Tuesday, 22 November 2022





I Kings 17:4, KJV

"And it shall be that thou shalt drink of the brook and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there."

There's a work that God does. Yes, that the God of all the earth does. It is that of binding with words and putting under compulsion for our sakes. You've read that popular narrative of how the birds fed Elijah but may I call your attention to some unnatural things. 

"And it shall be that thou shalt drink of the brook *and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there."* 

God said to Elijah, "I (the God of all the earth and consequently of all flesh) has commanded (put under compulsion) the ravens to feed you there. That one should choke! 

When a thing is commanded, it immediately loses its own will or choice of action. "Command" is a military term that superimposes itself on a lesser subject. So, when God assured Elijah that He had commanded the ravens to feed him where he'll be going, God in essence was saying, "the ravens have no choice because the one they have was lost when My command went out to them." That is, "whether the ravens like it or not, they must feed you. Whether it suits their nature or not, food must be appropriated for you." And as we all know, it is not in any bird's nature to bring food to any human being. The sight of human beings even scare them away. Yet, the ravens defied all these and their nature to bring food for a man in stringency.

If you're commanded, you stop showing initiative to do only what you're told. Command means you're immediately setup, defaulted or programmed to act only "one way" and not stray to another. So, it became contrary for the ravens not to have carried bread to Elijah. Words were binding on them. Only that you can't see it. There's a burden that has been laid on them and that's to fulfill the command of the God of all flesh. Today, may God command men concerning you. May God put men under necessity and compulsion for you. Whether they want to or not, may they be defaulted to show you favour, give you the job and award you the contract. So much more that they'll ask later on, "but why did we give it to him?"

"Commanded" could also mean "put under oath." When God said I have commanded the ravens to feed you there, we should begin to believe that God interacted with the ravens, delegated a duty to them and solemnly put them under oath to perform it dutifully. God doesn't leave things to chance. If He ever does, somebody's life will be in jeopardy. So, He's always making arrangements and putting things in strict orderliness. The fact that the ravens were put under oath shows in how dutiful and diligent they discharged their duties to the appointed man. They didn't carry bread to another place. Those God will command for your sake know where you are. Later on also, we learnt in details the specifications of the agreement God had entered with the ravens. We were told they brought Elijah bread and meat in the morning and in the evening. Who specified it should be twice per day? God did though not written black and white in the Bible like that! The ravens didn't perform less. They stick to the terms of their agreement and brought him meat in the morning and evening. Once you're promised by God, He performs it all to the latter. 

This same "I have commanded the ravens to feed you there" is the same revelation we have in exactness in Psalms 91:11-12 which says "for he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone."

One thing would have been inevitable and that's the dashing of foot on the stone but because angels have been commanded to stay "attention" concerning you, such event is forbidden happening to you. So, you can't have a successful accident or know any hurt. Elijah would have known want but the ravens have been commanded also.They've been instructed and they've solemnly vowed not to go against that which God has committed into their custody to do. I found out that the poor man is not he who doesn't have money at hand but he who needs money yet has or receives none at that time of need. That's why I'm praying that whenever you arrive at the gate of Zarephath, God will have commanded people concerning you. Then, you won't have to strive to convince them. They'll just be favourably disposed to you.  Lord, I am begging that you'll put men under necessity for me and our ministry. Men that will always make for us first by showing such first class degree and level of commitment. If not that you had commanded the widow of Zarephath too, would he spend on Elijah first of all? Never! But whenever you bind people with words, they don't do less except to do exceedingly more than you've instructed. 

I Kings 17:9, KJV  

"Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee."

You've commanded me to teach and I'm faithfully doing it. I'm opening my mouth and you're filling it, may you stir those who you want to give to us to do theirs and bring their commitments. Ministry is not what a man can do all alone. May you put them under necessity to act and discharge. May your words become fire in their bones until it's acted like teachings are in me until it is taught. May Your hands cut us those who will leave fathers, mothers, siblings, houses and submit to be flung wherever God sees needs and would have them administered. Lord, in the body of Christ, for all your called ministers and those who may be in dire needs, may they not lack those bound with words and put under necessity. Today's word is encouraging any that God is saying, "go" to. If He has sent you somewhere, provision is ahead you. People you don't even know have been put under obligation just for you. What a God!

PRAYER: Bind me with words of commitment for some and bind some with same for me. No refusal. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 2:31-4:18, Colossians 1:1-17, Psalm 76:1-12, Proverbs 24:21-22

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