Saturday, 6 January 2024





Proverbs 4:18, KJV

"But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day."

I once taught on "Seeing Your Perfect Day" to our ministry members. Today, I didn't plan going in that direction but for the Holy Spirit calling me into it. This is an extension of the two days titleless series I have done.  

The Bible says, "Esau became a cunning hunter, a man of the field" (Gen.25:27). The simple truth is that Esau saw his perfect day. You may wonder and ask me when that happened to him. Then, I'll tell you that anyone who got to the peak of his career or calling is one who had seen his perfect day. Whenever God calls people into a vocation or calling to pursue, as they pursue it, they keep getting better in it. They'll begin to have better witness over what they've diligently given themselves to. That's why that verse of the Bible that talks about perfect day says, "the path of the just is as the shining light which shines more and more unto the perfect day." The sun is known to vary in its intensity. Its strength at 9am isn't the same with the one at 12pm. That's how it goes until it reaches the best intensity it can deliver in a day. 

There's always a perfect day in the life of any who won't give up. They might start small but if they persist, they'll reach a place of glory, excellence and widely recognized impact where many will testify of having been impacted by them.

Take for instance, an artiste or even a preacher. All of us know how many gospel artistes began. In their days of small beginning, they didn't have the kind of fame that goes ahead of them to testify of their good works now. But as they kept at it, they attained mastery of that trade and are heralded in that field by all and sundry. You might take a founding minister for another example. He might start with only a church until many branches and ministries come out of his calling to the nations. He also might have grown in grace and spirit differently from how he started so much more that he's now a cover and father to many upcoming ministers. Why are they submitting to him to be mentored if not that they recognized he has gotten into his own perfect day while they (the upcoming ministers) are still looking to be mentored and graced into theirs. 

Esau attained his perfect day. I'm sure when Esau started out in hunting, he didn't start out having mastery of that profession once and for all. However, as he persisted, he learnt the criticality and have the experiences of a hunter. These might have taken some good years but because that was his destined field - his field of aptitude, he attained mastery early as a youth. I have told people in all the continents our message on purpose, destiny and calling have gotten to that when you're in the field, vocation or calling you're created or most suited for, it is easier attaining mastery and becoming skillful than in any other. How many of you believed Esau couldn't have attained cunningness or skillfulness if he had gone into another field especially one that is not related to outdoor activities? However, his gifts, flair, inclination and aptitudes were naturally caught out for the outdoor i.e a profession in hunting or other outdoor fields. It's because he chose rightly and went after that passion in which he was naturally gifted that offered him that ahead chance of attaining mastery and reaching his perfect day on time. As at the time Esau reached his perfect day in his profession, he might be sitting at the Association of Professional Hunters with those who were far older than him. Yet, it was his having talents and gifts in that area that helped him focus with more intensity and enjoy enhanced speed to mastery. He therefore got to a place in life, in his career or vocation where there's no other citation to be read for him except than that of those who have hit it all. The citation read for him was "Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the field". Kai! I also want to see better days in my calling and exercise of ministry.

You can see your perfect day too. You can start small and go on until you're reputed to have had many disciples and influenced even nations. When some started or launched their brands, they were only in a neighborhood or even a city but now they have taken the whole world by surprise. By leaps and bounds, they have spread and grown until they attained a success that they never started out with. That height of glory, that height of success that one eventually arrives which is the climax of his career or calling is what we can call the perfect day of a man. It means in that field or vocation, he has become anything anyone can become; he has won anything anyone can win and is now reputed as a father in it. Take footballers for instance. They play until they hang their boots. At hanging their boots, they have reached their perfect day. Perfect day is the height their sun could intensely have shone to. At that time, you now call them, "elderly footballers." They have come, they have seen and they have conquered. Everything the incoming footballers want to have or aspire to is now what and where they have gotten to. Now, they're leaving the posts they have for long kept. Though they're leaving however, it's not unto retrogression but progression. As such, you'll see them become coaches who'll take on another world to conquer and influence. 

The Bible described Esau as a cunning hunter. If he were a footballer, you could call him a skillful footballer. He'll probably be that one who impresses you with his skills or inventor's prowess if he were in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation. Any citation, glory and success that anybody can have is what Esau had. He reached the very climax of his chosen field. He saw his perfect day. Like the sun changes its intensity of strength as the day progresses, so also did Esau changed strength for strength until he entered into the Hall Fame of Renowned Hunters. 

If you'll start, you can see this day. However, ensure you're starting in a profession or a way of life you're naturally suited or equipped for (even if it'll be by training). At such times, one easily becomes distinguished. 

PRAYER: Lord, I have started not to collapse but to reach my perfect day. I shall attain.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 13:5-15:21, Matthew 5:27-48, Psalm 6:1-10, Proverbs 1:29-33

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