Saturday 30 July 2022



Happy Orelian Day!!!



Ecclesiastes 11:4, KJV

"He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap."

Many there be in Christendom who are not waiting on the Holy Spirit. Who the Holy Spirit is to them isn't real or let's say they haven't learnt Him and His outworking. Some have found themselves in ministry and with pressure either from people or daily necessities to know God's mind have substituted the path for the pseudo they created out of convenience or tradition of men. In short, these are those who look at the sky or weather to prophesy. They are not being led, prompted or stirred by the Holy Spirit into teaching, speaking or the doing of one act or the other. Even when they respond to people's enquiries or searches, they look at every humanly possible ongoings, make judgements from those and then offer a response. So, they eventually become false prophets fit for condemnation.

The Lord told me and I heard. "Woe unto any who looks unto the sky or weather to prophesy. They shall not only slip but be disappointed!" "Prophesy" there means "to act." He that observes the wind shall not sow and he that observes the cloud shall not reap. The "wind" and the "cloud" are two natural phenomena or elements. We can gather that something will happen by them - when they're at work. They are even one of the best ways to naturally read that it might rain. When the cloud gathers obviously, one might judge by that it would rain. This is the addition of 2+2 which gives 4. But that's human calculation based on happenings in the environment which our intellect has picked or could add up. That it is cloudy doesn't always mean it would rain. Now, let us assume you're such a fellow who bases his deeds on the judgements of things round him before acting, how prosperous would you be? You'll embrace the evil, miss the good and be hindered from the best many times. For example, the election is coming in Nigeria. You'll hear some prophets begin to prophesy that it is this or that who will win. Many times, they do so having known the reputation, years of experience, cunningness, popularity etc of the fellow they're predicting. Those are actually the things they're counting on to win him the election and not because "God really says." So, they watch, take a roll call, call the numbers first of all and then use their little human mind to say, "this is what would happen. This is my choice. God's choice." God has a surprise for people of your like. 

Christians are to live on instructions. They're to leave from inside out and not outside in. There's no guarantee that a thing would happen or won't gathered from any other source that holds water except God tells you "yes" or "no." I wonder why people aren't afraid. When you do your 2+2, is there not a part of you witnessing "you did this yourself. It's a guess work and it could fail" to you. Being occasional falling in line at times doesn't make you right because you'll know if none knows how you derived your answer. God is therefore calling us to real Christianity of not judging by ongoing daily activities around us to act but of leveraging on the "words of His own mouth (Matt.4:4)." Esteem the words of His mouth more than your daily necessary food (Job 23:12). He who watches the sky to act is he who won't go to reap because he'll believe it would rain. Whenever it doesn't rain, he can't but waste that day, that moment or hour which if he had been led, he'll never have been under fear or doubt of "likeliness of rain." Such also miss right timing and the beautiful time of each thing God ordains to be done in their calendars. It is better to be led than doing vain, doubtful calculation that you're not confident about. Obtain your results and let your acts come from He who created the cloud. When it will or will not rain, He knows and He is the best one to tell you whether to carry a step despite what the weather might be revealing or not. You may be looking at the economy of your country and so not invest, build or carry some steps. But if you were to ask God, He might tell you to launch out and that resources will come. Even in famine, Isaac sowed in the land and reaped hundred fold. Previously, he was watching his natural circumstances to act. So, he had gathered himself to travel to Egypt. However, God saved him from transgression and directed him to live by His own words. When others saw him stay back, they might have wondered at his foolishness but every action prompted by God's mouth or leading can't but be that of wisdom. People will soon be surprised to ask you "how, how?"

PRAYER: Lord, may I not be cursed for impersonating you to have spoken when you've not. May all my acts proceed from you in waiting and gathering.  

