbers. If robbers would be robbing a bank, they can't have the clear conscience you possess when you visit the bank. While you are unconscious of the security or the cameras, they are. While you don't mind where the security are stationed, it becomes a major deal for them. Why? Intention! It is our intention that first of all separates us. If your intention is good, you believe you're accepted. If yours is bad, you begin to judge yourself. That's why God told Cain if he does well, will he not be accepted?

Genesis 4:6, KJV

"6 And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? 7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted?.."

The fact that thieves and robbers know that they're morally wrong is seen in how they seek to escape being caught even when no one is initiating a "pursue him" warrant. If you haven't done or seek to do a thing waranteeing arrest, you shouldn't begin to run far from arrest in the first instance. That's why I said conscience matters. Conscience of wrong and evil doers judge them to be wrong. Being wrong, they judge themselves for being wrong. You see that in their actions and how they seek to separate themselves from the righteous who believe theirs is the door to take. 

The Bible says in Proverbs 28:1, "the wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion."

Did you read, "when no man pursues him?" A robber runs when no man pursues him. How? He doesn't take the door for fear of being challenged! Why? He bears being arrested in mind because he knows he is doing something worthy of arrest. So, he loses peace and inner assurance. 

Brethren, we have passed from death to life and we know. In same manner, the Spirit of God witnesses to our spirit that we are children of God (Rom.8:16). The question is, "are you?" When you are like us, you'll naturally live for clear conscience and your heart will be free always. A heart that isn't free is always guilty, afraid, doubtful, anxious and even depressed. It will occasionally sink into the depth crying for deliverance. What it has done or is doing will haunt him. However, thanks for Jesus' blood. Thanks that Jesus saves. You can come to Him now and let the testimony of a new man in Christ become yours. Old things can indeed pass away (II Cor.5:17). 

PRAYER: I shall be the man who does it right. I won't be half correct or wrong. My conscience is alive and it shall speak for my good.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 41:17-42:17, Matthew 13:24-46, Psalm 18:1-15, Proverbs 4:1-6

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Psalms 105:12-15, KJV

"12 When they were but a few men in number; yea, very few, and strangers in it.13 When they went from one nation to another, from one kingdom to another people; 14 He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes; 15 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm."

I inferred yesterday that no man always begin big. If any man started big, "bigger" is in front that he can become. What I've found out is that there's always a new frontier to push and a city gate to still carry. We can always do more because we're really made for it. However, you'll have had a history of small beginning. That always precedes one's glory day.

Imagine the description of Israel here. He was described as a few people, very few and one who's even a stranger in the land promised to their fathers. 

That description is condescending. Though true, it reveals Israel (that big nation that has come to be) as one who once had history of smallness and nothingness. Israel started as a few people. How many of you are here who have read about different startups that have become global today? You'd here they started in one place and with a handful (of staff or adherents). When W. F. Kumuyi, the founder of Deeper Life Church started out in 1979, he started during his first year as a lecturer in the University Campus of Lagos and then with 15 people only. Now, imagine what that denomination has become! They're more than a million worldwide now. From that calling are group of schools that includes a University also. Yet, just with 15 members. At starting out, you don't always have the town with you. Persistence is what converts them to you. 

Israel started that way. The Bible summarily describes the start-up of Israel as, "when they were but a few men in number, yea, very few..."

You'll have that testimony of being few and very few. Being few or very few bears testimony to your days of small beginning. It bears testimony to a time when you've not made it. It bears testimony to the time you're still an apprentice to masters and have not gained independence let alone start or stand alone. There was a time when Israel was a few men in number, and very few. At such time, it was easy for them to be bamboozled or beaten to dust. At such time, any one could have successfully cheated them and they wouldn't have had the wherewithal to respond or seek recourse themselves. Why? They were few men in number and very few in the land. They lacked an organized army then. Two, they were strangers in that same land. And when you're a stranger in a land, you really have limits as to what extent you can go. Something internal curtails you and tells you to exercise caution because you're not like the natives or indigenes who are living in their lands. If you were at home, you can as well boast. However, you can't now in a foreign land. Other men are likely the captain while you are there seeking to rise. It was in such case Israel found himself. He was few, very few in the land he was or moved to. Two, the land he was is not his at that time. He dwelled in it as a stranger. So, he couldn't have acted or expected to be treated like its owner. Their being small therefore brought on them the reproach of he that can be robbed, beaten or cheated. They don't have the population to defend against aggression or attacks that might come. They are but a few people and when you are, you can only do little. However, God with them fought for them and even restrained the hands of kings from falling on them. I pray for you that while you're few, very few, may the Lord Himself defend you and subsequently enlarge you. When you're yet a stranger in the land (you'll one day become its major shareholder), may God protect your life to see that day. May God keep you in these days of your smallness so that you're not swallowed up by the power of the land. You'll survive and survive it all. As you move from one place to another, one job to another even as a single, God will allow no one to do you wrong. Until you've become strong and can enter into your rest, God will protect your lot and what you've committed to His hands. 

PRAYER: Father, defend me and speak for me in my smallness. I commit to you until my enlargement into a nation.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 30:1-31:16, Matthew 10:1-23, Psalm 12:1-8, Proverbs 3:13-15

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Saturday, 13 January 2024





Read Psalm 105

Psalms 105:12, KJV

"When they were but a few men in number; yea, very few, and strangers in it."

What is the description of Israel here? Lowly, very lowly; small, very small. They're so small that they lack the power of a force and the strength of a united nation which can strike fear in the hearts of enemy nations. They're not different from a lamb that's led to the slaughter but which can't open its mouth for any form of advocacy. That's because they're like worms with no backbone. They can't talk for themselves, rebuke for themselves or advocate for themselves. They're like babes that must be bathed, carried and helped. Why? They're reputed to be few in number and very few. It means the ingredient that makes people fear large number is all that they lack. That brought us to the fact that they can easily be attacked or oppressed. Summarily, this littleness of Israel reveals its very beginning and inception as a nation. In truth, it's something that we should all learn from. Their growth from smallness to greatness is a sketch of our own personal journey. 

One speech of Jacob (Israel) to his family that reveals the smallness of Israel and how they're not in reputation or reputed for war and defence is a pointer. After Dinar had been raped by Sheckem, the son of Hamor, Simeon and Levi went with boldness to their city and murdered all the men with the edge of the sword. They have undue advantage because all the men are sore (having being circumcised) - seeking to heal. Jacob in responding to that says "Ye have troubled me to make me to stink among the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanites and the Perizzites: and I being few in number, they shall gather themselves together against me, and slay me; and I shall be destroyed, I and my house" (Genesis  34:30).

