Wednesday, 30 November 2022





Read Isaiah 53:1-10

Isaiah 53:10, KJV

"Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand."

If you read from verse one, you'll understand this place began by speaking about Jesus. And it is still of Him that speech is being made prophetically. It was said that "in His hands, the pleasure of the Lord will prosper." We should ask, what's the "pleasure of the Lord?" Simply put, it's also the "will of God." "Pleasure" refers to what has been found and one is delighted in; do recline in or like to habitually do." If a thing is the pleasure of anyone being willed to another, it immediately carries the potency to succeed since it's the pleasure of a greater fellow and a greater realm being acted out. So, "the pleasure of the Lord", is what He's  favourably disposed to. Let heaven and earth pass away, if a thing is the pleasure of the Lord, it must be done and must come to pass. What even makes it quickly burn and come to pass is that it's the pleasure of the Lord: what He founds, ordains, wills and then commissions to men by apportioning them. There's nothing in heaven and on earth that God is favourably disposed to if not His own will or pleasure. His pleasure is what He Himself ordains to be done. That's God's desire, wish or inner breathings. He seeks men on the earth to preach the gospel by which men could be saved for instance. That's one pleasure of the Lord. It keeps prospering daily. Wise people are those who seeks to know the pleasure of the Lord somewhere and then jump into it. Immediately, they'll begin to excel. Their excelling is not primarily because they're verily educated in handling that thing but because there's a word that goes with that pleasure of the Lord which their hands have found to do with all their might. So, they'll surf and rise on the energy of that pleasure or the Lord's will. They'll therefore become a wonder and be marvellous in people's sights.

Now, that place says, "and the pleasure of the Lord will prosper in His hands." This should be our prayer and then our objective. First of all, as a Christian or a minister, ensure you're in God's will and doing God's pleasure (what God is happy with). Ensure you're in alignment by doing only what you've found out by search that God wanted done. There are many things that God has ordained to be done. There's no time anyone does them that God is not delighted and gratified that they're been done. For example, what fast has God ordained? If not the one that'll loose the shackles of oppression? What did God command? That you will share your food and possessions with the poor and not close your eyes at them (Isa. 58:6-10). These amidst many are what God delight in. They are what consequently have a reward as well. 

Apart from finding out what the pleasure or will of God is before entering it, ensure you're the right man for a particular pleasure or will of God also. If not, you'll either destroy the work or the work destroys you. There are specific assignments identified with specific men from heaven. It's the pleasure of God but it has been dated, slated and apportioned to be done by some men. For example, the pleasure or will of the Lord of redeeming mankind was solely Christ's work. It's not the work of any prophet of old or apostle of now. So, it can't but prosper in His hands. Doing your work which is a fragment of God's will is what makes you constantly fulfilled and praised as a faithful or obedient servant. Why many don't have prosperity concerning what they call the will of God in their hands is because they're not the one appointed for that work. It is the will of God, yes we know that but are you the hands to do that will of God? Nowadays, people go out of their described jurisdictions and never stick to the pleasure of God concentrated in their hands. As mighty as John the Baptist was, he only came baptizing in order to fish out He who's the Messiah on whom the dove is said to alight and stay. He never tried to be the Saviour once despite the pressure from the company of the elders. He stayed to discharge and was able to fulfill his calling as Jesus' forerunner when he identify and have Him revealed to Israel. 

When the pleasure or will of God prospers, it means it flourishes. A thing that flourishes flows freely like water with a passage and blossoms like a tree planted by rivers of water (Psalm 1). You may begin to think of a body of water that's not being hindered but rather goes where it wants to go and does what it wants to do. Prosperity of God's pleasure in one's hands doesn't mean it won't be contested but that at the end of the day, that pleasure of the Lord and the man ordained to do it will still be standing when the antagonists have been pebbled and powdered by that will of God and now can't be found again. There was a time resistance rose against one minister I once served. Later, all the unrepentant critical people who stood against doing God's will died. I knew two who spearheaded that move. Those who didn't were severely punished. I was eyewitness. The pleasure or will of God when it prospers also comes with the picture of a vegetable garden that's usually well watered. If you look at the leaves, they'll be healthy and fresh. You'll delight having them for yourself. All these are the images given me to describe the picture of a prosperous pleasure of God in a man's hand. If you say you're doing something for God and it is not moving, flowing, gushing and making headway, you should stop, think and reassess whether you're doing the pleasure of the Lord at all or you're indeed the true man in whose hands such desire, purpose or intention of God should be situated. We know many times that the pleasure or will of God is settled and has nothing wrong with it but the wrong man in whose hands it's concentrated may not let it flourish. Today, I want to pray for anyone who has a service they're rendering or giving practically with their hands. May that thing prospers in your hands. For all those who are ministers, in the land God has placed you and you're obedient to go and labour, may God's pleasure prosper in your hands. May you be above contention and striving in the land.

PRAYER: I find Your pleasure and I do it. Will of God, carry me and bear me up.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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Thursday, 24 November 2022




CLEFTED IN THE ROCKS - Breaking Needs Series 006

Read Exodus 33:18-23

Exodus 33:22-23, KJV

"22 And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by 23 And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen."

God said to me, "apart from the bearing (intervening) work that I do to save your feet from being dashed on a stone, there's another and that one is called "clefting." Who was clefted in the rocks in the Bible? Think quickly and think of Moses. Moses was clefted. Why was Moses clefted? He requested to see God's glory. That's how we must desire knowing more of God until we're totally united with Him and lost in Him. God however replied that no man will see him and yet live. To help Moses to fulfill his desire which is righteous and yet care for Him, God told Him, he'll be clefted so that when He passes, Moses will be privileged seeing His back only. And so, when Jehovah passed, Moses was hidden in the rock and clefted. Or else, the contact with God face to face could have swallowed him up. God therefore used that clefting to hide and keep him safe from injury. 

God made it known to me, this way is how I'll save some from disgrace. It's not by bearing up (intervening or interrupting to stop an ongoing process of disgrace) but by clefting, hiding or keeping secured from an impending doom (by not letting them take a step of doom at all). And now, I'm receiving an enlightening on a verse that very much applies. This place says, "the prudent foresees the evil and hide himself but the simple passes on and are punished (Prov. 22:3).

What is consequent if you pass on? You suffer! That's what that place calls "punishment." It may come in any form depending on which rule or law you're breaking and in what field or aspect of life it's being broken. But what did the Bible proffer as the remedy to not being punished? It's foreseeing the consequences of taking a likely step and then refraining from it. This is where divine revelation will be granted you so that you'll see what others do not see and by same be refrained. That "refraining from it" is what is called "clefting, being clefted or hidden." By hiding yourself, that thing will still occur but it can't beat you because you have taken caution by taking shelter. It will just pass you by. Your shelter is that you do not go ahead to strike the iron others are striking. It's that you do not go ahead to invest in the same market others are investing into. You saw that the time is not ripe and so retrace your steps back and so you are saved. 

Today, lay your hand on your head. "Receive an impartation of wisdom. When Moses laid hands on Joshua, the latter received his wisdom. Manifest special understanding of time and seasons to know when, where and what. Have cause to see beyond what appears. See dangers as dangers even if they're masked. May you always be clefted and hidden from dangers that could and should be avoided. May you not pass on (take same steps like the simple) and be punished like them. I rid you of all simplicity (foolishness) and have you filled with financial wisdom from above. Any step or decision in business or personal economy etc that you'll take that'll consequent in your being punished won't be allowed you by the Spirit. May the Spirit of God rather strive with you until you let go of what you've planned doing. This way, you'll be clefted: having taken caution and refrained from going ahead.

PRAYER: Lord, cleft me from every financial difficulty. Give me wisdom to hide and not be punished. I foresee the danger. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 40:28-41:26; James 4:1-17; Psalm 118:19-29; Proverbs 28:3-5

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Wednesday, 23 November 2022




WHEN TRUSTING GOD IS EASIER - Breaking Needs Series 005

Genesis 22:6-8, KJV

"6 And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son; and he took the fire in his hand, and a knife; and they went both of them together. 7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? 8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together."

There's a time when trusting God is bread and butter. You yet don't break a sweat. It's the time when if asked by your spouse, children, siblings, associate pastors etc how a need would be met, your defaulted reply would be, "God will provide." Anyone could mistaken you to be in faith at this time but they wouldn't know you're maintaining positive confession because your need has not yet reached its climax of desperation. 

In the past devotional, I made mention of something troubling known as the peak or mount of need. It's when a man has no wherewithal and his chances of survival have been leaned down to nothing. So, it's either he looks up to heaven or he forgets and let slip. Abraham once got to the mount of need on the mount of the Lord but before then, let me take you by the hands and lead you into the court room of how Abraham began to trust God and how trusting God to meet his needs was easier at first.