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 24:1-25:28; Romans 12:1-21; Psalm 22:19-31; Proverbs 20:8-10

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Friday 29 July 2022


FRIDAY - 29TH JULY, 2022



Read Exodus 17:8-13

Genesis 49:23-24, KJV

"23 The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him: 24 But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel:)"

God, this is the kind of help I need from you because I know life will battle me and I must battle it! Winning is undebatable. Aren't you praying the same? How could the bow of Joseph still remain firm though the archers were constantly at him grieving him? So, despite all, he remains stable, untattered and never doused.The billows of life will beat. Temptation shall come. Persecution shall arise. Will your bow still abide in strength? Will your faith withstand the test or you'll backslide? Some Christians couldn't weather the economy so they begin to join the heathen to gain from the spoil of bribery and corruption. God is here to make you see that human endurance or will can't trek long distance except he is supernaturally aided. While it is part of the gifts of the Spirit to have long-suffering yet we know that all human beings have their breaking point. That Joseph was never broken was because God made his arm strong. So much more that it looked he was never wearied or thought once of giving up. What God does is that even if you near the breaking point, you won't still break. You will always return, recover and stay on in the fight. You remember Moses on the hill. He was holding his rod. For as long as he is unweary, Israel keeps winning. Whenever he tires and the rod falls below, the Amalekites ruins them. To prevent this, a stone was put for him to sit while Aaron and Hur were given him to help steady his hand. Why would the hands of Moses begin to go down? He was wearied. There's nothing so strong about human endurance. Each of us has our breaking point. However, you may have the testimony of "not ever beaten" though "severally threatened."

Don't forget, archers are frustrators. They begin with Joseph when they got intimidated and jealous of his future. He was sold into slavery with the believe that they shall see how those his dreams shall come to pass. However, it didn't end there. At Egypt, he was sold to Potiphar. God being with him, he became head of the slaves. Not long, Joseph was accused of rape, not of a maiden in the house but the madam. That's how he was hauled into jail. Now, why didn't Joseph break down (visibly to all eyes to see) despite all these series of events? Why did it seems he persisted until he fulfilled his destiny? It even never showed David had a rough day to our minds because he was eventually victorious. It may all the same look as if he only cruised through life to that height. The reason is simple. God was the one who made his bow to be steadied. I know some of you are fans of action movies. You must have watched movies on battles of arrows. When archers are shooting arrows, it makes sense to dodge and fire back. That's why they use the shield. The imagery being portrayed here of Joseph however is that of Moses holding a staff but the staff in Joseph's case remains steady despite the rigour. Don't forget, when Aaron and Hur assisted Moses, his arm was steadied also. The same way, God assisted Joseph to steady his bow and make his arm strong. How? By giving him breaks. One, after being sold by his brother who have the belief of his having been forever forsaken, we were told God was with him and he quickly found favour with Potiphar and became the head of his house. Isn't that good news? He's still a slave but one with dignity and hope of a good tomorrow. Break two came when he was hauled into prison by the grieving of another archer but kept hope alive that the butler would mention him to Pharaoh. So, God orchestrated and built into Joseph's journey resting points. This made his bow to be steady and his arm strong to handle the next challenge to come. 

I once visited "Idanre Hills" in Ondo State, Nigeria. The hills have 682 steps from the ground with five resting places when I visited. Why the resting places? It's for tourists to make a stop, catch their breath before continuing their climbing. That's exactly what God did for Joseph. If not, who's that man who archers, grievous archers would face and won't break. Frustration of the soul can make one say, "enough is enough. I have tried." May you not justify yourself to your failure. However, God made Joseph look like a wonder to the world. So much more that when his brothers finally meet him, they wondered how he made it. Slavery was not seen upon him. He has not been singed. They never knew it was God's doing and provision that made him such a strong incollapsable building. If it were human strength, he'll have entered into the point if no return. But whenever he nears it, hope always shine for him to encourage him that, "and there's an expected end." Who am I sent to as God's anointed prophet today? I declare that you'll withstand every grievous archers' doings. Is it jealousy, petty envy, hatred, persecution or even enchantment, you shall become outstanding and victorious because He who strengthened Joseph's arm shall strengthens yours. You may indeed experience those things but your covenant position is "when you pass through the water, it shall not overwhelm you and through the fire, it shall not kindle on you (Isa. 43:2)."

