Monday, 29 November 2021




THE GLORY OF THE CALLING - Purpose Series 004

I Samuel 3:19-20

"19 And Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground. 20 And all Israel from Dan even to Beersheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of the LORD."

There's a thing like the glory of the calling. If you hear purpose and you hearken to it, some things will manifest on your destiny journey. They are marks of God being with you. They are marks of your persistence and loyalty to God or the way chosen for you to follow. They are also compensation for heeding the heavenly call that calls you like it called others but which they were disobedient to. This is one of the reasons why the Lord seeks justifying and glorifying those He calls. He just wants to pay them back for laying down their will, way or the secular for what He's separating them unto. 

You have seen what God could make of a man through what He made of Samuel. If you're seeking one that's inexperienced in the things of God, it was Samuel at his beginning. It was so obvious he was ignorant when he couldn't even answer God's call to relate with him. Meanwhile, as he persisted, he learnt on the job through his God given guide. Without compromising the standard, he began to receive God's visitations. For staying there faithfully, God began to compensate him with the glory of the calling. It is a day something will start. Suddenly, all he says becomes amen. Nothing falls to the ground. That place says, "God let none of his word fall to the ground." This is God's commitment specifically to Samuel and an example to as many He calls. If God calls you into an office and raises you for an assignment, He wants you meet needs for Him. In meeting those needs, He will meet your needs. Samuel speaks but who aids him? God! It is not what Samuel says that matters but who brings to pass what he says. That's the power he can't weave. Look, when God calls you and you hearken, He'll do the hardest, greatest and dirtiest part of the job. Which one is harder? To speak or to fulfill? That's why saying isn't fulfilment for everyone.

The fact that none of his words will fall to the ground could be likened in outworking to that passage that says:

Psalms 91:11-12, KJV

"11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee... 12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone."

If they don't bear you up, you will have an accident and eventually dash your foot against a stone but because of their inclusive ministry of aiding and preventing from touching the ground, they hinder what should have resulted from happening. For Samuel, his words ought to be going in vain like other men's in town but God aided Him to know He has not heeded the call in vain. For Samuel, this is what he enjoys that established him in everybody's mind as a prophet. All of us doing ministry, we must know there will be moment people will doubt our calls. Meanwhile, God must prove Himself strong by giving off proofs that will eliminate the doubts of your being called indeed by Him. It doesn't happen in a jiffy but if you persist, God will vindicate you. The vindication of Samuel didn't come just so suddenly like that. He came when he himself was growing into the understanding and awareness of the importance of God being with one. At that time when God appears to be aiding him, he recognizes who does the jobs and who should take the glory. What will you enjoy as privilege for following your  purpose? Only God knows. Nobody can put a measure as to what manifestations of God you'll see when you follow God to the field He's calling you to subdue. Heeding the call is not only for ministry. It cuts across following God to a place of obsession that reveals itself as a gulf and a longing in your soul. If God draws you after a passion and you passionately cease it, you'll have extraordinary results in that field that others who only imitates without call won't have. God honours calling! He honours obedience and specialization. When He calls, He's calling you to come and have extraordinary results that deviates from that of the great congregation not called into that same arena. No one can say this is what God will use to repay him but if you at an attempt follow the Lord, the manifestations of glory, prosperity, honour you'll receive will surpass your thinking. Samuel himself could never have thought he'll get to a place where God would honour him with YES for whatsoever is uttered. Even if he mistakenly blesses or curses, it stays. What sort of trust is that for him to have been giving such authority? Saint, like a hart pant after rivers of water, let your heart pant after your calling. Hold unto it for it has great reward for you. The tool of the calling makes greater than anything. If you'll follow on to know the Lord where He's calling you, you'll be rewarded with faithfulness of God in dimensions that are exceeding which you could never think off. Only Believe.

PRAYER: Lord, vindicate my calling. Approve it with divine signs. Establish my ministry. Knit my heart with my specialization of grace.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28, 2 Peter 3:1-18, Psalm 119:129-152, Proverbs 28:21-22

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Sunday, 28 November 2021




A CASE STUDY - Purpose Series 003

Read I Sam. 1:10-28, 3:1-10

I Samuel 1:24, KJV

"And when she had weaned him, she took him up with her, with three bullocks, and one ephah of flour, and a bottle of wine, and brought him unto the house of the LORD in Shiloh: and the child was young."

Samuel is our case study and how at a very young age, he was apprenticed to the Lord. You're very much familiar with the story of Samuel. How he was a child of vow and how he was finally lent to the Lord. At the release of Samuel to the Lord and His vocation, the boy was very young. He was not even a youth. What age do women wean a baby? The age they stop giving him suck. It was that age the Bible calls the entry of Samuel into his vocation. His training began from that insignificant age. Those who visited Shiloh and saw him may think what would this amount to. Our eyes naturally disdain what is insignificant without knowing a journey of a thousand miles starts with a step. God began to visit him and that's all that matters. The fact that God has decides to walk with a man.

I Samuel 3:10, KJV

"And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth."

He couldn't interpret who was calling him but by proper mentoring, he was shown the way to pick God's call and receive communication from Him. Herein is Samuel's success in ministry. The door to being the national prophet he became started from his ability to be trained into entering into receiving from God. The Bible recorded that Samuel became one whose word never falls to the ground.

I Samuel 3:19, KJV

"And Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground."

Could this be the same Samuel that was held by his mum with innocence of what the future holds that day? How did he get here? By the passage of time and without compromise of his consecration. Did you also notice that he was the one God anointed to continue in the stead of Eli. Fathers will go but who will continue after fathers? This is why you must be available. This is why you must allow prophecy come to pass over you. Hannah vowed to lend Samuel to the Lord in the pangs of barrenness and she did. Samuel existed as one that would be given to God before his birth. This is how calling predates the birth of people also. However, what happens after birth? Do you ever find out your calling, to accept and to enter into it? If Samuel was never lent to the Lord, how will he ever grow to a place with the Lord where whatsoever he says becomes it. That was not his result when he started but it became his result as he persisted. There will be many great things that you won't see when you start out but which will manifest as a reward of righteousness and faithfulness on the way. So, take the first step, step out of the boat. Jesus is bidding you to come. He that calls you is He that will do it. He is faithful.  Anyone that God calls into purpose, that's where greatness is hidden for such. As that person walks in purpose, God will begin to give him to see and enjoy the results of walking in purpose. Once you discover purpose, don't pray or worry about becoming great, you're already great. It's in purpose greatness is destined for those who will find it to walk in it, not outside it. However, what do we have today? Multitudes seeking greatness and wealth yet haven't found it. Why? Labour outside purpose.

Saint, start early. Start your children out early. Find out from God their purposes and lend them to same and let them abide in it. Start and abide. Samuel didn't run back home. He allowed that vow find total fulfillment on him. Those who start will continue after Eli's done. A journey early started is one that promises early arrival. Who knew Samuel's lending to the Lord will give him the glory of speaking once and having it come to pass? He reached the utopia of his calling. Samuel arrived. Safety and arrival is yours too if you start. 

PRAYER: [Lay hand on your children or anoint them with oil]. Pray that they'll locate their purpose. Show them also. Automatically, one is destined to become great in it. Now, pray that you too won't waste away but be redeemed to fulfill purpose even at the eleventh hour. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 5:1-31, 2 Peter 2:1-22, Psalm119:113-128, Proverbs 28:19-20

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Saturday, 27 November 2021




APPRENTICED EARLY - Purpose Series 002

READ I Samuel 17:1-35

I Samuel 17:32-33, KJV

"32And David said to Saul, Let no man's heart fail because of him; thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine. 33 And Saul said to David, Thou art not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him: for thou art but a youth, and he a man of war from his youth.

If you will have a space between the strong and the mighty, you must be apprenticed early. I have seen young chaps being apprenticed to learn a particular vocation. From a tender age, their concentration is being leaned down to a thing to marry and excel in. This is what makes them see the ins and outs of that profession and learn its intricacies. It therefore becomes difficult for someone to call black white for them. They already have its revelation. One who starts in his youth is different from an adult who's trying to begin something in his adulthood. The beginning is always humiliating. So, the time of cultivating anything from its grassroots ought to be your youthful days - when you're easily not embarrassed, full of strength and could make mistakes and still amend. Consider this truth in the light of having education. Imagine if you're just enrolling in a primary school now. How will you feel? When your mates are already part of the labour force, earning and meeting needs, you are just starting school. Not being early apprenticed is a curse. Today, deliver yourself like a roe from the hunter.  See what and where you should be pumping diligence to which will bear on your future and give such attention. I was listening to a Nigerian minister and General Overseer, he said his friends in ministry do envy him for a thing. That he started earlier. This starting earlier has made him to cover grounds more than others. His profit appears to all undeniably. He himself is grateful he began then. If he were called now to come and begin what he began sometimes ago, he may never start since career might have won his attention and he has given much labour there which he'll like to reap. This is why some adults can't live to start some things now. They'll say, "I don't have time to see it through. I've already gone far in one". If you don't know, that lament is regret since all of us only has a life to live.

Saint, in all you'll do, quickly enrol at the time of enrolment. Gates do close. Once you begin to leave your youthful days, you may lose desire in what once obsesses you and which you should have been called to. Desire do fail.

Ecclesiastes 12:5, KJV

"... and desire shall fail: because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets:"

Obsession is not ordinary. It reveals itself in the pathway of your soul to separate you to a field. Your field which may not be another's. Ask adults, they don't usually get appetite over what is driving the youths now. Eyes have seen all and is now contented. Don't let your fate be cemented. Goliath joined the force at his youth and so rose through the ranks and became a general. A champion must first be proved before becoming one. Promotion takes time. It consumes years. If you start on this lonely journey now, God willing, your testimony will be that you can't be pushed aside because you've been there since your youth. If you can tear yourself away from other things contesting for you, you'll see what it means to be dedicated to a call. You'll make a name to God's glory and honour to yourself for heeding. Those God has given obsession to, that's your opportunity to be glorified. 