Did you read, "and I being few in number" there? At this time, war and conquest was typical of their lives. That's what rules their world. They always talk of physical strength and brute and if you have it in an army, your nation will be feared and protected. Number is therefore strength but Israel lacks that here. That's why he complained to all his children that other nations would find out their deed and crush them for it. Nothing encourages another to make an attempt attack on another than seeing one is weak. So, the population of Israel here reveals them as one susceptible to attacks. However, God shields them.

It even didn't happen as Jacob thought it to be. God had to do a miracle to keep all of Israel's enemies at bay as they sought to relocate. Where they'll have looked attractive to nations around them to attack and destroy, it just didn't.

Genesis 35:5, KJV

"And they journeyed: and the terror of God was upon the cities that were round about them, and they did not pursue after the sons of Jacob".

"and they did not pursue after the sons of Jacob" means, "they could have pursued" but for the work of God that didn't make that attractive or executable to them. He only made them receive pardon in their sights. 

Did you read that? What does the Bible says was upon the cities round about them? Terror! Kai! God's terror will work for you and walk with you today. You're not of those they'll touch, suffer, kidnap or rape. They don't kidnap an abomination! You are an abomination to them. You're not their sacrifice. You're their abomination. You're fenced with thorns, who'll touch you? Imagine that, see how God rebuked kings for their sakes, saying touch not mine anointed and do my prophet no harm. Even God knows they can be touched considering their smallness and the violation of international laws which now gives them away. That makes them easy prey to any predator. However, God tithed Israel to Himself so much more that the respect of God is what nations and people around them gave to them. Today, you're this protected and secured. Terror of the Lord will be fashioned against all with evil intents towards you. Terror will keep danger and all planned attacks at bay over your life. It might be planned but it won't be executed and that'll be because God will reprove kings for your sake. More importantly, as you journey individually but as a small person today, may God preserve you until you become a nation and a great man. 

PRAYER: Lord, I enjoy your protection while I move from one nation to another. Until I find rest, I shall not be maltreated or cheated.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 28:1-29:35, Matthew 9:18-38, Psalm 11:1-7, Proverbs 3:11-12

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Friday, 12 January 2024





Read John 11

Genesis 40:14-15, KJV

"14 But think on me when it shall be well with thee, and shew kindness, I pray thee, unto me, and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house: 15 For indeed I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews: and here also have I done nothing that they should put me into the dungeon."

Yesterday, we dwelt on Hannah and how she presented Samuel to Eli before God saying, "for this child I prayed (I Sam. 1:26 - 27). It was that singular saying that launched the multitude of things God came deliberately to us with. You too this year, you'll have a thing to present or thank God for. You'll have a thing unto which you can direct all attention saying, "for this I prayed." You'll testify as you know God as a faithful God. 

Today's devotional is related though a little move from yesterday's. I heard God. He said, "He wanted to take all the glory and that He doesn't want man's involvement there." Because He wanted to take the glory, God's thoughts may not be your thought and God's plan may not be your plan.

In today's reading, Joseph threw himself at the mercy of the butler whom he has just interpreted his fate and sure was good. He told him heartily to remember him. "I have done nothing that I be locked here. For I was secretly stolen out of the land of the Hebrews." There's no one who'll hear this who won't be moved, empathising and seeking to have him vindicated and delivered at once. However, for two full years, the butler didn't remember Joseph. How easily we forget our neighbours in our newly found comfort? This reveals nothing but selfishness. The growth of which we should mortify seeking to treat our neighbor like we'll be treated. 

How can this man forget Joseph with the bulk of what he did for him and how he favourably engendered himself to him? How? How, would be our question? I rather found out that his forgetting is not ordinary. It was because God wanted to take all the glory. If this man had remembered Joseph that instance, there would have been a fat ground to boast or act void of He that God used. He'll have the "I am doing him a favour" sense. It would also have terminated God's plan which He was working at the background for Joseph. He would have moved ahead of God. Many times, God is moving for us but we think He's slow because our manifestation is not yet. However, we ought to be discerning like Jesus who says, "my time is not yet" (John 7:6). You should know however once your time has come also.  

Not long thereafter, the Bible records saying, "and it came to pass at the end of two full years, that Pharaoh dreamed: and, behold, he stood by the river" (Genesis  41:1, KJV). This is God's move. God's move to take the glory so that no man can gain say. This dream that Pharaoh had which lacked interpreter is what God used to rouse the butler up and remind him of his fault. Immediately, he blurted out saying, "today, I remember my fault" (Gen.41:9).

I pray, "may people surrender over you. May they agree to their shortcomings. May God beat them to stubble and humility, not seeing their importance anymore but their faults, while repenting in dust and ashes. You see, it is such man that has been broken and shown his fault who won't be proud or gain say that he was prominent to lifting anyone up that God can use. If any ever knows he did something however, it would be from the mouth of Joseph who received such favour from him. Why would God be interested in taking all the glory? Basically because he doesn't want us to become inflated at Him saying, "it's our hands that has brought us victory also." He doesn't want Joseph to say, "thank God I had sense enough to beg the help of the butler. If not, I had spend a lifetime in ward." It took God to therefore remind the butler his fault and he himself knows. That's why he says, "today, I remember my fault." People can't say this when they're not moved of God. It shows the butler acknowledged his sin and repented. 

Who are those who should remember their faults over your life as far as you're concerned? Who are those who are in power to discharge a responsibility over you but who haven't? May God make them indebted to you right away. May they agree to being at fault. May they swallow their pride, beat themselves and seek immediately to give the demand of the Lord to you. No one stings and gives reminder better than God. When He recalls memory, people run with speed to do His bidding. At day's end, Joseph was brought out of the prison in haste (Gen.41:14). It had to be in haste because God is now at work. He has collected it from the butler who Joseph gave the file to treat two years ago. Being at work now, all things answer God and shivers at His command. For that reason, things couldn't delay, Joseph had to be brought out in haste. 

We know the concluding story. Here's how Joseph turns the prime minister and God takes all the glory. Do you seem forgotten or your thing seems delayed? It is in order for you to see God's glory and for God to take all the glory. They sent to Jesus to come because Lazarus was sick. It obviously isn't an ordinary sick but one that has become defying - not responding to medical attention. On that note, they'll want the Healer to come. However, Jesus didn't. He only abode two days still with this confession to His disciples. 

John 11:4, KJV

"When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby."

When He got to the site of things however, things were so late that many even faulted Jesus for being so late. This included Mary and Martha. "Lazarus would not have died if Jesus had come", they say. Martha even told Jesus not to make any attempt any longer because Lazarus has now being dead since four days ago and now he stinks. However, we ought to ask. Why did the Lord tarry? Why did He delay and took so long to arrive to attend to what needed urgency? Why did He defy their expectation to work contrarily if not to show them God's glory and let all glory be God's. 