PRAYER: Lord, steady me against what life, the economy, politics and the state of my nation may throw at me. Also against what enemy of destiny and dreams may do.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 21:1-23:21; Romans 11:13-36; Psalm 22:1-18; Proverbs 20:7

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Thursday 28 July 2022





Read Job 14:7-11

Job 14:9, KJV

"Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant."

Did you receive that prophetic declaration at all? Your tender branch will not cease! "Tender" there denotes "newness." Day by day, a living tree will keep bringing forth new branches, new leaves and new fruits. This testifies of its continuity and its ever producing ability. It never runs out of stock or what it was created to do. Season or man's deed  may disrupt it but if some conditions are met, it will always continue performing like the former days. Look, even if life becomes contrary and it seems all has been lost, you'll always make a come back. Continuous existence is your covenant position. You will not cease being productive! Let them plan your overthrow, you'll still come back to head them. You will not cease being seen. Your products will always be caught on camera. You'll always be the rave of the town. Though it's been awhile that you've been put on the ground by defeat, men or Satan, God is saying that's not the end, "you won't still cease making appearances." Your tender branch will not cease. They'll continue to know you with what they've afore known you with and then additionally with new things. New oil, new product!

A tree cut down with its root and the stump in ground has hope. The mistake that the devil made and is making over your life is that you're yet alive. If you were dead, we could say, "sealed and conclusive." However, you're yet breathing. What has happened to you can therefore be recovered from even though when you've been really wrecked. Hope isn't lost. Revival and resurrection of hope is still very much possible. For a tree who still has its roots deep in the soil and its stock though old established in same, all that's need for a recalling, reactiveness and restoration to its usual days of functioning is basically water. Once it smells water, it will soak it in in gratitude and begin to crawl back again. Men who cut it down may think that's impossible but the tree knows "all I need is water." That's why that place says, "at the scent of water, it shall sprout up again." "Water" therefore becomes the element of hope, restoration and a transforming agent being awaited by any tree (you) that has been singed in life. You need to take in water. The moment water begins to near you, the moment you receive the ministry of hope, irrespective of how long you've been in that position (of its roots being old in the ground), you'll come back to performance. Your factory won't close down. Your machines will keep running. 

God is restoring and taking back to former days of functioning. God must restore you. It has been awhile you contacted joy, overflowing joy but at this time, God is bringing back your joy. Anything that will make you grow back, function suitably and to your maximal peak, God is letting them happen to you to make you flow and overflow. You'll reconnect. New partners will seek you even from abroad. They'll offer their partnership. You'll receive grants. A loss in venture in this life isn't the end. At the scent of water, you'll bud again (once again go into production). Resources is all you need. Though you may seem to be starting from the scratch, yet by time, you'll retrieve your empire and probably see a greater one than the one afore lost. The story of Samson depicts it. His head was shaven and his strength as well departed from him. He became a toiling instrument and a nonentity. For awhile, he was no longer relevant in the ministry of the deliverer God had called him and even the media were silent about him. Suddenly however, his hair like a new shoot of plants grows back and it was recorded that he killed more at his death (just at that recovery) than he had killed during the time he was once active in ministry. Fight is still in your body. Don't let any call you an "old lion."

Judges 16:30, KJV 

"...So the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life."

Your tomorrow can be better than today isn't a loose cliche statement. It's a reality in the Scripture which can overtake you and has by today's visitation overtaken you. New shoots I see irrespective of how long you've been out of business. You're surviving all odds because you're raised up. 

PRAYER: Lord, I will always have an evidence to persistent living. I'll have the last laugh. I will tarry in calling and what I've found to do. Evergreen; ever producing.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 19:1-20:37; Romans 10:14-11:12; Psalm 21:1-13; Proverbs 20:4-6

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Wednesday 27 July 2022




BROKEN BONES CAN REJOICE - It's Been Awhile Series 002

Psalms 51:8, KJV

"Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice."

Broken bones can rejoice. Bones are the framework of the body. Imagine having a fracture somewhere, it means one may not be able to use that part of the body. David asked that every broken bones would rejoice. At that time, his deed of adultery with Bathsheba has been revealed and obviously you could say he was depressed or apprehensive for same. He was sorry at discovery. He seems to lack encouragement. He lacks liveliness caused by guilt, shame and judgement of God. Joy was gone. The Spirit of fluency, flamboyance or buoyancy which makes a thing float on water instead of sinking had left patronizing him. So, his bones seems to have been fractured and broken all around. He's the rejected and dejected one at that time. Nothing to boast of at that time.  

