Sunday, 7 January 2024





Genesis 25:27, KJV

"And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents."

Who we are or should rather be should not be what we want to be but what we are called to be. Everything is by placement. If you were not first placed there, I don't believe you should be there. Calling is what sites people and locates them in a profession or way of life they ought to follow and calling is God's doing (Jer.1:5). God knows the way and to lead you in that way, He might inspire you towards a particular path in life. So, you may need to watch what kind of breathing goes on inside you or your child even as they grow. 

The Bible calls Esau, "a cunning hunter, a man of the field..." What makes Esau a cunning hunter is the fact that he's a man of the field first of all. He has potency, inclination and natural giftedness for that profession because he's an outdoor kind of person. That's the dominant trait or aptitude that clearly summarizes where and in what he could function. A man of the field is an outdoorsman, an extrovert or an outgoing person. 

Esau didn't choose his field by himself. The field chose him. He was called into it. How? He discovered himself by the measuring of the traits, aptitudes, inclination, passion and talents he has put inside him by God meant to place him in a trade, vocation, profession or a particular calling. All these God placed qualities witness to his uniqueness as a person. Cumulatively, they are what placed him in a field he should be. Those are the things that directed him to a profession he was most suited for. 

I've said that before that if Esau had despised his outdoor grace and had gone to be a cook for instance, he wouldn't have excelled. Cookery is more of an indoor and inside thing. What should you therefore be looking for in your children? Observe where they are placed? Observe what category and divide God placed them? Observe their temperaments and differences in aptitude and behaviour. It is what can place them in their chosen fields or callings. Esau became a cunning hunter because he was a man of the field. The inspiration to becoming such professional he became is because he was most suitably made for that. Hunting is an outdoor sport or career. An introvert doesn't have the energy it takes endangering his life in the jungle, seeking to spot and gun down a game that might exhaust him at pursuing. 

Let me ask you, is your child a man of the field or a plain man dwelling in tents? The plain man is an introvert. He'll like solitude above anything. He won't like exploring, checking out or socializing. However, the man of the field would do all that.

In simple explanation, temperament influences what area, field or calling your child is mostly fitted for. If an accident won't result, a man of the tents would remain quiet amidst the tents.  NLT says it better when it says. "As the boys grew, Esau became a skillful hunter. He was an outdoorsman, but Jacob had a quite temperament, preferring to stay at home".

Mark that, "preferring to stay at home." Some other versions says, "contented to dwell amidst the tents." When you're made for something, it naturally comes to you living that life. I'm an introvert and I don't struggle to stay at home. I've not stepped out of my house's gate for a week before. I was just inside reading, studying and cultivating intimacy with God. I don't think my wife can do same thing without a break. She's an outdoor woman. Even if she'll do same activities, she might probably have had breaks of checking out and coming in. Other way round, I don't think I can survive socializing like she does. 

That's what calling is. It is what you find, you're contented to do and you're contented to stay with for life. It will inspire you and suit your nature because it is you. You don't ever get tired of that way of life as to cross or exchange lane with another. Why? You were called differently into different fields, professions or ways of life. It is always, "while Esau is a man of the field, Jacob is a plain man, preferring to stay at home."

When you have found your calling, you'll have this forever contentment of not being mistaken. You'll be satiated to have found your life's work, what you're most suitably made and equipped for and what you can as well use your entire life to live for. You see, when you find calling, it is yourself you live out or express. You don't try to be another person or be someone else. It is rather who God makes you to the core that you expresses. If Esau should pick his bow and arrow now and check to the field, will he be living another man's dreams? No! It'll be living and fulfilling his being an "outdoor man - an extrovert". So also, Jacob's dwelling at home quietly wouldn't have come naturally on any other person because they were not made after that kind. That's the key to joy and peace or else you'll experience inner janglings and discontentment if you break that. 

I pray for you that you'll find your lane and be in your lane. All of you who are called to be men of the field, of the open, of the outdoor won't be turned by money, peer pressure, fame etc to become a man who dwells amidst the tents and vice versa. Each will stay in his lane. 

PRAYER: I stay in my lane. I don't break rank. I refuse to be disabled.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 16:1-18:15, Matthew 6:1-24, Psalm 7:1-17, Proverbs 2:1-5

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