Like Jesus told Martha, "did I not tell you you'll see God's glory if you'll believe" (John 11:40). God is in His act. He knows what He's doing. Being in His best elements, He'll do what He knows how to do best. He didn't visit Joseph's case until two years after the forgetfulness of the butler. The Bible says, "after two full years, Pharaoh dreamed." Mark the expression, "two full years..." Nothing diminished. I can tell you, you'll fulfill your time also. Everything runs to complete a cycle. You'll complete yours. Once you do and patience is thoroughly worked in you, having less or no belief in the arm of flesh, that's when God can visit you. He's coming. Though He might not herald Himself that immediately to you as you had asked of the butler but He'll sure make arrival at the end of two full years. Then, He'll take all the glory. Then, men would voluntarily see their faults and plead your forgiveness over their inactions. It's then nobody would be forced or have a sense of "I am only helping him" but get to work over your case. Then, He'll give you what your connection, endearment etc to men couldn't give you. Remember, He'll come. He's the faithful Father. 

PRAYER: God, I await your appearance, I want to see your glory. Take all the glory.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 26:17-27:46, Matthew 9:1-17, Psalm 10:16-18, Proverbs 3:9-10

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Thursday, 11 January 2024





Read I Sam. 1

I Samuel 1:26 - 27, KJV

"26 And she said, Oh my lord, as thy soul liveth, my lord, I am the woman that stood by thee here, praying unto the LORD. 27 For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him:"

Testimony time!

I pray for you, you'll have something to show for it. Your tree will produce fruits and your prayers will birth answers. 

For years, Hannah couldn't conceive. To worsen her situation, she has an adversary in her husband's second wife who torments and mocks her often. "When will God answer me and wipe off my tears", must have been one of her questions? Occasionally, she'll even turn away from food, deprived of elateness, lacking strength and joy for daily living. One year like that, the family went to Shiloh like any other. Hannah having been pushed to the wall went before the Lord as a woman of a sorrowful heart. Most often, we are lost in our pride thinking we deserve something of the Lord and it should be given us. However, delay is used of God to humble us to see the need to ask our needs from God and not think it is our good that brings them naturally. This brings much appreciation and a special acknowledgment of God when we see our prayers eventually answered. It'll be like water to a thirsty soul in the desert. Hannah prayed in a manner that moved the heart. The Bible records that, "her lips moved but her voice was unheard" (I Sam.1:13). It is this that Eli observed before he concluded she must be a drunken woman. Hannah however replies saying she's a woman of a sorrowful spirit. She's not different from the prophesied experience of Jesus in Isaiah 53:3. Hannah can be rightly called, "a woman of sorrow and one acquainted with grief". Many of us have not known sorrow or heart pain. So, we are not broken, soft or accordingly pedalled. We are rather still wild, exotic to God as men of proud sense. How many of us here have ever gotten here? Have you gotten to a place in life where you're familiar with grief and sorrow? It becomes perplexing as if you're the only one Satan has found to fight. You can't but seek the Lord then. You can't but turn to God then. That ain't the time to trust in men, chariot or horses. If they were able, they should have delivered you. Seeing this, you'll turn to the Lord without any reservation. 

Hannah makes her request and Eli, the priest seals it. The Lord brought the answers. A confirming word that, "the answer of the tongue is from the Lord" (Prov.16:1). It is this answer that Hannah brought back to God's house as she had vowed now saying, "for this child I prayed". You can imagine the joy. The ceiling must have been removed that day!

May this be your testimony. I also want to be able to say, "for this thing I prayed." It is the mark that separates what the Lord does from what humans got by their own strength; trusted in the flesh for; indulged in crime or sin for or obtained through a partnership with the devil. When Hannah says, "for this child I prayed", what do you think she inferred? Just in that statement, she has acknowledged God and the fact that her help [in this child that she now has] came only from Him. So, God is to be praised. To Him Hannah prayed and from Him Hannah has now received. May I remind you what the Bible says that "every good gift and every perfect gift comes from above [not below]" (James 1:17). Just all. If it'll be perfect, if it won't be deformed, if it won't be lacking, if it won't be a blessing that adds sorrow or brings one consequence or another dissatisfaction to the soul, then it originates only from God. 

Wingers, may we come to a place where we can testify that, "for this I prayed and this I have received". May we be unashamed to testify before family, friends and even foes alike that what we have was given us by God. He answers prayers according to His will. What does it cost God to give you what you need for life and godliness if you're asking for the right purpose and for the right use? What a blessedness that exalts the Father of Light! Or do you want to accrue to yourself the glory that should be God's? Do you want to indulge in boasting - singing the praises of your hands, skills, brilliance and mastery for having provided you with what you have? If this is you, God can break you until you lose sense of yourself to acknowledge that, to You [God] I lift up my eyes. Meanwhile, I'll employ you not to wait until you're this humbled to know that it's your Maker that answers prayers and give to all men without reproach. That's why you must never acknowledge yourself as your provider of good things in life. Rather give glory to God who gives power, initiative, good health etc to you to make wealth. May you not wait to find out. Hannah was not proud to God but if you had asked her, she'll tutor you on the favour of not getting to where you intentional pray before receiving a thing. It pays getting to the crossroad and crossing there and then than longing for salvation which tarries. For those of you who often receive without praying, never take it for granted. Still acknowledge God as He who has done it. Let it always be, to God I prayed and "for this thing I prayed."

I pray for somebody there, you'll have the testimony of, "for this thing I prayed." Moreso, this is the moment for couples waiting on God to receive. "None shall be barren in the land" (Exo.23:26), says the Scriptures. May you have the testimony of, "for this thing we hoped, prayed and for this thing we now render praise and thanksgiving to God."

What a statement! "For this thing I prayed." It means Hannah can now answer any who would ask her the hope of a child that lies in her. Her answer to them will not be far fetched at all. Samuel is right by her side. He's her reply. As such, she has the evidence of answered prayer which she can show to witnesses. People, you'll soon have that statement in your mouth also. It'll soon be, "for this child, wife, husband, job, house, car, promotion, scholarship, provision, ministry door etc I prayed and now here it is."

You'll receive answers and you'll have your answers to point to. This is your testimony time. I heard that. Say, "testimony!" The field is ripe for you. You can bank on the Word of God. It'll be just like that. Go and expect. It'll be, "for this thing I prayed" and now here it is. It'll be God who'll take the glory when people listen to your testimony. Your testimony won't glorify any man but God because "to Him you prayed and from Him you have received." Yes, God only. I speak once more as God's oracle, it'll be, "for this thing [mention yours] I prayed" and here is it now. Your prayers will become praise. You'll share your testimonies and pay your vow also before the Lord and God's great congregation. Rely on that and sleep on it!

PRAYER: Thank you Lord. For what I have prayed for, I have received also. My needs are all met by the Lord. 

Genesis 24:52-26:16; Matthew 8:18-34; Psalm 10:1-15; Proverbs 3:7-8

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Wednesday, 10 January 2024





Luke 10:5 - 6, KJV

"5 And into whatsoever house ye enter, first say, Peace be to this house. 6 And if the son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it: if not, it shall turn to you again."

