Tuesday, 28 February 2023





Read Luke 19:1-10

Luke 19:4-5, KJV

"4 And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way. 5 And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house."

Are you there? Let it be that what God wants to do will be by you. And as far as I know, God is in need of hands - many labourers (Lk.10:2). Ensure you're in the condition of honourable vessel that God can't jump over when perused for use. God left Saul for David but you must ensure if God enters a city today needing an Ananias, you'll answer with, "here I am Lord (Acts 9:10)." Also, be sensitive to what time has come on you if you'll ever be God's vessel. There's always a time of recruitment - a time God seeks for a worthy vessel to carry a call and send (Isa.6:8). Tamar has such sensitivity. Judah denied her marrying his youngest son for the fear of that dying also (Gen. 38:11). But Tamar wouldn't relent. She could perceive there's something in store that would be unfolded by time but which she must join herself to and make history by. It was so written in her heart that when she was told of his father in law going on to Timnath to shear his sheep, she gird herself, remove her sack cloth immediately and goes to make history by being joined to the Messiah's lineage (Gen.38:13-14). What a perception! This is ruling by revelation. Revelation of time and season that has come upon you that you must ride on lest it slips. You see, God will do His own. He'll keep us informed of the move we must not miss. 

Genesis 38:13-14, KJV  

"13 And it was told Tamar, saying, Behold thy father in law goeth up to Timnath to shear his sheep. 14 And she put her widow's garments off from her..."

At times, we'll have a heart drawing or persuasion towards a certain move or action. What we have never felt or thought at a time before would begin to occur and reoccur in your mind because you've neared the fullness of time for it to be acted or birthed. For instance, God found people who gossiped to Tamar about her father in law (opportunity) passing by. This way, Tamar squeezed herself into the lineage of our Lord Jesus Christ by being pregnant by Judah himself. This way, she entered into the annals of records as the great grandmother of Jesus. 

Matthew 1:3, KJV

"And Judas (Judah) begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram."

She ensured she's known in association with Jesus. Something was rousing and motivating her saying, "it's this family you must marry into and not another" and that's because there's a prophecy and calling you must be known in relation with. God, anoint me with such heart knowing. Help me to stick to what there is a future in. Show me who to go with because theirs is the future. May I have headlamps. May I see far. May I have inner light - guiding me towards making the right decision of destiny. May I see the vision of tomorrow which makes one a die-hard saying, "your God will be my God and your people will be my people (Ruth 1:16)." May I not let go of the discovery of what you want to use me to do which my heart has already caught.  

People, Tamar saw it was  Judah God was going to save by. As good as other tribes were, Jesus would never come through their lines. If it's not Judah, it's not any other. Tamar saw this and she did all to make this marriage bond with Judah by obtaining child from there though it was the harlot she plays. However, that just morals how God would like us love the calling and yield to it once we perceive a call on us. We must be Jacob in attitude and not Esau who despised the calling and the anointing (Heb.12:16). May you too irrespective of who you are smell the calling, the anointing, the vacancy in an office and in all preparation of heart righteously avail yourself for it.  

"If God is currently passing by a road", will you be there is the question He's telling me to ask you? When Zaccheaus knew that Jesus (the salvation he should see) would be passing by a certain road, He made preparation to go await Him there. 

Luke 19:4, KJV 

"And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way."