PRAYER: Lord, may the obsession in me for where I should be not die. Use it to tilt me to my vocation for life. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 4:1-37, 2 Peter 1:1-21, Psalm 119:97-112, Proverbs 28:17-18

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Friday, 26 November 2021




FROM HIS YOUTH - Purpose Series 001

I Samuel 17:32-33, KJV

"32 And David said to Saul, Let no man's heart fail because of him; thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine. 33 And Saul said to David, Thou art not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him: for thou art but a youth, and he a man of war from his youth.

Whatever will happen to you that has to do with destiny or purpose, let it start in your youth. Have encounters that will be testimonies when you're established now. From your youth, you can then bear the marks of things that have formed on and in you throughout the journey. The dangerous, fiery and scary citation read as testimony about Goliath by Saul is that he has been a man of war from his youth. While it seems to Saul that David was just starting and setting out, Goliath had endured the race. He has been proved and he's being respected for having been long on the journey since there's a thing being long on the journey does and gives you. He has the name, goods and even trophies. Why? He has been a man of war from his youth. By experience and multitude of knowledge of battles he has, who will easily defeat him? Not even David who's just a starter.  His chances are slim. If seasoned warriors are scared, what will be the lot of David?

David had said he'll go and fight Goliath but Saul in trying to take responsibility of a father who doesn't want to lose his child early to death counselled him why he won't be able to fight him. It is 'cause he has been a man of war from his youth.  What does being a man of war from your youth makes you? Why will Saul use that as a deterrent or warning against David's going ahead? What impact is left on you when you find your area of purpose and start out early? What happens is that you will shed the innocence of starters and enter into the maturity and stability of long sufferers in that field. What you start early in your life is what you can know better, be a master of and don't have to do guess work over again.  Everybody learns on the job. Even Goliath, when he started, he was probably not a good warrior though he has the gigantic physical stature. Somebody had to teach him what hand should carry the shield and how to wield the sword. It took time for him to acquire the skills that made it difficult for any warrior: old or young to defeat him. He was so sure of one on one fight that that was what he proposed. He was not foolish. If he was not an assured, seasoned and good fighter, he wouldn't have recommended that to be done. From this background knowledge of Goliath having being a seasoned fighter, experienced and one that has been on the road for years, Saul counselled David to reconsider. Saul needed someone to take away the reproach urgently but that doesn't blind him from seeing what could get David killed. Only that he didn't know that Goliath was reserved for David to shine through. That's why until David arrived, no one was able to attempt him. 

Saint, start now. Begin to count years now. Launch out into the deep this early and by adulthood, you'll have known the experience and joy of catching fishes that break the net. At the onset of your ministry, your church may be few but after staying there and bearing with time, your cup: church will run over. You will even need an extension to accommodate the overflow just like Peter needed another boat to gather the fishes. Nobody receives the witness of having being a man of war from his youth while withholding to start when his years are fresh and has years to grow and shine in that field. Your years in that field will teach you the field. It is this teaching that will make you conquer the field: become a demi-god or master and be able to handle things easily. No man takes this honour upon himself, except he that is called. If you're called, hearken today.  

PRAYER: Lord, set me out. I release myself to fulfill this heavenly vision. I shall not withhold, delay or postpone. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 2:24-3:30, 1 Peter 4:7-5:14, Psalm 119:81-96, Proverbs 28:15-16

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Thursday, 25 November 2021





READ Genesis 22:1-17

Genesis 22:7-8, KJV

"7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? 8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together."

Trusting God for provision is real. You can trust God for your needs to be met. For rent to be paid or for you to even obtain any material thing. Just mention the need. In today's reading, Isaac asked the father where the lamb is. Other things needed for sacrifice is at hand but one thing is lacking. Where's the lamb? He might have uttered it out of innocence that he's the lamb but his question is actually what many followers are asking their leaders, what children are asking their parents, what wives are asking their husbands and what associate pastors are asking their set man. They are asking, "sir, where is this and that?" The wife is saying, "My dear, where's their school fees? The given deadline is here. Hope disgrace and disappointment isn't here?" After checking round, inspecting and seeing not even a shadow of what should be on ground, Isaac drew close to the main man and ask, "where's the lamb for sacrifice?" All of us will one day get to a place where things may not quickly add up. A place where what we need won't be on ground. A place where we'll still be making search. A place where an avenue is being made for God to be glorified and for us to exercise faith while finally experiencing a miracle. Things later added up for Abraham because a ram indeed appeared and Isaac wasn't sacrificed. Meanwhile before then, he knew nothing of what God was up to except that God could raise Isaac from the dead since the promise of being a father of multitude shall be fulfilled through his own given seed - Isaac in this wise. Before then, there was suspense in the air.

Hebrews 11:17-19, KJV

"17 By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,  11:18 Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:  11:19 Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure."

Abraham told Isaac, "the Lord will provide." Many of us might have said this word casually without meaning it but to deflect further enquiries of those who needed assurance. Meanwhile, when Abraham uttered it, he was accounting God to sincerely offer a way of escape. Only that God offered the one he didn't think about. Brethren, exercise faith. Believe that God will provide even in tight of tight corners. It was bad for Abraham that his boy could see all other ingredients without the major. A little boy was asking an old man where provision would come from. All that is needed and which appears to the eyes are readily available but where's the lamb? Look, what is lamb to you on which those who depend on God through you have been enquiring will not be delayed. It will be released and reach unhindered. Those of you with the contemplation of where provision of this or that will come from, God do attend even to emergencies. 

PRAYER: Lord, I receive tight corner miracles. God will assuredly provide. How He'll do it, I don't know but He will provide.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 1:1-2:23, 1 Peter 3:8-4:6, Psalm 119:65-80, Proverbs 28:14

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Wednesday, 24 November 2021





Read Luke 2:40-50

Luke 2:44-45, KJV

"44 But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day's journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance. 45 And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him."

Those of you God has put in places of authority, one thing you should not recline in is to assume. There's a thing known as costly assumption. It's to assume your children are living morally on campus without having being assured upon investigation and gathering of evidences they are. If you assume so when you've not checked whether it is so or not, one thing is the result, you will never find out whether they're living contrarily if they are. Those of you parents or leaders beating your chest that "it can't be my child. My own child has not been left behind. He can't but travel in the company of other children". The finding will shock you at the last day which is Discovery Day (D.D). My humble prayer is just that it won't have been too far for you to redeem what assumption has been hindering you from discovering. Assumption is a demon. Once it enters into a fellow like this, the demon of procrastination will begin to befriend that fellow also. So, when it is coming to his mind to take a step, launch out, put a call through or enquire and settle the doubt in his mind, he'll still be holding unto the shadow of reality that he has believed. He'll ease himself with "all can't but be well". This is what assumption does. It partners with procrastination to make a prey and hold captive his victim until the undesirable that could have been prevented happens.

How many of you are guilty of this? How many of you has the Holy Spirit being troubling or impressing on to take a step yet declines from same. While I was growing up, I heard of rats that will eat one's toes while asleep and will cool their victim down to ease by fanning him to sleep or late discovery. That may be fable but that's the exact thing that demon of assumption does. Joseph and Mary could have investigated the matter intricately to see whether Jesus was in the company of their kinsmen indeed or not instead of assuming he can't but be. Nobody has right to make declarative statements until investigation and gathering of beyond doubt evidences. Later on, they have reason to return to Jerusalem for Jesus' search when they discovered to their amazement they've been presumptuous all this while.  How you think it to be may not be how it is? So, click and check. Stop postponing. Stop saying, I believe it's as I'm thinking or have thought without taking a step to check. Won't you be guilty the way you're going when it is not once or even thrice you're being aroused to investigate what is coming to your mind? Should you not share the understanding to discern that what you assume on may be wrong by the often doubt of such matter in your mind? When a thing keeps coming to your mind, always double check it. Such things are established to come to pass.  Develop a nerve and take action. Open the file and see what it contains. You'll receive the shocker of your life. Don't use assumption to pastor, lead or direct. Don't think Jesus will journey in the company of his kinsmen because you're assuming so. You, check whether He's in their midst first of all. After then, you can then go and sleep the sleep of Jonah. If they ask you why such sleep, tell them you have being translated from assumption to assurance. Assurance when it's possessed gives guaranty and establishment. Doubts don't raise its head again cause there's an evidence which has been gotten or derived that shuts it up every time it tries peeping out. Today, all parents, leaders, authorities and individuals must graduate from the classes of assumption to assurance.

PRAYER: Give me the obedience to obey promptings to solve doubts in my mind. I receive insight to identify and amend assumptions into truths. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezekiel 47:1-48:35, 1 Peter 2:11-3:7, Psalm 119:49-64, Proverbs 28:12-13

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Tuesday, 23 November 2021





READ Luke 2:40-50

Luke 2:44, KJV

"But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day's journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance".