If you're trusting for a need to be met and the need is still in a long distance before you, it is easier maintaining faith or being in faith because that need is still a year time to come. Then, you'll be full of many soothing comforting words. You'll still believe and be strong at heart that "God is the God of all flesh and that nothing is too difficult for Him." Ok, let's see. But, confessions like this should not be confidently trusted because they've not being tested. God will like to prove your faith in Him by making you near your need and your need not nearing you. If you read today's passage, Isaac asked the dad - Abraham where the ram was or would come from. Abraham didn't have to think twice before he said, "the Lord would provide." He could say that for so many reasons. One of which is that they're still far from Moriah where the sacrifice will take place. So, Abraham still has some respite that God can still show up. Though some loss is at sight yet Abraham is not yet feeling it deeply because the knife is not yet in his hand nor at the throat of Isaac. There's still respite and a hope that God won't disappoint Himself and him too. At this point in any brother's or sister's life, it's easier trusting God. It's easier confessing the scriptures and making declarations but if you're two days, a day or some hours to the closure of an application you have to pay and apply for and you're yet in faith and confession of the Scriptures and all you've been doing when closing date has not drawn near, "God will endorse you to be a true seeker and there's no true seeker who goes off empty handed." But do you know what rather happens? As people draw near and near the slated time to get a thing accomplished and same is unaccomplished, fear steps into their lives because they haven't gotten the wherewithal to meet that need. In the nearest distance, they're seeing disgrace and being left behind already. These altogether created more fears which lead to doubt in them. So, they outrightly stop believing to rather run helter-skelter to any place or person who could meet their needs in their estimation. They'll begin to exercise the opposite of faith or positive confession. They'll therefore undo all they've done for days if not years. At the time of their accusation of God that He's not listening is when they've really reached the mount or peak of their need. That's when things are desperate! When you haven't reached it, you may have peace and believe the earth is under your feet but as the day draws near and your need is yet to be met, one bolt of fear stronger than the East wind will first jolt you to your senses. You've been in faith but now you'll be woken to your senses to be sensed ruled. You'll suddenly have awareness of time and at that time, you may cast off restraint and go any length to seek help from where God does not sanction or where you wouldn't have looked twice if recommended to you during your days of buoyancy. At this period (peak of need), people backslide for short in the process of wanting to meet needs. 

I pray that angels will rather bear you up. The Bible says, "you won't be tempted more than you can bear." I pray that with your temptation shall come a way of escape so that you may always escape every day and every time. I declare, you won't disappoint God or let go when your breakthrough is just stone throw away. May it never never be recorded that you're of those who shrink back. Never. Never I say! Your salvation is around the corner. If you're trusting God for provision, divine health or whatsoever, keep being in faith and in persistence on the mount of need (when situations might have reached their peak and pressure is pressurizing). God will show up. This is what surprises us and makes us call God the miraculous God. This is what will make you call Him your Salvation. Until you reach the mount or peak of need, anything you receive of Him seems to have been delivered to you by your swiftness, prayer abilities or righteousness. Then, you may share the glory with God. May God train you as children and take you through all the processes that make a son so that you'll be lacking in nothing. 

PRAYER: Lord, may I not attribute salvation at any point to myself. Train me in all the processes of sonship. Help me overcome my hour of temptation and remain in faith and with You. I shall not shrink back. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 40:28-41:26; James 4:1-17; Psalm 118:19-29; Proverbs 28:3-5

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Tuesday, 22 November 2022





Read Genesis 22:1-14

Genesis 22:8, KJV

"8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together."

You see, I have known practically and by experience that there's a "mount of need." Mind you, I'm not speaking of the "mount of the Lord." Don't mix it at all. What's the mount of need? The mount of need is the climax of being in want. That's when desiring a particular thing is hot and is the hottest. I told Minister Adekunle Folarin one day that the time I exercised my faith the most was when I needed to pay my school fees on campus and had no hope. As a matter of fact, I was almost becoming a drop out until the Lord intervened to stop that ongoing orchestrated process of Satan. At that time, I had no one to bank on but God and faith. It was while I was exercising faith, God rose hope of being financed through scholarship for me from a particular quarters I later learnt of. People of God, there's a mount, climax, pinnacle or peak of need. It is when you either focus on God or you remain hopeless and eventually disgraced. You know it's wisdom to know where to turn to if all you know to work aren't working. So, I turned to faith. I began to intentionally and specifically listen to messages of faith and confess scriptures that only had to do with provision. I did for days until somebody told me to submit my transcript and ID Card. That's how I paid school fees without lobbying or asking any person for help. My matter was talked about coincidentally at a gathering and from there, it was picked up by this good Samaritan. But I wouldn't forget the labour that went into being noticed though I never promoted or lobbied for anything physically. That's why today, I say, "be noticed for divine help." It may be that you'll have to be spoken of lowly for you to be picked up and remembered. It doesn't matter whether you're described with your problems. What matters is that God uses those people's mouths to sell you to he or those who have been capacitated to meet your needs. 

At the mount of need, a man gets where his life depends on getting that need met. There's no going back. If going back should happen, it would mean the loss of three years of tertiary education at my dropping out. I thank God that while my need reached its peak, God came through for me. And from experience, the greatest exercise of faith don't come when we have nothing to pull faith with but rather when we look round and see our weaknesses and that we have been deserted by all and so forced or put under necessity to exercise faith in the face of impossibilities. That's when the Lord will step in to pick us up. It is that which makes the Bible portion like this below to find expression and fulfilment. 

Psalms 27:10, KJV

"10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up."

Your father and your mother there are the closest help you can ever get in reality. They're the most compassionate people you could ever have. Even if those ones who are naturally committed that way to you get incapacitated, at that height, mount, climax and peak of need where the deep of faith is calling to the deep of what you need in hot desire, your need can't but be met. This is the kind of situation God will allow some in to show His glory so that they might believe Him as the Jehovah Jireh. 

Today, I pray that God will create a situation for you to test, grow and mature your faith. Faith is like a muscle. Body builders in the physical have it more. As we exercise, we become immortals of faith and believe, "all things are possible" and that "on the mount of need", God shall break forth like a flood (Baelperazim - II Samuel 5:20) to meet our needs. Receive that!

PRAYER: I exercise my faith for needs and superfluous needs in my life.  I'm aided on the mount of need. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 40:28-41:26; James 4:1-17; Psalm 118:19-29; Proverbs 28:3-5

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HALTING YOUR CREDITORS - Breaking Needs Series 003

II Kings 4:1, 7, KJV

"1 Now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto Elisha, saying, Thy servant my husband is dead; and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the LORD: and the creditor is come to take unto him my two sons to be bondmen. 7 Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, Go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy children of the rest."

Did I not declare by the mouth of the Lord yesterday that you shall not know need? That prayer means, "you may arrive at the juncture of need - a time when you desperately need a thing to be met; however, you won't continue being needy until you're disgraced because you couldn't meet the same need. Rather, you'll meet those needs while the opportune time to meet them still tarries and has not expired. 

Embarassment is not good and may God save you from it daily. A woman whose husband we all know to have to do with Elisha, prophet of the living God sought the man of God because of an imminent disgrace and danger. Her two sons are to be taken in by the creditor because of debt. The dead has died and here she is trying to survive all alone. She obviously lacks the help and support of a partner. She's a widow indeed. Looking at this strait, this woman ran without shame and opened up what was eaten her. Her husband has died, will she also lose her two sons and not see them again? Never!

Immediately, Elisha recommends to her what to do as to be borne up and not dash her foot on a stone. She did and we were told later that she paid off her debt and lived on the rest. Eeeee, I'm afraid at what would have happened which wouldn't have been nice if not for the intervention of God. If not for the timely intervention of God, this woman would not have only lost her husband but her sons as well. But there's an interrupter of all ongoing processes that are running that could put you in trouble. I pray that process won't land or end before God intervenes in your matter. This woman halted her creditor by that miracle, you will halt yours by God's help. At that height of need, when it seems, "Kai, hope I've not been left alone?", that's when God will step into your boat and haul into it a miracle that will pay you what labour all night through couldn't give you. Ooooh, I declare, let all ongoing disgraceful processes be interrupted. May they not trespass where they are now. From where they are now, let them be reversed to normalcy. So, I declare and have it decreed.

PRAYER: Divine interrupter of all ongoing disgraceful processes, bear me up. Don't let my feet get dashed on a stone.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 40:28-41:26; James 4:1-17; Psalm 118:19-29; Proverbs 28:3-5

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THE DAY JESUS WAS ON HIS WAY DOWN - Breaking Needs Series 002

Matthew 17:24, 27, KJV

 "24 And when they were come to Capernaum, they that received tribute money came to Peter, and said, Doth not your master pay tribute? 27 Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee."

