Saturday, 4 March 2023




YOU HAVE A GARDEN TO TILL - Governor General Series 004

Genesis 2:15, KJV  

"And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it."

Oh wing men and women, it pleases me just like it pleases God to start today's devotional by saying, "the earth is too general for individual". Before God put the first man in his home, He first did something. He planted it! He created a special home for him. The earth has been created earlier but now, a portion, a cut out or division of the earth (in Eden - a community or location itself) is specifically being equipped by God for the habitation of man. So, that word, "He planted", means, "God made." This a planting of a home in Eden.

Genesis 2:8, KJV  

"And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed."

Of the general earth and then of Eden, God cited, situated and located Adam somewhere in Eden that's said to be, "eastward." It means Adam only occupied a portion of Eden eastward. Brethren, you can't dwell in all places. You must rise above the revelation of letting events determine your bound. You must consciously thirst to live by the "every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Matt.4:4). A fragment of God's revelation to you! It's at such time of enquiry God will open up to you concerning the location where you should dwell and tarry. You're born in Nigeria, so you live in Nigeria. That's what natural birth has offered you but if God or destiny has a higher purpose for you, God might want to send you somewhere else. And He might have you retained but rather to leave your city, town to another in the same country where only He has assignment waiting for you there. God located Adam in a home He planted eastward of a location called Eden. 

May you not get in trouble. May you conceptualize the season that has come upon you. May you know when by ordainment and the Word spoken by the mouth of the Lord you're to stay or tarry. If you don't understand turns and how swiftly it could change, you'll still be by Brook Cherith when God is ahead to Zarephath. And I bet it with you, your suffering and your losses will be uncountable! But you must always be sober, ever waiting on God with expectation of whether He'll say, "you should run or hold." Paul lived this out and I'm not ashamed to refer to him as an example (Acts 16:6-10). But many people are men of senses, sense ruled and governed. They're not given to the spirit at all and so they're out of His influence because even when He's communicating, since they didn't enact His communication, they can't have any testimony of having being better or indeed influenced by Him. They company with Lot who lifted his eyes and saw the plain of Jordan that it was well watered. He must have thought in his vain heart, "where else could it be if not this field?" Assuming this way, he fell for it?" People like this are always wrong even if they're a prophet of the status of Samuel (I Samuel 16:6-7). They're always wrong.

But you, you can tell God, find me my garden. Locate for me my garden and locate me in it. Don't forget it is God who looked for a home (dwelling place in the earth) for Adam and then put him there. People nowadays live where God has not put them. This earth which God has created is too general and large. Seven continents there be according to the division and here I am in my large nation (even if yours is the smallest). Five races there be according to the division of men. Many tongues there be who are inhabitants of this earth but where and among who are you saying I should dwell? With who have you appointed my dwelling? 

Many times, without prompting this prayer at all, your assignment (if you're a man who has found what God said He should do and become on earth) will locate you to that garden -  that specific place of assignment where you too could hear a voice saying, "dress and keep it" - be dedicated to this all the days of your life. Let it be "your meat." Eat it and finish it. Somebody who God located a garden for because of assignment is also Peter. God came around to say, "rise, kill and eat" (Acts 10:13). That saying is a call to a place of assignment- the Gentile world. He needed to be called out if he'll have success there. If you go where God has not called you to, you might be operating in a cemetery. You'll not be able to do any miracle and great works because the people would just vomit hostility at you continually. Even after awhile there, they won't still have received you. But if you'll say, God, where's my own garden on the earth? You'll know prosperity, fulfilment, joy and early satisfaction. He's the Governor General of the earth. The earth is His (Psalm 24:1). He still allocates gardens and makes people home and settle them there. May God settle you down. For those expecting marriage, God sets the solitary in families too (Psalm 68:6).  

PRAYER: Lord, let me be locatable. Let me dwell and till only my allotted allocation. May I not indulge in dead work. Where's my garden? Give me a home Lord. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 25:47-27:13; Mark 10:32-52; Psalm 45:1-17; Proverbs 10:22

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Friday, 3 March 2023




THE POWER OF EXPLORATION! - Governor General Series 003

Read Genesis 2

Genesis 3:23, KJV

"Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken."