One of the things that amazes me in the Bible is its supernaturalness. It is easily taken for granted and parried but it worth acknowledging. Where you ought not to remain normal having read something that has a supernatural tone to it, may you begin to see such today. May you begin to receive uncommon insights into the activities done by the Lord in the Bible but which are even not obvious. 

In yesterday's devotional, we read of Judah going down [away from his brethren and entire family] and turning into a certain Addullamite by the name Hiram (Gen.38:1). If you're seeing with me, you'll agree it isn't that Judah has had a deal with Hiram any other time afore this time. No, their paths had not met. However, as Judah went on his journey that looked like a wandering from home, a place was found for him, a suitable place to turn into and that's no other place but Hiram's the Addullamite. 

Now, why would Hiram the Addullamite agree to receive a stranger - someone he's not in anyway familiar with. It doesn't matter I'll say whether they have known themselves or not but the intention of God for Judah that must come to pass in reproducing a child that the lineage prophecy and blessing must continue through must sure come to pass. It's on this note that God at the background fetched him someone who'll open up to him. One of the greatest experiences that I can share over and over is being accepted by someone in a strange land. There's no where I get to where I'm a first timer that I won't find a  "son or child of peace" to accommodate me. I later found out that such accommodation is strategic and at day's end always to God's glory. One man once accommodated me for a period that lasted months. He lives in a room and parlour self contain in Kastina town, Kastina State. He has two daughters also. Looking at the unavailable space in his home, he'll take me every night after dinner to another Christian's house to sleep. In the morning, I'll return home where I'll continue with him. Supernaturally, I just easily found acceptance with people. Many people who I have lived with found me as somebody to trust and open up their hearts and home to at the same time. Knowing how to take and treat them as fathers, they took me as a son and put their resources in my hands. And that is without having known them before or a recommendation letter even to them. God rather was the recommender persuading them of me.  

I believe this same acceptance is what Judah enjoyed when he went down from his brethren and found no other place to turn to but Hirah, the Addullamite's place. Jesus also in sending His disciples on evangelistic outreach assures them of being received and taken in by the sons of peace. There'll be places they'll get to where they'll be rejected. However, they'll find their person. They'll find someone who will believe in their persons, see them as unharmful and in faith receive them to the extent of placing his bread or water before them. 

At times, God will just give such fellow or persons who's receiving them special perception into their characters, honest behaviour or godly nature. That's what that widow saw in Elijah before she said, "I perceive that this is a holy man of God who passes by us continually." From there, she suggested to her husband on the need to make space available for Eliajh so that he might enter in when he passes to rest and refresh himself (II Kings 4:9 -10). 

Today, I have words for ministers of the gospel. Yours is not to climb the roof top and announce your needs. Take them to the Lord in prayer and He'll find somebody to hook it up to. Your ministry is a ministry of power. You have God working with you. If He be for you, who can be against you? It is He who persuades men on your behalf. He'll go ahead of you and find you, "your sons of peace" who'll both receive and put their resources at your disposal. Others might not take note but one Hirah the Addullamite will be available, friendly and father enough to you. I pray for you, you'll not be stranded. Doors shall be opened to you. You'll always be welcomed and God shall locate you where you may take your living and sustenance for a time and where your walk would be reputed to have been a destiny move and meet. 

PRAYER: Lord, lead me on to a son and daughter of peace when I'm in a strange land or need immediate help. I find acceptance in my journey. I am not stranded.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 23:1-24:51, Matthew 8:1-17, Psalm 9:13-20, Proverbs 3:1-6

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Tuesday, 9 January 2024





Read Genesis 38

Genesis 38:1, KJV

"And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his brethren, and turned in to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah."

Say, "to make history!" Repeat it again. That place says, "and it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his brethren, and turned in to a certain Addullamite, whose name was Hirah."

As it occured to me, I'm sensing I should say to someone that you'll get to your turning point. At a particular time; without a cause being disclosed, Judah just decided to walk away from home. At leaving however, he found no where to turn to but to Hiram, the Addullamite. If you carry the kind of portion that I carry which senses destiny and destiny moves of people, you'll begin to probe and ask questions with me as to why Judah had to leave home and just distance himself from the family he had known or grown up with at such particular time. Separation of an individual from a group or community of people isn't always retrogressive or dangerous to a specific called out person. Calling always separate men from men. It is not always without purpose even if it is not obviously stated. Jesus tarried behind at Jerusalem when his parents had walked three days away from him. Yet, he was about his Father's business, asking questions of the doctors of the law and learning from them (Luke 2:42-49). Simply, he was training and gathering for ministry.  Watch anyone who has a separated life from a group of persons who are journeying together. Such are markers of destiny yet to unfold. What did Jacob say of Joseph also? "...they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren." For something specific and special to happen to him, he was separated from his familial community also. He was distanced to Egypt. 

Judah went down from his brethren and turned in unto a certain man, Hiram, the Addullamite. If you'll all permit me, I'll add an emphasis to that Bible verse. It had read like this then. 

Genesis 38:1, KJV

"And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his brethren, and turned in to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah [that the ancient prophecy might be fulfilled which seeks expression].

You might ask, "what ancient prophecy do you talk about which seeks fulfilment?" Simple. Let us go to Genesis. What does the Bible say there? "...and the seed of the woman shall bruise your head" (Gen.3:15). That's the ancient prophecy I mentioned. The next question might be, "how does that relate to Judah and his leaving his brethren to turn in to dwell with a certain Addullamite?" That is actually what fulfills it to the uttermost. If you look at that prophecy, need be, it must come to pass. That prophecy in the bid to come to pass therefore runs down the line of Abraham seeking a carrier. On occasions, even if there are two seeds from a man, you'll see that prophecy seek out one of them, come on him, posess him and manifest through him as a continual manifestation to other generations that'll as well pass it down until that seed (Christ) is born. The continual line of perpetuation and choosing of certain persons that we saw appear in Matthew 1:1-17 chronicles those that prophecy chose and found to flow through. 

At this time, Abraham had begotten Isaac, Isaac had begotten Jacob, Jacob had begotten the twelve patriachs of whom Judah was the one God sought out to continue the passing of that lineage prophecy and blessing through. At this time, Judah is the donor of the next seed that'll pass the prophecy unto the next generation and Judah must produce and avail God a child. Now that the prophecy is on Judah, though he doesn't know it, yet the prophecy sought him out, separated him from his brothers and family, turning him into a particular place where God sees best to have the prophecy fulfilled. 