I said in yesterday's devotional that a day would come in anyone's life when it seems, "embarassment is imminent. It would look slated and appointed to happen. It would be so challenging that it would be looking the fellow in the eye like this and the fellow also would be looking it in the eye. Yet the fellow might look incapacitated." Such day won't lack in any life's history. A day like that came or let's say almost came upon Jesus. What a day when the master almost be in want! This day, the embarassment he was saved from was what assured me that my bread is actually ready but is safely kept somewhere waiting to be called forth for its purpose. There's no need that'll come upon you that lacks a treasure in God's bank to meet it. 

That day, Jesus was on His way down. He had fallen from the peak He was and was coming down but suddenly there was a bearing up back to the height of perfection. Suddenly, it looked as if this was not the same Jesus that had just escaped an embarassment. I reveal to you that day. 

That day, the revenue collector came to collect tribute of Jesus and then of Peter. Where would they raise the money? This is Jesus at a T-junction of want. He's now desiring a need to be met. The collector requested for money but both Master and protegee had none to offer immediately and instantaneously. While that would have been the end of this ongoing event and would have given avenue to the enemy to blaspheme or gainsay, God turned shame too would glory. Immediately, the Master, Jesus Himself like a man caught up into the initiates of the Ancient told Peter to quickly go on an errand that would save them from this embarassment that's impending. "Pick your fishing tool and go cast a hook." That singular act was their breakthrough. In no time, Peter was back with money saved and collected from a fish's mouth. What a wonder! This is the story of how Jesus escaped embarassment and was saved from the scourging of the tongues from whomsoever it could have come.

Today, I am feeling the anointing heavily on me and I have come with pronouncements from the Father of all goodies. "Be saved from embarassment. Any impending doom and shame, be saved from such. Let God hide you from them all. I pray, escape mockery, the scourging of the tongue and the tearing of your honour. Those of you on your way down already, I declare you won't eventually know shame. You'll be redeemed and restored.

PRAYER: Open my eyes to where my supply is in critical times. I escape all impending embarrassment.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 40:28-41:26; James 4:1-17; Psalm 118:19-29; Proverbs 28:3-5

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I SHALL NOT WANT - Breaking Needs Series 001

Read John 2:1-10

Psalms 23:1, KJV 

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want."

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want", the psalmist declares. That verse must be very much made clear to you. What's the interpretation of "I shall not want" as it's written there? Does it mean you'll never get to a juncture or point in time when you'll need a thing? Or what does it actually mean? "I shall not want" as used there means "I shall not perpetually know need until that need is eluded and eventually not met."

We know we're humans and that none on this planet could deny the fact of ever having not being in want even if his needs were later supplied. Being on earth and being humans means you'll one day gaze up and see what you don't have that you'll like to possess and may not have wherewithal for immediately. At that instance, you immediately have need and could be said to be "in want."  "I shall not want" therefore as used there means because I have the Lord as my leader and one who I obey and follow, even if I'm in need or come to desire a thing, I shall not consistently be in that need or desire that thing because that need will be met and that same need therefore halted. It therefore means even though I don't have food at home and I need foodstuffs (being beginning to be in want or being in want already), God will not allow me be in want perpetually until it is not met within a jurisdicted time frame that need ought to be met. That is because He will meet my needs and not allow me come to an unbearable hunger and scorn that's not good for my health and mental state.

I had said in yesterday's devotional that the poor man is not he who doesn't have money safely crested in his account to meet needs at its appearance. It's rather the man who can't have his needs met when they appear. You may not have the wherewithal to meet a need immediately the need knocks but if the need is supplied on the way and you're consequently saved from the deadline slated to meet that need and the embarassment that not meeting it may cause, then you're rich. That's the man that can't know shame because even if his children's fees total five million and his salary and savings isn't up to that, God will make up for him by financing it in a way he himself doesn't preplan or is afore privy to.

Look at me people, God didn't promise us a trouble free life. We've been hearing preachers preach this and it's truth and not false at all. "In this life you'll face many tribulations" is rather the writing upon the wall of any Christian but with that also comes, "be of good cheer for I have conquered the world." "For I have conquered the world" is our salvation and bind of escape. We can count on that.

Did the Bible not say, "on their hands they'll bear you up (back to the height you were falling from) lest you dash your foot against a stone" (Psalm 91:12). You see, a time will come when disgrace would look imminent. It would look as if "today is today, you can't escape this embarassment." That's being on one's way down. But what did God promise? While that's happening; while the creditor has promised and is coming to pick your children to cover your debt, there and then, God will bear you up. If you're not borne up, you'll eventually know disgrace and embarassment but we have known a God who saves from disgrace and embarassment so that we don't actually be in want (in a state of perpetually needing a thing). He's the God that bears us on His hands from any fall that's ongoing so that we will not touch the ground let alone dash our foot on a stone. He's our Interceptor and Deliverer from all defying situations. People, is the Lord your Shepherd? If He is, it means He's the One who solely orders your life. You may have the highest paying job and He may tell you to resign to be reallocated to where He has needs to meet. If He's your Shepherd, you won't suddenly become wise and question Him. You will heed and you shall see the salvation of the Lord henceforth. But many times, more than 80% of Christians only confess "the Lord is my Shepherd..." He is not their Shepherd at all and because He is not, they're knowing need and being in want perpetually. Instead of provision meeting them on the way to settle their needs, eliminate their debts, they are let alone with themselves to fall off from the height of estimation and respect people have set them in their minds. 

I shall not want is only for shepherded Christians. I emphasized this in the earlier "Shepherd Series" teachings I did this year. Today, God wants to meet your needs and meet you on the way to halt any process of disgrace and embarassment but you have to come under Him first of all. Without submission and acceptance of Him as your Shepherd, you may not receive the promptness you so desire when you're beginning to know need or be in want. If you haven't submitted, you'll call God's wisdom of wanting to send you where He sees green pastures foolishness and so stray off from where you could have been provided for. So, you'll come to be in want and be in want perpetually because you have missed your provision by not allowing to be shepherded. I pray, may you receive the humility that pays.

PRAYER: I receive the humility of a sheep to be shepherded. I shall not know want perpetually even if I enter want.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 37:1-38:23; James 1:19-2:17; Psalm 117:1-2; Proverbs 28:1

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I Kings 17:4, KJV

"And it shall be that thou shalt drink of the brook and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there."

There's a work that God does. Yes, that the God of all the earth does. It is that of binding with words and putting under compulsion for our sakes. You've read that popular narrative of how the birds fed Elijah but may I call your attention to some unnatural things. 

"And it shall be that thou shalt drink of the brook *and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there."* 

God said to Elijah, "I (the God of all the earth and consequently of all flesh) has commanded (put under compulsion) the ravens to feed you there. That one should choke! 

When a thing is commanded, it immediately loses its own will or choice of action. "Command" is a military term that superimposes itself on a lesser subject. So, when God assured Elijah that He had commanded the ravens to feed him where he'll be going, God in essence was saying, "the ravens have no choice because the one they have was lost when My command went out to them." That is, "whether the ravens like it or not, they must feed you. Whether it suits their nature or not, food must be appropriated for you." And as we all know, it is not in any bird's nature to bring food to any human being. The sight of human beings even scare them away. Yet, the ravens defied all these and their nature to bring food for a man in stringency.

If you're commanded, you stop showing initiative to do only what you're told. Command means you're immediately setup, defaulted or programmed to act only "one way" and not stray to another. So, it became contrary for the ravens not to have carried bread to Elijah. Words were binding on them. Only that you can't see it. There's a burden that has been laid on them and that's to fulfill the command of the God of all flesh. Today, may God command men concerning you. May God put men under necessity and compulsion for you. Whether they want to or not, may they be defaulted to show you favour, give you the job and award you the contract. So much more that they'll ask later on, "but why did we give it to him?"

"Commanded" could also mean "put under oath." When God said I have commanded the ravens to feed you there, we should begin to believe that God interacted with the ravens, delegated a duty to them and solemnly put them under oath to perform it dutifully. God doesn't leave things to chance. If He ever does, somebody's life will be in jeopardy. So, He's always making arrangements and putting things in strict orderliness. The fact that the ravens were put under oath shows in how dutiful and diligent they discharged their duties to the appointed man. They didn't carry bread to another place. Those God will command for your sake know where you are. Later on also, we learnt in details the specifications of the agreement God had entered with the ravens. We were told they brought Elijah bread and meat in the morning and in the evening. Who specified it should be twice per day? God did though not written black and white in the Bible like that! The ravens didn't perform less. They stick to the terms of their agreement and brought him meat in the morning and evening. Once you're promised by God, He performs it all to the latter. 

This same "I have commanded the ravens to feed you there" is the same revelation we have in exactness in Psalms 91:11-12 which says "for he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone."