Do you know when many finds out? After a day's journey. After the deed might have been done or reversing painful to do. Some years ago, I heard a Nigerian minister told the unfortunate story of a family that lost a man child. The parents were in the house with a female visitor they had that day. Suddenly, they heard a gunshot. They ran into the boy's room and witnessed the horror of his death. He shot himself! Later in time, this woman told the parents, "A gun was in the possession of your son and you didn't know. You didn't know he was passing through something until he blew himself up". You see, that was after a day's journey. A day had passed before discovery was made. At the entry point, no one learnt the symptoms pervading and ravaging the world of that boy. It didn't happen to them he was just coping with life until a bullet reveals everything. Discern before you walk a distance. Catch it young to have it easier. God wants you to be aware when it is just brand new. As it hits the market or touches the ground like this, it should fall into your hands. You can even ascend to the level of "before it springs forth, I tell you of them" [Isaiah 42:9]. If you can reach here where before it even touches the ground, you've caught it, you'll prevent a lot of evil and multitude of things outside God's will from happening. By knowing ahead of the event also, you could also team mate with God to birth divine realities that Satan will be too late to stop. To reach here may take constant fasting, praying and yielding to the Holy Ghost even at inconvenient times. Obeying is hard. When you're being prompted to take yield to an act that will open you to divine communication, your spirit may be willing but your flesh weak. This is where by increase in growth, you must beat down your flesh to the desire of your spirit. The Spirit may wake you up and ask you to take a peep into the children's room. If you're unwilling to follow that insignificant leading, you may not know that Satan is beginning to lure your children into masturbation, homosexuality or even incest. It may be your female house help the Lord is saying you as the woman should go and spy on. Yet, your excuse of not wanting to break into anyone's privacy may hinder you from discovery. What if God is saying, "go search her things" while to your shock, you discover strange things that have opened your family to demonic assaults? God told Gideon to go to the camp of the Midianites and there he was let into the discovery of all times [Judges 7:10-15]. Even Jeremiah didn't hear God until he went to the potter's house [Jeremiah 18:1-6]. Discovery comes by acting on instructions and promptings. It is the Spirit of prophecy that knows what's going on that wants your walk to coincide with what's beginning to happen. Divine appointment is real.

Joseph and Mary were presumptuous and it costs them journeying back to Jerusalem after travelling far. It even costs them three days extra before they located Jesus. Their assumption  was, "He's among our relatives". Some are also saying as well, "my own children are free of those." Let that be after your inspection and not a statement from assumption that thinks they should know what's right to do.

When it is just a leaking secret that affords one to turn back and reach quickly, may you be awake and aware. May God give all parents and leaders the overseeing spirit of a shepherd whose heart is always with his sheep and knows if one is lacking or missing. Like that prostitute we read of yesterday, may you be able to discern promptly without a walk over that something is happening. May your spirit be stirred and troubled where it should until you locate by prayer and reality search what's wrong. May your daughter not get pregnant under your nose! May you observe the withdrawal of your once cheerful child. May you see and pick immediately!

PRAYER: Lord, don't let me sleep the sleep of death. Arrows that lures to sleep or birth insensitivity in me, fall off me. The chariot of the enemy is burnt. The curtain torn and the secret exposed. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 45:13-46:24, 1 Peter 1:13-2:10, Psalm 119:33-48, Proverbs 28:11

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Monday, 22 November 2021

Chinese - 23/11/2021

 星期二 - 2021 年 11 月 23 日

 早晨之翼每日灵修指南 - Olusola ADEJUMO

 抓住年轻 - 入门系列 002

 阅读列王纪上 3:16-28

 列王纪上 3:21,KJV


 有一种精神可以帮助基督徒在年轻时抓住它。 那是圣灵。 当它像这样新鲜发生时,他们不会让它停留,而是将其捞出。 住在同一个房子里的两个妓女生了孩子。 更糟糕的是,当他们被提出时,没有证人知道他们的所有叙述。 因此,从说真话的人那里找出骗子变得很困难。 一个人声称另一个人躺在她自己的孩子身上,这个孩子已经死了,但她用这个孩子代替了她自己活着的孩子。 所有这些戏剧都发生在她睡着的时候,显然是真的睡着了。 母性的压力让她陷入了死亡的沉睡。 与此同时,当她清醒过来,有机会去调查这件事的时候,她立刻发现,死去的孩子不是她的。 她坚持自己的立场,并充满信念地继续拒绝他们刚刚向她展示的新结果。 昨晚不是这样的。 今天早上不能这样。 这不是我的!

 不能求这个女人。 她不得不向国王上诉。 搁置她的手或怀疑死去的孩子是否是她的,很快就解决了。 一天没有过去。 在她醒着调查的一个小时里,这件事并没有过去。 随即,她斥责了这种情况,最终当她找回了自己的亲生孩子时,正义得到了伸张。

 圣,你可能在夜里睡着了,你可能昏迷不醒,你可能疲倦或无聊等等被利用了。 醒来后,你要多久才能看出他们是来打包你的货物然后用假货代替的,这样你就可以接受谎言代替真相,永远不知道真相? 这就是为什么我喜欢侦探、部队成员(情报人员)等。如果你进入他们的房间并从它的位置移动一个东西,在他们回来时,如果那个东西被转动或移动,他们可以钓鱼。 他们的训练使之成为可能。 您也需要接受培训才能准确挑选。 那个女人通过在晨光中对他的好感来挑选出她的孩子不是死者的启示。 他们卖给你的不属于你的一切,是时候向国王上诉了。 是时候拒绝这一切了。 我们今天对它说不。 我为你祈祷,没有人能够再次欺骗你。 在你睡梦中免费与你同眠的精灵(魅魔和梦魔)会遇到一堵墙。 从今以后,这种精神会发现你很聪明。 来了解一下。 找回你的理由,认为死去的孩子不是你的。 发现你家里的孩子中有混蛋,但伪装成他们是你的。 看看他或她是谁的假货。 看到魔鬼假装在你的会众里说预言。 在弹指之间,让您对自己真正拥有的记忆浮现。 让面纱撕裂。 挂锁打开,挂钩损坏。


 一年中的圣经:以西结书 44:1-45:12,彼得前书 1:1-12,诗篇 119:17-32,箴言 28:8-10

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Arabic - 23/11/2021

 الثلاثاء - 23 نوفمبر 2021

 الدليل الإرشادي اليومي للأجنحة الصباحية - Olusola ADEJUMO

 اصطياد الشباب - سلسلة الدخول 002

 اقرأ ملوك الأول ٣: ١٦- ٢٨

 ملوك الأول 3:21 ، طبعة الملك جيمس

 "وعندما استيقظت في الصباح لأرضع طفلي ، إذا كان قد مات: ولكن عندما كنت أفكر في الأمر في الصباح ، إذا لم يكن ابني هو الذي حملته."

 هناك روح تساعد المسيحيين على اللحاق به في سن مبكرة.  هذا هو الروح القدس.  عندما يحدث طازجًا مثل هذا ، فإنهم لا يتركونه يتباطأ بل يصطادونه.  أنجبت مومتان تسكنان في نفس المنزل.  لتفاقم حالتهم عند تقديمهم ، لم يعرف أي شاهد عن كل روايتهم.  لذلك ، أصبح من الصعب إخراج الكذاب من قائل الحقيقة.  ادعت إحداهما أن الأخرى وضعت على طفلها الذي مات لكنها استبدلت بطفلها الحي.  حدثت كل هذه الدراما عندما كانت نائمة ومن الواضح أنها نائمة حقًا.  لقد أصابها ضغوط الأمومة بالضرب حتى نوم الموت.  في هذه الأثناء ، عندما أصبحت واعية وأتيحت لها الفرصة للتحقيق في الأمر ، اكتشفت على الفور أن الطفل الميت ليس طفلها.  وقفت على أرضها وبكل قناعة استمرت في رفض النتيجة الجديدة التي أطلعوها عليها للتو.  لم يكن الأمر على هذا النحو الليلة الماضية.  لا يمكن أن يكون مثل هذا الصباح.  هذا ليس لي!

 لا يمكن استجداء هذه المرأة.  كان عليها أن تناشد الملك.  وقف يديها أو الشك فيما إذا كان الطفل الميت لها أم لا استقر في لمح البصر.  يوم لم يمر عليه.  ساعة واحدة على استيقاظها للتحقيق لم يتم تجاوز الأمر.  على الفور ، وبخت الموقف وفي النهاية وجدت العدالة عندما استعادت طفلها الحقيقي.

 يا قديس ، قد تكون نائمًا في الليل ، وقد تكون فاقدًا للوعي ، وقد تكون متعبًا أو تشعر بالملل وبالتالي يتم استغلالك.  بعد الاستيقاظ ، إلى متى ستستغرق لتمييز أنهم أتوا لتعبئة البضائع الخاصة بك ثم استبدالها بأخرى زائفة حتى تقبل الباطل بدلاً من الحقيقة ولا تعرف الحقيقة أبدًا؟  هذا هو السبب في أنني أحب المحققين وأفراد القوة (الضباط الأذكياء) وما إلى ذلك. إذا دخلت غرفتهم وقمت بنقل شيء من موقعه ، عند عودتهم ، يمكنهم الصيد إذا تم قلب هذا الشيء أو تغييره.  جعل تدريبهم ذلك ممكنا.  أنت أيضًا بحاجة إلى تدريب لتختار بدقة.  التقطت تلك المرأة الوحي بأن طفلها لم يكن ميتًا من خلال اعتباره جيدًا في ضوء الصباح.  كل شيء ليس لك والذي باعوه لك ، حان الوقت لتقديم مناشدة للملك.  حان الوقت لرفض كل شيء.  نقول لا لها اليوم.  أدعو الله ألا يخدعك أحد مرة أخرى.  ستلتقي الأرواح (succubus and incubus) التي تنام معك مجانًا أثناء نومك بجدار.  سوف تجدك هذه الروح من الآن فصاعدا حكيما.  تعال إلى الفهم.  استعد سبب كون الطفل الميت ليس لك.  اكتشف أن لديك الأوباش وسط الأطفال في منزلك ولكنهم متخفون بأنهم ملكك.  انظر إلى المزيف لمن هو أو هي.  انظر إلى إبليس متظاهراً أن يتنبأ في جماعتك.  بلمسة من أصابعك ، دع ذاكرتك لما تمتلكه حقًا تأتي إليك.  دع الحجاب يمزق.  القفل مفتوح والخطاف تالف.

 الصلاة: أدركت ما هو ملكي وهو هدية جيدة ومثالية بينما أميز نفسه من الممتلكات الزائفة.

