Monday, 29 November 2021




THE GLORY OF THE CALLING - Purpose Series 004

I Samuel 3:19-20

"19 And Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground. 20 And all Israel from Dan even to Beersheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of the LORD."

There's a thing like the glory of the calling. If you hear purpose and you hearken to it, some things will manifest on your destiny journey. They are marks of God being with you. They are marks of your persistence and loyalty to God or the way chosen for you to follow. They are also compensation for heeding the heavenly call that calls you like it called others but which they were disobedient to. This is one of the reasons why the Lord seeks justifying and glorifying those He calls. He just wants to pay them back for laying down their will, way or the secular for what He's separating them unto. 

You have seen what God could make of a man through what He made of Samuel. If you're seeking one that's inexperienced in the things of God, it was Samuel at his beginning. It was so obvious he was ignorant when he couldn't even answer God's call to relate with him. Meanwhile, as he persisted, he learnt on the job through his God given guide. Without compromising the standard, he began to receive God's visitations. For staying there faithfully, God began to compensate him with the glory of the calling. It is a day something will start. Suddenly, all he says becomes amen. Nothing falls to the ground. That place says, "God let none of his word fall to the ground." This is God's commitment specifically to Samuel and an example to as many He calls. If God calls you into an office and raises you for an assignment, He wants you meet needs for Him. In meeting those needs, He will meet your needs. Samuel speaks but who aids him? God! It is not what Samuel says that matters but who brings to pass what he says. That's the power he can't weave. Look, when God calls you and you hearken, He'll do the hardest, greatest and dirtiest part of the job. Which one is harder? To speak or to fulfill? That's why saying isn't fulfilment for everyone.

The fact that none of his words will fall to the ground could be likened in outworking to that passage that says:

Psalms 91:11-12, KJV

"11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee... 12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone."

If they don't bear you up, you will have an accident and eventually dash your foot against a stone but because of their inclusive ministry of aiding and preventing from touching the ground, they hinder what should have resulted from happening. For Samuel, his words ought to be going in vain like other men's in town but God aided Him to know He has not heeded the call in vain. For Samuel, this is what he enjoys that established him in everybody's mind as a prophet. All of us doing ministry, we must know there will be moment people will doubt our calls. Meanwhile, God must prove Himself strong by giving off proofs that will eliminate the doubts of your being called indeed by Him. It doesn't happen in a jiffy but if you persist, God will vindicate you. The vindication of Samuel didn't come just so suddenly like that. He came when he himself was growing into the understanding and awareness of the importance of God being with one. At that time when God appears to be aiding him, he recognizes who does the jobs and who should take the glory. What will you enjoy as privilege for following your  purpose? Only God knows. Nobody can put a measure as to what manifestations of God you'll see when you follow God to the field He's calling you to subdue. Heeding the call is not only for ministry. It cuts across following God to a place of obsession that reveals itself as a gulf and a longing in your soul. If God draws you after a passion and you passionately cease it, you'll have extraordinary results in that field that others who only imitates without call won't have. God honours calling! He honours obedience and specialization. When He calls, He's calling you to come and have extraordinary results that deviates from that of the great congregation not called into that same arena. No one can say this is what God will use to repay him but if you at an attempt follow the Lord, the manifestations of glory, prosperity, honour you'll receive will surpass your thinking. Samuel himself could never have thought he'll get to a place where God would honour him with YES for whatsoever is uttered. Even if he mistakenly blesses or curses, it stays. What sort of trust is that for him to have been giving such authority? Saint, like a hart pant after rivers of water, let your heart pant after your calling. Hold unto it for it has great reward for you. The tool of the calling makes greater than anything. If you'll follow on to know the Lord where He's calling you, you'll be rewarded with faithfulness of God in dimensions that are exceeding which you could never think off. Only Believe.

PRAYER: Lord, vindicate my calling. Approve it with divine signs. Establish my ministry. Knit my heart with my specialization of grace.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28, 2 Peter 3:1-18, Psalm 119:129-152, Proverbs 28:21-22

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