The word "till" doesn't solely mean cultivate or farm. That word means to "draw out", "acquire" or "explore" also. When God sent Adam away from the garden, God told him he'll till (work) the ground for survival. "Tilling" there means putting the earth to use by cultivation or planting but also the exploration of the earth for all it could give. While it might have been definitive and specified to farming for Adam, that singular word has been encompassingnly acted on by our generation and some before. Do you know that singular word, "to till" is like the command, "go forth and preach the gospel" (Mark 16:15).

That place says, "therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden (for what intent or assignment) - to till the ground from whence he was taken." 

"To till" there has been concluded on for Adam. As far as God is concerned, Adam can till because he has been given the power and initiative, "to dress (work) and keep it" (Gen.2:15). That's the power of exploration! He can therefore always draw out something from the earth. He's been enabled to till the earth. If he was not enabled afore that speech, at the saying of God to him, "to go till the ground from whence he was taken", he immediately becomes capacitated and full of initiative to till. 

When you till, you search for. You seek to bring forth something from the soil. You seek to engage the earth to find out the possibility of what it could birth or produce and the earth has always being living up to this expectation. I pray for you that whenever you engage the earth, it will yield its increase to you. Mind you, this is not only in planting or sowing and reaping.

"To till" means to explore the ground from whence man is taken. It means, "to plough, to turn over, to dig, to break up etc." All these are as well deployed in exploration. Adam might have only cultivated by sowing and reaping but that's not all the capsule word, "to till" or "till" means. "To till" also means "digging or turning over of the earth" to find precious infilling. Psalm 24:1 says, "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof..." We know the earth there means, "the ground" and the "sea" as well though the sea is not a solid part which evolves. But the depth of the sea also ends in the ground. It's these two that the Psalmist was talking about when he says, "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof." And that's true because we know there are many mineral resources underneath the earth in the ocean. So far also, we've learnt what this, "the fulness thereof" means. We've learnt it consists of all deposits that the Maker left hidden in the soil for us. Mention any mineral resources there be and they'll immediately fall into the encompassing fold of the phrase, "and the fullness thereof." The earth and the sea harbours all these mineral resources. They're far kept away from human eyes. To reach them, you have to till, dig, explore and ferociously seek them. This is the level of tilling that technology has helped us to unveil to our advantage. Thanks to the discovery and exploration of petroleum, gold, diamond, tin, cobalt etc. They're all products of tilling the ground. All these God given resources or "the fulness thereof" have helped man to create some other products and live comprehensively and not as a handicap. Imagine the jurisdiction (called earth and the fulness thereof) that God owns and gave to man to till and explore. Look at the wealth man rules over. This earth is too wealthy. It's filled to its brim and then with potential to give back in multiples whatsoever is given it (in planting). You won't begin to appreciate God for the kind of capable man He created until you read Job 28 where the ability of man to till or explore is severely chronicled. Do you think cutting of gorges in the rock or ceasing of flowing water is a novel idea? Men have been ceasing waters for ages. It's possible to bind up waters without using supernatural powers. Water or its flow would just be cut off and then there'll be an in-road into exploring the depth of such body of water. Imagine the verses below. They are surprises.

Job 28:7-8, KJV

7 He cutteth out rivers among the rocks; and his eye seeth every precious thing. 8 He bindeth the floods from overflowing; and the thing that is hid bringeth he forth to light."

Then, you begin to wonder, how did man know to do that? That's the tilling power. The exploration command or ability. He just knows how to. That "how to" results from the assignment of Adam to "dress and keep the garden" and same is recalled when sent forth "to till" the ground. What a man God has created! A creative man who rules all of creature and lays it bare before himself. You'll wonder at times, how did man knew how to build in water? You don't need to fetch far. God Himself modeled this wonder. "For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it (the earth) upon the floods (Psalms 24:2, KJV). It's this inborn genius that singularly makes man know how to rule his world. He just knows how to. He has God's backing and blessing to rule and subdue his world (Gen.1:28) and if the earth still remains, you'll still see wonders being done in it, carved out of it or carved in it that could only chronicle and allude to the mightiness, brilliance and exceptionality of God Himself. But, may man knows not to rest in nature but the God of nature. May he learns not to worship the wealth his hands fetches but rather He who fills the earth with all the, "fullness thereof".

PRAYER: Lord, teach me to till and explore the earth (my earth) to the fullest. Give me an area of conquest. I thank you for creating me with such power and capability. I'm the able genius. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 25:47-27:13; Mark 10:32-52; Psalm 45:1-17; Proverbs 10:22

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Thursday, 2 March 2023




MAN IS INCLUSIVE! - Governor General Series 002

Read Genesis 1

Psalms 24:1, KJV

"The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."

