Friday, 5 January 2024





Genesis 25:27, KJV

"And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents."

I was once in a seminar where the topic was, "Teaching with Passion." Before the guest speaker began the seminar proper, she dotted on the truth that separated the wheat from the chaff. She said, "she was sure many are here who were not called into the Teaching Profession." They might have been here by accident or with the intention of just putting food on their tables however. That exactly is the difference between those who are called to a field, career path, vocation, way of life and those who are not. If you don't sense being called to an area, it becomes difficult for you excelling or being driven to achievement there. You won't have inner discretion to know what to do per term and what to do always. There's no one who is not being led or guided when called into a chosen profession or way of life. Either by intuition or a kind of revelation, they'll just figure things out in a manner that couldn't have been guessed by those outside that field or without a similar calling. It is only those who are called to be teachers for instance and aren't there for the wrong reasons I believe can teach with passion or behave extraordinarily. It is the sense of being called that'll drive them to mastery and excellence while assuring them of reward in that same field. One thing about calling is this. If you believe you are called to a field or a way of life, you have an evidence and a reason to give all of yourself to it. You don't therefore begin to reason to conserve or preserve yourself for another thing your hand has found doing or that you could do. Not feeling called is wanting to cheat the deployment of all your potential which can facilitate becoming the greatness that God intended for you. So, it is good to be called, felt called and be driven by same sense. When you're called, you're assured you're occupying the perfect niche. You'll have this concreting at heart that what God intended you should do is what you are doing. However, if that is not there, you'll still be thinking of some other possibilities or a better work yet to transit to. The dream of fleeting to another work ends when you're in your calling. However, the dream of expanding and becoming better in that found calling of yours is continuous. You may not transit from being a called minister of God in ministry into the academia. However, you can keep dreaming and fulfilling dreams in a better way having found you're most suited for ministry. Having found your calling - being a minister, you therefore don't take thought for the academia as what to dabble into because God didn't preferentially make you for that. 

Why did I use the word, "preferential." Each human being is suited for a number of things. However, if you'll search carefully, you're best suited for something. That's why even from childhood, we excel differently in some subjects area than the others. We all have natural affection and inclination differently. These created the many fields and professions we have today. We all couldn't have been same thing. Right from childhood, I have been linguistically intelligent. I could use words in an extraordinary manner. So, I am a poet and writer that I am today. That even made me to went as far as bagging a Master's in English Literature. I found out my area of exceptionality and I'm training it with human education suitable for it. That's why you ought not to train or get educated if not to train your calling or discovered career path. If you ask me who made me linguistically intelligent, I'll say God. The same way I've been drawn to words and the use of words isn't the same way figures and Maths come to me. I'm sore displeased and not smooth at cracking figures. My aptitude is lesser in that. So, I might be a failure going on to horn my proficiency in what I do not have natural flair for. I'll one day get disoriented and tired at such.

However, what does the Bible say concerning Esau and Jacob? It says, "Esau became a cunning [skillful] hunter, a man of the field while Jacob became a plain man, dwelling in tents." Very good!

My topic is, "Do You Feel Called?" Why would I have such topic? Because I want to prove that when you're called and you know so, that's when you have the personal motivation and drive to attain mastery in your chosen vocation. Did you read there that the two children of Rebekah who have been prophesied to be differently mannered people chose who to become differently. Esau became a hunter but a cunning one at that. There are professionals and there are otherwise. What Esau became in his calling was a hunter who has learnt his trade well. You couldn't have confused him with one thing in that field. He knows its history and he's following the trends also. Moreso in practice, he's not deficient at all. Esau is not such hunter that wastes arrows on games. To have been described as "cunning" or "skillful", it means he has mastery of hunting skills. At one shooting, he gets the game down. However, the question God desires to call you to is why did you think he attained such mastery in his lifetime? It is because he was called into what he should do. Many times, people confuse being called into a field, vocation or calling to only hearing an audible voice. No! You don't have to. In yesterday's devotional, I showed you how you could be guided or called into a field just by the passion, inclination, aptitudes, gifts and flair you naturally have for a field than any other. At times, your aptitudes could fit a number of fields. From there, you may then choose your colony field. Esau knew what career path to go for. He chose hunting because he was naturally given to the outdoor. He's a talented athlete and spotter. The Bible described him, "as a man of the field". He felt called into hunting because that's the field that all his God given gifts and nature fits the most. He has searched over time as he grew up and discovered that this is the niche to occupy. It was a moment of revelation that dawned on him before he took the bow and the arrows as his way of life. 

Who are therefore those who'll ever attain mastery or become cunning in their callings or career paths? They are those who felt called there first of all. Those are who believe they're rightly situated from the onset. They're the ones who can give their best to their fields and not yet look over the fence for another raving career or calling. If you don't feel called, you can't focus. Comparing yourself with others will never allow you settle and make discoveries in that field that would make you a proponent or scholar to remember. The goal of the calling on you is to see to your becoming all the potential deposited in you. Calling doesn't lead people to smallness but its opposite. It makes you achieve what the world would want to come and see. It is what leads you unto your perfect day until you're described as a "very anointed minister", "a skillful artist/artiste", "a legendary sportsman" etc. So, follow calling! Follow the star!

PRAYER: Lord, I follow my calling today. In my found calling/career, renew my passion and grant me new understanding.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 11:1-13:4, Matthew 5:1-26, Psalm 5:1-12, Proverbs 1:24-28

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