Wednesday, 30 November 2022





Read Isaiah 53:1-10

Isaiah 53:10, KJV

"Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand."

If you read from verse one, you'll understand this place began by speaking about Jesus. And it is still of Him that speech is being made prophetically. It was said that "in His hands, the pleasure of the Lord will prosper." We should ask, what's the "pleasure of the Lord?" Simply put, it's also the "will of God." "Pleasure" refers to what has been found and one is delighted in; do recline in or like to habitually do." If a thing is the pleasure of anyone being willed to another, it immediately carries the potency to succeed since it's the pleasure of a greater fellow and a greater realm being acted out. So, "the pleasure of the Lord", is what He's  favourably disposed to. Let heaven and earth pass away, if a thing is the pleasure of the Lord, it must be done and must come to pass. What even makes it quickly burn and come to pass is that it's the pleasure of the Lord: what He founds, ordains, wills and then commissions to men by apportioning them. There's nothing in heaven and on earth that God is favourably disposed to if not His own will or pleasure. His pleasure is what He Himself ordains to be done. That's God's desire, wish or inner breathings. He seeks men on the earth to preach the gospel by which men could be saved for instance. That's one pleasure of the Lord. It keeps prospering daily. Wise people are those who seeks to know the pleasure of the Lord somewhere and then jump into it. Immediately, they'll begin to excel. Their excelling is not primarily because they're verily educated in handling that thing but because there's a word that goes with that pleasure of the Lord which their hands have found to do with all their might. So, they'll surf and rise on the energy of that pleasure or the Lord's will. They'll therefore become a wonder and be marvellous in people's sights.

Now, that place says, "and the pleasure of the Lord will prosper in His hands." This should be our prayer and then our objective. First of all, as a Christian or a minister, ensure you're in God's will and doing God's pleasure (what God is happy with). Ensure you're in alignment by doing only what you've found out by search that God wanted done. There are many things that God has ordained to be done. There's no time anyone does them that God is not delighted and gratified that they're been done. For example, what fast has God ordained? If not the one that'll loose the shackles of oppression? What did God command? That you will share your food and possessions with the poor and not close your eyes at them (Isa. 58:6-10). These amidst many are what God delight in. They are what consequently have a reward as well. 

Apart from finding out what the pleasure or will of God is before entering it, ensure you're the right man for a particular pleasure or will of God also. If not, you'll either destroy the work or the work destroys you. There are specific assignments identified with specific men from heaven. It's the pleasure of God but it has been dated, slated and apportioned to be done by some men. For example, the pleasure or will of the Lord of redeeming mankind was solely Christ's work. It's not the work of any prophet of old or apostle of now. So, it can't but prosper in His hands. Doing your work which is a fragment of God's will is what makes you constantly fulfilled and praised as a faithful or obedient servant. Why many don't have prosperity concerning what they call the will of God in their hands is because they're not the one appointed for that work. It is the will of God, yes we know that but are you the hands to do that will of God? Nowadays, people go out of their described jurisdictions and never stick to the pleasure of God concentrated in their hands. As mighty as John the Baptist was, he only came baptizing in order to fish out He who's the Messiah on whom the dove is said to alight and stay. He never tried to be the Saviour once despite the pressure from the company of the elders. He stayed to discharge and was able to fulfill his calling as Jesus' forerunner when he identify and have Him revealed to Israel. 

When the pleasure or will of God prospers, it means it flourishes. A thing that flourishes flows freely like water with a passage and blossoms like a tree planted by rivers of water (Psalm 1). You may begin to think of a body of water that's not being hindered but rather goes where it wants to go and does what it wants to do. Prosperity of God's pleasure in one's hands doesn't mean it won't be contested but that at the end of the day, that pleasure of the Lord and the man ordained to do it will still be standing when the antagonists have been pebbled and powdered by that will of God and now can't be found again. There was a time resistance rose against one minister I once served. Later, all the unrepentant critical people who stood against doing God's will died. I knew two who spearheaded that move. Those who didn't were severely punished. I was eyewitness. The pleasure or will of God when it prospers also comes with the picture of a vegetable garden that's usually well watered. If you look at the leaves, they'll be healthy and fresh. You'll delight having them for yourself. All these are the images given me to describe the picture of a prosperous pleasure of God in a man's hand. If you say you're doing something for God and it is not moving, flowing, gushing and making headway, you should stop, think and reassess whether you're doing the pleasure of the Lord at all or you're indeed the true man in whose hands such desire, purpose or intention of God should be situated. We know many times that the pleasure or will of God is settled and has nothing wrong with it but the wrong man in whose hands it's concentrated may not let it flourish. Today, I want to pray for anyone who has a service they're rendering or giving practically with their hands. May that thing prospers in your hands. For all those who are ministers, in the land God has placed you and you're obedient to go and labour, may God's pleasure prosper in your hands. May you be above contention and striving in the land.

PRAYER: I find Your pleasure and I do it. Will of God, carry me and bear me up.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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