Thursday, 2 March 2023




MAN IS INCLUSIVE! - Governor General Series 002

Read Genesis 1

Psalms 24:1, KJV

"The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."

"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof!" We know this but many times we tend to stop here and never accomplished the showing of ownership and the far reaching dominion of God over all creatures as that verse reveals. It's not only the earth (this terrestrial plane) and all that it harbours that belongs to God but man inclusive (who God created to subdue that earth, plough it and make best of it). 

At creation, God created the heaven and the earth. Then, he filled the earth. He brought forth herbs on the surface of the earth and filled it with living creatures likewise. Then He created man and gave man the utmost duty of ruling over His creatures. 

Genesis 1:26, KJV

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."

Here, God made man the governor general over all other creatures of His. This should tell you how much power man has. This should tell you what capabilities he has and could weave. He's above other creatures in intelligence and reason. It is this man God gives for food every herb of the field. It's this man God allows to exercise dominion over the fish of the sea, fowl of the air and beasts of the field. Summarily, there's nothing on earth that God has not put under the dominion of man. That's why one man wonders at why God so much have heart for man. He was shocked (Psalm 8:4-9). This should tell you how expansive the dominion of man goes. 

When God created Adam, He puts him in a garden called Eden. Do note that before his arrival, God had created all other things that live and be (even inanimate). But at his arrival, God commands him to "dress it and keep it." The garden of Eden is a specific place generalizing the earth. The mandates of Adam in that garden are still the mandate of humanity today. We are to tend (care for, look after) and keep (preserve) our natural habitat called earth. That's our house - where God has put us to stay and live in. That's why that verse says, "the world and those who live in it." Adam is the first preserver and conservationist of nature. After him, we might talk of Africans who used to record history on rock paintings to save trees. So, hearing about going green and anti-climate change movements aren't things that begun in Europe. Never! Give the credit to Africans if you're jealous giving it to Adam. 

You have now seen how wide in breath the expanse of man's rule is. He has conquered the sea, the earth and has mastered the sky (Psalm 104:24-26). Yet, He is still God's created being and this mind must forever be in him so he won't lift himself up like Lucifer and glory in his own strength or substitute the works of his own hands for God Almighty. Because God created us, because He owns us, because we are all like the sheep of His pasture, He cares for us as His created. That's why He gives His rain and shines His sun on both the just and unjust. The just and the unjust here are the beings God created without making distinction or querying whether some are born again or not (Matt.5:45). Irrespective of your race, God created you, owns you and reveals His  care often to you by giving you what you can't give yourself. God has done well by first giving humanity his habitat - the earth. It doesn't matter whether we keep it well or destroy it to our disadvantage. In every culture, it is very much known like Paul declares that, "it is in God we live, move and have our being." The air we breathe is His (Acts 17:25). Despite the fact that humanity has gone on the spree of dominion and has invented many things including what we call the oxygen tank to collect oxygen yet we know that it's better and comes without cost breathing God's air. Anyone that God separates from will immediately face death. The Bible records, "thou hidest thy face, they are troubled: thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to their dust (Psalms 104:29, KJV). May we all come to know that the earth (where all the accomplishments of humanity stands is the Lord's). May we forever be filled with gratitude for all the resources we didn't make that He gave us to enjoy. After this, may we also know that we ourselves as the master over creations are just subjects of God. May we testify being His offspring (Acts 17:28). 

PRAYER: Lord, grant me the understanding to utilize and explore the earth to its best. I confess being your offspring. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 25:47-27:13; Mark 10:32-52; Psalm 45:1-17; Proverbs 10:22

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