 الكتاب المقدس في سنة: حزقيال 44: 1-45: 12 ، 1 بطرس 1: 1-12 ، مزمور 119: 17-32 ، أمثال 28: 8-10

 مدعوم من وزارات اجنحة الصباح.  شارك مع الآخرين باللغات الإنجليزية والفرنسية والعربية والسواحيلية والصينية.  الاستفسار أو الاستشارة من خلال +234 80 77 63 85 50 أو +234 8137 04 68 12 II & Blog @

FRENCH - 23/11/2021



 CATCHING IT YOUNG - Série d'entrée 002

 LIRE I Rois 3:16-28

 I Rois 3:21, LSG

"Et quand je me levais le matin pour donner le sein à mon enfant, voici, il était mort; mais quand je l'avais considéré le matin, voici, ce n'était pas mon fils que j'ai enfanté."

Il y a un Esprit qui aide les chrétiens à l'attraper jeune.  C'est le Saint-Esprit.  Comme cela arrive frais comme ça, ils ne le laissent pas s'arrêter mais le repêchent plutôt.  Deux prostituées hébergées dans la même maison ont accouché.  Pour aggraver leur cas lorsqu'ils ont été présentés, aucun témoin n'était au courant de toute leur narration.  Ainsi, il est devenu difficile d'extraire le menteur du révélateur de la vérité.  L'une prétend que l'autre a mis sur son propre enfant qui est mort mais qu'elle a substitué à son propre enfant vivant.  Tout ce drame s'est produit quand elle était endormie et visiblement vraiment endormie.  Le stress de la maternité l'avait poussée jusqu'au sommeil de la mort.  Pendant ce temps, lorsqu'elle a repris connaissance et a eu l'occasion d'enquêter sur l'affaire, elle a immédiatement découvert que l'enfant mort n'était pas le sien.  Elle resta sur son terrain et refusa avec conviction le nouveau résultat qu'ils venaient de lui montrer.  Ce n'était pas comme ça hier soir.  Ça ne peut pas être comme ça ce matin.  Ce n'est pas le mien !

Cette femme ne pouvait pas être suppliée.  Elle dut faire appel au roi.  Rester ses mains ou douter que l'enfant mort soit le sien ou non a été réglé en un tournemain.  Un jour ne s'y passa.  Une heure pour qu'elle soit réveillée pour enquêter n'a pas permis de régler le problème.  Immédiatement, elle a réprimandé la situation et a finalement trouvé justice lorsqu'elle a récupéré son vrai enfant.

Saint, vous pouvez être endormi la nuit, vous pouvez être inconscient, vous pouvez être fatigué ou ennuyé et ainsi mis à profit.  Après le réveil, combien de temps vous faudra-t-il pour discerner qu'ils sont venus emballer vos marchandises et les remplacer ensuite par le pseudo afin que vous acceptiez le mensonge à la place de la vérité et ne parveniez jamais à la connaissance de la vérité ?  C'est pourquoi j'aime les détectives, les membres de la force (officiers intelligents) etc. Si vous entrez dans leur chambre et déplacez une chose de sa position, à leur retour, ils pourraient repêcher si cette chose était tournée ou déplacée.  Leur formation l'a rendu possible.  Vous aussi, vous avez besoin d'une formation pour choisir avec précision.  Cette femme a choisi la révélation que son enfant n'était pas le mort en le considérant bien dans la lumière du matin.  Tout ce qui n'est pas à toi qu'ils t'ont vendu, il est temps de faire appel au roi.  Il est temps de tout refuser.  Nous lui disons NON aujourd'hui.  Je prie pour vous que personne ne puisse plus vous tromper.  Les Esprits (succube et incube) dormant gratuitement avec vous dans votre sommeil rencontreront un mur.  Cet esprit vous trouvera désormais sage.  Venez à la compréhension.  Retrouve ta raison que l'enfant mort n'est pas à toi.  Ayez la découverte que vous avez des bâtards parmi les enfants dans votre maison mais sous le déguisement qu'ils sont à vous.  Voir le faux pour qui il ou elle est.  Voyez le diable faire semblant de prophétiser dans votre congrégation.  En un claquement de doigts, laissez venir à vous le souvenir de ce que vous possédez réellement.  Que le voile se déchire.  Le cadenas est ouvert et le crochet est corrompu.

PRIERE : J'arrive à la connaissance de ce qui m'appartient qui est cadeau bon et parfait en le discernant des pseudo possessions.

BIBLE EN UNE ANNÉE : Ézéchiel 44:1-45:12, 1 Pierre 1:1-12, Psaume 119:17-32, Proverbes 28:8-10

Propulsé par Morning Wings Ministries.  Partagez avec d'autres en anglais, français, arabe, swahili et chinois.  Renseignez-vous ou conseillez au +234 80 77 63 85 50 ou au +234 8137 04 68 12 II & Blog @

SWAHILI - 23/11/2021



KUIkamata KIJANA - Mfululizo wa Kuingia 002

 SOMA 1 Wafalme 3:16-28

 1 Wafalme 3:21, KJV

 “Nami nilipoamka asubuhi ili kunyonya mtoto wangu, tazama, alikuwa amekufa;

Kuna Roho ambayo huwasaidia Wakristo kuikamata mchanga.  Huyo ni Roho Mtakatifu.  Inapotokea mbichi hivi, hawairuhusu ikawie bali kuivua.  Makahaba wawili walioishi katika nyumba moja walijifungua.  Ili kuzidisha kesi yao ilipowasilishwa, hakuna shahidi aliyejua masimulizi yao yote.  Kwa hiyo, ikawa vigumu kumtoa yule mwongo kutoka kwa msema kweli.  Mmoja alidai kwamba mwingine alimlalia mtoto wake ambaye alikufa lakini alimbadilisha na mtoto wake aliye hai.  Drama hii yote ilitokea akiwa amelala na ni wazi amelala kweli.  Dhiki ya akina mama ilikuwa imemshinda hadi usingizi wa kifo.  Wakati huo huo, alipopata fahamu na kupata fursa ya kuchunguza suala hilo, mara moja aligundua kuwa mtoto aliyekufa sio wake.  Alisimama kidete na kwa imani yote aliendelea kukataa matokeo mapya ambayo walikuwa wamemwonesha.  Haikuwa hivi jana usiku. Haiwezi kuwa hivi asubuhi ya leo.  Huyu si wangu!

Mwanamke huyu hakuweza kuombwa.  Ilibidi akate rufaa kwa mfalme.  Kukaa mikono yake au kutilia shaka ikiwa mtoto aliyekufa ni wake au la kulitatuliwa kwa mshangao.  Siku moja haikupita.  Saa moja kwake kuwa macho ili kuchunguza halikuendelea juu ya jambo hilo.  Mara moja, alikemea hali hiyo na mwishowe akapata haki alipomchukua mtoto wake halisi.

Mtakatifu, unaweza kuwa umelala usiku, unaweza kuwa na fahamu, unaweza kuwa na uchovu au kuchoka na hivyo kuchukuliwa faida ya.  Baada ya kuamka, itakuchukua muda gani kutambua kwamba wamekuja kubeba bidhaa zako na kuzibadilisha na za uwongo ili ukubali uwongo badala ya ukweli na kamwe usipate ujuzi wa ukweli?  Hii ndiyo sababu ninawapenda wapelelezi, kuwalazimisha wanachama (maafisa wa akili) n.k. Ukiingia kwenye chumba chao na kuhamisha kitu kutoka kwenye nafasi yake, wanaporudi, wanaweza kuvua samaki ikiwa kitu hicho kimegeuzwa au kuhamishwa.  Mafunzo yao yalifanya iwezekane.  Wewe pia unahitaji mafunzo ya kuchagua kwa usahihi.  Mwanamke huyo alipata ufunuo kwamba mtoto wake hakuwa amekufa kwa kumfikiria vizuri asubuhi.  Kila kitu ambacho si chako ambacho wamekuuza, ni wakati wa kukata rufaa kwa mfalme.  Ni wakati wa kukataa yote.  Leo tunasema HAPANA.  Ninakuombea kwamba hakuna mtu atakayeweza kukudanganya tena.  Roho (succubus na incubus) zinazolala nawe bila malipo katika usingizi wako zitakutana na ukuta.  Roho hiyo itakupata mwenye hekima.  Njoo ufahamu.  Rudisha sababu yako kwamba mtoto aliyekufa sio wako.  Pata ugunduzi kwamba una watoto haramu kati ya watoto ndani ya nyumba yako lakini ukijificha kuwa wao ni wako.  Angalia bandia kwa yeye ni nani.  Ona shetani akijifanya kutoa unabii katika kusanyiko lako.  Kwa haraka haraka, acha kumbukumbu yako ya kile unachomiliki ikujie.  Acha pazia kupasuka.  Kufuli iko wazi na ndoano imeharibika.

SALA: Ninapata ujuzi wa kile ambacho ni changu ambacho ni zawadi nzuri na kamilifu huku nikipambanua sawa na mali za uwongo.

BIBLIA KWA MWAKA: Ezekieli 44:1-45:12, 1 Petro 1:1-12, Zaburi 119:17-32, Mithali 28:8-10

Inaendeshwa na Morning Wings Ministries.  Shiriki na wengine kwa Kiingereza, Kifaransa, Kiarabu, Kiswahili na Kichina.  Uliza au ushauri kupitia +234 80 77 63 85 50 au +234 8137 04 68 12 II & Blog @




CATCHING IT YOUNG - Entry Series 002

READ I Kings 3:16-28

I Kings 3:21, KJV

"And when I rose in the morning to give my child suck, behold, it was dead: but when I had considered it in the morning, behold, it was not my son, which I did bear."

There's a Spirit that helps Christians catch it young. That's the Holy Ghost. As it happens fresh like this, they don't let it tarry but rather fish it out. Two prostitutes housed in the same house gave birth. To worsen their case when presented, no witness knew about all their narration. So, it became difficult fetching out the liar from the truth teller. One claimed the other laid on her own child which died but which she substituted for her own living child. All this drama happened when she was asleep and obviously really asleep. Motherhood stress had beaten her down to the sleep of death. Meanwhile, when she became conscious and had the opportunity to investigate the matter, she immediately found out that the dead child was not hers. She stood on her ground and with all conviction kept refusing the new result they had just shown her. It wasn't like this last night. It can't be like this this morning. This isn't mine!