So, he prayed for reinstatement asking that  God will make him to hear joy and gladness. Why that? To any depressed mind, there's a  cure. Hearing joy and gladness can't but raise his bowed head up. You see, A is a remedy for B. Only God knows how many have broken bones - are in a very depressive and tired state. It may be because of an unanswered request. Waiting has been for ages and they've lost all sense of hope. 

Proverbs 13:12, KJV

"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life."

It will happen without it eventually happening can sink anyone. But when it happens, even a dead in his grave who hears will rise. It's like he who has been fasting and suddenly breaks. You'll observe he'll come to life and active activity better. His face will shine better and he'll look more fascinating. He won't be passive like before. If you're tired and inconsistency is beginning to show forth in your ways, you're such God wants to come for. Just an administering of a dose of the medicine called "joy and gladness" will quicken and revive your soul. It has not ceased to work. Men of old testified of it. You will suddenly resurrect and come back to life. All things will suddenly be bright and beautiful to you. How does God practically administers this dose? It is by answering you and meeting your needs. Our needs met are like incentives for morale boosting. You just have encouragement to keep trekking on. Needs withdrawn brings frustration. Fast forward, it can lead to suicide. The one met today put us in a comforted state to go on and battle tomorrow. At the doorstep of tomorrow, we'll as well trust God to come clear for us. May you receive good news. A letter of joy. A call for interview, visa approval. Anything that can further your encouragement and bring you out of the burying of your head in your palms, God is outrightly delivering it to you. Broken bones will rejoice. It has not ended, the fight isn't over, here's hope on the horizon. 

PRAYER: At my point of discouragement and lowness, raise me up. Let me know joy in my inward part. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 17:1-18:34; Romans 9:25-10:13; Psalm 20:1-9; Proverbs 20:2-3

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Tuesday 26 July 2022




AT YOUR APPEARANCE - It's Been Awhile Series 001

Matthew 2:9-10, KJV

"9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. 10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy."

It is not good needing help with help not coming. It is possible that one has an expectation but the expectation gets delayed. However, what happens when a long awaited expectation suddenly happens? There's a quickening in both spirit, soul and body. Life suddenly makes sense and one wants to live it more. That's why it's my prayer today that you'll come alive. It's my prayer today that you'll hear joy. Joy do rouse up and you will experience it. 

The wise men were set on their journey by the natal star of Jesus. However, the star only hinted the place of birth of Jesus, it didn't lead them on. On getting to Jerusalem, they had to enquire where Jesus, the King of the Jews would be born while saying, "we've seen His star in the East." It was not knowing the way to the exact place and not been guided to the place by this supernatural element that caused their stumbling into Herod's palace. There's no one who knows the way who goes around begging the way round a thing. Herod having being made insecure would like to know who that King of the Jews is who has come to contest with him. Herod obviously has no good plans for Jesus and so he sent the wise men to go find Jesus and bring him words that he also might worship him. 

It was at this particular time the star appeared as they embark on Herod's errand. Without being called, conjured or summoned outrightly, the star appeared once again. God knows our needs. He feels our desperation. This was the star that appeared to them in the Eastern sky. They saw its signal and it was the initiator of their journey. The star since then had however withdrew itself nor did it disclose itself to them again. At this critical point when the matter of location and exactness of which house Jesus would be had not even been settled, the star appears to lead the way. Now, when the star appears, what happened? We were told that they were really happy. The wise men were. You see, that could mean they've been coveting the appearance of the star secretly which if they had seen revealed would have eliminated the problem of seeking for Jesus' birth place around.  Having tasted of the function and leading power of the star afore time, seeing it now may begin to hint at its coming to help them and that's exactly what the star came for. That long appeared star, the long awaited star finally shows itself at a critical moment when Jesus must be located and time saved. So, they were happy to see their long time "indicator of which way to go."

