Wednesday, 1 December 2021




FOR THOU ART WITH ME - Purpose Series 005

Read Psalm 124

Psalms 23:4, KJV

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."

This is the reason for the daring attitude of ministers. It is simply the reason for which ministers have been taken to be God. This is why they thread where multitudes dare not thread. Why they lay hands on the captive of the captor declaring restore [Isa. 42:22]. Why is he so bold? He lays hands on them all! He's too confrontational. Ministers are these loud because of, "FOR THOU ART WITH ME." What does "For Thou art with me" purchase for anyone? The ever presence of God even in the darkest night. Even though they confront the devil and his host, they have no reason to fear any evil [consequence] because God is with them. Their result is like unto the signs that follow believers in Mark 16:17-18. Something may attempt to hurt them but God's commitment won't allow.

When God calls and sends, you will have God by your side by His manifestations of "For Thou art with me". Let me tell you saint, having assurance of God that won't deny you but is ever present in time of trouble is superior to knowing the whole world. What is men to God's commitment? What is wheat to a chaff? What the commitment of God gave Samuel is still what I'm meditating on. The Bible didn't close eyes to who didn't let Samuel get disgraced. The Bible says it was God who didn't let any of his words fall to the ground. That's solely God's act. The Lord's doing. That's why it is marvellous for description. Remove God and you'll see many words crested in the basket seeking to materialise. 

I Samuel 3:19, KJV 

"...and the LORD was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground."

He says it and he has it.  God's commitment is alive to anyone that God calls to go endanger his or her life for Him. His commitment is to be secured before running because any minister would get swallowed immediately the Lord isn't with such. Discontinued commitment over Samson led to immediate trouble for him. He learnt he was still human eventually. That was what God's commitment to him erroneously blindfolded him from believing. Self deception or assumption is vain. If not for the anointing on anyone (God's commitment to all called), what could they have done? Why a minister is still rolling out ministration yet a vessel harbouring oil is because God is with him. The Psalmist says, "even thou I walk in utter darkness, I will fear no consequence, for thou art with me." He knows walking in such place comes with a repercussion but for God who's with Him. You, paint the most difficult situation in this world that had happened and could happen, God said HE IS WITH YOU THERE.

Why would a man choose to dare to set the captive of the oppressors free? It's not because he's muscular or has power of his own but because He is fully persuaded of a God mightier than others and him that serves as his backup. In the army, we have field operators and base operators. Field operators execute missions by confronting the enemy face to face. They execute missions on ground or at where it's happening live. Those at the base watch out for them and also offers them likely insights as to enemy's posts, how to maneuver etc. Those at the base are as real as those on the field. God is in heaven but He is ever present with us on earth. He is for us and not against us. He needs us for missions and as bodies to indwell to enforce His will on earth. His backup is what He owes and generously gives us as we do His work. As you hearken to the call and get yourself involved in the work, you'll begin to taste God's commitment even as you grow. If not for the shoulders, the blouse wouldn't have stayed when worn. If not for God's commitment, what will any minister have said when the enemy came against him like a flood? The Psalmist tasted God's commitment in another dimension which made him confess freely by saying "If it had not been the LORD who was on our side..." [Psalm 124:1-8]. If you remove God's commitment, all the things the Psalmist said couldn't happen to them in that chapter would have happened. Commitment is having the word of somebody that is forever sure. So, if you're called and sent, without trespassing the jurisdiction of an anointed, your office or your measure, dare anything and you'll see God shows up. The Psalmist proved this to be true when he says even thou I walk [whether intentionally or mistakenly] in the valley of the shadow of death [where it seems all hope is lost and danger or death is imminent and should happen), I'm not afraid, For Thou art with me. If you have God's commitment, you have God. If you have God, you have the whole world.

PRAYER: Lord, be with me. All it means for you being with the called and sent, begin to reveal to me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 7:1-28, 1 John 1:1-10, Psalm 119:153-176, Proverbs 28:23-24

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