Wednesday, 10 January 2024





Luke 10:5 - 6, KJV

"5 And into whatsoever house ye enter, first say, Peace be to this house. 6 And if the son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it: if not, it shall turn to you again."

One of the things that amazes me in the Bible is its supernaturalness. It is easily taken for granted and parried but it worth acknowledging. Where you ought not to remain normal having read something that has a supernatural tone to it, may you begin to see such today. May you begin to receive uncommon insights into the activities done by the Lord in the Bible but which are even not obvious. 

In yesterday's devotional, we read of Judah going down [away from his brethren and entire family] and turning into a certain Addullamite by the name Hiram (Gen.38:1). If you're seeing with me, you'll agree it isn't that Judah has had a deal with Hiram any other time afore this time. No, their paths had not met. However, as Judah went on his journey that looked like a wandering from home, a place was found for him, a suitable place to turn into and that's no other place but Hiram's the Addullamite. 

Now, why would Hiram the Addullamite agree to receive a stranger - someone he's not in anyway familiar with. It doesn't matter I'll say whether they have known themselves or not but the intention of God for Judah that must come to pass in reproducing a child that the lineage prophecy and blessing must continue through must sure come to pass. It's on this note that God at the background fetched him someone who'll open up to him. One of the greatest experiences that I can share over and over is being accepted by someone in a strange land. There's no where I get to where I'm a first timer that I won't find a  "son or child of peace" to accommodate me. I later found out that such accommodation is strategic and at day's end always to God's glory. One man once accommodated me for a period that lasted months. He lives in a room and parlour self contain in Kastina town, Kastina State. He has two daughters also. Looking at the unavailable space in his home, he'll take me every night after dinner to another Christian's house to sleep. In the morning, I'll return home where I'll continue with him. Supernaturally, I just easily found acceptance with people. Many people who I have lived with found me as somebody to trust and open up their hearts and home to at the same time. Knowing how to take and treat them as fathers, they took me as a son and put their resources in my hands. And that is without having known them before or a recommendation letter even to them. God rather was the recommender persuading them of me.  

I believe this same acceptance is what Judah enjoyed when he went down from his brethren and found no other place to turn to but Hirah, the Addullamite's place. Jesus also in sending His disciples on evangelistic outreach assures them of being received and taken in by the sons of peace. There'll be places they'll get to where they'll be rejected. However, they'll find their person. They'll find someone who will believe in their persons, see them as unharmful and in faith receive them to the extent of placing his bread or water before them. 

At times, God will just give such fellow or persons who's receiving them special perception into their characters, honest behaviour or godly nature. That's what that widow saw in Elijah before she said, "I perceive that this is a holy man of God who passes by us continually." From there, she suggested to her husband on the need to make space available for Eliajh so that he might enter in when he passes to rest and refresh himself (II Kings 4:9 -10). 

Today, I have words for ministers of the gospel. Yours is not to climb the roof top and announce your needs. Take them to the Lord in prayer and He'll find somebody to hook it up to. Your ministry is a ministry of power. You have God working with you. If He be for you, who can be against you? It is He who persuades men on your behalf. He'll go ahead of you and find you, "your sons of peace" who'll both receive and put their resources at your disposal. Others might not take note but one Hirah the Addullamite will be available, friendly and father enough to you. I pray for you, you'll not be stranded. Doors shall be opened to you. You'll always be welcomed and God shall locate you where you may take your living and sustenance for a time and where your walk would be reputed to have been a destiny move and meet. 

PRAYER: Lord, lead me on to a son and daughter of peace when I'm in a strange land or need immediate help. I find acceptance in my journey. I am not stranded.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 23:1-24:51, Matthew 8:1-17, Psalm 9:13-20, Proverbs 3:1-6

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