There are expressions and feelings that follow when one's long time need is met. We can't describe all because it varies from men to men but one thing is sure, people are always happy. The happiness of the wise men there reveals their arousal of hope. It means, "now, we know the place." It means, "now, He who sets us on this journey has not forlorn us. Here is His guide to us again and we shall arrive." Indeed, they arrived. The star led them all the way to Bethlehem of Judea and not only stopped in Bethlehem or its entrance but went to rightly locate and stand on the very house that baby Jesus was. Even the compass that the chief priests (afore given by prophets) gave only said, "in Bethlehem of Judea" according to prophecy. It never knew the way enough as to predict the very house. As you'll agree with me, if the star had not appeared at that moment of criticality (when they had already tumbled around asking for Jesus' place of birth and so had wasted some time in effective journeying), they would have gotten to Judea to begin another search for the house He might be. The exact place was not at all certain. That's why Herod himself said, "search diligently and find" (Matt.2:8).

Look at me, God sees your longing. He knows you've already being troubled on all sides. He knows you've been a victim somehow. He's redeeming you right away. Provision is being sent. Hope is arriving. Your journey shall henceforth be smooth and direct. Guess work are ending. Trouble and walking in cycle has ended. If at the appearance of the star, the wise men became "happy - smiled, burst into laughter, appreciated God" for the timely help and the great save, then let me say "you're next to have such experience." The encouragement is this, "the day will break for you. Just don't break before it breaks." The wise men persisted in their journey even when the star (that leads smoothly without doubt) was nowhere to be found. However when that ingredient appeared, they celebrated it for what it is and what it can do. I therefore declare, receive joy in your house. Let every broken bones rejoice. Let every bowed head arise. Let depressed heart be lifted. Look up, behold your star (your hope giver, your answered prayer). I announce its arriver to you. Today, you receive your expectation and that'll lead you into happiness you've not known before. No more delayed arrival. It is now. Have it!

PRAYER: Lord, I receive the appearance of my "star." Its appearance announces hope, happiness, right guidance, speed and joy. I receive answered prayers that makes a man grateful and willing to do more in life.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 17:1-18:34; Romans 9:25-10:13; Psalm 20:1-9; Proverbs 20:2-3

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Monday 25 July 2022


 MONDAY - 25TH JULY, 2022



Acts 23:12, KJV

"And when it was day, certain of the Jews banded together, and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul."

When you're hot, you'll attract attention. Only that, it's not angels only that will take note of you. Satan and his cohorts will do. When they do, get ready for all sorts of fights and manifestations of same through human beings of flesh and blood. 

Paul has converted to the Way which he once persecuted. This seems a grievous thing. Now, he preaches to contend with those he had once sided and sought consent from (Acts 9:1-2). Now, he's spreading the Way and he seems to be too zealous, damaging and so must be contained. In the bid to have him boxed, some serious, resolute men banded themselves together and revealed themselves to the authority of the high priest on how they're ready to suffer and sacrifice to see that Paul is not only silenced but killed. Their resolution reveals utmost seriousness. They're not wishful thinkers but actors and steps carriers. First of all, they bind themselves with an oath or a curse. Humans are known for fragility of will and he might turn back from his recent commitment. As to avoid that, they secured the group's commitment to killing Paul by swearing an oath and placing themselves under compulsion. The oath is that until he's killed, they won't eat. We all know how important food is to our sustainment and how it's impossible for the body to do without it for many days. That's the extent these ones are willing to afflict themselves to ensure that just one man is cut off. 

How do you face your targets? With resolution, focus, dedication and staunch commitment or with a wishful attitude? It will be unfortunate if the commitment of any Christian is not known in anything he does. It must be clear that we are here to stay and succeed. Though they didn't finally find Paul to be murdered yet no one had a shadow of doubt at the onset that Paul won't be killed. To kill him, they left other things unattended to and that includes any sort of pleasure. Do you have a pursuit? Let it show how much you crave achieving it by the intensity of your pursuit. Pursue with revenge, newness, vigour, strength and singleness of heart. Drive yourself to achievement. Give yourself a morale booster. Be a taskmaster to yourself. Set goals and fix deadlines. Let statements like, "until I finish, I won't eat, sleep or  take a step out" be your acting guide. This will leave you with no option but to concentrate and get tasks done once and for all. Let the day own trouble be sufficient for the day. Carrying over is dangerous and at the end not accomplished. Those men were men of one thing. Paul was their objective. Until you are, your pursuing may be weak. 