This woman couldn't be begged. She had to appeal to the king. Staying her hands or doubting whether the dead child is hers or not was settled in a jiffy. A day didn't pass over it. One hour to her being awake to investigate didn't go over the matter. Immediately, she reprimanded the situation and at the end found justice when she retrieved her real child. 

Saint, you may be asleep in the night, you may be unconscious, you may be tired or bored and so taken advantage of. After waking, for how long will it take you to discern they've come to pack your goods and then replace it with the pseudo so you'll accept falsehood in place of truth and never come to the knowledge of the truth? This is why I love detectives, force members (intelligent officers) etc. If you enter their room and shift a thing from its position, at their return, they could fish out if that thing was turned or shifted. Their training made it possible. You too need a training to pick accurately. That woman picked the revelation that her child wasn't the dead one by considering him well in the morning light. Everything that is not yours which they've sold you, it is time to make an appeal to the king. It is time to refuse it all. We say NO to it today. I pray for you that nobody will be able to deceive you again. The Spirits (succubus and incubus) sleeping with you free of charge in your sleep will meet with a wall. That spirit will henceforth find you wise. Come to understanding. Regain your reason that the dead child isn't yours. Have the discovery that you have bastards amidst the children in your house yet under disguise that they're yours. See the fake for who he or she is. See the devil pretending to give prophecy in your congregation. At the snap of the fingers, let your memory of what you really possess come to you. Let the veil be torn. The padlock is open and the hook is corrupted.

PRAYER: I come to the knowledge of what is mine which is good and perfect gift while discerning same from pseudo possessions. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 44:1-45:12, 1 Peter 1:1-12, Psalm 119:17-32, Proverbs 28:8-10

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II & Blog @

Sunday, 21 November 2021




ARE YOU JUST KNOWING? - Entry Series 001

READ Luke 2:40-50

Luke 2:44-45, KJV

"44 But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day's journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance. 45 And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him."

It is a day something will begin. The day something starts may not be the day you are notified of it. Awareness is therefore important in tracking and discerning what has been done, what is being done or will be done. Today, just like the Lord asked me to teach me, He's putting same question in my mouth to ask you. "Are you just knowing? When you just know is when turn around could happen. If you discover late, it's then you can begin to put in preparation to turn back. In this life, there are two people. Those that discover at the point of entry or happening of an event and those that discover a great while - when the journey has been made and a time or season has passed over the event. That's when they're discovering. Such people are late discoverers and late discoverers are always late possessors.

This place concerns Joseph and Mary, the mother of Jesus. After the feast, their presumptuousness didn't put them at alert to discover that Jesus (twelve then) had stayed back at the temple or church as we'll call it in our day. They thought and reasoned automatically that He must be amidst the company or great crowd of relative and friend that they took the journey together. They did not see Him and they did not enquire because of that presumption. At this time, they didn't have any entry or insight into the fact that Jesus has been left behind. As a matter of fact, they were not troubled because it has not come to their senses that they've 'lost' a boy - a whole human being and a special child for that matter. When they knew, the heat hit them and they sought to journey back to locate Him. However, when did they know? That's the question we should answer. They didn't know immediately. They knew after going a day. Imagine discovering that you left your child at a place you had visited after 24 hours had passed. If people hear, with what salute will they greet you as a parent? Under whatsoever excuse and reason you have to give, they'll call you careless and nonchalant. This their late discovery now costs them to turn around and about to journey back to the past they had left behind to obtain what they should have obtained and put on the journey with them. Your not discovering earlier doesn't cancel the journeying back to address the matter. If a problem entered into a Christian brother's or sister's life at 23 and he had journeyed for awhile before discovering it, he will still turn back even at 46 to address it. Mandate is laid on him to turn back since what he has left behind is 'can't do without". So that you won't serve twice when you could have served once, God said I should ask you to check yourself, people around you etc to discover if something strange is happening or has happened that you need to fetch out and deal with immediately. What has entered into your business, marriage, ministry etc that you haven't found out now yet you're journeying at full speed when you should first stop to address it. God said, "wait, turn back and go and deal with the matter you left not dealt with." Is it until your spouse brings you divorce papers to sign that reality will hit you? It has been happening for long. The nursing of love for another has been going on under the carpet. Know now!

There's no journeying into the future without Jesus also. If He dropped or alighted from your vehicle just yesterday, stop at where you discover. Don't say, "I've gone a day's journey. I've spent energy and resources. I can't go back to the source or foundation to make corrections again." Those excuses if you successfully give them will make you not have a future. Today, go back. Look back and make amendments on all things that happened in the past which determines the future.

PRAYER: Lord, as your prophet has said, give me a knowing of all matters that should be addressed which had happened or is happening. I receive sensitivity to be aware promptly, on time and on the spot.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 42:1-43:27, James 5:1-20,Psalm 119:1-16, Proverbs 28:6-7

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II & Blog @

Saturday, 20 November 2021




TO THE SALTLESS SALT - Use Me Series 004

READ Judges 16

Matthew 5:13, KJV

"Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men."

It is a saltless salt that we call 'good for nothing'. One which has no more value but to be thrown out and useless by men. It is a dog that can't bite that is dared. If the saltless salt however receives his savour back, who sure can face it to embarrass same? Today, God is coming for ministers that have been shaven. Condemned prisoners or patients in wards. For as many whose case has been signed and sealed to have ended, such like you is set to witness the rise of an army.  A great come back! A recalling back to the former days!  It happened to the dry bones that none thought could be called back to stand on their two feet. Their former state vacated when breath entered into them. Today, the slain and long forgotten soldiers in the sand of time who were once on God's mountain shall be restored. Your place you shall again take.  Reinstatement to what you use to do and who you use to be is happening now in Jesus name. 

Samson was shaven. At the Spirit's departure, he was captured and then reduced to a none entity. Instead of being in the field wrecking havoc on God's enemy, he was in the prison grinding. Purpose and assignment always change once anointing is lost. They disarmed him to the extent that he needed help to be led. Samson acknowledged his fault. He didn't argue not sinning. He begged rather for God's remembrance as to be able to do like the former days and be a useful vessel even once again in his dilapidated state. This, the Lord must have granted him. The mistake the enemy also made to aid him made a come back was to only cut Samson's hair and not his throat. Therefore making him a living dead. Like we know, no condition is hopeless if there's still life.

Ecclesiastes 9:4, KJV

"For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion."

He was in this condition until his hair began to grow. An appearance of unsuspected hope where it had been cut off. This is how at the scent of water, Samson bud up again. Have you lost your anointing? Have you by so many persuasions being assured it has ended for you? Who knows whether if you yourself is asked whether your dry bones could live, you'll say in disbelief and caution as not to be termed unbelieving that "only God knows?"

Even if it has gotten there, it has not if your life has not been cut off. Even in that most critical condition, the lifeless bones still lived. The hopeless can still receive hope also. He came for Samson and his last day exploit surpassed all he had done in total ahead of time. Can you find a place to grab the horns of the altar like Joab did and cry to the Rekindler of hope to snap you awake once and forever more. The work is yours to do. This is grace hour. God's ears are opened to receive your petition. It is now "ask of me the heathen and I'll make them your inheritance". Find a place to crest or lean on, fall off your face and let Him know you've tasted how it is being without the Spirit. Let Him know you'll cherish Him than before if He comes back. Your education is now full. Nothing lacking. A broken and a contrite heart, He doesn't reject.

PRAYER: [For others]. Lord, let me not learn the value of the Spirit by first losing it. May a season in ward not make me cherish freedom. May time in hospital not make me cherish good health and walk in such advantage.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 40:28-41:26, James 4:1-17, Psalm 118:19-29, Proverbs 28:3-5

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Friday, 19 November 2021




THE VESSEL OF MERCY - Use Me Series 003

READ Genesis 40

Genesis 40:21-22, KJV

"21 And he restored the chief butler unto his butlership again; and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand: 22 But he hanged the chief baker: as Joseph had interpreted to them."

Yesterday, we saw two destinies and two destinations that are the lots of vessels or the sons of men in this life. Today, we further this thought. The chief butler and baker offended Pharaoh and for this were imprisoned. As the day drew near for him to show his mercy and wrath on each of these vessels, God gave each a dream that foreshadowed their eventual destinations. According to Joseph's interpretations, the chief butler shall be restored while the chief baker shall shall be hanged. Both events will happen in three days time. The interpretation was to get them ready for their destinations. In real life situation, it is not all prisoners that made it out alive. It's not all that will find the grace of parole. The dungeon is a place where men are filtered either to the grave or to grace. So, the prediction was fulfilled on Pharaoh's birthday when he gave party to all his servants and decided to restore one and hang the other. On that day, he decided to show his lordship as king. He decides to spend his mercy on one and reveal his judgement on another. Sons and daughters of God, it is either a marred or rejected vessel is reinstated or eliminated. He'll go one place. It's elimination when he is sent to where he can not find usefulness again. That's exactly what happened to the baker. He was as well fallen as the butler but the mercy of his lord was not revealed  to him. This is where God's word to Moses, the man of God still finds relevance.

Romans 9:15, KJV

"For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion."

Mercy still determines a lot of things. May God dot your life with it. It's that mercy God spends on whomsoever He'll spend it that made Pharaoh spare one and sentence the other. When two heads are contesting for who will be shown mercy, may your head be always located. May you escape the grave. Pharaoh here is symbolic of God. According to the Egyptian system, he is even recognized as a god and worshipped so. So, who has the mouth to check him out? In a great house, when people are going their way (as if that's their lot ahead of time), may you find your way back into the king's hands. Joseph witnessed of the butler.