It is his rightly turning to Hirah, the Addullamite that led him to marrying Shuah's daughter who bore him Er, Onan and Shelah. God has not forgotten His promise of a "seed bruising the head of the serpent". He still wants to raise a person that the prophesied seed could continue through until it reaches the turn of He whose is it. So, some series of events occured which denied any of the seeds of Judah from raising a child that'll continue the passing of that lineage blessing. Since Judah wouldn't allow Shelah to marry Tamar for fear of dying also, Tamar had to dress like an harlot to seek seed desperately. With God's plan on motion, Judah himself thinking his daughter in law was an harlot went into her while she conceives. From that conception comes the twins from which God chose one to continue Jesus' ancestry and pass the prophecy/lineage blessing over. Look at this here. 

"And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram" (Matt.1:3). 

Did you see how the flow continued? So, when Judah turned away from his family and turned in to Hiram, the Addullamite, it was for a purpose. It was to an end that he might fulfill something. As a matter of fact, that moment was a turning point in his life. It was the moment for which he was born and spared until then. It's to reproduce a man through whom the ancestry and lineage blessing could be perpetuated, passed on and carried still. That prophecy could have found fulfilment on one of the children given birth to by Judah's correct wife but when it wouldn't, occasion made Judah himself reproduce the seed in Tamar and this further perpetuated the prophecy. 

That's why I said at the beginning that you'll get to your turning point. Turning point is a juncture in life where you take another road different from the one you've been walking on. At this time, Judah fulfilled his calling. Why we call Jesus, "Lion of the tribe of Judah" has to do with being from this tribe (Rev.5:5). Judah was Jesus' great great... grand dad. No one takes a new road who doesn't experience a new consequence or end result. Today is your day. First of all, God is calling sinners to turn away from their sins and turn to Jesus who saves (John 3:16). Leave your sinner- brethren alone and walk a new path to destiny. If you'll do, you'll have the testimony of becoming a chosen vessel out of many vessels that are in the house and available for God's use. You'll see God's intention for saving and sparing your life come to pass. In other words, you'll have a testimony of a different but prophetic end. It's not ordinary but rather to make history that Judah went down at a certain time from his brethren and turned in to a certain Addullamite. Today, may you go on the journey that fits your destiny. May you walk away far from home if need be. May the Lord guide your feet and direct you to enter and turn unto the right, person, people and place. No wandering. Your leaving and turning is for a purpose. Believe! The Guider of feet is guiding you on.

PRAYER: Father, let good and blessed prophecies find me to perpetuate through. God, make me your choice. Today is my turning point.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 20:1-22:24; Matthew 7:15-29; Psalm 9:1-12; Proverbs 2:16-22

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Monday, 8 January 2024





Genesis 25:27, KJV

"And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents."

Parents are called to observation of their wards. This observation should be strategically practiced fishing for what flair, inclination, passion, talent and graces their children carry. Children are awesome wonders that can wow us and if you pay attention enough, you can discern what notable inclination and towards what field your child is exercising same. 

Today's verse says, "And the boys grew..." The two boys in question here are Esau and Jacob. They grew. As they grew, it becomes more easier and clear discerning what they were made for. As kids, they had their obsession. That might have availed the parents to see into their traits and observe what their ways of life could likely be. However, that observation didn't end there. As they continue to grow, they persisted in the inclination and gifts they had shown previously and by this they were marked in relation to what they might become. At day's end, they went in the direction of those early signs they had shown. You don't force vocation on your children. You let their calling get clear to them and persuade you as well.

What your child should do will spark at the beginning but as he or she goes, it won't wear out though it might be diversified into a nearby or related obsession. As your child grows, that inclination, gift and ability will become more pronounced and intense. It'll be so intense and strong for it to lead them to their calling or life's task.

Looking at the Wright brothers for instance. They started with just a fascination towards the incredible toys their father brought home for them. They'll pieces these toys and often reassemble them with a little modification at times. They just have a knack towards exercise of mechanical intelligence. Their father who happened to be a cleric needed to print something and from there, they invented their own printing machine from scraps which could print over 1,000 copies just in an hour. After these, they would begin to pieces and reassemble the reigning bicycle of their times. After a month apprentice to the entire body parts of the bicycle, they had mastery of it and began by creating their own bicycles which allows for better aerodynamics. However, it didn't end here. It went on until they invented their own glider or better still plane that stayed in air for 59 seconds when it was flown. It broke the records and maximum time a glider or aircraft had stayed in air.  Though they were not professional engineers, they became the first to create the invention that'll become a model for future planes. Yet, all started from one simple mechanical intelligence which they followed still until they were led into their bigger day and put on world map. 

As the boys grew, they chose their professions. Esau became a cunning hunter, a man of the field and Jacob, a plain man dwelling in tents. However, it began with just an inclination or a sparking of an ability. It began with a love for the outdoor in Esau and a love for the indoor in Jacob. You know, just a tendency towards a subject or the like of a thing. 

The Bible records something concerning Jesus. 

Luke 2:40, KJV

"And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him."

Did you see, "and the child grew and waxed strong in spirit..." Why did Jesus have to wax strong in spirit if not in anticipation and preparation towards His calling and the ministry He'll one day do? Constant and consistent growth, gravitation and obsession is noticeable towards a calling, lifestyle or vocation one is destined for. If it involves mastery of the vocabulary of that field, one will see himself learning more and more and tilting towards that side in size, knowledge and aspiration. 

I pray for you, may you find rest like the Wright brothers. May you find expression and be poured out like a drink offering for the world to be exhorted and edified by. When you're poured out, something of you or from you meets needs. What you'll produce, write, sing, manifest is the satisfaction we await. 

PRAYER: Lord, give me attention to guide my children in the path of their callings.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 18:16-19:38, Matthew 6:25-7:14, Psalm 8:1-9, Proverbs 2:6-15

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Sunday, 7 January 2024





Genesis 25:27, KJV

"And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents."

Who we are or should rather be should not be what we want to be but what we are called to be. Everything is by placement. If you were not first placed there, I don't believe you should be there. Calling is what sites people and locates them in a profession or way of life they ought to follow and calling is God's doing (Jer.1:5). God knows the way and to lead you in that way, He might inspire you towards a particular path in life. So, you may need to watch what kind of breathing goes on inside you or your child even as they grow. 

The Bible calls Esau, "a cunning hunter, a man of the field..." What makes Esau a cunning hunter is the fact that he's a man of the field first of all. He has potency, inclination and natural giftedness for that profession because he's an outdoor kind of person. That's the dominant trait or aptitude that clearly summarizes where and in what he could function. A man of the field is an outdoorsman, an extrovert or an outgoing person. 

Esau didn't choose his field by himself. The field chose him. He was called into it. How? He discovered himself by the measuring of the traits, aptitudes, inclination, passion and talents he has put inside him by God meant to place him in a trade, vocation, profession or a particular calling. All these God placed qualities witness to his uniqueness as a person. Cumulatively, they are what placed him in a field he should be. Those are the things that directed him to a profession he was most suited for. 