On that same road Jesus was set to pass, Zaccheaus positioned himself by climbing the tree and setting himself where Jesus would see and call on him. This is a man with a hunger. This is a man with a revelation. This man has intentions and he won't let it slip. It is, "I must see Jesus" which now indirectly makes Jesus to see him too. This is a man who refuses to be passed by. He wanted to meet Jesus but hindrances of the press won't allow. So, he devised sacrificing by yet running ahead of Him to await Him on the road He knows He must need pass. This is a man who will "do all" to see Jesus and walk worthily of his being called by Him eventually. Lord, teach us strategic positioning. Let us act on the gossips of the Spirit and ones those who have lent their ears to the Spirit would avail us so that we'll be a beneficiary of season's move. Teach us how to organize destiny meet and appointment because of a glimpse of light from inside. Teach us how not to miss time when salvation is passing and coming our own way. Teach us how to enforce and say, "this is the day and now is the time." May it be today and not tomorrow. May it be you God's call will go out to amidst the crowd. Jesus called unto Zaccheaus. It was, "come down for I must be in your house today." Look at how desiring to see Jesus has landed Zaccheaus a call and a meet with Jesus and destiny. And if you'll remember, it was also that day salvation came into his house. He never missed his time that awaits to come but which has now come. If Zaccheaus had missed his time, when next would he meet Jesus? Is it not better to have tarried there and see Him that day? Was Jesus not passing by the way He knew He'll pass? That's why I pray that you'll see time to hold and utilize. May you from today begin to reap for your righteous desire to be part of what God is doing. The Bible says, "thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows" (Hebrews 1:9, KJV). That's reaping the reward of identifying with God. God's chasers and pursuers always have a dividend. Tamar and Zaccheaus did. You're next! As you pursue that little desire, you'll be admitted into the big thing God has planned. You won't miss prophecy, you'll meet it. 

PRAYER: Lord, may I not miss my season's move. Give me desire and eyes for Your things and what I must in flight take and pursue. May I make myself worthy of Your call.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Leviticus 20:22-22:16; Mark 9:1-29; Psalm 43:1-5; Proverbs 10:18

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Enquire or counsel through +234 81 3704 6812, +234 80 7763 8550 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & the Blog @ http://morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Monday, 27 February 2023




LORD, MAY IT BE, "BY ME" - Our Saviour Series 005

II Kings 5:1, KJV 

"Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master, and honourable, because by him the LORD had given deliverance unto Syria: he was also a mighty man in valour, but he was a leper."

Lord, may it be, "for by me". When they're speaking of the hero of the people, the deliverer of nations, the history maker amidst others, may you and I be reckon with. 

The testimony concerning Naaman is, "for by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria..." Immediately, we know for by who God had given deliverance and could now discern this differently from he or she God did not found available for same use. That's why I'm praying today that, it'll be, "for by you". 

This assignment that's hovering around in the spirit; this errand God wants to commission someone on, this mantle that must be taken up by another vessel (either because of the home-going of a beloved saint, disobedience and expelling of a reprobate vessel, the turning away from an already heeded call or the refusal to heed the call), I'm trusting for you that it'll find you worthy to rest on. May you be called and sent. May you be that saviour, that deliverer God wants to deliver by. May God have such plan for you like He had for Gideon and his three hundred men who qualified themselves (Judges 7:7). As in, what a privilege to be part of the company God uses and wants to use. What a blessedness! May you therefore not despise God's nudge to come when He knocks on the door of your heart. The reason for this is so that heaven may reckon, "it's by you" the accomplishment that's being trusted for was done at day's end. 

Hebrews 11 serially outlines the heroes of faith. Men and women who received a good report just because they weaved faith (Heb.11:2). In there, you'll see the praise of these heroes and their mighty deeds. What a thing that touches the heart that such men and women were found to have weaved faith. What a blessing that they availed themselves for the great things told about them! Because of same, they immediately became qualified to be reckoned with and recorded to have done those mighty things undeniably. All because they were willing and obedient, they had the honour. All because they kept to the motivation and the urge on their inside to hold on, they earned God's praise. When God is making up His jewels; when God is seeking to fetch His captains of thousands and hundreds, may He find you worthy. May you avail yourself for the great and mighty things God seeks to do on the surface of the earth. May nothing be too precious to you to release to God inorder to enter into the category of those He wants to deliver by. I'll rather be the tool of God than be that of men. I'll rather lend and give myself to God than be lent to a man - an employer of labour. I'll rather trust God to meet my needs than to miss His provision by laboriously working for what to eat when I have had His call to come and be a "deliverer".  

