Sunday, 26 February 2023





Read John 6:1-9

John 6:8-9, KJV

"8 One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, saith unto him,

9 There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?"

You should pray once more saying, "Lord, who do you reside my salvation with?" If one do not find an answer to this on time, even when God has set someone apart for same, one might suffer or might have suffered some loss before such discovery. 

When Jesus asked Philip where they could get bread to feed the multitude, Philip didn't see the salvation of the Lord. He went to the opposite pole. What he replied with was, "two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little (John 6:7, KJV). Another version says, "eight months' wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!" (NIV). If it won't satiate; then, has the purpose of buying not being defeated? So, Philip was subtly discouraging the entire plan of making provision for them. He called it mission impossible and that's if they'll implement the buying of bread that would at least offer them a toast.

This could have been the end but rather it was the beginning. Where hope seems to have died, may it be aroused for you. May new leaves always bud for you. At the juncture where he replied and gave no hope on the situation on ground, Andrew interjected and shouted out a discovered remedy. He pointed to a boy with five loaves and two fishes and these became the sufficient tool by which Jesus fed about 5,000 people. As in, He fed them to their brims. 

Brethren, we need to be sensitive. At this time, we must do away with prejudice or discrimination. If it's not solely by he who God wants to save us by, then it is not by any other. If it's not by the man, boy, girl or woman God will find to use at a time that all of us will come into, then, let it alone. Let it not be any man again. We're not fighting salvation or help but we'll only have it, receive it and accept it from the vessel God has seen worthy to pass it through.  God, I pray, "may I not buy what you have made provision for me for in another man." This is how Satan deceives people and never allow them tap into God's great store of provision. Yet God owns a tank where He even gives grace after grace (John 1:16). As God is concerned, all the resources needed for the retreat and conferences you want to hold is being held by someone. You can laugh at that. There's always a vessel that God has set by who holds the five loaves and two fishes that God wants to work by in order to let all eyes watching see His salvation. This is what they'll have 'looted' the treasury for by going to buy bread worth eight months'wages! God forbid! God, save my feet from such mistake. Let me see people in who you have put my salvation and with whom my salvation resides. May I not be proud to collect bread from that worthy vessel even if he doesn't fit my description. He may be an ordinary boy - someone that one could be accused of depriving economically or duping. Even if it's a widow like that of Zarephath that a prophet could be accused of siphoning, may I see Your salvation for me in her. May I be sensitive. May I see right.  If you're a founder and you don't see the salvation in people, you'll never make a female a pastor even when she's the one God is saying should head your new branch. I don't care. As long as that's the fellow with the goods, as long as that's he God has foretold to Samuel when He says, "go, I have prepared Me a king amidst the sons of Jesse (I Samuel 16:1)", we must arise and anoint him without respecting his gender, age, race or tribe etc.

Brethren, the meal you have not discovered is still hidden and not that it has not been made available. God might not have planned that you go about meeting your needs yourself or squandering money on same at a particular time. He might have a soul that's willing to offer up what he has for you. He might have a soul whose ministry when released will bring you comfort and relieve. I'm hearing now for somebody. "Your salvation is not without (outside and with outsiders) but within." Lord, if the process repeats itself ten thousand times, may we not mistakenly heed the advice of Philip and go to buy bread (that'll still not satiate (and so never the cure) but is rather expensive) when we have a way of escape by our side. May we see the boy with the answer to our question - our salvation. Also, may no mouth make us diminish our salvation after location. The devil used Andrew halfway also when he says, "but what are they among so many?" He found the answer but also later told us to shift focus from it. But Jesus wouldn't let it slip. He took that opportunity. He rather responds, "let them sit." Today, God will give you eyes to see benefits in miniatures or less esteemed people. At every point in time, you won't lack discernment as to know in who your salvation is located. Those in who your salvation are will give off a sign by which you'll identify them. They'll call you to themselves. They'll expose themselves to you. They'll accept responsibility. They'll tell you, "their hearts are moved" and you'll give glory to God for this. 

PRAYER: Lord, let me have eyes for my salvation even in despise vessels and places. Stir and rouse up any holding my salvation. May they confess and release same. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 16:29-18:30; Mark 7:24-8:10; Psalm 41:1-13; Proverbs 10:15-16

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