I've said that before that if Esau had despised his outdoor grace and had gone to be a cook for instance, he wouldn't have excelled. Cookery is more of an indoor and inside thing. What should you therefore be looking for in your children? Observe where they are placed? Observe what category and divide God placed them? Observe their temperaments and differences in aptitude and behaviour. It is what can place them in their chosen fields or callings. Esau became a cunning hunter because he was a man of the field. The inspiration to becoming such professional he became is because he was most suitably made for that. Hunting is an outdoor sport or career. An introvert doesn't have the energy it takes endangering his life in the jungle, seeking to spot and gun down a game that might exhaust him at pursuing. 

Let me ask you, is your child a man of the field or a plain man dwelling in tents? The plain man is an introvert. He'll like solitude above anything. He won't like exploring, checking out or socializing. However, the man of the field would do all that.

In simple explanation, temperament influences what area, field or calling your child is mostly fitted for. If an accident won't result, a man of the tents would remain quiet amidst the tents.  NLT says it better when it says. "As the boys grew, Esau became a skillful hunter. He was an outdoorsman, but Jacob had a quite temperament, preferring to stay at home".

Mark that, "preferring to stay at home." Some other versions says, "contented to dwell amidst the tents." When you're made for something, it naturally comes to you living that life. I'm an introvert and I don't struggle to stay at home. I've not stepped out of my house's gate for a week before. I was just inside reading, studying and cultivating intimacy with God. I don't think my wife can do same thing without a break. She's an outdoor woman. Even if she'll do same activities, she might probably have had breaks of checking out and coming in. Other way round, I don't think I can survive socializing like she does. 

That's what calling is. It is what you find, you're contented to do and you're contented to stay with for life. It will inspire you and suit your nature because it is you. You don't ever get tired of that way of life as to cross or exchange lane with another. Why? You were called differently into different fields, professions or ways of life. It is always, "while Esau is a man of the field, Jacob is a plain man, preferring to stay at home."

When you have found your calling, you'll have this forever contentment of not being mistaken. You'll be satiated to have found your life's work, what you're most suitably made and equipped for and what you can as well use your entire life to live for. You see, when you find calling, it is yourself you live out or express. You don't try to be another person or be someone else. It is rather who God makes you to the core that you expresses. If Esau should pick his bow and arrow now and check to the field, will he be living another man's dreams? No! It'll be living and fulfilling his being an "outdoor man - an extrovert". So also, Jacob's dwelling at home quietly wouldn't have come naturally on any other person because they were not made after that kind. That's the key to joy and peace or else you'll experience inner janglings and discontentment if you break that. 

I pray for you that you'll find your lane and be in your lane. All of you who are called to be men of the field, of the open, of the outdoor won't be turned by money, peer pressure, fame etc to become a man who dwells amidst the tents and vice versa. Each will stay in his lane. 

PRAYER: I stay in my lane. I don't break rank. I refuse to be disabled.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 16:1-18:15, Matthew 6:1-24, Psalm 7:1-17, Proverbs 2:1-5

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Saturday, 6 January 2024





Proverbs 4:18, KJV

"But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day."

I once taught on "Seeing Your Perfect Day" to our ministry members. Today, I didn't plan going in that direction but for the Holy Spirit calling me into it. This is an extension of the two days titleless series I have done.  

The Bible says, "Esau became a cunning hunter, a man of the field" (Gen.25:27). The simple truth is that Esau saw his perfect day. You may wonder and ask me when that happened to him. Then, I'll tell you that anyone who got to the peak of his career or calling is one who had seen his perfect day. Whenever God calls people into a vocation or calling to pursue, as they pursue it, they keep getting better in it. They'll begin to have better witness over what they've diligently given themselves to. That's why that verse of the Bible that talks about perfect day says, "the path of the just is as the shining light which shines more and more unto the perfect day." The sun is known to vary in its intensity. Its strength at 9am isn't the same with the one at 12pm. That's how it goes until it reaches the best intensity it can deliver in a day. 

There's always a perfect day in the life of any who won't give up. They might start small but if they persist, they'll reach a place of glory, excellence and widely recognized impact where many will testify of having been impacted by them.

Take for instance, an artiste or even a preacher. All of us know how many gospel artistes began. In their days of small beginning, they didn't have the kind of fame that goes ahead of them to testify of their good works now. But as they kept at it, they attained mastery of that trade and are heralded in that field by all and sundry. You might take a founding minister for another example. He might start with only a church until many branches and ministries come out of his calling to the nations. He also might have grown in grace and spirit differently from how he started so much more that he's now a cover and father to many upcoming ministers. Why are they submitting to him to be mentored if not that they recognized he has gotten into his own perfect day while they (the upcoming ministers) are still looking to be mentored and graced into theirs. 

Esau attained his perfect day. I'm sure when Esau started out in hunting, he didn't start out having mastery of that profession once and for all. However, as he persisted, he learnt the criticality and have the experiences of a hunter. These might have taken some good years but because that was his destined field - his field of aptitude, he attained mastery early as a youth. I have told people in all the continents our message on purpose, destiny and calling have gotten to that when you're in the field, vocation or calling you're created or most suited for, it is easier attaining mastery and becoming skillful than in any other. How many of you believed Esau couldn't have attained cunningness or skillfulness if he had gone into another field especially one that is not related to outdoor activities? However, his gifts, flair, inclination and aptitudes were naturally caught out for the outdoor i.e a profession in hunting or other outdoor fields. It's because he chose rightly and went after that passion in which he was naturally gifted that offered him that ahead chance of attaining mastery and reaching his perfect day on time. As at the time Esau reached his perfect day in his profession, he might be sitting at the Association of Professional Hunters with those who were far older than him. Yet, it was his having talents and gifts in that area that helped him focus with more intensity and enjoy enhanced speed to mastery. He therefore got to a place in life, in his career or vocation where there's no other citation to be read for him except than that of those who have hit it all. The citation read for him was "Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the field". Kai! I also want to see better days in my calling and exercise of ministry.

You can see your perfect day too. You can start small and go on until you're reputed to have had many disciples and influenced even nations. When some started or launched their brands, they were only in a neighborhood or even a city but now they have taken the whole world by surprise. By leaps and bounds, they have spread and grown until they attained a success that they never started out with. That height of glory, that height of success that one eventually arrives which is the climax of his career or calling is what we can call the perfect day of a man. It means in that field or vocation, he has become anything anyone can become; he has won anything anyone can win and is now reputed as a father in it. Take footballers for instance. They play until they hang their boots. At hanging their boots, they have reached their perfect day. Perfect day is the height their sun could intensely have shone to. At that time, you now call them, "elderly footballers." They have come, they have seen and they have conquered. Everything the incoming footballers want to have or aspire to is now what and where they have gotten to. Now, they're leaving the posts they have for long kept. Though they're leaving however, it's not unto retrogression but progression. As such, you'll see them become coaches who'll take on another world to conquer and influence. 

