Tuesday, 22 November 2022




I SHALL NOT WANT - Breaking Needs Series 001

Read John 2:1-10

Psalms 23:1, KJV 

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want."

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want", the psalmist declares. That verse must be very much made clear to you. What's the interpretation of "I shall not want" as it's written there? Does it mean you'll never get to a juncture or point in time when you'll need a thing? Or what does it actually mean? "I shall not want" as used there means "I shall not perpetually know need until that need is eluded and eventually not met."

We know we're humans and that none on this planet could deny the fact of ever having not being in want even if his needs were later supplied. Being on earth and being humans means you'll one day gaze up and see what you don't have that you'll like to possess and may not have wherewithal for immediately. At that instance, you immediately have need and could be said to be "in want."  "I shall not want" therefore as used there means because I have the Lord as my leader and one who I obey and follow, even if I'm in need or come to desire a thing, I shall not consistently be in that need or desire that thing because that need will be met and that same need therefore halted. It therefore means even though I don't have food at home and I need foodstuffs (being beginning to be in want or being in want already), God will not allow me be in want perpetually until it is not met within a jurisdicted time frame that need ought to be met. That is because He will meet my needs and not allow me come to an unbearable hunger and scorn that's not good for my health and mental state.

I had said in yesterday's devotional that the poor man is not he who doesn't have money safely crested in his account to meet needs at its appearance. It's rather the man who can't have his needs met when they appear. You may not have the wherewithal to meet a need immediately the need knocks but if the need is supplied on the way and you're consequently saved from the deadline slated to meet that need and the embarassment that not meeting it may cause, then you're rich. That's the man that can't know shame because even if his children's fees total five million and his salary and savings isn't up to that, God will make up for him by financing it in a way he himself doesn't preplan or is afore privy to.

Look at me people, God didn't promise us a trouble free life. We've been hearing preachers preach this and it's truth and not false at all. "In this life you'll face many tribulations" is rather the writing upon the wall of any Christian but with that also comes, "be of good cheer for I have conquered the world." "For I have conquered the world" is our salvation and bind of escape. We can count on that.

Did the Bible not say, "on their hands they'll bear you up (back to the height you were falling from) lest you dash your foot against a stone" (Psalm 91:12). You see, a time will come when disgrace would look imminent. It would look as if "today is today, you can't escape this embarassment." That's being on one's way down. But what did God promise? While that's happening; while the creditor has promised and is coming to pick your children to cover your debt, there and then, God will bear you up. If you're not borne up, you'll eventually know disgrace and embarassment but we have known a God who saves from disgrace and embarassment so that we don't actually be in want (in a state of perpetually needing a thing). He's the God that bears us on His hands from any fall that's ongoing so that we will not touch the ground let alone dash our foot on a stone. He's our Interceptor and Deliverer from all defying situations. People, is the Lord your Shepherd? If He is, it means He's the One who solely orders your life. You may have the highest paying job and He may tell you to resign to be reallocated to where He has needs to meet. If He's your Shepherd, you won't suddenly become wise and question Him. You will heed and you shall see the salvation of the Lord henceforth. But many times, more than 80% of Christians only confess "the Lord is my Shepherd..." He is not their Shepherd at all and because He is not, they're knowing need and being in want perpetually. Instead of provision meeting them on the way to settle their needs, eliminate their debts, they are let alone with themselves to fall off from the height of estimation and respect people have set them in their minds. 

I shall not want is only for shepherded Christians. I emphasized this in the earlier "Shepherd Series" teachings I did this year. Today, God wants to meet your needs and meet you on the way to halt any process of disgrace and embarassment but you have to come under Him first of all. Without submission and acceptance of Him as your Shepherd, you may not receive the promptness you so desire when you're beginning to know need or be in want. If you haven't submitted, you'll call God's wisdom of wanting to send you where He sees green pastures foolishness and so stray off from where you could have been provided for. So, you'll come to be in want and be in want perpetually because you have missed your provision by not allowing to be shepherded. I pray, may you receive the humility that pays.

PRAYER: I receive the humility of a sheep to be shepherded. I shall not know want perpetually even if I enter want.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 37:1-38:23; James 1:19-2:17; Psalm 117:1-2; Proverbs 28:1

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