One thing would have been inevitable and that's the dashing of foot on the stone but because angels have been commanded to stay "attention" concerning you, such event is forbidden happening to you. So, you can't have a successful accident or know any hurt. Elijah would have known want but the ravens have been commanded also.They've been instructed and they've solemnly vowed not to go against that which God has committed into their custody to do. I found out that the poor man is not he who doesn't have money at hand but he who needs money yet has or receives none at that time of need. That's why I'm praying that whenever you arrive at the gate of Zarephath, God will have commanded people concerning you. Then, you won't have to strive to convince them. They'll just be favourably disposed to you.  Lord, I am begging that you'll put men under necessity for me and our ministry. Men that will always make for us first by showing such first class degree and level of commitment. If not that you had commanded the widow of Zarephath too, would he spend on Elijah first of all? Never! But whenever you bind people with words, they don't do less except to do exceedingly more than you've instructed. 

I Kings 17:9, KJV  

"Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee."

You've commanded me to teach and I'm faithfully doing it. I'm opening my mouth and you're filling it, may you stir those who you want to give to us to do theirs and bring their commitments. Ministry is not what a man can do all alone. May you put them under necessity to act and discharge. May your words become fire in their bones until it's acted like teachings are in me until it is taught. May Your hands cut us those who will leave fathers, mothers, siblings, houses and submit to be flung wherever God sees needs and would have them administered. Lord, in the body of Christ, for all your called ministers and those who may be in dire needs, may they not lack those bound with words and put under necessity. Today's word is encouraging any that God is saying, "go" to. If He has sent you somewhere, provision is ahead you. People you don't even know have been put under obligation just for you. What a God!

PRAYER: Bind me with words of commitment for some and bind some with same for me. No refusal. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 2:31-4:18, Colossians 1:1-17, Psalm 76:1-12, Proverbs 24:21-22

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Luke 2:34-35, KJV

"34 And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; 35 (Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed."

If Mary were to be asked the pain of seeing one's child murdered, you'll have witnessed rolls of tears flooding her cheeks once more.  Jesus is set for a sign. A sign is something that's conspicuous and not hidden at all. We do know that during His earthly ministry, He was very much within view of antagonists and those that had their hearts opened to Him. He was both received and rejected as well. But for Mary, Simeon prepared her ahead of the sorrow that'll befall her. This obviously will have to do with the eventual death of Jesus. But before then, what about the sufferings, trials and the so many pain she will witness Him experience. This is nothing but a sword piercing through one's soul. Such experience never causes delight but great torment of heart. And if not for grace and God's sustaining work, Mary could have died sooner after the suffering and crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. But she was braced up by the so many hopes in us even till today. When Jesus said, "woman, behold thy son (in John the beloved)", He was trying to cushion the effect of all she has experienced by making provision for her onward by handing her over. Jesus obviously must have had much compassion on her motherhood before being prompted to say that. (John 19:25-27).

I am sent to someone today and I know. God wants me tell you there are thoughts you'll never discern until an occasion warrantees their being spoken or acted. Thoughts are of the mind. They're always hidden and will forever remain low in us unless they're verbalized or acted. Thoughts are things or tangibles we know but I don't have insight into your thoughts except by speech or action. When Simeon told Mary that a sword would pierce her so that the thoughts of many people's hearts may be revealed, what do you think? Think of a mother who has just lost her child - a child that's the excellence of glory, one that's known for mighty and great deeds. What are the things the crowd would begin to say as they join the mocking or consolation team? You'll hear some say, "I knew this would happen. That boy is full of pride. He jumps up ten thousand times a day." Another had say, "hmmm, we'll miss all his great acts. He has been much help to us while around." Though the usage of "that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed" carries more negative connotation than positive, yet we do know that it's both that that singular line expressed. Only that, the revealing of the negatives many have harboured for Jesus or Mary would show who indeed had or not believed in Christ being the Saviour of the world. For as many who would decry Him, such are not of us even if they went out from us. 

Whenever God wants to expose men to you or enlighten you about those you're surrounded with, He may cause an occasion not so good or even good to happen so that people might utter their thoughts or act it out. It is this that gives you ample opportunity to see what the inside of people contain all this while. Jeremiah 17:9 says, "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" We begin to know it when such thoughts are revealed. Today, purify yourself and be indeed of the household of faith. Mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice. If you're piped to, dance and if you're wailed at, sorrow. There's an expected and specific act that fits the occasion; don't do contrarily. I pray that you'll first purify yourself so that your thoughts won't subtly betray you. You may be acting kindly when you're actually full of bitterness on your inside. If you aren't careful, because of being overwhelmed inside, you won't know when you'll leash out your thoughts. A good man out of his good treasure brings forth good things and a bad man evil things. Who are you?

PRAYER: Lord, purify me and make my thoughts whole. May I be on the side of the godly and good always.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 2:31-4:18, Colossians 1:1-17, Psalm 76:1-12, Proverbs 24:21-22

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Tuesday, 15 November 2022



Thanks To You For Supporting & Celebrating "OreOlu."


Read Matthew 4:1-7

SALVATION EVEN ON THE WAY - Closing Remark On The Large Place Series - 030

Psalms 91:11-12, KJV

"11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. 12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone."

There's a work that God does and I like Him for that. There won't be any of us who won't face valley moment. We will all have our share of temptation, scarcity and days of adversity. However, in the midst of it all, salvation is promised us. Let Satan go to work inorder to do his worst, God is saying, "you won't touch the ground." He's saying, "you'll always fall into my hands." That place read, "on their hands they'll bear you up, lest you dash you foot against a stone." What's inevitable without prompt interruption? The dashing of foot against a stone. Do you know what that is? It means the opposite of God's desire finding fulfilment in one's life. Literally, "dashing one's foot against a stone" means hurting one's foot or getting hurt." God doesn't promise us hurt or injury but rather health and security. So, we know that God's plan covers our total welfare. He wants us prosper in health as our soul prospers (III John 1:2).

If I refer to the passage where Satan dared Jesus to jump while quoting, "on their hands they'll bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone", you'll come to understand that that quotation means "salvation will always meet you on the way." If Jesus had jumped, what Satan was lying about in order to risk Jesus' life though a reality in our lives is that before Jesus touches the ground, before he falls and crashes, the angels - God's messengers will appear and raise him back to the height from where he had fell. So, it means, He'll never be displaced from the height. While that's a reality in our daily situation, Jesus didn't take a jump because that'll be Satan controlling Him. Satan didn't have a welfare thought for Him here. He only wanted to stir Him to do his own bidding one way or the other and Jesus proved not to be submitted to him anyway.

Today, God wants to keep you retained on the heights. Nothing will be able to bring you down. If you ever find yourself coming down, the ministry of God's divine lmessengers will return and restore you back to your height. You have been brought to Rehoboth, to rest, to the land, to the roomy place and to the heights. Anything that will displace and bring you down shall not ultimately succeed because God is promising you "on the way salvation." Let Satan do his best. Let him tempt you to take a jump down your height by infilling you with lusts that lead to sin. The sure word is this, before the completion of this disgraceful process, God will interject, intervene and cross him. Satan's intention won't even find fulfilment. "On their hands they'll bear you up lest you dash you foot against a stone." You won't know defeat. Having been settled on the heights, that'll be your home forever. Last in your roomy place and tarry on your heights therefore!

PRAYER: I last in my roomy place; I tarry on the heights.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 31:1-32:32; Hebrews 12:14-29; Psalm 113:1-114:8; Proverbs 27:18-20

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Monday, 14 November 2022



Happy Married Life "OreOlu."



Read Psalms 23

Psalms 23:5, KJV

"Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over."

A large place is a place where the table has been set and everything has been prepared for you. When you're at the large place: your large place, you're very much at the centre of God's will. Because of this, heaven will ensure that you're taken care of and that all things respond to you. At the large place, thought is always afore taken for you and so you'll always meet preparation on ground. [I'm seeing an image. It's the image of many gifts in their varieties. Receive gifts today: spiritual and physical].

That place says, "thou prepares a table before me..." Who does that? God! It is He who prepares or set a table before the psalmist. For what purpose or purposes are tables set? For feasting! When a table is set, you have the remembrance of food, dinning and winning. When a table is set, you have the remembrance of  a party or the attending to some guests. A set table shows honour and acceptance into the family hood. That's what the psalmist says the Lord does for him. God solitarily uses His power to set a table before him where it should not be. God has rather created a room for him. Despite the contest, rivalry, attacks and accusations, this unconcerned God still goes ahead to place such table right before his enemies. It is God who weeds round you to prepare a place for you. Where He wants you stay is where you'll stay. No one can unfasten you from where God wants you situated. What the Lord did for the Psalmist was not hidden at all. Even the heathen hears of it. The table has been set to the vexing of the enemies of this God's elect. Even if they vex for a thousand years, they can't break or remove this table because it's the Lord who has set it and He has found no other place to situate it but right before the psalmist's enemies' faces. God wanted to prove a point - that despite all, are you seeing him feasting? Are you seeing him taking life? Are you seeing him being daily clothed with purple and feeding sumptuously? You'd better agree with him or else...!

"Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of those who don't like or accept my person!" Why would he do this if not that He wanted to intentionally bring them to acknowledgement of his son whom he has set a table before? God can trek miles to ensure that your enemy, even your stubborn enemy is proved unto until he submits. You and your enemy aren't equals. God is at your own right hand side. Instead of the expected ridicule, however, it is a table of varieties that he's setting before you. When that place says, "thou prepares a table before me...", I'll like you know it's a table of all expense paid commodities. At your large place, you rarely pay for things. Doors will so open that people will be the ones taking thought for you and setting things in motion for you before arrival. All they'll do you is to beckon on you to come and take your seat and dine because the table has been set. "Thou prepares a table before me" means literally it was not the psalmist who did himself that honour of finding food, cooking it and serving it. If you set table for someone, he's not involved in doing that. You treat him or her specially by just telling him to come and have his feast. So, you'll see such pull a seat and kingly sit to feast. So, the preparation of a table comes at a cost but the cost has been covered by the Lord. I'm seeing someone go on an all expense paid trip soonest. I'm seeing somebody being bought and brought shoes. They'll only need you to fix in your foot as to assert your size. It's fitting you. All expense paid because a table has been prepared before you which you know nothing about its preparation. A table to take life from. A table of abundance. A table of "it has no end." A table of surprise where A voice will say, "come and see what we prepare and hide for you." A table of it forever springs. This is just one of the many manifestations of Rehoboth, the Large Place or the Heights which you'll get to. God will ensure that room is made for you even in the presence of your enemies. Your enemies have no choice than to have themselves spaced for the table God wants to erect before them. Who am I sent to? Today, God will do you a favour that'll be conspicuous. It won't be hidden. If a table was set for the Psalmist in the presence of his enemies, it means everybody sees it. What God will do you shall be seen, spread and recounted. I say, "receive a table, space, room even where it is hard to have it. Even in that foreign land, despite the racial discrimination, receive a table, a space and a room."

PRAYER: Lord, give me a table, room and space where it's hard to have it. Make men, even my enemies be at peace with me. I receive the prepared table, package and gift. All expense paid is my testimony.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 27:1-28:26; Hebrews 11:17-31; Psalm 111:1-10; Proverbs 27:15-16

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Sunday, 13 November 2022



Happy Married Life "Oreolu."



Isaiah 60:1, KJV

"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee."

That place read, "arise, shine..." Please, don't be bored that we're reading and repeating Biblical quotation. It pays and in its emphasis we see light. That verse is an admonishment and you can call it a firm command or instruction also. Why would a saying be coming at this time to you to, "arise and shine?" We should probe that and I thank God the answer is hidden in that same verse as well. It says, "for your light has come." Why you must "arise and shine" is because of an already settled occurrence and that's because "your light has come." What we've all been waiting for is that your light will come because that's what privileges and capacitate you to "arise and shine."

What's photosynthesis? The process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water. Now, if I ask you, "how does green plants manufacture their food, you'll say "they do in the presence of sunlight and other mentioned ingredients." Meaning "green plants" wouldn't have been able to take life if sunlight was not first available and other ingredients. So, when that place says, "arise, shine...", it isn't in vacuum but in the presence and availability of "your light which has come." If "your light has not come" first of all, if you arise, it would be a futile arising. The reason is simple. No one would take notice of you. It's given unto no man to set himself on the heights but it's of God to call him to this large place. If you want, yell or buy people over, yet all men will still treat you unkindly and you'll go unnoticed because the vital ingredient that introduces a man and makes him visible and transparent to men hasn't first of all come into your space and life. It has to be "arise, shine because your light (opportune time, visibility, enablement, introduction) has come. In the absence of that, you can't rise. 

Stretch your hand forward. I declare, "let your light come so that you may be able to manufacture your food in the presence of "sunlight while using water and carbon dioxide." If your light doesn't come, you can't arise and shine. If you attempt it, you'll rise to fall but when it does come, you shine and shine so well that you're seen. You shine effortlessly because you've been granted an equipping and opportune time from the Lord. And that will all be because the platform to shine has been first set for your rising. "Your light must first come and the glory of God dawned on you" before you or I could ever think of getting up to manifest. It must be a calling or signalling unto to manifest because those divine inputs and signs have first shown up. This light of yours is also not yours to originate though attributed to your ownership. It's attributed to your ownership after God might have given you and same now causes your rising. It is actually the Lord's and should be seen in association with "the glory of the Lord" which shall also, "rise upon you." "Your light" is with God and He'll release it for your grand rising. Let me ask you a question. If every place is dark and sudden flashlight - stage lights focuses on you only, will you be seen by others all around or not? That's what happens when the glory of the Lord rises upon you. You become notable. What has made you so is something of the Lord that's bringing forth supernatural recognition and acceptance. So, you can't but be acknowledged. If men have been withholding it, it is till then when your light hasn't come and God's glory hasn't risen on you. Also, by the time your light comes and the glory of God dawns on you, ensure you do not get in trouble with God. Why? Men would begin to give you the praises of God and eulogize you as God yet you must be discerning enough to give unto Him what's due Him. If you're given any material thing, it's yours except the Spirit requests you to administer it anyway He'll desire but any word of "well-done, you're powerful daddy, what a man of God and other commendation" should be reallocated to God. Send it to the sender of all blessings and the giver of the glory you're using to manifest on earth. If not for His shining on you, you wouldn't have risen to manifest but for the fact that He says, "it's time enough to bring you to limelight and the large place" and so declares "for your light has come and the glory of God has risen upon you."

PRAYER: I enter into my opportune time. I have light and God's glory for a grand rising. My green plant is manufacturing its food in the presence of sunlight while using other ingredients. I leverage on God's glory.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 27:1-28:26; Hebrews 11:17-31; Psalm 111:1-10; Proverbs 27:15-16

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Saturday, 12 November 2022



Welcome To The Union Day Of "OreOlu." Oreoluwa + Olusola!!!


PROPHESY AND DO NOT CEASE - Large Place Series 027

Numbers 11:25, KJV

"25 And the LORD came down in a cloud, and spake unto him, and took of the spirit that was upon him, and gave it unto the seventy elders: and it came to pass, that, when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and did not cease."

Today, I want to minister impartation and healing to those in its need. Do you have any there who's dumb or is a stammerer and can't speak or retain smooth speech by prophesying - speaking? Do you have a baby there also who should have begun speaking yet isn't despite having fulfilled the time for speech occurrence even if it'll be in pronouncements of syllables. Today, because of the willingness of God and the revelation from this verse as revealed to me, I say, "prophesy (speak) and do not cease" as a sign. Not only as a sign, after prophesying, retain custody of speech. May you not be silenced again. So, I loose the string of your tongue. Let the Spirit put speech in your mouth. Speak non stop and become amazement to parents and custodians. Parents should touch the head of their babies for that or any who is a victim of improper/zero speech. Receive it for your wards. Prophesying" has to do with speaking. It's a function of an healthy tongue. So, I declare once more, speak and speak on from today. You must be brought into your large place. A place where there's no hindrance to your manifestation or expression as you have wanted. That even extends to speech making and not only being brought into "your destiny land" or destination as we have said of the "large place." Imagine having words in one's belly and not being able to communicate it because of speech difficulty. That's bottling of free expression and I rebuke the demon holding your prophesying (free speech) and continuing in such on and on.

People of God, God is saying, "where you've not been known for a particular good before, you can actually come to be known for same now." All the seventy who prophesied here were never known with prophecy let alone doing it without running out of utterance. But just in a day, there came a turn around. They were touched and became touched. They were touched by the Spirit and they manifested the touch. So much more that they became popular to have prophesied and did same without ceasing. Speak without ceasing! Manifest without dwindling! Shine without setting!

Today, God wants to loose you to do the impossible or the outrightly impossible. God has given me the authority and the speaker's mouth to say, "prophesy and do not cease." Produce and do not end. Commence and continue in it. Today, I see myself wearing a cloak and doing two works basically. One is commissioning those who wants to start a thing but couldn't get it started. The reason is because you needed a launcher and now He has come in the Holy Spirit through me. So, I declare to launch you into that thing by saying, "prophesy (that is, commence it). The second work is the sustaining work of the Lord. God's focus is on the prize - on continuing in order to finish until the day is dawn. On that note, I affect your manifestation, alter you and put you in a position where you'll be able to tarry, continue and last in prophesying - doing your divine action. You won't start and close up. You won't launch and be quenched but rather take the light of what you've began to the ends of the earth. Your light has come and I'm hearing in my Spirit, "arise and shine." Enablement is now present. Please, manifest to any length and breath as you'll desire.

PRAYER: My word has come, my light has come; I therefore speak without ceasing, manifest without dwindling, shine without setting. I am the "risen man." Unquenchable riser.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 12:1-14:11; Hebrews 7:1-17; Psalm 105:37-45; Proverbs 27:3

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Numbers 11:25, KJV

"And the LORD came down in a cloud, and spake unto him, and took of the spirit that was upon him, and gave it unto the seventy elders: and it came to pass, that, when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and did not cease."