The Bible described Esau as a cunning hunter. If he were a footballer, you could call him a skillful footballer. He'll probably be that one who impresses you with his skills or inventor's prowess if he were in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation. Any citation, glory and success that anybody can have is what Esau had. He reached the very climax of his chosen field. He saw his perfect day. Like the sun changes its intensity of strength as the day progresses, so also did Esau changed strength for strength until he entered into the Hall Fame of Renowned Hunters. 

If you'll start, you can see this day. However, ensure you're starting in a profession or a way of life you're naturally suited or equipped for (even if it'll be by training). At such times, one easily becomes distinguished. 

PRAYER: Lord, I have started not to collapse but to reach my perfect day. I shall attain.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 13:5-15:21, Matthew 5:27-48, Psalm 6:1-10, Proverbs 1:29-33

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Friday, 5 January 2024





Genesis 25:27, KJV

"And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents."

I was once in a seminar where the topic was, "Teaching with Passion." Before the guest speaker began the seminar proper, she dotted on the truth that separated the wheat from the chaff. She said, "she was sure many are here who were not called into the Teaching Profession." They might have been here by accident or with the intention of just putting food on their tables however. That exactly is the difference between those who are called to a field, career path, vocation, way of life and those who are not. If you don't sense being called to an area, it becomes difficult for you excelling or being driven to achievement there. You won't have inner discretion to know what to do per term and what to do always. There's no one who is not being led or guided when called into a chosen profession or way of life. Either by intuition or a kind of revelation, they'll just figure things out in a manner that couldn't have been guessed by those outside that field or without a similar calling. It is only those who are called to be teachers for instance and aren't there for the wrong reasons I believe can teach with passion or behave extraordinarily. It is the sense of being called that'll drive them to mastery and excellence while assuring them of reward in that same field. One thing about calling is this. If you believe you are called to a field or a way of life, you have an evidence and a reason to give all of yourself to it. You don't therefore begin to reason to conserve or preserve yourself for another thing your hand has found doing or that you could do. Not feeling called is wanting to cheat the deployment of all your potential which can facilitate becoming the greatness that God intended for you. So, it is good to be called, felt called and be driven by same sense. When you're called, you're assured you're occupying the perfect niche. You'll have this concreting at heart that what God intended you should do is what you are doing. However, if that is not there, you'll still be thinking of some other possibilities or a better work yet to transit to. The dream of fleeting to another work ends when you're in your calling. However, the dream of expanding and becoming better in that found calling of yours is continuous. You may not transit from being a called minister of God in ministry into the academia. However, you can keep dreaming and fulfilling dreams in a better way having found you're most suited for ministry. Having found your calling - being a minister, you therefore don't take thought for the academia as what to dabble into because God didn't preferentially make you for that. 

Why did I use the word, "preferential." Each human being is suited for a number of things. However, if you'll search carefully, you're best suited for something. That's why even from childhood, we excel differently in some subjects area than the others. We all have natural affection and inclination differently. These created the many fields and professions we have today. We all couldn't have been same thing. Right from childhood, I have been linguistically intelligent. I could use words in an extraordinary manner. So, I am a poet and writer that I am today. That even made me to went as far as bagging a Master's in English Literature. I found out my area of exceptionality and I'm training it with human education suitable for it. That's why you ought not to train or get educated if not to train your calling or discovered career path. If you ask me who made me linguistically intelligent, I'll say God. The same way I've been drawn to words and the use of words isn't the same way figures and Maths come to me. I'm sore displeased and not smooth at cracking figures. My aptitude is lesser in that. So, I might be a failure going on to horn my proficiency in what I do not have natural flair for. I'll one day get disoriented and tired at such.

However, what does the Bible say concerning Esau and Jacob? It says, "Esau became a cunning [skillful] hunter, a man of the field while Jacob became a plain man, dwelling in tents." Very good!

My topic is, "Do You Feel Called?" Why would I have such topic? Because I want to prove that when you're called and you know so, that's when you have the personal motivation and drive to attain mastery in your chosen vocation. Did you read there that the two children of Rebekah who have been prophesied to be differently mannered people chose who to become differently. Esau became a hunter but a cunning one at that. There are professionals and there are otherwise. What Esau became in his calling was a hunter who has learnt his trade well. You couldn't have confused him with one thing in that field. He knows its history and he's following the trends also. Moreso in practice, he's not deficient at all. Esau is not such hunter that wastes arrows on games. To have been described as "cunning" or "skillful", it means he has mastery of hunting skills. At one shooting, he gets the game down. However, the question God desires to call you to is why did you think he attained such mastery in his lifetime? It is because he was called into what he should do. Many times, people confuse being called into a field, vocation or calling to only hearing an audible voice. No! You don't have to. In yesterday's devotional, I showed you how you could be guided or called into a field just by the passion, inclination, aptitudes, gifts and flair you naturally have for a field than any other. At times, your aptitudes could fit a number of fields. From there, you may then choose your colony field. Esau knew what career path to go for. He chose hunting because he was naturally given to the outdoor. He's a talented athlete and spotter. The Bible described him, "as a man of the field". He felt called into hunting because that's the field that all his God given gifts and nature fits the most. He has searched over time as he grew up and discovered that this is the niche to occupy. It was a moment of revelation that dawned on him before he took the bow and the arrows as his way of life. 

Who are therefore those who'll ever attain mastery or become cunning in their callings or career paths? They are those who felt called there first of all. Those are who believe they're rightly situated from the onset. They're the ones who can give their best to their fields and not yet look over the fence for another raving career or calling. If you don't feel called, you can't focus. Comparing yourself with others will never allow you settle and make discoveries in that field that would make you a proponent or scholar to remember. The goal of the calling on you is to see to your becoming all the potential deposited in you. Calling doesn't lead people to smallness but its opposite. It makes you achieve what the world would want to come and see. It is what leads you unto your perfect day until you're described as a "very anointed minister", "a skillful artist/artiste", "a legendary sportsman" etc. So, follow calling! Follow the star!

PRAYER: Lord, I follow my calling today. In my found calling/career, renew my passion and grant me new understanding.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 11:1-13:4, Matthew 5:1-26, Psalm 5:1-12, Proverbs 1:24-28

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Thursday, 4 January 2024





Genesis 25:23, KJV

"And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger."

When Rebekah went to enquire about the struggle in her womb, the verse above was the reply she got from the Lord. That verse emphasizes that, "two nations are in her womb and then two manner of people..."

"Manner" means "kind" or "type." It means two people who won't behave the same way. It means two people who won't have the same inclination, aptitude, passion, motivation and gifts. It was two different thinkers with two different hobbies she harbours in herself. Imagine that, "two manner of people!" That hints about a major life truth. No two person is the same even when given birth to by the same parents and are even twins. They will sure turn out to be differently mannered or wired. It is these differences that lead to the choice of what each of these twins became later in the future. The Bible has this to say. 