"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof!" We know this but many times we tend to stop here and never accomplished the showing of ownership and the far reaching dominion of God over all creatures as that verse reveals. It's not only the earth (this terrestrial plane) and all that it harbours that belongs to God but man inclusive (who God created to subdue that earth, plough it and make best of it). 

At creation, God created the heaven and the earth. Then, he filled the earth. He brought forth herbs on the surface of the earth and filled it with living creatures likewise. Then He created man and gave man the utmost duty of ruling over His creatures. 

Genesis 1:26, KJV

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."

Here, God made man the governor general over all other creatures of His. This should tell you how much power man has. This should tell you what capabilities he has and could weave. He's above other creatures in intelligence and reason. It is this man God gives for food every herb of the field. It's this man God allows to exercise dominion over the fish of the sea, fowl of the air and beasts of the field. Summarily, there's nothing on earth that God has not put under the dominion of man. That's why one man wonders at why God so much have heart for man. He was shocked (Psalm 8:4-9). This should tell you how expansive the dominion of man goes. 

When God created Adam, He puts him in a garden called Eden. Do note that before his arrival, God had created all other things that live and be (even inanimate). But at his arrival, God commands him to "dress it and keep it." The garden of Eden is a specific place generalizing the earth. The mandates of Adam in that garden are still the mandate of humanity today. We are to tend (care for, look after) and keep (preserve) our natural habitat called earth. That's our house - where God has put us to stay and live in. That's why that verse says, "the world and those who live in it." Adam is the first preserver and conservationist of nature. After him, we might talk of Africans who used to record history on rock paintings to save trees. So, hearing about going green and anti-climate change movements aren't things that begun in Europe. Never! Give the credit to Africans if you're jealous giving it to Adam. 

You have now seen how wide in breath the expanse of man's rule is. He has conquered the sea, the earth and has mastered the sky (Psalm 104:24-26). Yet, He is still God's created being and this mind must forever be in him so he won't lift himself up like Lucifer and glory in his own strength or substitute the works of his own hands for God Almighty. Because God created us, because He owns us, because we are all like the sheep of His pasture, He cares for us as His created. That's why He gives His rain and shines His sun on both the just and unjust. The just and the unjust here are the beings God created without making distinction or querying whether some are born again or not (Matt.5:45). Irrespective of your race, God created you, owns you and reveals His  care often to you by giving you what you can't give yourself. God has done well by first giving humanity his habitat - the earth. It doesn't matter whether we keep it well or destroy it to our disadvantage. In every culture, it is very much known like Paul declares that, "it is in God we live, move and have our being." The air we breathe is His (Acts 17:25). Despite the fact that humanity has gone on the spree of dominion and has invented many things including what we call the oxygen tank to collect oxygen yet we know that it's better and comes without cost breathing God's air. Anyone that God separates from will immediately face death. The Bible records, "thou hidest thy face, they are troubled: thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to their dust (Psalms 104:29, KJV). May we all come to know that the earth (where all the accomplishments of humanity stands is the Lord's). May we forever be filled with gratitude for all the resources we didn't make that He gave us to enjoy. After this, may we also know that we ourselves as the master over creations are just subjects of God. May we testify being His offspring (Acts 17:28). 

PRAYER: Lord, grant me the understanding to utilize and explore the earth to its best. I confess being your offspring. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 25:47-27:13; Mark 10:32-52; Psalm 45:1-17; Proverbs 10:22

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Wednesday, 1 March 2023




THE RICH GOD! - Governor General Series 001

Psalms 24:1, KJV

"The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."

I like emphasizing and reemphasizing the Bible. Or let me say, "when the Spirit is on me, I have a reason doing so." When you emphasize it, you tend to see new things from it. A supply of understanding tend to attend to you while it helps you keep a fresh memory of the discussion at hand. 

That place says, "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof..." First of all, it says, "the earth is the Lord's!" Do you know how expanse the earth is? Even you, you haven't toured it all round. Your country even if it's the smallest in geographic area still puzzles you let alone the entire earth. Hmmmm! Yet, the Bible without mincing words is saying, "the earth (everything there be of the planet where life and humans are) is the Lord's and then "the fullness thereof." Even if we should detach, "of its full thereof", you'll still reckon that's still much property God owns. 