May what we'll begin to hear about you be, "for by you God delivers, heals, witnesses the gospel and does good everywhere." May we hear, "for by you God invents, innovates, creates and models." Where God has ordained gazes should be turned to you, may you not shrink from walking same path. If you've started, may you not jettison it for others to raise to honour. May it be your name that'll be inserted on such task that has vacancy in the spirit. May it be you the world would applaud and all gazes would be directed at in envy at the mentioning of, "for by him God has done this and that..." Whether the onlookers like it or not, whether Naaman has enemies or not, it's still "because of him God had given deliverance unto Syria." Not another!This became undeniable and attracted honour and recognition. May I say if you heed and you'll let it be by you God will deliver your family, there will be people in your family who will open their mouths to say, "for by him" we've been ushered into the light we now walk in. Everybody will be grateful after tasting that light. We bear record to he who has done it indeed. Not to he who wants to do it but rather he who is doing it or has done it. I pray you won't miss what should be done by you. It can pass you by but may you recognize your moment. May you recognize when men are being recruited by God. The salvation, deliverance God has ordained you for shall be done by you. God ordained Jesus for the redemption of mankind and he lived up to that.

Matthew 1:21, KJV

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."

Imagine that! For by Jesus His people and the Gentile world are saved and is being saved from their sins. Look at what we attribute to Jesus. Not only because it was said He'll do such assignment but because He really did it eventually. There's a sacrifice that goes with being the hope and salvation of others but if you'll heed this call, it shall be written of you that, "for by you such has been done." Receive grace after grace to bear and cope. Even when it weighs on you, receive grace to trudge on. Even when your faith wants to fail, God's hand will not let you sink. You will be upheld. I say receive grace, grace, grace! I shout, "grace, grace, grace over you." It will be by you. It is by you. It will not be by another. Amen!

PRAYER: Lord, what assignment is roaming the air, sensitize me to it and let it be, "by me." May I heed the unheeded but wasted calling that has ran down my lineage till now. By me, desolations of many generations are raised. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 19:1-20:21; Mark 8:11-38; Psalm 42:1-11; Proverbs 10:17

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Enquire or counsel through +234 81 3704 6812, +234 80 7763 8550 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & the Blog @ http://morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Sunday, 26 February 2023





Read John 6:1-9

John 6:8-9, KJV

"8 One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, saith unto him,

9 There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?"

You should pray once more saying, "Lord, who do you reside my salvation with?" If one do not find an answer to this on time, even when God has set someone apart for same, one might suffer or might have suffered some loss before such discovery. 

When Jesus asked Philip where they could get bread to feed the multitude, Philip didn't see the salvation of the Lord. He went to the opposite pole. What he replied with was, "two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little (John 6:7, KJV). Another version says, "eight months' wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!" (NIV). If it won't satiate; then, has the purpose of buying not being defeated? So, Philip was subtly discouraging the entire plan of making provision for them. He called it mission impossible and that's if they'll implement the buying of bread that would at least offer them a toast.

This could have been the end but rather it was the beginning. Where hope seems to have died, may it be aroused for you. May new leaves always bud for you. At the juncture where he replied and gave no hope on the situation on ground, Andrew interjected and shouted out a discovered remedy. He pointed to a boy with five loaves and two fishes and these became the sufficient tool by which Jesus fed about 5,000 people. As in, He fed them to their brims. 