Genesis 25:27, KJV

"And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents."

Due to their being differently mannered, each of them became who they're created to be best suited for. If we look at their temperaments as testified in that verse, we'll see that the fact that they are different in nature is what guides each of them to their calling, vocation, career path or choice in life. 

The Bible testifies of Esau becoming a cunning hunter, a man of the field. This shows Esau has a different makeup and aptitude different from Jacob. He is an extrovert and probably a Choleric. He is described in that place as, "a man of the field". It'll also mean Esau is outgoing unlike his brother who was described as "a plain man dwelling in tents." He is an introvert - a phlegmatic or melancholy. It is an introvert who don't like spending time outside or at the field. They cherish solitude above anything and if they ever get dragged into social community or activities, they'll seek to recover that energy back by cultivating solitude afterwards. That's who Jacob was contrary to who Esau was. One was a man of the field - an explorer, an adventurer, a risk taker, a big blower but the other is a quiet insider who don't want the outside's turmoil to disturb his inner peace. 

No wonder, they each became something different. That's as a result of one truth. They're two people who are differently mannered. They aren't the same at all. So, while Esau excels in field and track activities in school, Jacob could have loved sewing, cookery and other domestic and personal survival teaching subjects. A testimony that indeed these are two differently mannered people. 

Are you there wondering what you should do in/for life? Have you been ruminating on hitting it right but caught between this way or vocation and the other? You can let your natural manner, temperament and aptitude guide you. Jacob couldn't have become a cunning hunter. He wasn't destined for that because he wasn't gifted or equipped for that. If he attempted to, he wouldn't have gotten to the highest level of mastery where the Bible had to use the word, "skillful or cunning" to qualify the mastery of hunting his brother who was called into same field had. He would have been an average hunter lost in the shadow of his brother whose nature, inclination, obsession and gifts allows to be a man of the outdoor. The pursue of a career in hunting or any other outdoor pathway would have led to Jacob's frustration and even if he tries, he'll get to a place where he couldn't try further. The same applies to Esau wanting to become Jacob - an insider when God already gave a sign on who they could become by the different natures and aptitudes He created them with. 

Indeed, your calling is in your soul. It reveals itself to some people more than others also. For Jacob and Esau, they didn't struggle to discover their callings. They only sought to express themselves and become themselves (who God created them to be). That was what they lived and that's what calling is all about. Calling is not about doing the highest paid profession or competing with somebody you know. Calling is finding the pathway already created in your soul and walking in the footprints already left there for you by the Almighty. God created a path for Israel in the sea. All they did was to walk through that path. They didn't reject it. They took it. Take yours also. It's beckoning you to come. That's why you've excelled in some subjects than others. That's why you've been attracted to some fields and professions more than others. That's calling peeping out from your inside. 

I pray that you won't become an accident. You'll go the pathway your Creator intended. You'll follow what He said you should do which He left in your soul. If your passion has not been corrupted but still pure and whole, it's very worthy and trustable to follow. Let it guide you. The stars that appeared guided the magi. The kind of person you are which was left in your soul and wiring can guide you too to the right field.  

PRAYER: Lord, you have created me shock full of potentials. I'm loaded bountifully with gifts, aptitudes and inner yearnings seeking expression. I express them in Jesus' name. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 8:1-10:32, Matthew 4:12-25, Psalm 4:1-8, Proverbs 1:20-23

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Wednesday, 3 January 2024





DESPERATENESS LOSES THE BARGAIN - Abomination of a Husband Series 005

Genesis 25:31-32, KJV

"31 And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. 32 And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me?"

Are you there saying, "what profit shall this birthright do to me?" May you not wait to find out. Esau did and it wasn't succinct for him at all. 

You have heard men say don't make decisions when you're elated, tired or depressed. I'll add one to it, don't make a decision when you're desperate.

Desperateness always loses the bargain. 

Look at the banter and bargain between Jacob and Esau. Jacob took much advantage of Esau by thousands of miles. For I will ask, "what is a birthright compared to a plate of food? Is it not like wheat to chaff?"

Esau confesses his state when he says, "I am at the point of death..." That statement confirms his desperateness. The Bible uses a particular word to describe his hunger. It is the word, "famished." It means to have an empty stomach and you know what happens when even a vehicle runs on an empty tank. Due to his being famished and emptied of strength, having gone hunting for this while, he seeks desperately to refill. That's because his appetite is now asking for it. He therefore found it very hard to delay gratification or bargain commonsensically. Esau isn't at fault for trading for food from Jacob but he was at fault for trading with the most worthy thing in his life. Imagine the conflict. Jacob put a plate of food on the table and then Esau gave away his birthright for same. Even according to the law of barter, that wasn't a fair exchange. Somebody has therefore gained and extorted the other. However, should we blame Jacob wholly for this though we have discerned him as a man of impure motive? No! Esau has his fault. He has not mastered the principles and laws of trading at all. Jacob seems better at that. He must have learnt favourable bargaining from their mother who he often stays with at home and probably accompanies to the market. 

For God's sake, does birthright equal even a pot of porridge in worth? So, why did Esau gave it for a plate of food in exchange? He was under desperateness. He's like a man with fire underneath his clothe. He'll seek to exterminate it right away at the slightest opportunity. This is why he was blinded seeing what great value he was putting on the table for one worthless meal that doesn't even worth the game he might have just arrived with from the jungle. 

When you're desperate to have something, don't buy it. You won't price well. You'll be too pressed and pressurized to have it. In this way, the seller can extort you like Jacob extorted Esau. Avoid being desperate before you acquire properties and assets. You'll be bound by the spell of that desperateness. Also, never show obvious joy or admiration at bargaining point. That'll be lack of subtilty and the intentional giving of yourself away to be cheated by cunning traders. While you may have good intention and the right spirit, the world and his people are not. They're looking for how to cunningly have more from you. 

May God teach you wisdom, subtilty, discretion and understanding. In life, you won't lose. In life, you'll come out with the best bargain. Things will favour you. While today's teaching advocates you guarding against being cheated, ensure you don't take undue advantage of any in trade as well. If you do, remember God who's the Judge between you both. Ensure you do to others what you'll like them do to you. 

A word also to couples. Those of you spouses leveraging the desperateness of your partners to have sex to control or get the better of them are simply manipulators. If your husband for instance is desperate for sex and it's at that gate you issue your bargain, then you're not being just but rather practicing using what you have to get what you want. I want to believe all husbands are responsible as not to push any wife to this state also. May the Holy Spirit continue to teach us fairness and justness in our homes.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive the wisdom that comes from above. I receive justness and fairness. I excel in the use of money this year. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 5:1-7:24, Matthew 3:7-4:11, Psalm 3:1-8, Proverbs 1:10-19

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