The Bible says here that, "they prophesied and did not cease." "To prophesy and do not cease" reveals the commencement of the action "prophesying" and the continuation of same over a definite but unspecified period of time. "Not to cease" means to continue and to have done same action for such considerable length of time." We obviously do know that they eventually stopped to have their concentration on other things but their having being described so (not ceasing) was because "they began and they tarried long in the action of prophesying" at the moment the prompting Spirit stirs them to start. There's a Spirit that says, "now, let's launch." Once you perceive His beckoning or tingling in you and you heed it, only God knows how long you may tarry with Him in what He'll use you to do.

People of God, you can become a shooter. I'm a Prophet and I didn't become one by calling myself that name or into that office. I daily prophesy because I speak God's mind under divine inspiration. What God is doing in the now is what He do move me to say. As I hear, so I speak. 

If you're ever a devotional writer, you couldn't have gone to memorize doctrine or plan to be copying out of a book in order to teach daily. Forget that, it doesn't work. You rather must be inspired. You must become a prophet. One who sits and oracles the mind of the Lord for seekers daily or often. Whenever you hear the word "prophet", your mind immediately tunes to "foretelling" but did it occur to you that there are "forth tellers." I am a forth teller though God do move me into fore telling and has moved me there to give confirmed and notable predictions before.

Some people spoke here and they didn't cease. That's exactly what happens to me whenever I observe a stirring, willingness and a drive of the Spirit to write or do something. I'll suddenly receive strength, love, likeness and willingness to do that thing and tarry long in it. I shared the other time how I wrote the devotional for some good days in just some minutes over six hours. As God was inspiring it, I was capturing it. I don't write with a system. I do with my phone. I'm fast on that than anything and that's why I seek to have it always charged because I don't know where and when God would come on me. Once He does like He came on all these 70 to make them prophesy non stop, if I heed that call, it's like committing oneself to a flowing water and saying, "take me to wherever you will." If I won't break that flow by giving attention or getting distracted by some other things, God will continue to bubble thoughts inside me and I'll continue to write. I've started writing around 8pm in the night before but didn't drop the pen until a moment to 5am in the morning of the other day. Once God comes, it's even my responsibility to keep abreast of Him. I once asked us by saying, "how much are you willing to work" if the blessing that you'll lack room enough comes on you? For years, I've been experiencing this and I've learnt to create room to be used and manifested through whenever this my anointing to write arrives. Whenever it arrives and I yield, I always deliver in bulk and none stop. I'll just be writing and writing. At times, I may pray and pray. I prayed and wrote the last time for over 6 hours until one of the young men around me asked if I wouldn't eat dinner. He observed I've been at the same place since afternoon. People, God wants to make you such man that will start and continue for long in His own activities and the one of his calling. It is what separates those who are called to do something from strugglers in that field. The Spirit is the One who does that. There's nothing so enduring about human endurance. You may start out yourself but you'll soon close it up because you'll suddenly lack willingness to continue. You need to be stirred to trek long distance in the Spirit or even in the natural. You need to be inspired in order to keep feeling interested doing same thing over and over without getting bored. That one, only the Holy Spirit does it. He's the engine that could make you go on and on and not shut down. Today, if you're in the service of the Lord, get oil or water. Anoint yourself and receive this declaration on yourself. I say, "receive the spirit of ease. The effortlessness Spirit. The Spirit that takes delivery in bulk and doesn't go out of production." Be empowered to tarry under power and not collapse. Be disciplined and given sight enough to identify tingling and start with same even if it'll look like a little cloud measuring only the human hand. If you'll do,  on the way, it'll boomerang to water above your head experience. Today, begin to see results that will scare you and those who hears.

PRAYER: Lord, I want to express my calling for long without ceasing. Give me effortlessness. Use me to take delivery of bulky things for my large places. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 12:1-14:11; Hebrews 7:1-17; Psalm 105:37-45; Proverbs 27:3

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Thursday, 10 November 2022





Psalms 104:16, KJV

"The trees of the LORD are full of sap; the cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted"

Kai! What did you and I just read above? Please, read that passage again. What did that verse says the trees of the Lord contain and is full of? Sap! Do you know what sap is? Enh, tell me what sap is? According to a dictionary, sap is "the juice of plants of any kind, especially the ascending and descending juices or circulating fluid essential to nutrition." Did you grab that? Now, how does that apply to you? Who's the tree, the very planting of the Lord? You or the literal tree? While literal trees do have sap and could be filled with it, yet God's attention is on you. You're the tree and your description is that you're full of sap. Mark the word "full" as we go. 

Sometimes ago, a preacher and his beloved were with a pastor. He asked him a question on the Bible and he began to talk. Suddenly, the pastor said, "don't expound it. You're beginning to teach." You see, that preacher has become the tree of the Lord who is full of sap. Now, what's the characteristics of a fellow who's full of sap? They're known for fecundity - their lives always bring forth abundantly plentifully. Those of you who are farmers, especially rubber farmers will bear testimony. If you're tapping rubber, there's an oozing out of it. That oozing is the sap and rubber is full of sap. If you cut a tree that has imbibed and assimilated sap, instantaneously, it'll begin to ooze out. The production of that liquid will be continuous and non stop. It'll be pouring. Why? It is full of sap. 

Today, I'm on series 025 of "The Large Place Series." Don't think I've been authoring each piece daily. When God rather came on me, I stood in His presence to write and pray for over 6 hours. So, this twenty five days and those of days to come are products of a writing once and for all. Because I'm not myself; because I've been possessed, therefore I have become the Lord's. Being the tree of the Lord therefore, I yield as one full of sap. Look at me, if you're a student and you become the tree of the Lord and so filled with sap, you'll begin to "prophesy" non stop. That means to "keep producing" and that's really your testimony. Like a tree of the Lord which is full of sap, any little cut will make you bleed forth your vitality to the awe of all and the praises of God. If you're a student, if they ask you to define, prove, justify, list, expatiate, expound or solve, you may do it so exceedingly and convincingly that the department publishes your paper. They'll ask, "where did you get all this to bring out?" Tell them, "it's the Lord's doing" and such can't but be marvelous in all's sight.

Today, my Father (the One who anointed my head with oil which consequent upon the running over) I'm experiencing  whenever I write will make you His own tree so that you'll be endowed, gifted, embellished, blessed, decorated and accentuated with all divine possibilities that'll make you such machine that doesn't stop. I sense an anointing. It is that of the dead Ravi Zacharias: the Christian Apologist. God is saying, "I want that mantle to be taken over by someone and I'll equip you and fill your mouth with words so that like a tree of the Lord which is full of sap, you might have words to reply any who questions the hope in us and of our faith. Throughout the body of Christ, My Father, the very God of glory will give you a mouth that ever produces and cannot be gain say or resisted so that you might win every case, accusation and matters. Same anointing is dropping upon lawyers. God will raise lawyers whose mouth will be to persuade, convince, deliver, win that no one might gain say. God is raising speakers who will stand under the divine umbrella of God to speak as oracles who don't author their words but are divinely inspired. Today, to all my sons and daughters, I've begged heaven to take of my Spirit and bless you with same so that you may speak and not stop, write and not stop, prophesy and not stop, invent and not stop, see vision and not stop, visit heaven non stop and intimate with Jehovah non stop. Did you receive all these? Ooh, may I not stop. I'm seeing those termed barren and unfruitful. "The tree of the Lord is full of sap", that place says. You're full of potent sperm enough to impregnate and you women are full of receptors and babies to birth. Sister, wipe your tears, God is saying, "you're of children." I said God is saying to that man that your quiver shall be full of them. He didn't declare you childless but rather said your home shall be full of them. Receive it! Floodgate is opened. The zeal of the Lord has done it. I say, "you (the fellow reading this) has become the tree of the Lord which is verily and to the brim full of sap." The abundant fruitfulness is your testimony like the agriprenuer's in Luke 12:16. His land brought forth plentifully. He yielded increasingly. Because of the sap you're endowed with, I call forth your productivity therefore. This production of yours will set you apart for largeness and shall indeed take you to your large place.

PRAYER: Lord, fill me with sap. Let a nourishment in me make me bring forth abundantly until by this I'm entranced into my large place. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 12:1-14:11; Hebrews 7:1-17; Psalm 105:37-45; Proverbs 27:3

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Wednesday, 9 November 2022




SUSPENDED OR LANDING? - Large Place Series 024

Matthew 3:16,KJV

"And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:"

GOD said "prepare a way for the Lord." He's not joking about this. Humans are discerning enough to build landing sites called airports for themselves after the effort of building planes. You may have your plane but if there's no landing space, contact can't be made with the earth. The plane needs to land. A bird can't be in flight all the days of its life. When Noah released the dove, it went to and fro and finding no landing space returned to Noah. The dove was mandated to turn away or retract to where it came from when it ought to stay and journey further and wherever but none was available. Immediately, it withdraws rather. This is how some are missing God's cherished visitation. Once God peeps into their lives and see excreta (sin), He affirms they're not expectant and full of preparation. If they are, He ought meet a landing space that won't make His Spirit to just hover in suspension in the midair and on the waters without really settling. Yet, God wants to abide. He wants to even tarry and become part of such men like He found a landing place in Jesus' life. 