Genesis 40:13, KJV

"Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thine head, and restore thee unto thy place: and thou shalt deliver Pharaoh's cup into his hand, after the former manner when thou wast his butler." Read the verse again. The witness said, "he shall deliver Pharaoh's cup into his hand after the former manner when thou wast his butler." I pray for somebody that has fallen from grace that you'll find grace again. Your salt which has become saltless shall now receive savour. You will be called back. Wives shall take their places in their husbands' hearts. Children in their parents' hearts. Workers in their employees' hearts. All terminated appointments through whatsoever are reviewed 'cause mercy will be used to judge you. I declare reinstatement in your relationship with God and men.

PRAYER: Is it not possible for Thee to choose me as a vessel of mercy on whom you will spend mercy and make known mercy? Exemplify mercy through me today and henceforth.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 39:1-40:27, James 2:18-3:18, Psalm 118:1-18, Proverbs 28:2

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Thursday, 18 November 2021




FORM OR ELSE! - Use Me Series 002

READ Jeremiah 18:1-10

Jeremiah 18:3-4,KJV

"3 Then I went down to the potter's house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. 4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it."

Form or else! It is not a threat. So, don't see it as one. Let your perspective be straight. Regard it as a warning rather; for if you don't form, it has consequences. There are two destinies that await clays that won't form or vessels that get marred. The word "destiny" tells you of destination also. That is, where they may end their existence. In today's reading, the vessel the potter wrought on the wheels was said to mar in his hands. A marred vessel is a broken, spoiled or destroyed one. Such vessel could go either the road of the potter's field or the road of refashioning and then find usefulness in a great house. Those two destinations are so sure. That is why it is better to form at once because of the road of the potter's field that we have experiences and testimonies of many having gone. If while making a vessel, it mars, the probability is very high that the potter may discard it to begin working on a new clay to form a new vessel or same like unto the one that didn't form. Substitution is a reality! Do you know after moulding a thing into a vessel, it takes effort returning it to clay to use to remould? That's why if you enter the potter's house, you may see a lot of incomplete and spoilt vessels. They may tarry at the potter's house but he may consider discarding them one day to clear the house. Meanwhile, that of this vessel is different. This vessel witnessed a great come back. Repentance is key if you want the chance of great come back. The onlookers that watched the potter at his wheels were anticipating the discard of this marred vessel as one that has refused to yield. They're awaiting the potter to declare him unwanted any longer and send it to the circle of those who couldn't make it. However, a witness given us is that the potter refashioned it into another vessel as it seems good in his eyes to do. Here, the potter manifests indeed why the vessel is in his hand. He exercises a kind of dominion on it. Thank God it was the positive one. Herein is the blessing. May God call you too back. May you witness reinstatement. When it seems you're going or gone in the sight and calculation of onlookers and the devil, may you be drawn back. Look at the reappearance of that vessel. It came back another vessel as the potter dims fit. My prayer is just that after you're recovered from having being spoilt (by sin and works of darkness) and you're reinstated, you'll still come as a vessel in the category of honour God previously intended for you since it's possible for the vessel that is reformed to be of lower grade or use to the one the potter previously intended it to be. May your having proved unfaithful at first time not lower your grade as it had proved the reality of many anointed vessels in this life. 

PRAYER: In restoration, let me come back as a whole vessel. Mercy of God!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 37:1-38:23, James 1:19-2:17, Psalm 117:1-2, Proverbs 28:1

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Wednesday, 17 November 2021





READ Jeremiah 18

Matthew 27:7-8 KJV

"7And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in. 8 Wherefore that field was called, The field of blood, unto this day."

When you read Jeremiah 18, you saw the potter working at his wheels. While he worked, a vessel he was making was marred in his hands and so he refashioned it into another. His refashioning it into another is what saves this vessel from joining other vessels who couldn't form where they're usually disposed. There's a portion or plot known as the potter's field. This field is where all work of art made of clay that couldn't become the hope of the potter are discarded. That is after they might have been found wanting as the clay itself may determine or turn out to be. If it's fashionable and yielding, it is safe. 

Since a potter is a professional who uses clay to mould things into existence, it becomes of him to have the stretching ability of using clay to form anything. Despite this however, there will be clays that may be stubborn and not submit to be formed into a vessel. If he discovers that what he calls clay isn't clay enough, he may discard such work of art that he wrought but which couldn't form properly. So, such work of art are discarded to a land known as potter's field. It's like having a special place where you discard broken bottles etc. At this time, there's a place like that where all vessels that refuse to be formed are dropped. Not only that but also broken vessels or ones that are no longer needed. 

Now, the Lord told me and I heard, "you, don't get to the potter's field". There will be ministers or Christians who will end on the potter's field. God has great plans for them to become vessels of honour in His great house but because of their making practices of sin and living contrarily to the very core of their consecration, they will find themselves as unusable but to be discarded to a place called the potter's field in reality. In the potter's field, if you take a walk there, you'll see so many vessels that once decorated the house and were the obsession of the master of the house and envy of visitors. Their time has elapsed and is over for them. These are minstrels and anointed men who were once on stage. They were once listened to and gathered around by men. But now, they have left the shelf of display to the potter's field where the feet only threads on them and says, "shame to you who couldn't concur". When you inspect carefully, you'll see vessels of clay that are yet to dry. These are the category that God was training to send but who begin to despise the training and discipline of God over their lives. Seeing they were these reprobate, God handed them to be sent to the potter's field. Once a vessel of clay or clay itself gets to the potter's field, it rarely finds its way back to the potter's house except on very few and uncommon situations when the master by mercy may need such vessel for a reason that only he (He) knows best. Today, God is coming for everyone who names the name of the Lord. The foundation of the Lord stands sure. This Father of ours that we must not take His generosity for granted knows those who are His. So, He's saying, "let everyone who names the name of Christ or claims identification with Him depart from iniquity." If not, one thing is the consequence even if such is an esteemed minister. He will end where others who couldn't form or were formed but were marred and not refashioned ended. He'll finish his race on the shattered, scattered, vulnerable and ugly potter's field where multitude of clay works resides who have failed to meet the Master's expectation. How I pray for you that as you confess your sins and turn from them, that mercy will locate you. Your heart will be changed so that you won't live habitually disobediently to God. Beware, the potter's field is real. It is carved for the rejected just like hell is created for all whose name won't be found in the book of the Lamb.

PRAYER: Lord, don't exclude me from your will. Grant me divine inclusion and another chance. Let your mercy find me. I am reinstated. A miraculous come back.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 35:1-36:38, James 1:1-18, Psalm 116:1-19, Proverbs 27:23-27

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Read I Kings 18

I Kings 18:41, KJV

"And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain."

What did I hear that's special that I'm telling you before it springs up? You should ask me what I heard that has become declaration in my mouth to be handed out. Look here, it is, "the sound of the abundance of rain." What makes a prophet a prophet is that he hears and he speaks. What he says is what he hears and what he hears is what he says. Therein is where result is for him and the great congregation that eagerly awaits God through this channel only. I'm hearing the sound of abundance of rain. Rain might have tarried for long in your house. Joy might have gone on vacation for long but God has had mercy, the floodgate has now burst open. I said, "it is open!" Something blessed is to happen. The heaven is about to give its rain for you even if it seems this is not the season of that rain. That I said it by the Lord rather means it will rain. I say one more time that I hear the sound of abundance of rain in your life. Things that have dry will spring up again at its arrival. That's what rain does. It rekindles hope. Receive rain!

Those of you that have been afore sad, gloomy with all head bowed down should revive because of the news of rain. Rain is what Ahab was looking for. It was absent in his nation and land for three and half years until this declaration by Elijah. Elijah told him, "go and celebrate" because I see good news, your very long expectation at hand. For Ahab, it was rain. For you, it may be expectation A or B. That thing, I hear it is at hand. For that sake, begin to rejoice even as it seeks to descend like the sheet that was led down from heaven by its four sides [Acts 10]. 

Your dancing, rejoicing that it's coming is both an act of faith and thanksgiving to God that you have received what has not happen but will. Prophets are one of the great exercisers of faith 'cause they call what be not as though it is. The prophet said, "I hear the sound... That is, though it is not raining yet it will rain. That he hears it means it is near or very near. And before they knew it, rain rushed at them. They even had to run to escape it or else it will beat them mercilessly. Look, what you've been expecting is coming with full force, with shoots and roots. You must quickly put preparation on ground for it lest you're stopped. It will be heavy. I hear the sound of abundance of rain. The kind that will lead to a mighty flood like one that can sweep away. Weeping might have tarried for a night but I hear joy and rejoicing. Like a mighty rushing wind, it will rush at you. Receive rain into your life. Water shall be in your house. Receive the  long awaited blessings. So shall it be. Because I said it, it is so. God said, "say it". I said it and now it is so. So, go and sleep on that!

PRAYER: Thank God for refreshing moment He'll bring on you, family and your nation. It is just so.

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Monday, 15 November 2021





Matthew 14:20-21, KJV

"20 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full. 21 And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children."

There's a blessing I have seen and it is that I bring to you by the Spirit. You can possess; after making do with what you possess; find out you have more than you had needed. In this world, all will never get resources equally. Some will lack this earth's goods. Some will have it to only meet needs while not enough but some will have it to meet needs and it will equalize their needs. A few will have it to meet needs and then to spare. God wants to move you to the last level. To have bread and to spare. It takes a blessed fellow to have for himself and then give out to others. When I said, "have for himself", I meant having enough that fills him for himself and then sharing it out. I never insinuates someone who's managing in order to accommodate another. I'm talking of eating to your fill without concern and then scattering seeds unto others.

In today's reading, Jesus wrought a miracle whereby multiplication of bread and fishes takes place. After multitude have eaten from five loaves of bread and two fishes, twelve baskets were still picked up afterwards. When they ate, they didn't eat to save Jesus' resources or save food for others. They actually ate to their fill. Despite eating to their fill, they couldn't finish the food. The food contained them. They didn't contain it. After doing all they could think of doing with food, left over still tires them. It's a blessing if you can begin to have leftovers. You can commence a demanding building project and find out that after all expended on the building, you still have tangible left over. Nails, asbestos can remain where it has never been enough for others and they had to look up for another breakthrough.  You can always have it enough at once. Today, you need to breakthrough into the circle of wealthy men who have resources, take their fill of it and yet still have testimony of it remaining.

