Monday, 27 June 2022


GRACE NOT IN VAIN! - God's Aid And Enablement To Each Man For Fulfillment Of Destiny. 

You can receive the grace of God in vain. However, God is sensitizing you not to receive same in vain. If it rains and you don't collect the water in any way possible; on the longer run, you won't have any evidence that it rained especially if the ground dries and you have no water in reservation. If you're then inspected for water or asked to give a drink to anyone without being able to fulfill this demand, the fault won't be because it didn't rain but because you didn't collect and reserve for use the water that could have served good purposes for you or others. Rain water can be wasted even when given as God's blessing. This is how some waste grace plus other heavenly releases by which they should amount because:

1. They're not in what grace is being released for. These are the class of people labouring outside their circle while trusting that they'll breakthrough, be known all over and be rewarded in life in that same wrong field that God must amend them on.

2. They're not maximizing grace in what they're really made for and are already doing. It is either they're working less or not adding diligence to make their calling and election show and sure.

3. They're deceived that they're alone and have no supernatural backup in what they have been called to or have found doing. So, they never succumbed to the call in the first place let alone recon, believe or leverage grace after being called. So, they become timid individuals who can't dare stepping on the waters because they have no receipt of being called out like Peter or because they invalidated their evidence of being called by doubt to becoming the hindered, the stopped and the stagnant remaining people. 

God is the God of all grace. For offices, functions and to persons are grace given. You currently have grace released to aid you somewhere even if you don't know where or you're not taking advantage of the grace. Grace is the willingness of God to use His power on your behalf. I'll speak in the direction of who God has said you should become. Grace has been given you to become that entity. Yes, even that global phenomenon. I'll use this analogy of myself and another. An elderly brother I knew right from his campus days had been in league with lecturers. As a student, lecturers trusted him with the scripts of Junior Levels to mark. When he passed out as well, he continued doing same and would as well supervise or teach on their behalf. Many lecturers especially those of his field just found him so available and useful to use. Now, the brother is in the academic field. He lectures on per term basis in two public tertiary institutions and on full term in a private one. But I see beyond that. Grace is what has made a space for him there. God is using His own power to make space for him somewhere though he also has his good conducts that sustain such relationships. You may call it unmerited favour. This extent to which he went deep and found acceptance from these lecturers at an early time proves that his given space in the academic was God granted. It's like the door of utterance, if God does not fling it open, an exhorter can't prophesy (that is forth speak or exhort). God must have given that brother a flair to be interested in anything academic and instructed those older lecturers to be favourably disposed towards him without their discerning that God was behind their acceptance of his person. Did God not instruct the Widow of Zarephath to receive Elijah even under such situation he ought to be refused? When God speaks to people on your behalf, contention ceases and no one argues. God seeing what his destiny was quickly brought him into agreement with fathers in that field on whose shoulders he rose. 

Now, if I compare this my brother whom I was still with this weekend with myself, you'll see that we're engraced and offered space or privileges differently. While on campus, God rose me to the highest office in Christendom. So much more that I was brought face to face with many indigenous and international ministers that we know today. I have hot contacts of head of ministries and General Overseers. I not only know them but we have working relationships together. If I have questions or enquiries about anything and I drop a message for them, you'll see them reply me. Now, let's ask, "was it my effort that made me come in contact with them?" No!  God orchestrated our meetings while I have agreed or team mated with why He brought me in contact with them till date. I've never violated my own part of the bargain. I give them honour and do offer myself for their services when needed. When I thought of how I came in contact with one apostle and prophet that is not a man of mean status before God and men, I do wonder how. I spent nothing less than 3 years aggregately learning from this minister, living with him and eating his food on full term basis. Till now, he's a man I still have his hearing. This morning, I still spoke with him on what his take was on a spiritual matter. He gave me his interpretation and I was made strong on what I had afore deemed it to be. I told someone of being in contact and relationship with another major minister and General Overseer in Nigeria, the fellow was just so surprised after seeing the evidences of our relationship.

I found out by having gone this road of destiny or the called that if God wants you rise somewhere, He'll raise you there and make men there open up to you, receive you as someone to agree with and be raised into a future in that thing. That's just where you'll achieve bumper results as you work. When you push in that direction, things will answer you to your surprise and even at a greater outcome than your result. That will make you wonder if it is by your effort you've finally become somebody in there. 

One of the occasional revealing truths that you're not meant for where you are is that you're constantly being contended with by those who are established there but who should receive you. There's one thing I've tested and found out over and over again, God makes space for people where they should be erected. That's why this special verse in Isaiah refers to space being made for Jesus amidst the strong and the great. 

Isaiah 53:12, KJV

"Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors."

He was given a name greater than any other after He completed His assignment of redemption. That reward is chief and it brought Jesus into the numbering of those we can call "the Greats." In the calling, God can make a space for a little boy that no one knows until he becomes introduced into the body of Christ and get famed all around. Think of how gospel artistes or ministers you know became mightily known. That's how David rose under Saul until he became the king. God at times do raise new shoots to take over old stocks. This is the work that God does. He releases a grace to go with you as you journey on the road He has earmarked for you to take which off course you have discovered, you're living for and has become your sole or chief passion. He'll make people open up to you. He'll just make people accommodate you. They'll just adopt you. Imagine Samuel being adopted by Eli. Elisha being adopted by Elijah. Joshua being adopted by Moses and Jesus adopting the disciples. Whenever you see a relationship like this, that tutelage will one day become like his master and be known for what his master does. Jesus Himself said, the works He did, we'll do and then predicted our doing greater works. We already have an evidence of same in that His disciples did already and many are doing same to our faces in our generation. God who has seen the days of any He calls ahead him is He who in His infinite plan will send such and affiliate him with influences who will make him such vessel as He'll like him become for manifestation. We're pleaded with not to receive God's grace in vain. 

II Corinthians 6:1, KJV

"We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain."

It means utilize "grace" for the purpose it is being released even if it is grace for salvation. It means make full proof of being supernaturally aided, called or ordained into something. Your calling, ordaining or receiving of hands aren't ordinary. By the laying on of hands of Moses on Joshua, he received the Spirit of wisdom (Deut. 34:9, KJV). That's an impartation with which he worked. His supernatural equipping that was not an initiative of any man's labour but God's endowment only. He should make full proof of that gift. Paul admonished Timothy to make same full proof of the gifts he received by his putting on of hands on him (II Tim 1:6). He talked of stirring. Ask yourself, that stirring is to what purpose? You think that was ordinary right? No! You'll have received God's grace in vain if you're not utilizing grace into becoming who you should become for which God has offered you same. 

I work in the secular. I know but I need to ask myself if I'm making full proof of my calling by leveraging on grace which God releases to make me into a minister in His records. It is grace with your cooperation - diligence that will make your calling and election sure. God is doing His part in releasing this lubricant that you can't manufacture yourself (it's a donation of God from God) so that in the volumes of books, you'll become God's will and not accuse Him of having never being contributory. Part of His contribution is to open doors to public platforms for you but you must be prepared to enter. At release, you must learn "labouring" or "co-working" with God or grace. 

I Corinthians 15:10, KJV

"But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

While Paul laboured more than them all, yet He attributed his achievement or having being assisted to have such bumper result to grace or a donation or an enablement that God made available to him. "All glory to God", he said in essence. This should be your story - one that doesn't receive God's grace in vain. So, take hold of the horns of the altar and pray for the full maximization of grace to become all you're destined to be while you daily see to it that you make diligence your motto on what you've been called to do. 

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria. 

+234 81 37 04 68 12.

10:14am - 11:51pm. 


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