Wednesday, 1 March 2023




THE RICH GOD! - Governor General Series 001

Psalms 24:1, KJV

"The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."

I like emphasizing and reemphasizing the Bible. Or let me say, "when the Spirit is on me, I have a reason doing so." When you emphasize it, you tend to see new things from it. A supply of understanding tend to attend to you while it helps you keep a fresh memory of the discussion at hand. 

That place says, "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof..." First of all, it says, "the earth is the Lord's!" Do you know how expanse the earth is? Even you, you haven't toured it all round. Your country even if it's the smallest in geographic area still puzzles you let alone the entire earth. Hmmmm! Yet, the Bible without mincing words is saying, "the earth (everything there be of the planet where life and humans are) is the Lord's and then "the fullness thereof." Even if we should detach, "of its full thereof", you'll still reckon that's still much property God owns. 

I can't but express shock at such expanse of land and natural resources and wealth God owns. First, "the earth is the Lord's." It is His. He created it and He owns it. To start with, how many of you Christians want to be possessors of lands who till date don't even have a plot out of what the Bible says your Father owns and owns in abundance? If indeed, the earth is the Lord's (your Father's), I pray on you the blessing and the common sense to acquire what is your Father's. Let favour also give you this commodity. While the earth is owned by God, willed to Adam as possession yet today, it is in the grip and custody of Satan because Adam willed it to him. No wonder, Satan while tempting Jesus shows him the world and says "bow and worship me and I shall give you the world and all that's in it for it has been delivered unto me (Lk. 4:5-7). Where did he get it from? Who delivered it unto him? When was it delivered unto him? That was part of what Adam lost to the devil. It's now the work of each Christian to begin to take the earth (physical property known as land) back and then the mountains and sectors of the earth (i.e music and entertainment, art industries etc). Redemption affords you that.

Now that we've settled the fact that the earth is owned by God. Let's see the second arm that says, "and its fullness thereof." Let's refresh quickly with, "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof."

What's this "fullness thereof?" Brethren, welcome to the palace of good things. You will depart with many escalated riches today. "and the fullness thereof" means everything land harbours. I didn't study mineralogy or mining but I know that the earth  sure contains a lot. My country, Nigeria harbours part of this "earths fullness." Earth's fullness means what the earth is filled with. They are the resources and wealth that God hide in the earth which after the breaking and sharing of landmass into the constituents called continents and nations today, each nation could lay claim to a part. And I'll say my country, Nigeria has this earth's good in abundance. We have arable soil, petroleum, tin, copper, limestone, timber and many more. Our petroleum reserve is scary. All these are what the Bible calls, "the fullness thereof." We can't just quantify them because I'm sure there are many more resources still hidden that have not been discovered where God hides them. And even if they've been discovered, man don't yet have a name for them or knows what he might use them for. Just too much of the earth's fullness. This literally makes God a rich God. That's why that verse ties everything together and accounts it to God by saying summarily that the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. He owns all. From where you are to the end of the earth - to the farthest of the sea (Psalm 139:14), God owns it. It's all these earth's fullness that drove many countries into balkanising and exploiting Africa. Because of the earth and its fullness thereof (what the earth is filled to the brim with), that's why ethnic groups and nations even do sometimes go to war. What a thing! Yet, the ownership belongs to God. 

I pray, may you know true rest. I may not have toured the world, I may not be the holder of the greatest land or gold anywhere in the world but I'm still okay with the fact that my Father owns the earth and every least thing it houses. This alone is enough to change my perspective of how rich my Father is and how rich I am. I say, let nations go to war, let people go to battle, the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. And if you'll allow me add to it, I'll say the earth shall only be inherited by the meek (Matt.5:5). This earth has seen a lot of going and coming of many people yet it remains in same place. The earth and its fullness thereof that many battle of ownership and possession has been on is the Lord's. 

PRAYER: Lord, grant me the revelation that the earth is Yours and its fullness thereof that my mindset might change that your reach is expansive. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 22:17-23:44; Mark 9:30-10:12; Psalm 44:1-8; Proverbs 10:19

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