Brethren, we need to be sensitive. At this time, we must do away with prejudice or discrimination. If it's not solely by he who God wants to save us by, then it is not by any other. If it's not by the man, boy, girl or woman God will find to use at a time that all of us will come into, then, let it alone. Let it not be any man again. We're not fighting salvation or help but we'll only have it, receive it and accept it from the vessel God has seen worthy to pass it through.  God, I pray, "may I not buy what you have made provision for me for in another man." This is how Satan deceives people and never allow them tap into God's great store of provision. Yet God owns a tank where He even gives grace after grace (John 1:16). As God is concerned, all the resources needed for the retreat and conferences you want to hold is being held by someone. You can laugh at that. There's always a vessel that God has set by who holds the five loaves and two fishes that God wants to work by in order to let all eyes watching see His salvation. This is what they'll have 'looted' the treasury for by going to buy bread worth eight months'wages! God forbid! God, save my feet from such mistake. Let me see people in who you have put my salvation and with whom my salvation resides. May I not be proud to collect bread from that worthy vessel even if he doesn't fit my description. He may be an ordinary boy - someone that one could be accused of depriving economically or duping. Even if it's a widow like that of Zarephath that a prophet could be accused of siphoning, may I see Your salvation for me in her. May I be sensitive. May I see right.  If you're a founder and you don't see the salvation in people, you'll never make a female a pastor even when she's the one God is saying should head your new branch. I don't care. As long as that's the fellow with the goods, as long as that's he God has foretold to Samuel when He says, "go, I have prepared Me a king amidst the sons of Jesse (I Samuel 16:1)", we must arise and anoint him without respecting his gender, age, race or tribe etc.

Brethren, the meal you have not discovered is still hidden and not that it has not been made available. God might not have planned that you go about meeting your needs yourself or squandering money on same at a particular time. He might have a soul that's willing to offer up what he has for you. He might have a soul whose ministry when released will bring you comfort and relieve. I'm hearing now for somebody. "Your salvation is not without (outside and with outsiders) but within." Lord, if the process repeats itself ten thousand times, may we not mistakenly heed the advice of Philip and go to buy bread (that'll still not satiate (and so never the cure) but is rather expensive) when we have a way of escape by our side. May we see the boy with the answer to our question - our salvation. Also, may no mouth make us diminish our salvation after location. The devil used Andrew halfway also when he says, "but what are they among so many?" He found the answer but also later told us to shift focus from it. But Jesus wouldn't let it slip. He took that opportunity. He rather responds, "let them sit." Today, God will give you eyes to see benefits in miniatures or less esteemed people. At every point in time, you won't lack discernment as to know in who your salvation is located. Those in who your salvation are will give off a sign by which you'll identify them. They'll call you to themselves. They'll expose themselves to you. They'll accept responsibility. They'll tell you, "their hearts are moved" and you'll give glory to God for this. 

PRAYER: Lord, let me have eyes for my salvation even in despise vessels and places. Stir and rouse up any holding my salvation. May they confess and release same. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 16:29-18:30; Mark 7:24-8:10; Psalm 41:1-13; Proverbs 10:15-16

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Enquire or counsel through +234 81 3704 6812, +234 80 7763 8550 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & the Blog @ http://morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Saturday, 25 February 2023




BY WHO I WILL SAVE YOU (B) - Our Saviour Series 003

Read Judges 7:1-7

Judges 7:7, KJV

"And the LORD said unto Gideon, By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand: and let all the other people go every man unto his place."

The masses must ask, "O, Lord, by who will you save us?" All Christians who are in great expectation of a time and a time refreshing should also ask, "by who have you destined and willed to save us?" It is this revealed and then done will that'll make your Gideon or Israel have victory in battle and your endeavor. If you're a leader of a group and God is saying, "your victory is in the hands of brother or sister XYZ, if you're a man of the spirit, you won't contest it because you'll know that's the fellow God is working through/with at that time. It doesn't also mean you've lost your place. So, never be insecure as a leader. Rather, be humble enough to see and use your allocation. It's your responsibility always to find those men who are appointed to carry the trophy with/for you. And it's to your advantage to lead a group that excels even if the tactics of winning was not given by you - the main leader but rather comes through another in your group. That's what God told Gideon. He said the battle against the Midianites would be done by the 300 who lapped.  That means God doesn't deliver by everybody. He specifically chooses His deliverers and gives them as gifts to individuals, nations and people. 

At every point in time, God sends deliverers. The office that propels the ministry and office of a deliverer is that of the oppressor. Wherever there's an oppressor, it's a matter of time, my King of old will soon raise a deliverer. So, every oppressor should beware. If you are to your subordinates, be afraid. God will soon overturn you. That you're an oppressor means your act will call for deliverance. When the evil of Sodom got to head, the cry of their evil went to God and my Lord was not slow to come and affirm it altogether. He's fair. He takes action after ascertaining only (Gen.18:20-21).