They had twelve baskets to spare after 5,000 men had eaten yet without numbering the females and children. May your resources always remain after going into it to do whatsoever with it. After all deduction from your account or store house etc, you'll find out that it still remains. God will begin to shock you henceforth by an unusual aid of prosperity that will cause you to have remnant after paying bills, doing deductions etc. The miracle will be "despite the expenditure, it looks as if we've not expended." It looks like that to Jesus and His company. From what shouldn't be enough, they spent and spent enough that went round, yet the testimony was that the account still stands gallant. How wealthy men becomes wealthier is because after all projects, they have remnants that they store up which they either give away to show generosity or sell for wealth when such good is being demanded for. May God aid you.  May your remnant prove your expenditure wrong. 

PRAYER: After all expending, may there be a place for testimony. [For those doing any project, especially building], pray that your nail, asbestos etc will remain.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 31:1-32:32, Hebrews 12:14-29, Psalm 113:1-114:8, Proverbs 27:18-20

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Sunday, 14 November 2021




WAXING GREAT AND MOVING FORWARD - Leading to Indwell Series 008

Genesis 26:13, KJV

"And the man waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great:

"Waxing great" and "moving forward" are the two phrases that described the journey of Isaac. In waxing great, you have to multiply until you occupy a territory and become known for your abundance and total infilling. You must so much grow as to become a force or multitude that encompasses the land. That's what happens to Isaac before he was described as being great. The idea of being great is vividly portrayed by a seed you plant in a verse or container that so grows until the container you created to contain it couldn't contain it again. Because of its expansion, the container is beginning to crack and you're forced to transplant into the soil where the tree can grow at its speed of growth in its space and not be hindered or curtailed. Any that becomes great is he that first of all breaks the restrictions to real time growth, wealth or development. 

Now, after becoming great, he moves forward. One can be great and then remain there but Isaac progresses. I'll give an example through this. Imagine a fellow who opens a branch of a retail outlet which becomes great - big, gigantic and known at its location. Meanwhile as he becomes great, he opens other branches doing same thing or selling diversified things. You can say such person having being great has now moved forward. You can be great and still be at a standstill. When I look at great organizations including Christian denominations, after opening a branch where they'll launch out from, they expand and move forward by opening other branches in other places. This is moving forward and not just being known for a singular big branch in a location but rather having that as headquarters from where affairs of other branches nationally or internationally can be monitored. 

Let me ask you, do you want to be great or you want to move forward? If you aren't great, covet being great first of all. Being great means establishing one thing - being known for it and having it work well before you move to progress to increase same in other places. Imagine a pastor with a branch in a location who's doing well and one with other ninety nine in other places yet with one that's still doing well. It's God's will that you'll be great and then move forward. Those who have been standing still having been great, I remove all restrictions hindering you from spreading and manifesting in branches. Move forward. Defy restrictions. Refuse to be contained. Multiply until you're known for your multitude not in just one place at a time but at many places at a time. 

PRAYER: Anoint my head with oil Lord. Let me be great and then go forward in greatness. I log unto the portal of greatness. Hindrances to amounting are removed. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 29:1-30:26, Hebrews 11:32-12:13, Psalm 112:1-10, Proverbs 27:17

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Saturday, 13 November 2021




I'VE ONLY GOT ADDRESS FOR THIS JOURNEY - Leading to Indwell Series 007

Read Acts 9

Acts 9:11, KJV

"And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the street which is called Straight, and enquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus: for, behold, he prayeth."

Here, God leads Ananias by giving him an address to look for. How easy your job would be if your target has description, features or specific markings of identification. You immediately know what to go for. If you're in search for a place to indwell and you can be given description of what to expect, you know what to watch out for as confirmation for what should be possessed. Around 200-300 level as an undergraduate student in the university, I needed to relocate from where I was living since admitted to where the fellowship I presided over as president was headquartered. The workload was much and this ministry needed me nearby. Then, I was the Campus Christian Network's General Secretary also. So, I had a dream as I was making search for a place. I saw a mattress being brought out of a room. Since my rent was due where I was and ultimatum must not be defied, I was under pressure to find a place. When that place was offered me, I therefore received it as an escape though it didn't look gorgeous at all. My room was very near the general rest room. It didn't fit the image of a campus president that would be visited often. I rarely stay in that room because of the irritation though had to slept there. God brought me there to humble me and work on me while I was to revive this students' hostel. Smokers were there, students who behave as couples were there. It was just filled with sinners and backsliders of all kinds etc. Just mention it. The day I went to check the room indeed, a mattress like the one I had seen in my dream was just being taken out of that room at my face. So, I heeded to stay despite the obvious discouragement. That's leading. I endured all while working the work for which I was sent also. At times, if we consider our comfort only and not God's will entirely, we might miss God's purpose. 

God gave Ananias a description also to look for. Saul's location was to be tracked down by him. The street's name is straight and Judas' house where Saul resides was given also. It means God can give you specific names of places to go to. When Jesus sent the disciples to go prepare a place for the last supper, he said they'll see a man carrying a pitcher and that they should follow him and then ask the master some questions which would be settled as they ask [Luke 22:10-12]. So it happened for real. Did Ananias also not arrive at all here?

Acts 9:17, KJV

"And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house; and putting his hands on him said, Brother Saul..."

He located him. Look, your experience in reality will fit its description in the spirit. No deviation. As it was told you, so shall it be. Just don't sway to left or right. Go the way you were instructed. Trust God for His leading and strictly follow the leading. He'll generously lead you to a Rehoboth to indwell. It may be a place where there are needs also while you're the solution. We're not afraid of hard places as long as we have God's commitment. It is still, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me" [Psalms 23:4, KJV].

PRAYER: Lead me where to meet needs. Send me as an apostle to break places open. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 27:1-28:26, Hebrews 11:17-31, Psalm 111:1-10, Proverbs 27:15-16

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I found this out by experience and I've grown to living it out with moving results. I hope you will agree with it or find it instructing. 

If someone is coming your mind to reach; away immediately, reach him. Especially if it is coming often, that's the Spirit persuading you to lean forward and reach that fellow. Either by chat, text or call, you may not know what need you'll be meeting or what multitude of sin and destruction you'll be hindering. Repetition of communication is for emphasis in the kingdom. Joseph said and I quote: "And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass" [Genesis 41:32, KJV].

Don't forget, it is out of the mouth of two or three witnesses that every matter shall be established also. Whenever I receive often persuasion to reach someone and I don't, soonest, that fellow will reach me. If they're brethren, they'll say a thing like, "thank you for forgetting me". If elders, they'll say a thing like, "You, well-done o. Don't come home. Ensure you stay away". I'll feel embarrassed and at the same time guilty of being irresponsive that soon. That's disobedience to God! My not reaching is not because I couldn't pick that hint or communication of God but because of excuses through busyness. I'll often say, "I'll call. Sebi it is bro/sis/daddy or mummy so and so. I'll call before night closes." Receiving Spirit communication comes in even little insignificant ways like a tingling or remembrance. So, master it. Don't procrastinate also. If you won't let go, you'll receive testimonies and deep appreciation for reaching such person or people. 

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Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 3704 6812




ARRIVAL AT REHOBOTH AT LAST - Leading to Indwell Series 006

Read Gen.26:12-22

Genesis 26:22, KJV 

"And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land."

Rehoboth means room. You know I had said in previous teachings that God leads. One of the ways by which He leads is to make you unwelcome somewhere until you arrive where He wants you situated. Today's reading reveals Isaac as a man of peace. The Bible admonishes us to live in peace with all men. There are different men on this earth. As you go and grow in life, you'll begin to meet men like devils. Did you see the unfortunate and confrontational lie that men of Gerar told to have the well for themselves? The witness of the Bible is true as we know Isaac's servants were the ones that dug the well but look at some people appearing to claim ownership with all rights that pertains to it thereunto. Have you lived amidst people that always look for your trouble? They want an encounter. Let me show you how one man described them. It's not at all interesting. 

Psalms 120:5-7,KJV

"5 Woe is me, that I sojourn in Mesech, that I dwell in the tents of Kedar! 6 My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace. 7 I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war.

When you live amidst people who envy you and see you as prospering too much, they will contest to claim what is yours as theirs. If your child plays with a doll and leaves it somewhere in the compound and their own child pick it, they'll claim they bought it last market day for him when it's obviously yours. How much will you be pained if you leave amidst such? If you're not experienced and taught by the Holy Ghost, you'll always live in frustration and sorrow of heart. Do you know why they're doing that? They want to curtail your prosperity. They believe by taking what is yours from you, they're reducing your possession and rendering you into an equal. That's why consequently in time, Abimelech, the King of Gerar himself told Isaac to depart from them because he's too great. You see, they couldn't contain him. Did you see envy there? But because of his own maturity, he rather called for separation without picking fight. Look, be for peace. May I tell someone that God will take you to Rehoboth. You might have searched in vain for a place called home. God said, "Rehoboth is just in your front". Isaac dug the first well, it was contested. He shifted. He dug another and they took that over again. If you're having this experience of having not found rest yet, of being not received here or later there, it means Rehoboth is in front. If God allows you to keep being shifted, His allowing it is to work a better place called Rehoboth for you. Rehoboth as we all know however comes last. Rehoboth may even be a spouse. The man that can give you a cover or the woman that will make home a place of rest for you. Series of relationship might not have worked but I decree Rehoboth over you. All this dangling here and there is to bring you to Rehoboth. The rocking of your boat can't sink it. It will toss it to the shore. Arrival in safety with nothing missing or broken is your covenant. That's how Joseph was envied, hated, shifted and sold into Egypt to near Rehoboth and the land God has destined for him to be governor of nations. God's leading is sure. How does He take us to Rehoboth again apart from people not welcoming us or opening their door to us. He does it by creating unsatisfactoriness in you  to keep moving. You'll just have a gulf in you that nothing can fill and begin to develop motivation to relocate after feeling of great boredom or tiredness might have set in. At times, as you inspect where to settle, you won't like the house or neighborhood you're seeing. Something will just discourage you to say, not yet. So, the search continues. This is how it will continue until you get to Rehoboth - the room and rest God has prepared for you. When you get to Rehoboth, what you see will agree with an expectation inside you. May I tell you, destiny unfolds in Rehoboth because it's the land God wants you indwell. Be comforted, Rehoboth in front!