I can't but express shock at such expanse of land and natural resources and wealth God owns. First, "the earth is the Lord's." It is His. He created it and He owns it. To start with, how many of you Christians want to be possessors of lands who till date don't even have a plot out of what the Bible says your Father owns and owns in abundance? If indeed, the earth is the Lord's (your Father's), I pray on you the blessing and the common sense to acquire what is your Father's. Let favour also give you this commodity. While the earth is owned by God, willed to Adam as possession yet today, it is in the grip and custody of Satan because Adam willed it to him. No wonder, Satan while tempting Jesus shows him the world and says "bow and worship me and I shall give you the world and all that's in it for it has been delivered unto me (Lk. 4:5-7). Where did he get it from? Who delivered it unto him? When was it delivered unto him? That was part of what Adam lost to the devil. It's now the work of each Christian to begin to take the earth (physical property known as land) back and then the mountains and sectors of the earth (i.e music and entertainment, art industries etc). Redemption affords you that.

Now that we've settled the fact that the earth is owned by God. Let's see the second arm that says, "and its fullness thereof." Let's refresh quickly with, "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof."

What's this "fullness thereof?" Brethren, welcome to the palace of good things. You will depart with many escalated riches today. "and the fullness thereof" means everything land harbours. I didn't study mineralogy or mining but I know that the earth  sure contains a lot. My country, Nigeria harbours part of this "earths fullness." Earth's fullness means what the earth is filled with. They are the resources and wealth that God hide in the earth which after the breaking and sharing of landmass into the constituents called continents and nations today, each nation could lay claim to a part. And I'll say my country, Nigeria has this earth's good in abundance. We have arable soil, petroleum, tin, copper, limestone, timber and many more. Our petroleum reserve is scary. All these are what the Bible calls, "the fullness thereof." We can't just quantify them because I'm sure there are many more resources still hidden that have not been discovered where God hides them. And even if they've been discovered, man don't yet have a name for them or knows what he might use them for. Just too much of the earth's fullness. This literally makes God a rich God. That's why that verse ties everything together and accounts it to God by saying summarily that the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. He owns all. From where you are to the end of the earth - to the farthest of the sea (Psalm 139:14), God owns it. It's all these earth's fullness that drove many countries into balkanising and exploiting Africa. Because of the earth and its fullness thereof (what the earth is filled to the brim with), that's why ethnic groups and nations even do sometimes go to war. What a thing! Yet, the ownership belongs to God. 

I pray, may you know true rest. I may not have toured the world, I may not be the holder of the greatest land or gold anywhere in the world but I'm still okay with the fact that my Father owns the earth and every least thing it houses. This alone is enough to change my perspective of how rich my Father is and how rich I am. I say, let nations go to war, let people go to battle, the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. And if you'll allow me add to it, I'll say the earth shall only be inherited by the meek (Matt.5:5). This earth has seen a lot of going and coming of many people yet it remains in same place. The earth and its fullness thereof that many battle of ownership and possession has been on is the Lord's. 

PRAYER: Lord, grant me the revelation that the earth is Yours and its fullness thereof that my mindset might change that your reach is expansive. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 22:17-23:44; Mark 9:30-10:12; Psalm 44:1-8; Proverbs 10:19

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Tuesday, 28 February 2023





Read Luke 19:1-10

Luke 19:4-5, KJV

"4 And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way. 5 And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house."

Are you there? Let it be that what God wants to do will be by you. And as far as I know, God is in need of hands - many labourers (Lk.10:2). Ensure you're in the condition of honourable vessel that God can't jump over when perused for use. God left Saul for David but you must ensure if God enters a city today needing an Ananias, you'll answer with, "here I am Lord (Acts 9:10)." Also, be sensitive to what time has come on you if you'll ever be God's vessel. There's always a time of recruitment - a time God seeks for a worthy vessel to carry a call and send (Isa.6:8). Tamar has such sensitivity. Judah denied her marrying his youngest son for the fear of that dying also (Gen. 38:11). But Tamar wouldn't relent. She could perceive there's something in store that would be unfolded by time but which she must join herself to and make history by. It was so written in her heart that when she was told of his father in law going on to Timnath to shear his sheep, she gird herself, remove her sack cloth immediately and goes to make history by being joined to the Messiah's lineage (Gen.38:13-14). What a perception! This is ruling by revelation. Revelation of time and season that has come upon you that you must ride on lest it slips. You see, God will do His own. He'll keep us informed of the move we must not miss. 

