Friday, 3 March 2023




THE POWER OF EXPLORATION! - Governor General Series 003

Read Genesis 2

Genesis 3:23, KJV

"Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken."

The word "till" doesn't solely mean cultivate or farm. That word means to "draw out", "acquire" or "explore" also. When God sent Adam away from the garden, God told him he'll till (work) the ground for survival. "Tilling" there means putting the earth to use by cultivation or planting but also the exploration of the earth for all it could give. While it might have been definitive and specified to farming for Adam, that singular word has been encompassingnly acted on by our generation and some before. Do you know that singular word, "to till" is like the command, "go forth and preach the gospel" (Mark 16:15).

That place says, "therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden (for what intent or assignment) - to till the ground from whence he was taken." 

"To till" there has been concluded on for Adam. As far as God is concerned, Adam can till because he has been given the power and initiative, "to dress (work) and keep it" (Gen.2:15). That's the power of exploration! He can therefore always draw out something from the earth. He's been enabled to till the earth. If he was not enabled afore that speech, at the saying of God to him, "to go till the ground from whence he was taken", he immediately becomes capacitated and full of initiative to till. 

When you till, you search for. You seek to bring forth something from the soil. You seek to engage the earth to find out the possibility of what it could birth or produce and the earth has always being living up to this expectation. I pray for you that whenever you engage the earth, it will yield its increase to you. Mind you, this is not only in planting or sowing and reaping.

"To till" means to explore the ground from whence man is taken. It means, "to plough, to turn over, to dig, to break up etc." All these are as well deployed in exploration. Adam might have only cultivated by sowing and reaping but that's not all the capsule word, "to till" or "till" means. "To till" also means "digging or turning over of the earth" to find precious infilling. Psalm 24:1 says, "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof..." We know the earth there means, "the ground" and the "sea" as well though the sea is not a solid part which evolves. But the depth of the sea also ends in the ground. It's these two that the Psalmist was talking about when he says, "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof." And that's true because we know there are many mineral resources underneath the earth in the ocean. So far also, we've learnt what this, "the fulness thereof" means. We've learnt it consists of all deposits that the Maker left hidden in the soil for us. Mention any mineral resources there be and they'll immediately fall into the encompassing fold of the phrase, "and the fullness thereof." The earth and the sea harbours all these mineral resources. They're far kept away from human eyes. To reach them, you have to till, dig, explore and ferociously seek them. This is the level of tilling that technology has helped us to unveil to our advantage. Thanks to the discovery and exploration of petroleum, gold, diamond, tin, cobalt etc. They're all products of tilling the ground. All these God given resources or "the fulness thereof" have helped man to create some other products and live comprehensively and not as a handicap. Imagine the jurisdiction (called earth and the fulness thereof) that God owns and gave to man to till and explore. Look at the wealth man rules over. This earth is too wealthy. It's filled to its brim and then with potential to give back in multiples whatsoever is given it (in planting). You won't begin to appreciate God for the kind of capable man He created until you read Job 28 where the ability of man to till or explore is severely chronicled. Do you think cutting of gorges in the rock or ceasing of flowing water is a novel idea? Men have been ceasing waters for ages. It's possible to bind up waters without using supernatural powers. Water or its flow would just be cut off and then there'll be an in-road into exploring the depth of such body of water. Imagine the verses below. They are surprises.

Job 28:7-8, KJV

7 He cutteth out rivers among the rocks; and his eye seeth every precious thing. 8 He bindeth the floods from overflowing; and the thing that is hid bringeth he forth to light."

Then, you begin to wonder, how did man know to do that? That's the tilling power. The exploration command or ability. He just knows how to. That "how to" results from the assignment of Adam to "dress and keep the garden" and same is recalled when sent forth "to till" the ground. What a man God has created! A creative man who rules all of creature and lays it bare before himself. You'll wonder at times, how did man knew how to build in water? You don't need to fetch far. God Himself modeled this wonder. "For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it (the earth) upon the floods (Psalms 24:2, KJV). It's this inborn genius that singularly makes man know how to rule his world. He just knows how to. He has God's backing and blessing to rule and subdue his world (Gen.1:28) and if the earth still remains, you'll still see wonders being done in it, carved out of it or carved in it that could only chronicle and allude to the mightiness, brilliance and exceptionality of God Himself. But, may man knows not to rest in nature but the God of nature. May he learns not to worship the wealth his hands fetches but rather He who fills the earth with all the, "fullness thereof".

PRAYER: Lord, teach me to till and explore the earth (my earth) to the fullest. Give me an area of conquest. I thank you for creating me with such power and capability. I'm the able genius. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 25:47-27:13; Mark 10:32-52; Psalm 45:1-17; Proverbs 10:22

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