Friday, 12 January 2024





Read John 11

Genesis 40:14-15, KJV

"14 But think on me when it shall be well with thee, and shew kindness, I pray thee, unto me, and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house: 15 For indeed I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews: and here also have I done nothing that they should put me into the dungeon."

Yesterday, we dwelt on Hannah and how she presented Samuel to Eli before God saying, "for this child I prayed (I Sam. 1:26 - 27). It was that singular saying that launched the multitude of things God came deliberately to us with. You too this year, you'll have a thing to present or thank God for. You'll have a thing unto which you can direct all attention saying, "for this I prayed." You'll testify as you know God as a faithful God. 

Today's devotional is related though a little move from yesterday's. I heard God. He said, "He wanted to take all the glory and that He doesn't want man's involvement there." Because He wanted to take the glory, God's thoughts may not be your thought and God's plan may not be your plan.

In today's reading, Joseph threw himself at the mercy of the butler whom he has just interpreted his fate and sure was good. He told him heartily to remember him. "I have done nothing that I be locked here. For I was secretly stolen out of the land of the Hebrews." There's no one who'll hear this who won't be moved, empathising and seeking to have him vindicated and delivered at once. However, for two full years, the butler didn't remember Joseph. How easily we forget our neighbours in our newly found comfort? This reveals nothing but selfishness. The growth of which we should mortify seeking to treat our neighbor like we'll be treated. 

How can this man forget Joseph with the bulk of what he did for him and how he favourably engendered himself to him? How? How, would be our question? I rather found out that his forgetting is not ordinary. It was because God wanted to take all the glory. If this man had remembered Joseph that instance, there would have been a fat ground to boast or act void of He that God used. He'll have the "I am doing him a favour" sense. It would also have terminated God's plan which He was working at the background for Joseph. He would have moved ahead of God. Many times, God is moving for us but we think He's slow because our manifestation is not yet. However, we ought to be discerning like Jesus who says, "my time is not yet" (John 7:6). You should know however once your time has come also.  

Not long thereafter, the Bible records saying, "and it came to pass at the end of two full years, that Pharaoh dreamed: and, behold, he stood by the river" (Genesis  41:1, KJV). This is God's move. God's move to take the glory so that no man can gain say. This dream that Pharaoh had which lacked interpreter is what God used to rouse the butler up and remind him of his fault. Immediately, he blurted out saying, "today, I remember my fault" (Gen.41:9).

I pray, "may people surrender over you. May they agree to their shortcomings. May God beat them to stubble and humility, not seeing their importance anymore but their faults, while repenting in dust and ashes. You see, it is such man that has been broken and shown his fault who won't be proud or gain say that he was prominent to lifting anyone up that God can use. If any ever knows he did something however, it would be from the mouth of Joseph who received such favour from him. Why would God be interested in taking all the glory? Basically because he doesn't want us to become inflated at Him saying, "it's our hands that has brought us victory also." He doesn't want Joseph to say, "thank God I had sense enough to beg the help of the butler. If not, I had spend a lifetime in ward." It took God to therefore remind the butler his fault and he himself knows. That's why he says, "today, I remember my fault." People can't say this when they're not moved of God. It shows the butler acknowledged his sin and repented. 

Who are those who should remember their faults over your life as far as you're concerned? Who are those who are in power to discharge a responsibility over you but who haven't? May God make them indebted to you right away. May they agree to being at fault. May they swallow their pride, beat themselves and seek immediately to give the demand of the Lord to you. No one stings and gives reminder better than God. When He recalls memory, people run with speed to do His bidding. At day's end, Joseph was brought out of the prison in haste (Gen.41:14). It had to be in haste because God is now at work. He has collected it from the butler who Joseph gave the file to treat two years ago. Being at work now, all things answer God and shivers at His command. For that reason, things couldn't delay, Joseph had to be brought out in haste. 

We know the concluding story. Here's how Joseph turns the prime minister and God takes all the glory. Do you seem forgotten or your thing seems delayed? It is in order for you to see God's glory and for God to take all the glory. They sent to Jesus to come because Lazarus was sick. It obviously isn't an ordinary sick but one that has become defying - not responding to medical attention. On that note, they'll want the Healer to come. However, Jesus didn't. He only abode two days still with this confession to His disciples. 

John 11:4, KJV

"When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby."

When He got to the site of things however, things were so late that many even faulted Jesus for being so late. This included Mary and Martha. "Lazarus would not have died if Jesus had come", they say. Martha even told Jesus not to make any attempt any longer because Lazarus has now being dead since four days ago and now he stinks. However, we ought to ask. Why did the Lord tarry? Why did He delay and took so long to arrive to attend to what needed urgency? Why did He defy their expectation to work contrarily if not to show them God's glory and let all glory be God's. 

Like Jesus told Martha, "did I not tell you you'll see God's glory if you'll believe" (John 11:40). God is in His act. He knows what He's doing. Being in His best elements, He'll do what He knows how to do best. He didn't visit Joseph's case until two years after the forgetfulness of the butler. The Bible says, "after two full years, Pharaoh dreamed." Mark the expression, "two full years..." Nothing diminished. I can tell you, you'll fulfill your time also. Everything runs to complete a cycle. You'll complete yours. Once you do and patience is thoroughly worked in you, having less or no belief in the arm of flesh, that's when God can visit you. He's coming. Though He might not herald Himself that immediately to you as you had asked of the butler but He'll sure make arrival at the end of two full years. Then, He'll take all the glory. Then, men would voluntarily see their faults and plead your forgiveness over their inactions. It's then nobody would be forced or have a sense of "I am only helping him" but get to work over your case. Then, He'll give you what your connection, endearment etc to men couldn't give you. Remember, He'll come. He's the faithful Father. 

PRAYER: God, I await your appearance, I want to see your glory. Take all the glory.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 26:17-27:46, Matthew 9:1-17, Psalm 10:16-18, Proverbs 3:9-10

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