Saturday, 4 March 2023




YOU HAVE A GARDEN TO TILL - Governor General Series 004

Genesis 2:15, KJV  

"And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it."

Oh wing men and women, it pleases me just like it pleases God to start today's devotional by saying, "the earth is too general for individual". Before God put the first man in his home, He first did something. He planted it! He created a special home for him. The earth has been created earlier but now, a portion, a cut out or division of the earth (in Eden - a community or location itself) is specifically being equipped by God for the habitation of man. So, that word, "He planted", means, "God made." This a planting of a home in Eden.

Genesis 2:8, KJV  

"And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed."

Of the general earth and then of Eden, God cited, situated and located Adam somewhere in Eden that's said to be, "eastward." It means Adam only occupied a portion of Eden eastward. Brethren, you can't dwell in all places. You must rise above the revelation of letting events determine your bound. You must consciously thirst to live by the "every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Matt.4:4). A fragment of God's revelation to you! It's at such time of enquiry God will open up to you concerning the location where you should dwell and tarry. You're born in Nigeria, so you live in Nigeria. That's what natural birth has offered you but if God or destiny has a higher purpose for you, God might want to send you somewhere else. And He might have you retained but rather to leave your city, town to another in the same country where only He has assignment waiting for you there. God located Adam in a home He planted eastward of a location called Eden. 

May you not get in trouble. May you conceptualize the season that has come upon you. May you know when by ordainment and the Word spoken by the mouth of the Lord you're to stay or tarry. If you don't understand turns and how swiftly it could change, you'll still be by Brook Cherith when God is ahead to Zarephath. And I bet it with you, your suffering and your losses will be uncountable! But you must always be sober, ever waiting on God with expectation of whether He'll say, "you should run or hold." Paul lived this out and I'm not ashamed to refer to him as an example (Acts 16:6-10). But many people are men of senses, sense ruled and governed. They're not given to the spirit at all and so they're out of His influence because even when He's communicating, since they didn't enact His communication, they can't have any testimony of having being better or indeed influenced by Him. They company with Lot who lifted his eyes and saw the plain of Jordan that it was well watered. He must have thought in his vain heart, "where else could it be if not this field?" Assuming this way, he fell for it?" People like this are always wrong even if they're a prophet of the status of Samuel (I Samuel 16:6-7). They're always wrong.

But you, you can tell God, find me my garden. Locate for me my garden and locate me in it. Don't forget it is God who looked for a home (dwelling place in the earth) for Adam and then put him there. People nowadays live where God has not put them. This earth which God has created is too general and large. Seven continents there be according to the division and here I am in my large nation (even if yours is the smallest). Five races there be according to the division of men. Many tongues there be who are inhabitants of this earth but where and among who are you saying I should dwell? With who have you appointed my dwelling? 

Many times, without prompting this prayer at all, your assignment (if you're a man who has found what God said He should do and become on earth) will locate you to that garden -  that specific place of assignment where you too could hear a voice saying, "dress and keep it" - be dedicated to this all the days of your life. Let it be "your meat." Eat it and finish it. Somebody who God located a garden for because of assignment is also Peter. God came around to say, "rise, kill and eat" (Acts 10:13). That saying is a call to a place of assignment- the Gentile world. He needed to be called out if he'll have success there. If you go where God has not called you to, you might be operating in a cemetery. You'll not be able to do any miracle and great works because the people would just vomit hostility at you continually. Even after awhile there, they won't still have received you. But if you'll say, God, where's my own garden on the earth? You'll know prosperity, fulfilment, joy and early satisfaction. He's the Governor General of the earth. The earth is His (Psalm 24:1). He still allocates gardens and makes people home and settle them there. May God settle you down. For those expecting marriage, God sets the solitary in families too (Psalm 68:6).  

PRAYER: Lord, let me be locatable. Let me dwell and till only my allotted allocation. May I not indulge in dead work. Where's my garden? Give me a home Lord. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 25:47-27:13; Mark 10:32-52; Psalm 45:1-17; Proverbs 10:22

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