Tuesday, 9 November 2021




WHERE TO STOP IS WHEREVER THE STAR STOPS - Leading to Indwell Series 002

READ Mathew 2:1-11

Matthew 2:9, KJV

"9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was."

Today, God is coming for any who needs a place to indwell for any purpose;  is in search of a thing or even a fellow. You will see whatsoever you set out for because you'll be guided till arrival. Indwelling or locating is a reality. Even demons seek to locate a dwelling place [Matthew 12:43-45]. It is therefore my prayer that as you follow the anointing with estimation, you'll be led and motivated by this teaching to be assured God's plan covers a place (geography) and a house you should live in. God will lead you because He loves you and intends to keep you. The Spirit will not leave you alone but rather guide and go ahead you to show you where you should stop. As you actively make search for a house to indwell for whatever use, the Spirit will tell you where to stop. Where to stop and cease searching on and on is where your search will end since you will see what you are searching for. The Spirit of the kingdom is the Spirit of alignment. He'll make what is real in your mind (as desire or which you receive as divine communication) meet with what you'll stumble on. The wise men were shown where to stop. They found the house they were looking for because where Jesus was laid is where the star stopped to stay permanently on. They therefore stop, enter into that house and behold, it's the right house. The right house that contains what they were searching for. There and then, they worshipped Jesus by bowing down and presenting Him gifts. Likewise, the house or venue you'll find will be one fitting the purpose for which you have set out. It will always measure up to expectation and reason for setting out. That will be the confirmation that here has the Lord prepared for you. Your Rehoboth! The wise men bypassed many houses but the star kept going. It never stopped to identify any of those houses as the one they should stop to check into until it got somewhere where all movement stopped. Like one knowing the truth from falsehood, the star refused to be persuaded or move an inch away from that house. It stayed put with all knowing and assurances while indicating with an arrow now visible in the Magi's hearts that "This is the house. Arrest it. Don't let it go". Who said leading to discover is not real? The star is the Holy Spirit. It is in you. His witness is true and He shall witness to you on all matters that relates to any search you may carry out. If the Spirit witnesses to your spirit that you're a child of God, therefore dispelling doubt, guilt or accusation; will He not witness further on matters that are as well important on your well being [Rom. 8:16].

I read of a king who set out to establish a civilization for men to settle in. Afore setting out, he was told by the oracle that he'll know where to halt and make his abode by an indication the horse he's riding will give. As he journeys alongside other loyal men, his beast of burden suddenly stops and refuses to go which the horse has not been accustomed to. By that indication, this king stopped there and built a city and great civilization that prospered for men to indwell in that same location. Did you see how he was led? Isn't that leading? That's what the star did for those wise men also. This one on the horse I narrated just mimicked the leading God gave to the Magi through the star. The star stopped where they should stop and on the very house they were looking for. Accurate location without using GPS. You may be journeying and your vehicle may suddenly stop like Balaam's ass which refuses to go. Then, you may hear a witness, buy this land. That is, the area you're parking in. You may not know why you're buying it until some years down the line. Some mineral resources may be in there. God leads in mysterious ways. For as many that seeks His will to do, He won't hide from leading them. Even if you've gone on a journey yet without voice or sound, you'll always hear a voice behind you. How can you be forlorn? You're too cherished. If there's much joy in heaven over one sinner that gets saved, do you think God is not wise enough to lead that same sinner (now born again) so that he won't be lost? Any that misses it on any issue is a potential backslider and it's God's will that you'll be retained. May this be your experience when you're in search of something especially a house or venue to locate for use. The Spirit of prophecy on me will aid your search and like the Spirit knows what's in the mind of the Father and so aligns us to pray His will, God will bring you to meet with what will agree with the image, picture or description you already have with you. Receive that!

PRAYER: Lead me in my search to locate or discover on this earth. Give me indicators. Let me understand and interpret signs correctly.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 20:1-49, Hebrews 9:11-28, Psalm 107:1-43, Proverbs 27:11

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