PRAYER: Lord, let all contest over my property stop. Use contest, rivalry, envy promote me to Rehoboth. Give me restful rest.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 24:1-26:21, Hebrews 11:1-16, Psalm 110:1-7, Proverbs 27:14

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Thursday, 11 November 2021





READ 2Samuel 18:19-end

Habakkuk 2:2, KJV

"And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it."

Do you know it's actually sin running when you've not been told to? How will you know you sin running? It is when you haven't been given a thing to run with, work on or act out. So, it becomes sin. You run with words that set you on motion and not on your initiative. If God hasn't called you for instance and you say He did, you'll begin to manufacture your terms and techniques of keeping people since God's commitment won't be with you. That "faithful is He that calls you who will also do it" is enough meditation for enlightenment on the matter [I Thess.5:24]. That's why you see many pseudo ministers in the body of Christ. They're running: doing ministry but on whose vision are they doing that? The one they created. For this reason of not having God's commitment, such can't but consult and seek aid from the devil. They're aided indeed but their aid is not the genuine aid that adds no sorrow. Their vine is of the vine of Sodom [Deut. 32:31-33].

So I ask, the race you're running or what you call ministry, who or whose words sets you on motion? Who gives the vision before we question if it's written down or not? Let's settle who gives it. Until you have a vision - script to run with handed you by God, written on your spirit and often downloaded into your mind in bits as motivation to do something and what to do per term, don't run. You must be moved or stirred to doing that act by God's living word. Spirit things are not by might or power. If they were, any human being could have been qualified. Don't call running an opportunity when you have no vision given you from God. Vision - what to do is the equipping that makes running an opportunity, play and not a laborious activity you'll curse or murmur doing. Peter didn't follow Cornelius' men like that. A script predated his following. Apart from the vision, God told him to fear not but rather go with them [Acts 10:19-20]. Cornelius also didn't just set men on a search like that, he was told to. You too, be moved to act. Let your body carry out an instruction received by your spirit. Herein will you be justified that your running or being set on motion has an origin: God and not Satan or any man.

PRAYER: [Check what God didn't communicate you to start, murder them]. What He communicated you to start, pray for their growth. Those awaiting word somewhere, pray God will set you on motion. A go ahead!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 23:1-49, Hebrews 10:18-39, Psalm 109:1-31, Proverbs 27:13

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Wednesday, 10 November 2021





Acts 10:5-6, KJV

"5 And now send men to JOPPA, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter: 6 He LODGETH with ONE SIMON A TANNER, WHOSE HOUSE IS BY THE SEA SIDE: he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do."

Dear follower of Christ: the anointed one. Do well to mark all the words in UPPERCASE in those verses. I've been saying for days now that God's leading is real in showing you where you're seeking and what house to indwell. God is more than able leading you on your search to find a house in the geography of mankind where what you're looking for will be what you'll see. It happened like this one time. A man named Cornelius whose good acts testified of him before heaven was suddenly taken cognizance of. They desire to compensate him. With what? The gospel. So, an angel appeared to him and gave him a description of a house to search for. The man he seeks lives there. How can they hear without a preacher? Angels don't preach the gospel [Rom.10:13-15].

Have you read the verse that says, "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding? [Proverbs  4:7, KJV]. It means prioritise wisdom. Irrespective of what you'll hunt or go on a search for, enlist wisdom and let it stay on top. Here also, when where Peter lodged was given him, it means in all their search, they should search for that house. They'll see many houses but in all their search, that house should not depart from their face. That's their target. They have been leaned down to a city - Joppa and then a more specific description of what house to look for and where it's located. The house is by the sea. With this description, they have a compass and map with which to journey. When the appointed people set out for Joppa first of all, Joppa is the bigger picture set before them. On reaching Joppa which they knew, they began to enquire after Simon, the tanner's house who lives by the sea side. Those of you who are in places of authority, give clear description when you send on errand except where you're seeking confirmation or agreement of two on what you already have with you. The angel knew there were many Simons and probably many tanners and many who live by the sea. But it's beginning to be impossible for all the Simons who live by the sea to be tanners. If they are, the next question will be to ask if Peter lives with any of them. It is where Peter is found that they're sent to. Is that not how they discover?

Acts 10:17, KJV

"17...the men which were sent from Cornelius had made enquiry for Simon's house, and stood before the gate, 18 And called, and asked whether Simon, which was surnamed Peter, were lodged there."

The response they got was yes. That's how they located where they were given its description far back in their land. Today, the Lord will help your search. Divine maps and compasses will orchestrate your encounter (in reality) to fit into the description you have at hand as received communication. They set out with a description. That's the jigsaw puzzle they must solve and fit correctly in an experience or reality on ground. As it was described them, so they encountered. The venue you're looking for - that specific kind of place that you believe will be nest and refuge from storm is the very type you'll secure as shown you. What matters is to have a spirit description and journey by that in locating the description described in the spirit to you. It's like still life drawing. You have a real life object which you observe to put same on a paper. Don't run without gathering descriptive words first of all. Such journeys are vain labours. Beware!

PRAYER: The Mighty Revealer, God Almighty. Give me details of my searches and reveal steps to actualizing them.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 21:1-22:31, Hebrews 10:1-17, Psalm 108:1-13, Proverbs 27:12

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Tuesday, 9 November 2021




WHERE TO STOP IS WHEREVER THE STAR STOPS - Leading to Indwell Series 002

READ Mathew 2:1-11

Matthew 2:9, KJV

"9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was."

Today, God is coming for any who needs a place to indwell for any purpose;  is in search of a thing or even a fellow. You will see whatsoever you set out for because you'll be guided till arrival. Indwelling or locating is a reality. Even demons seek to locate a dwelling place [Matthew 12:43-45]. It is therefore my prayer that as you follow the anointing with estimation, you'll be led and motivated by this teaching to be assured God's plan covers a place (geography) and a house you should live in. God will lead you because He loves you and intends to keep you. The Spirit will not leave you alone but rather guide and go ahead you to show you where you should stop. As you actively make search for a house to indwell for whatever use, the Spirit will tell you where to stop. Where to stop and cease searching on and on is where your search will end since you will see what you are searching for. The Spirit of the kingdom is the Spirit of alignment. He'll make what is real in your mind (as desire or which you receive as divine communication) meet with what you'll stumble on. The wise men were shown where to stop. They found the house they were looking for because where Jesus was laid is where the star stopped to stay permanently on. They therefore stop, enter into that house and behold, it's the right house. The right house that contains what they were searching for. There and then, they worshipped Jesus by bowing down and presenting Him gifts. Likewise, the house or venue you'll find will be one fitting the purpose for which you have set out. It will always measure up to expectation and reason for setting out. That will be the confirmation that here has the Lord prepared for you. Your Rehoboth! The wise men bypassed many houses but the star kept going. It never stopped to identify any of those houses as the one they should stop to check into until it got somewhere where all movement stopped. Like one knowing the truth from falsehood, the star refused to be persuaded or move an inch away from that house. It stayed put with all knowing and assurances while indicating with an arrow now visible in the Magi's hearts that "This is the house. Arrest it. Don't let it go". Who said leading to discover is not real? The star is the Holy Spirit. It is in you. His witness is true and He shall witness to you on all matters that relates to any search you may carry out. If the Spirit witnesses to your spirit that you're a child of God, therefore dispelling doubt, guilt or accusation; will He not witness further on matters that are as well important on your well being [Rom. 8:16].

I read of a king who set out to establish a civilization for men to settle in. Afore setting out, he was told by the oracle that he'll know where to halt and make his abode by an indication the horse he's riding will give. As he journeys alongside other loyal men, his beast of burden suddenly stops and refuses to go which the horse has not been accustomed to. By that indication, this king stopped there and built a city and great civilization that prospered for men to indwell in that same location. Did you see how he was led? Isn't that leading? That's what the star did for those wise men also. This one on the horse I narrated just mimicked the leading God gave to the Magi through the star. The star stopped where they should stop and on the very house they were looking for. Accurate location without using GPS. You may be journeying and your vehicle may suddenly stop like Balaam's ass which refuses to go. Then, you may hear a witness, buy this land. That is, the area you're parking in. You may not know why you're buying it until some years down the line. Some mineral resources may be in there. God leads in mysterious ways. For as many that seeks His will to do, He won't hide from leading them. Even if you've gone on a journey yet without voice or sound, you'll always hear a voice behind you. How can you be forlorn? You're too cherished. If there's much joy in heaven over one sinner that gets saved, do you think God is not wise enough to lead that same sinner (now born again) so that he won't be lost? Any that misses it on any issue is a potential backslider and it's God's will that you'll be retained. May this be your experience when you're in search of something especially a house or venue to locate for use. The Spirit of prophecy on me will aid your search and like the Spirit knows what's in the mind of the Father and so aligns us to pray His will, God will bring you to meet with what will agree with the image, picture or description you already have with you. Receive that!

PRAYER: Lead me in my search to locate or discover on this earth. Give me indicators. Let me understand and interpret signs correctly.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 20:1-49, Hebrews 9:11-28, Psalm 107:1-43, Proverbs 27:11

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