If you're not ready to sanctify and separate yourself for God, if He comes, He won't find you possessable. When He descended on Jesus, He landed and abides. John the Baptist bore witness that Jesus has not been breaking His own consecration when he says, "it's on him the Spirit alights and stays." Without a landing place like this in your life, you'll only know the natural and never taste what it means for heaven to stir a man, possess or use him. The natural life isn't the full life. It's the life we live in the Spirit when we're full of Him. That comes by clearing away all stones in our lives to welcome Him. He needs free hand to speed, jump and do His own heart desire. If you've carved your life how you'll want it and not How it should be to accomodate Him, forget His descent and possession. 

PRAYER: May You alight and abide on me. May I grow old with the anointing and in the anointing. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 12:1-14:11; Hebrews 7:1-17; Psalm 105:37-45; Proverbs 27:3

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BECAUSE HE'S COMING - Large Place Series 023

Isaiah 40:3, KJV

"The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God."

God will come, He won't tarry. That one is sure. The more reason why we have to be hasty in preparing a way and then a highway for the Lord. The word, "prepare" signifies He has not come but will come. It signifies "our expectation." It also signifies the preparer of that way or highway isn't the user of the way to be prepared. He's rather taking thought for a visitor who will come and will need a channel to pass through. 

Let's go to politics. When the Head of State for instance is to be received, what do they do? They'll go ahead of him and begin to make his way before his face. They don't begin to make ready at his appearance. Such fellow to come is one whose life can't be put in jeopardy. He carries the plan, dreams and aspirations for a whole nation of people. He must therefore be provided for. Every place must have been checked. Where snipers could take shots from must have been well marked out and mounted. All because they want to please him and don't want to inconvenience him in anyway. 

What of God? Is He not worthy of this from us than any man? Shouldn't He have and meet our readiness and the preparation of our lives also so that at His own time, He might visit, minister and pass through us to the end users - the needy world. Alas, this is not the case. Many of us are dirty, polluted, perverted and we can best be described as being ignoble and unfit. We've been tainted by sin and we've refused to stretch forth our hands and be bound and led by the Holy Ghost. Due to this, if the Lord should take a mile's walk in our lives, He'll be hindered doing effectively what He ought to do. As a matter of fact, when He comes to call us like He reached to Ananias, we might not be at hand and available. We may not report immediately to duty and say "here I am (Acts 9:10)." Why are we full of roadblocks and things that make God detest a man and the Holy Spirit to be grieved when He even draws close to use him? 

What's therefore the solution? Prepare a way. This is a conscious activity. You'll have to intelligently, resolutely and decisively do it. First, receive Christ as your Lord and Saviour if you haven't. Then, make a decision that you won't touch sin or live sin and any ignoble that defiles a man. You have the power or aid in you already. Then, pick up His yoke. Meaning, be ready to live by what He'll say you should live by daily. This is where you must die to who you think will be good for you to be in order to become a fool who lacks his own way but waits on God to author it for him. I tell you beforehand, it won't be easy at first but you'll survive, enter into this mainstream life and actively see what you've missed these years.

PRAYER: I submit my vessel is purity for use. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 12:1-14:11; Hebrews 7:1-17; Psalm 105:37-45; Proverbs 27:3

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Monday, 7 November 2022




THE WAY OF THE LORD - Large Place Series 022

Isaiah 40:3, KJV

"The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God."

Who's not wise enough who has something to bring to others who will not devise a channel by which they will be reached? God won't fall from heaven to reach men. It is men He sends to men. It is men He uses for men. Many times, they are those called ministers. Those who should be known with strict consecration of themselves to God as to be positioned not to shortchange God, the people or themselves in serving as channels. 

Whenever civilization hit a place, one major thing that's non negotiable is a road. First of all, a way, a road, a path, a channel, a thoroughfare, a passage, a means that will extend from this end where the journey is beginning to the end it will end must be made. There's no civilization and transportation without roads. Such road must run to and fro. It must connect. It is this road whether it is very motorable or not that'll first provide the reacher the privilege to reach the unreached. The unreached are waiting but what can the reacher do if there's no road at all? So, you might have receive Christ and in your capacity you're praising yourself to have tried and to have been useful. Yet, God is saying, you're mistaken because it's a way and not a highway you've made Him in your life. God is saying, you need to submit your ambition, self love and obsession to follow Him, bear His yoke daily so that the manifestation of all He has for the earth and for you might not be hindered at all but rather revealed through you. All these things you have refused to submit to Him constitutes hindrances to His having your life as a highway and using it for transportation. A way is good but a highway is better. Creating something to pass through is a mercy on its own but how good and smooth sailing is such road? Is it wide enough? In many countries, the problem is not that they don't have roads. The problem and lament has been to have motorable roads. If you ask anyone from a country where their leaders are neglects and have been incapacitated building express or high ways, they'll have much to tell you on how they're suffering. You might have made a way, thank you. At least, God occasionally use you but He often do bypasses you to another also because there's something in your life that's not allowing Him land or rest on you for total possession and use. So, God is always leaving you to depart to another. The same thing that motorists do by neglecting a bad road to take a better one even if it'll mean cost in fuel consumption. You can stop this mandated boycott you usually force on God. It is by preparing a highway and not just a way for the Lord in your life. Give all, surrender all and the Lord will gush through you to invade the earth. None of us just wants to pass through any way, we want a wide, paved, tarred road. One that's large enough as to allow us run in it. This will ensure speed and facilitate easy transportation. It's such highway where vehicles are known for speed you should create for the Lord.

PRAYER: Catch me the little foxes in my life. Lord, widen, pave, tar my life for your transportation. May I be useful in bringing you to men.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 12:1-14:11; Hebrews 7:1-17; Psalm 105:37-45; Proverbs 27:3

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Sunday, 6 November 2022



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Isaiah 40:3, KJV

"The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God."

In being taken to your "large place" as a person, we'll need to consider how important it is for you to make a highway for the Lord in your life. We'll be questioning whether He'll find you for use upon His arrival. Imagine! Look at what the jingle and awareness is all about. Look at the reason for which the preacher (in Isaiah) preached and for which the preacher (in me) now preaches. What? The preparation of a way for the Lord. So, a way could be prepared for the Lord? So, one could create such a thoroughfare in his life for the Lord to pass through to reach and touch lives? What a wonder! So, if a man clears himself of all unwanted as instructed by the Bible and as the terms of his consecration will have him do, he'll have prepared a way for the Lord? A resounding "YES." Now, I see!

What use is a pipe that can't pass the flow? Will the flow that can't be passed ever reach or bless anyone also? And what usefulness is both pipe and flow that men and end users can't benefit from? What use? God is loud in the streets and has gone public through His servant to lament that "people are not letting Him through." People are seriously hindering Him. Though He's the God of all possibilities and His reign or capabilities knows no end, yet the vessels in humans that He could use and flow through have not made a suitable express road for Him to run and speed in. So, end users are not becoming beneficiaries or of all that God's heart desires and has planned for them.

God is crying and showing ministers and all Christians who have failed to clear themselves for the Lord's use that we're actually the cause for which the earth has not felt His mightiness. His deposit is not all felt and all His intentions are not being done yet. While there's a cry that "His will be done on earth" as it's in heaven yet some vessels and conduits He could move through have yet not sanctify themselves for the Lord. He's however not leaving us without any witness. He rather like a gentle Father proffer to us a solution and remedy. He's saying, "if a man therefore purge himself from these (what is ignoble of which sin and making a habit of it is part), he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work" (II Timothy 2:21, KJV). Until this is done, may it not be that you'll just be hearing of God using people yet never moving towards your tent. God needs a highway. He doesn't need less of that. He requires a standard road in your life to flow and bring heaven's transportation, communication, blessings and benefits through to the people. The oil that stopped was not God's fault. He's never stingy. He wants to give and express Himself but man has no room for this visitation and when the announcement went out that, "there are no more vessels", God had no choice but to restrain Himself (II Kings 4:6). See how humans restrict their Maker! Make room rather. Make a highway for the Lord. He wants to flow ceaselessly. He wants to pass to reach men through you. May availability be paved for the Lord in your own very life.

PRAYER: Purification by fire. Show me areas of amendment and I shall sacrificially in God's grace do away with such.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 12:1-14:11; Hebrews 7:1-17; Psalm 105:37-45; Proverbs 27:3

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Saturday, 5 November 2022




IF YOU MAKE ROOM ENOUGH FOR ME - Large Place Series 020

II Kings 4:6, KJV

"And it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son, Bring me yet a vessel. And he said unto her, There is not a vessel more. And the oil stayed."