Genesis 38:13-14, KJV  

"13 And it was told Tamar, saying, Behold thy father in law goeth up to Timnath to shear his sheep. 14 And she put her widow's garments off from her..."

At times, we'll have a heart drawing or persuasion towards a certain move or action. What we have never felt or thought at a time before would begin to occur and reoccur in your mind because you've neared the fullness of time for it to be acted or birthed. For instance, God found people who gossiped to Tamar about her father in law (opportunity) passing by. This way, Tamar squeezed herself into the lineage of our Lord Jesus Christ by being pregnant by Judah himself. This way, she entered into the annals of records as the great grandmother of Jesus. 

Matthew 1:3, KJV

"And Judas (Judah) begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram."

She ensured she's known in association with Jesus. Something was rousing and motivating her saying, "it's this family you must marry into and not another" and that's because there's a prophecy and calling you must be known in relation with. God, anoint me with such heart knowing. Help me to stick to what there is a future in. Show me who to go with because theirs is the future. May I have headlamps. May I see far. May I have inner light - guiding me towards making the right decision of destiny. May I see the vision of tomorrow which makes one a die-hard saying, "your God will be my God and your people will be my people (Ruth 1:16)." May I not let go of the discovery of what you want to use me to do which my heart has already caught.  

People, Tamar saw it was  Judah God was going to save by. As good as other tribes were, Jesus would never come through their lines. If it's not Judah, it's not any other. Tamar saw this and she did all to make this marriage bond with Judah by obtaining child from there though it was the harlot she plays. However, that just morals how God would like us love the calling and yield to it once we perceive a call on us. We must be Jacob in attitude and not Esau who despised the calling and the anointing (Heb.12:16). May you too irrespective of who you are smell the calling, the anointing, the vacancy in an office and in all preparation of heart righteously avail yourself for it.  

"If God is currently passing by a road", will you be there is the question He's telling me to ask you? When Zaccheaus knew that Jesus (the salvation he should see) would be passing by a certain road, He made preparation to go await Him there. 

Luke 19:4, KJV 

"And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way."

On that same road Jesus was set to pass, Zaccheaus positioned himself by climbing the tree and setting himself where Jesus would see and call on him. This is a man with a hunger. This is a man with a revelation. This man has intentions and he won't let it slip. It is, "I must see Jesus" which now indirectly makes Jesus to see him too. This is a man who refuses to be passed by. He wanted to meet Jesus but hindrances of the press won't allow. So, he devised sacrificing by yet running ahead of Him to await Him on the road He knows He must need pass. This is a man who will "do all" to see Jesus and walk worthily of his being called by Him eventually. Lord, teach us strategic positioning. Let us act on the gossips of the Spirit and ones those who have lent their ears to the Spirit would avail us so that we'll be a beneficiary of season's move. Teach us how to organize destiny meet and appointment because of a glimpse of light from inside. Teach us how not to miss time when salvation is passing and coming our own way. Teach us how to enforce and say, "this is the day and now is the time." May it be today and not tomorrow. May it be you God's call will go out to amidst the crowd. Jesus called unto Zaccheaus. It was, "come down for I must be in your house today." Look at how desiring to see Jesus has landed Zaccheaus a call and a meet with Jesus and destiny. And if you'll remember, it was also that day salvation came into his house. He never missed his time that awaits to come but which has now come. If Zaccheaus had missed his time, when next would he meet Jesus? Is it not better to have tarried there and see Him that day? Was Jesus not passing by the way He knew He'll pass? That's why I pray that you'll see time to hold and utilize. May you from today begin to reap for your righteous desire to be part of what God is doing. The Bible says, "thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows" (Hebrews 1:9, KJV). That's reaping the reward of identifying with God. God's chasers and pursuers always have a dividend. Tamar and Zaccheaus did. You're next! As you pursue that little desire, you'll be admitted into the big thing God has planned. You won't miss prophecy, you'll meet it. 