PRAYER: Give me the will to be resolute and pursue my resolution.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 14:1-16:14; Romans 9:1-24; Psalm 19:1-14; Proverbs 20:1

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Monday 27 June 2022


GRACE NOT IN VAIN! - God's Aid And Enablement To Each Man For Fulfillment Of Destiny. 

You can receive the grace of God in vain. However, God is sensitizing you not to receive same in vain. If it rains and you don't collect the water in any way possible; on the longer run, you won't have any evidence that it rained especially if the ground dries and you have no water in reservation. If you're then inspected for water or asked to give a drink to anyone without being able to fulfill this demand, the fault won't be because it didn't rain but because you didn't collect and reserve for use the water that could have served good purposes for you or others. Rain water can be wasted even when given as God's blessing. This is how some waste grace plus other heavenly releases by which they should amount because:

1. They're not in what grace is being released for. These are the class of people labouring outside their circle while trusting that they'll breakthrough, be known all over and be rewarded in life in that same wrong field that God must amend them on.

2. They're not maximizing grace in what they're really made for and are already doing. It is either they're working less or not adding diligence to make their calling and election show and sure.

3. They're deceived that they're alone and have no supernatural backup in what they have been called to or have found doing. So, they never succumbed to the call in the first place let alone recon, believe or leverage grace after being called. So, they become timid individuals who can't dare stepping on the waters because they have no receipt of being called out like Peter or because they invalidated their evidence of being called by doubt to becoming the hindered, the stopped and the stagnant remaining people. 

God is the God of all grace. For offices, functions and to persons are grace given. You currently have grace released to aid you somewhere even if you don't know where or you're not taking advantage of the grace. Grace is the willingness of God to use His power on your behalf. I'll speak in the direction of who God has said you should become. Grace has been given you to become that entity. Yes, even that global phenomenon. I'll use this analogy of myself and another. An elderly brother I knew right from his campus days had been in league with lecturers. As a student, lecturers trusted him with the scripts of Junior Levels to mark. When he passed out as well, he continued doing same and would as well supervise or teach on their behalf. Many lecturers especially those of his field just found him so available and useful to use. Now, the brother is in the academic field. He lectures on per term basis in two public tertiary institutions and on full term in a private one. But I see beyond that. Grace is what has made a space for him there. God is using His own power to make space for him somewhere though he also has his good conducts that sustain such relationships. You may call it unmerited favour. This extent to which he went deep and found acceptance from these lecturers at an early time proves that his given space in the academic was God granted. It's like the door of utterance, if God does not fling it open, an exhorter can't prophesy (that is forth speak or exhort). God must have given that brother a flair to be interested in anything academic and instructed those older lecturers to be favourably disposed towards him without their discerning that God was behind their acceptance of his person. Did God not instruct the Widow of Zarephath to receive Elijah even under such situation he ought to be refused? When God speaks to people on your behalf, contention ceases and no one argues. God seeing what his destiny was quickly brought him into agreement with fathers in that field on whose shoulders he rose. 

Now, if I compare this my brother whom I was still with this weekend with myself, you'll see that we're engraced and offered space or privileges differently. While on campus, God rose me to the highest office in Christendom. So much more that I was brought face to face with many indigenous and international ministers that we know today. I have hot contacts of head of ministries and General Overseers. I not only know them but we have working relationships together. If I have questions or enquiries about anything and I drop a message for them, you'll see them reply me. Now, let's ask, "was it my effort that made me come in contact with them?" No!  God orchestrated our meetings while I have agreed or team mated with why He brought me in contact with them till date. I've never violated my own part of the bargain. I give them honour and do offer myself for their services when needed. When I thought of how I came in contact with one apostle and prophet that is not a man of mean status before God and men, I do wonder how. I spent nothing less than 3 years aggregately learning from this minister, living with him and eating his food on full term basis. Till now, he's a man I still have his hearing. This morning, I still spoke with him on what his take was on a spiritual matter. He gave me his interpretation and I was made strong on what I had afore deemed it to be. I told someone of being in contact and relationship with another major minister and General Overseer in Nigeria, the fellow was just so surprised after seeing the evidences of our relationship.

