Tuesday, 9 January 2024





Read Genesis 38

Genesis 38:1, KJV

"And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his brethren, and turned in to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah."

Say, "to make history!" Repeat it again. That place says, "and it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his brethren, and turned in to a certain Addullamite, whose name was Hirah."

As it occured to me, I'm sensing I should say to someone that you'll get to your turning point. At a particular time; without a cause being disclosed, Judah just decided to walk away from home. At leaving however, he found no where to turn to but to Hiram, the Addullamite. If you carry the kind of portion that I carry which senses destiny and destiny moves of people, you'll begin to probe and ask questions with me as to why Judah had to leave home and just distance himself from the family he had known or grown up with at such particular time. Separation of an individual from a group or community of people isn't always retrogressive or dangerous to a specific called out person. Calling always separate men from men. It is not always without purpose even if it is not obviously stated. Jesus tarried behind at Jerusalem when his parents had walked three days away from him. Yet, he was about his Father's business, asking questions of the doctors of the law and learning from them (Luke 2:42-49). Simply, he was training and gathering for ministry.  Watch anyone who has a separated life from a group of persons who are journeying together. Such are markers of destiny yet to unfold. What did Jacob say of Joseph also? "...they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren." For something specific and special to happen to him, he was separated from his familial community also. He was distanced to Egypt. 

Judah went down from his brethren and turned in unto a certain man, Hiram, the Addullamite. If you'll all permit me, I'll add an emphasis to that Bible verse. It had read like this then. 

Genesis 38:1, KJV

"And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his brethren, and turned in to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah [that the ancient prophecy might be fulfilled which seeks expression].

You might ask, "what ancient prophecy do you talk about which seeks fulfilment?" Simple. Let us go to Genesis. What does the Bible say there? "...and the seed of the woman shall bruise your head" (Gen.3:15). That's the ancient prophecy I mentioned. The next question might be, "how does that relate to Judah and his leaving his brethren to turn in to dwell with a certain Addullamite?" That is actually what fulfills it to the uttermost. If you look at that prophecy, need be, it must come to pass. That prophecy in the bid to come to pass therefore runs down the line of Abraham seeking a carrier. On occasions, even if there are two seeds from a man, you'll see that prophecy seek out one of them, come on him, posess him and manifest through him as a continual manifestation to other generations that'll as well pass it down until that seed (Christ) is born. The continual line of perpetuation and choosing of certain persons that we saw appear in Matthew 1:1-17 chronicles those that prophecy chose and found to flow through. 

At this time, Abraham had begotten Isaac, Isaac had begotten Jacob, Jacob had begotten the twelve patriachs of whom Judah was the one God sought out to continue the passing of that lineage prophecy and blessing through. At this time, Judah is the donor of the next seed that'll pass the prophecy unto the next generation and Judah must produce and avail God a child. Now that the prophecy is on Judah, though he doesn't know it, yet the prophecy sought him out, separated him from his brothers and family, turning him into a particular place where God sees best to have the prophecy fulfilled. 

It is his rightly turning to Hirah, the Addullamite that led him to marrying Shuah's daughter who bore him Er, Onan and Shelah. God has not forgotten His promise of a "seed bruising the head of the serpent". He still wants to raise a person that the prophesied seed could continue through until it reaches the turn of He whose is it. So, some series of events occured which denied any of the seeds of Judah from raising a child that'll continue the passing of that lineage blessing. Since Judah wouldn't allow Shelah to marry Tamar for fear of dying also, Tamar had to dress like an harlot to seek seed desperately. With God's plan on motion, Judah himself thinking his daughter in law was an harlot went into her while she conceives. From that conception comes the twins from which God chose one to continue Jesus' ancestry and pass the prophecy/lineage blessing over. Look at this here. 

"And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram" (Matt.1:3). 

Did you see how the flow continued? So, when Judah turned away from his family and turned in to Hiram, the Addullamite, it was for a purpose. It was to an end that he might fulfill something. As a matter of fact, that moment was a turning point in his life. It was the moment for which he was born and spared until then. It's to reproduce a man through whom the ancestry and lineage blessing could be perpetuated, passed on and carried still. That prophecy could have found fulfilment on one of the children given birth to by Judah's correct wife but when it wouldn't, occasion made Judah himself reproduce the seed in Tamar and this further perpetuated the prophecy. 

That's why I said at the beginning that you'll get to your turning point. Turning point is a juncture in life where you take another road different from the one you've been walking on. At this time, Judah fulfilled his calling. Why we call Jesus, "Lion of the tribe of Judah" has to do with being from this tribe (Rev.5:5). Judah was Jesus' great great... grand dad. No one takes a new road who doesn't experience a new consequence or end result. Today is your day. First of all, God is calling sinners to turn away from their sins and turn to Jesus who saves (John 3:16). Leave your sinner- brethren alone and walk a new path to destiny. If you'll do, you'll have the testimony of becoming a chosen vessel out of many vessels that are in the house and available for God's use. You'll see God's intention for saving and sparing your life come to pass. In other words, you'll have a testimony of a different but prophetic end. It's not ordinary but rather to make history that Judah went down at a certain time from his brethren and turned in to a certain Addullamite. Today, may you go on the journey that fits your destiny. May you walk away far from home if need be. May the Lord guide your feet and direct you to enter and turn unto the right, person, people and place. No wandering. Your leaving and turning is for a purpose. Believe! The Guider of feet is guiding you on.

PRAYER: Father, let good and blessed prophecies find me to perpetuate through. God, make me your choice. Today is my turning point.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 20:1-22:24; Matthew 7:15-29; Psalm 9:1-12; Proverbs 2:16-22

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