PRAYER: Lord, may I not miss my season's move. Give me desire and eyes for Your things and what I must in flight take and pursue. May I make myself worthy of Your call.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Leviticus 20:22-22:16; Mark 9:1-29; Psalm 43:1-5; Proverbs 10:18

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Monday, 27 February 2023




LORD, MAY IT BE, "BY ME" - Our Saviour Series 005

II Kings 5:1, KJV 

"Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master, and honourable, because by him the LORD had given deliverance unto Syria: he was also a mighty man in valour, but he was a leper."

Lord, may it be, "for by me". When they're speaking of the hero of the people, the deliverer of nations, the history maker amidst others, may you and I be reckon with. 

The testimony concerning Naaman is, "for by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria..." Immediately, we know for by who God had given deliverance and could now discern this differently from he or she God did not found available for same use. That's why I'm praying today that, it'll be, "for by you". 

This assignment that's hovering around in the spirit; this errand God wants to commission someone on, this mantle that must be taken up by another vessel (either because of the home-going of a beloved saint, disobedience and expelling of a reprobate vessel, the turning away from an already heeded call or the refusal to heed the call), I'm trusting for you that it'll find you worthy to rest on. May you be called and sent. May you be that saviour, that deliverer God wants to deliver by. May God have such plan for you like He had for Gideon and his three hundred men who qualified themselves (Judges 7:7). As in, what a privilege to be part of the company God uses and wants to use. What a blessedness! May you therefore not despise God's nudge to come when He knocks on the door of your heart. The reason for this is so that heaven may reckon, "it's by you" the accomplishment that's being trusted for was done at day's end. 

Hebrews 11 serially outlines the heroes of faith. Men and women who received a good report just because they weaved faith (Heb.11:2). In there, you'll see the praise of these heroes and their mighty deeds. What a thing that touches the heart that such men and women were found to have weaved faith. What a blessing that they availed themselves for the great things told about them! Because of same, they immediately became qualified to be reckoned with and recorded to have done those mighty things undeniably. All because they were willing and obedient, they had the honour. All because they kept to the motivation and the urge on their inside to hold on, they earned God's praise. When God is making up His jewels; when God is seeking to fetch His captains of thousands and hundreds, may He find you worthy. May you avail yourself for the great and mighty things God seeks to do on the surface of the earth. May nothing be too precious to you to release to God inorder to enter into the category of those He wants to deliver by. I'll rather be the tool of God than be that of men. I'll rather lend and give myself to God than be lent to a man - an employer of labour. I'll rather trust God to meet my needs than to miss His provision by laboriously working for what to eat when I have had His call to come and be a "deliverer".  

May what we'll begin to hear about you be, "for by you God delivers, heals, witnesses the gospel and does good everywhere." May we hear, "for by you God invents, innovates, creates and models." Where God has ordained gazes should be turned to you, may you not shrink from walking same path. If you've started, may you not jettison it for others to raise to honour. May it be your name that'll be inserted on such task that has vacancy in the spirit. May it be you the world would applaud and all gazes would be directed at in envy at the mentioning of, "for by him God has done this and that..." Whether the onlookers like it or not, whether Naaman has enemies or not, it's still "because of him God had given deliverance unto Syria." Not another!This became undeniable and attracted honour and recognition. May I say if you heed and you'll let it be by you God will deliver your family, there will be people in your family who will open their mouths to say, "for by him" we've been ushered into the light we now walk in. Everybody will be grateful after tasting that light. We bear record to he who has done it indeed. Not to he who wants to do it but rather he who is doing it or has done it. I pray you won't miss what should be done by you. It can pass you by but may you recognize your moment. May you recognize when men are being recruited by God. The salvation, deliverance God has ordained you for shall be done by you. God ordained Jesus for the redemption of mankind and he lived up to that.

Matthew 1:21, KJV

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."

Imagine that! For by Jesus His people and the Gentile world are saved and is being saved from their sins. Look at what we attribute to Jesus. Not only because it was said He'll do such assignment but because He really did it eventually. There's a sacrifice that goes with being the hope and salvation of others but if you'll heed this call, it shall be written of you that, "for by you such has been done." Receive grace after grace to bear and cope. Even when it weighs on you, receive grace to trudge on. Even when your faith wants to fail, God's hand will not let you sink. You will be upheld. I say receive grace, grace, grace! I shout, "grace, grace, grace over you." It will be by you. It is by you. It will not be by another. Amen!