I found out by having gone this road of destiny or the called that if God wants you rise somewhere, He'll raise you there and make men there open up to you, receive you as someone to agree with and be raised into a future in that thing. That's just where you'll achieve bumper results as you work. When you push in that direction, things will answer you to your surprise and even at a greater outcome than your result. That will make you wonder if it is by your effort you've finally become somebody in there. 

One of the occasional revealing truths that you're not meant for where you are is that you're constantly being contended with by those who are established there but who should receive you. There's one thing I've tested and found out over and over again, God makes space for people where they should be erected. That's why this special verse in Isaiah refers to space being made for Jesus amidst the strong and the great. 

Isaiah 53:12, KJV

"Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors."

He was given a name greater than any other after He completed His assignment of redemption. That reward is chief and it brought Jesus into the numbering of those we can call "the Greats." In the calling, God can make a space for a little boy that no one knows until he becomes introduced into the body of Christ and get famed all around. Think of how gospel artistes or ministers you know became mightily known. That's how David rose under Saul until he became the king. God at times do raise new shoots to take over old stocks. This is the work that God does. He releases a grace to go with you as you journey on the road He has earmarked for you to take which off course you have discovered, you're living for and has become your sole or chief passion. He'll make people open up to you. He'll just make people accommodate you. They'll just adopt you. Imagine Samuel being adopted by Eli. Elisha being adopted by Elijah. Joshua being adopted by Moses and Jesus adopting the disciples. Whenever you see a relationship like this, that tutelage will one day become like his master and be known for what his master does. Jesus Himself said, the works He did, we'll do and then predicted our doing greater works. We already have an evidence of same in that His disciples did already and many are doing same to our faces in our generation. God who has seen the days of any He calls ahead him is He who in His infinite plan will send such and affiliate him with influences who will make him such vessel as He'll like him become for manifestation. We're pleaded with not to receive God's grace in vain. 

II Corinthians 6:1, KJV

"We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain."

It means utilize "grace" for the purpose it is being released even if it is grace for salvation. It means make full proof of being supernaturally aided, called or ordained into something. Your calling, ordaining or receiving of hands aren't ordinary. By the laying on of hands of Moses on Joshua, he received the Spirit of wisdom (Deut. 34:9, KJV). That's an impartation with which he worked. His supernatural equipping that was not an initiative of any man's labour but God's endowment only. He should make full proof of that gift. Paul admonished Timothy to make same full proof of the gifts he received by his putting on of hands on him (II Tim 1:6). He talked of stirring. Ask yourself, that stirring is to what purpose? You think that was ordinary right? No! You'll have received God's grace in vain if you're not utilizing grace into becoming who you should become for which God has offered you same. 

I work in the secular. I know but I need to ask myself if I'm making full proof of my calling by leveraging on grace which God releases to make me into a minister in His records. It is grace with your cooperation - diligence that will make your calling and election sure. God is doing His part in releasing this lubricant that you can't manufacture yourself (it's a donation of God from God) so that in the volumes of books, you'll become God's will and not accuse Him of having never being contributory. Part of His contribution is to open doors to public platforms for you but you must be prepared to enter. At release, you must learn "labouring" or "co-working" with God or grace. 

I Corinthians 15:10, KJV

"But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

While Paul laboured more than them all, yet He attributed his achievement or having being assisted to have such bumper result to grace or a donation or an enablement that God made available to him. "All glory to God", he said in essence. This should be your story - one that doesn't receive God's grace in vain. So, take hold of the horns of the altar and pray for the full maximization of grace to become all you're destined to be while you daily see to it that you make diligence your motto on what you've been called to do. 

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria. 

+234 81 37 04 68 12.

10:14am - 11:51pm. 