God told me, "you determine to what extent I'll have reach in your life, possess or use you. I want to show My unlimitedness in your vessel of honour. I have enough oil to pour into your vessel but will you make me accommodating room enough or the reply will soon be, "and there's not a vessel more", thereby stopping the willingness of the ever ready flow?The oil flowing in this passage still has intention to fill vessels more and more. It's a stream that never ends but rather one that demands "more room" for its outpouring. The reply however was that there's no more room for its accommodation. God is ready to work but man is unprepared to accomodate Him. Instantaneously, the oil stayed. This is the oil that could have flown on and on but human activity and inactivity stopped it. Therefore, the extent or the reach to which any man would be used by God is not determined by God Himself but that man himself. 

I heard the word of that ancient prophet that cries with lament saying, "3 the voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.  4 Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain: 5 And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it (Isaiah 40:3-5, KJV).

What does this mean? God wants to have free hand, free course and free flow in our lives. He wants to move smoothly and at His own desired speed while running and flowing through us to minister to our world. There's no vessel God wants to use that won't keep himself from what hinders the transportation of the Spirit while keeping himself in shape, availability and update to the increment of anything that won't curtail, stop, hinder or grieve the Holy Ghost. If there's no way prepared for the Lord to pass through in your own life and the Lord is always stumbling at pebbles while being reduced in motion by the much potholes of your undedicated life, you'll tone down the ability and capacity of God like that widow did by not making available very much vessels to trap the oil and the ever willingness of God. That woman could have seen a greater glory of God but her preparation was what she got. Therefore, it's not consequent upon God to determine how much you'll receive, the growth you'll grow, and the extent you'll go in depth but rather you're the determiner. If you're always making room daily, asking and desiring more, laying down your will and repenting from your ways and ambition, you'll see God use you and take you to the tower of the achievement that you could never have forecasted yourself. I believe that many people whom God used that we call God's Generals still restricted God and so God achieved less with them. Not asking God always what He'll have you do per term can restrict how far He could take you. So, where people could have gone further, they only went far. What we on the earth realm are now praising and celebrating is the "far" they went and not the "farther" that God had in mind. And we are deceived to be believe that because what was birthed through their callings was so gigantic before us that we believe that's all God had ever wanted to do with them. No! He wanted to do more but they gave Him no expression. They shut Him up. They forced Him to recline and hold on. That's what this woman did to the oil. The oil was forcefully shut up where it could have continued to speak and pour.

If you never fulfill this scripture above as a Christian or minister, you can't become all God wants to make you or use you to do because your own will, plans, ambitions, love, desires and breathings might contradict with God's. Once it does, you'll hinder, block and restrain Him from having free hand. So, the unlimited God will become limited in your life. You'll just see the oil staying where it could have healed all but rather get curtailed because of your inadequate obedience. God, deliver us from ourselves, self will and adequacy of being roomy enough in one's sight. May we always shift ground and make you win. For that's when we can wear you out and see Your inside while experiencing "Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory."

PRAYER: I clear and rid myself of anything that hinders the flow and transportation of God in my life. I shall be used maximally. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 12:1-14:11; Hebrews 7:1-17; Psalm 105:37-45; Proverbs 27:3

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Friday, 4 November 2022





II Kings 4:6, KJV

"And it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son, Bring me yet a vessel. And he said unto her, There is not a vessel more. And the oil stayed."

Be reminded, heaven hates wastages. They always stay their hands once there are no more vessels to fill. God is never incapacitated. He's always full, willing and constantly reloaded no matter how much He has afore given. He's always ready to give because He never knows decrease. The Bible says it is of Him we have received grace after grace (John 1:16). We not only receive once or in thousand times but just continually. 

If this mind of being conservative of God's plentiful that was in Elisha, that widow and that certain rich man on God hating wastages is not in you, you'll not see it fit to put preparedness in place to trap and receive whatsoever God might rain down. God wants to show His almightiness and He sincerely wants you to be His witness by making grounds to contain and reserve these blessings that eyes can see and ears will hear to the praise of God. Never blame God that He's not enough, ready or willing. Are you ready, submissive and obedient to go where He'll lead you and do what He'll tell you? God seeks vessels to use and vessels to manifest to the world but which are full of oil that He solely pours into them. Are you ready to be used by God? One, are you ready to contain Him or be full of yourself? Are you ready to be given a mandate or you wanna run your race? Are you emptying yourself to receive divine vision, mission and mandate by which you'll run or you're still contemplating running with what you've cooked and your hands have carved you? God hates wastages and though He's all powerful and able, you can restrict what He can do. That woman did. They borrowed vessels not a few but their vessels soon wear off and the commanded and ever flowing oil stops. The oil could have flowed for days. The oil expressly and ceaselessly could have run on and on if not for the smallness, inadequate and the limitedness of man that stopped it. What that woman gathered in human word was much but her much was too narrow. How soon the oil stopped when she could have put God into debt by how billion she could have borrowed. God is ready to bless. Are you willing to possess? Are you even in the right mindset to manage and contain plenty? Have you been cultivated and grown to manage, compute and see to millions? Hope God's blessings won't reveal your weakness and make you run amoral and mad into doing the ungodly. Hope in God's blessings, you'll still attend church and officiate. Plenty is coming but are you really made ready to contain this blessing or it would be to your detriment?

PRAYER: I empty myself to be roomy to receive God's graciousness and oil. I receive the humility to continue with God after my blessedness.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 10:1-11:25; Hebrews 6:1-20; Psalm 105:16-36; Proverbs 27:1-2

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Thursday, 3 November 2022



Happy New Month!!!



II Kings 4:2-3, KJV

"2 And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil.

3 Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, even empty vessels; borrow not a few."

Yesterday, you saw the inadequacy, deficiency and unpreparedness of that certain rich man. His land brought fought plentifully but it actually caught him unawares. He lacked foresight to afore put preparedness in place though in no time, he made greater erections and mastered the situation. If not, he'll have wasted heaven's blessings when his land defied all odds to bring forth plentifully. However, it was at arrival he was saying, "but I don't have room enough for this." Unpreparedness in action!

But that's the kind of blessing some are praying for. God gave him quadruplets where he was expecting one and he's confessing, "but I don't have room and resources enough to take care of them." You should know once you marry, it is a call to greater consequences and responsibilities. I pray that even if it comes suddenly, you'll have wherewithal to put readiness in place. In no time, that rich man built greater warehouses, silos and barns. Why? He has the fund. He only needed the solution and that one too was not far fetched from him. In every situation, may you always receive a way of escape.

However, let's see differently from this certain rich man's story. I want to show you the display of foresight. Elisha in trying to help a widow break even economically asked her what she has. She said, "just a little oil in a cruse." Elisha said, "Ok, that would do. Go and borrow vessels of thy neighbours. Ensure you borrow much vessels." Why would Elisha counsel this way? He knew God was about to give His rain, blessings and plentiful abundance to her. Though he knows she might have her own vessels yet she counselled her to go beyond the limited vessels she might have to borrow more. The emphasis was, "borrow and borrow not a few." That woman regretted one thing later on though that was not written black and white in the Bible. It is the fact that she never knew what Elisha had in mind when he said, "borrow and not a few." If Elisha had given an exposition and hack to that woman on what would happen, that woman would have taken the pain to collect more vessels than she did. However, she didn't know and so restricted the Holy One of Israel. The One who has an enough inside that nobody can have emptied into himself. Elisha had foresight on what was coming unlike our certain rich man in Luke 12:16. So, He told that woman to put preparedness in place. Or else, what will happen will escape and be curtailed from being delivered because there'll be nothing to trap it. Because of this, she gathered vessels enough that made her settle her debt, free her two sons and considerably live on the left over without knowing stringencies. People, I see an inflow of blessings. God is intentionally seeking to bless someone lavishly. God wants to throw Himself to someone's chest. He wants to give Himself to fill your hollow but God is saying, "carve out a space for this blessing. Enlarge your territory. Enlarge your vision, mandate and the motion at which you'll now race to level up." The question is, "are you ready to give the labour of borrowing vessels not a few?" If you never know, that woman was going from house to house. She even needed extra persuasion before many could trust her with their vessels but she endured all to fulfill the requirements for experiencing the running and never stopping oil. Are you indeed ready for church growth? Then, make room available for souls. Are you really ready to nurse children? Then, prepare as a waiting mother. I'm saying this because like Elisha, God will come to you like a flood and an ever flowing oil but do you have vessels not a few to house His blessings. This will overwhelm you and confound you. So, before this great day of visitation, quickly seek every means possible to be ready and not waste heaven's deposit at arrival. Put preparedness in place in obedience to awaiting the ever running oil. 

PRAYER: Lord, baptize me with foresight to train, enlarge capacity and do all that's required for me to be able to contain my coming blessings. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 3:16-6:14; Hebrews 4:1-16; Psalm 104:24-35; Proverbs 26:27

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