PRAYER: Lord, what assignment is roaming the air, sensitize me to it and let it be, "by me." May I heed the unheeded but wasted calling that has ran down my lineage till now. By me, desolations of many generations are raised. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 19:1-20:21; Mark 8:11-38; Psalm 42:1-11; Proverbs 10:17

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Sunday, 26 February 2023





Read John 6:1-9

John 6:8-9, KJV

"8 One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, saith unto him,

9 There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?"

You should pray once more saying, "Lord, who do you reside my salvation with?" If one do not find an answer to this on time, even when God has set someone apart for same, one might suffer or might have suffered some loss before such discovery. 

When Jesus asked Philip where they could get bread to feed the multitude, Philip didn't see the salvation of the Lord. He went to the opposite pole. What he replied with was, "two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little (John 6:7, KJV). Another version says, "eight months' wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!" (NIV). If it won't satiate; then, has the purpose of buying not being defeated? So, Philip was subtly discouraging the entire plan of making provision for them. He called it mission impossible and that's if they'll implement the buying of bread that would at least offer them a toast.

This could have been the end but rather it was the beginning. Where hope seems to have died, may it be aroused for you. May new leaves always bud for you. At the juncture where he replied and gave no hope on the situation on ground, Andrew interjected and shouted out a discovered remedy. He pointed to a boy with five loaves and two fishes and these became the sufficient tool by which Jesus fed about 5,000 people. As in, He fed them to their brims. 

Brethren, we need to be sensitive. At this time, we must do away with prejudice or discrimination. If it's not solely by he who God wants to save us by, then it is not by any other. If it's not by the man, boy, girl or woman God will find to use at a time that all of us will come into, then, let it alone. Let it not be any man again. We're not fighting salvation or help but we'll only have it, receive it and accept it from the vessel God has seen worthy to pass it through.  God, I pray, "may I not buy what you have made provision for me for in another man." This is how Satan deceives people and never allow them tap into God's great store of provision. Yet God owns a tank where He even gives grace after grace (John 1:16). As God is concerned, all the resources needed for the retreat and conferences you want to hold is being held by someone. You can laugh at that. There's always a vessel that God has set by who holds the five loaves and two fishes that God wants to work by in order to let all eyes watching see His salvation. This is what they'll have 'looted' the treasury for by going to buy bread worth eight months'wages! God forbid! God, save my feet from such mistake. Let me see people in who you have put my salvation and with whom my salvation resides. May I not be proud to collect bread from that worthy vessel even if he doesn't fit my description. He may be an ordinary boy - someone that one could be accused of depriving economically or duping. Even if it's a widow like that of Zarephath that a prophet could be accused of siphoning, may I see Your salvation for me in her. May I be sensitive. May I see right.  If you're a founder and you don't see the salvation in people, you'll never make a female a pastor even when she's the one God is saying should head your new branch. I don't care. As long as that's the fellow with the goods, as long as that's he God has foretold to Samuel when He says, "go, I have prepared Me a king amidst the sons of Jesse (I Samuel 16:1)", we must arise and anoint him without respecting his gender, age, race or tribe etc.

Brethren, the meal you have not discovered is still hidden and not that it has not been made available. God might not have planned that you go about meeting your needs yourself or squandering money on same at a particular time. He might have a soul that's willing to offer up what he has for you. He might have a soul whose ministry when released will bring you comfort and relieve. I'm hearing now for somebody. "Your salvation is not without (outside and with outsiders) but within." Lord, if the process repeats itself ten thousand times, may we not mistakenly heed the advice of Philip and go to buy bread (that'll still not satiate (and so never the cure) but is rather expensive) when we have a way of escape by our side. May we see the boy with the answer to our question - our salvation. Also, may no mouth make us diminish our salvation after location. The devil used Andrew halfway also when he says, "but what are they among so many?" He found the answer but also later told us to shift focus from it. But Jesus wouldn't let it slip. He took that opportunity. He rather responds, "let them sit." Today, God will give you eyes to see benefits in miniatures or less esteemed people. At every point in time, you won't lack discernment as to know in who your salvation is located. Those in who your salvation are will give off a sign by which you'll identify them. They'll call you to themselves. They'll expose themselves to you. They'll accept responsibility. They'll tell you, "their hearts are moved" and you'll give glory to God for this. 

PRAYER: Lord, let me have eyes for my salvation even in despise vessels and places. Stir and rouse up any holding my salvation. May they confess and release same. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 16:29-18:30; Mark 7:24-8:10; Psalm 41:1-13; Proverbs 10:15-16

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