At a time, everybody was incapacitated and couldn't have done a thing except Esther. Mordecai knew this and he didn't rival why it would be Esther God wanted to deliver by. As far as he's concerned, "she's the 300 who lapped by which God will save them all alive by." He didn't say, "why should it be by small Esther (the girl I trained) God wanted to save the Jews?" He rather sensitizes her to her singular purpose of being in the kingdom at such a time as that. But Mordecai also reminds her that if she watches and does nothing, salvation will come for the Jews from elsewhere but she and her father's house shall perish (Esther 4:14). 

We need pastors like Mordecai who will rehearse it in people's ears they are the, "300 men God wants to save and deliver by" and that it's a great privilege to be the chosen amidst many. Educate them that your prayers are with them because all gazes are on them. Let them feel the pressure and burden. Don't ease them at all. Tell them their purposes and that blood can be on them if not lived. They must therefore make their being called as a deliverer count. Esther was enjoying being called the queen but it didn't end there. She must work the work of a queen - as one who's close to the king and can have his ears. By the time you face the Master, you'll discover having what you have isn't for merry making only. I ask, "by who have you been prophesied to be saved or are you even the one prophesied and given for others to be saved?" Your saviour as a mother or father may be that little baby in your hands. He or she may be the one who will liberate, promote your family name and bring great honour to that your name like none you know in your lineage had done. That may be your history maker. That your sibling or that fellow who's less esteemed may be also. When Noah was born, the parents hoped in his birth and so it was (Gen.5:29). I pray that you'll not disappoint the hope placed in you as the saviour of the people. The one God wants to save many by!

In any situation you find yourself which looks hopeless, always ask, "by who does God want to move first?" That's God's formula for achieving and vanguishing. 

Judges 20:18, KJV

"And the children of Israel arose, and went up to the house of God, and asked counsel of God, and said, Which of us shall go up first to the battle against the children of Benjamin? And the LORD said, Judah shall go up first."

Those who miss this formula and this way of God will have themselves to blame because they'll endanger their own lives and those of all who presumptuously enter by joining a venture that rather needs the specific guidance of God as to who the chosen one to lead the way and battle is. If you're a follower, you should be weary of just joining anyone. If you join anyone who you're not a right resources to because you were not found him by God, you'll ruin yourself and ruin him also. You might become a curse instead of a blessing. Let God show you who to cling to. Those men of war God sent home could have been useful for another man or useful another day, but not for Gideon at that time. That's why God said, "for by these 300 that lapped will I save you." May God find you your own men amidst men.

God, may you teach us to go with round pegs even when we don't know the holes we'll encounter will be round holes. May you instruct us of battles You alone knows how it'll turn. May it be that when it's Judah that should lead us to battle in our nation, church or family, another tribe will not supplant him. May the man, the tribe you have chosen to mount up to war first and above others take the lead. May we see right, choose right so as to be led right. May prayers overtake us and prophecy overrule us!

PRAYER: Lord, open my eyes to see my salvation. In who have you kept hope alive for us? By who will we be saved? Only him!

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Leviticus 15:1-16:28; Mark 7:1-23; Psalm 40:11-17; Proverbs 10:13-14

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ http://morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Friday, 24 February 2023




BY WHO I WILL SAVE YOU - Our Saviour Series 002

Judges 7:7, KJV

"And the LORD said unto Gideon, By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand: and let all the other people go every man unto his place."

One should pray, "Lord, show me my men. Help me not to waste time by gathering and journeying with the wrong fellows." Leadership with the wrong men will suffer harm. They can hamper his journey to victory and even cause him to fall. We all know it was ill for Moses for their sake (Psalms 106:32). 

My years in leadership have solidified in me that I don't need all. I only need the gift of honourable men. I only need a handful that God would give me and by which great deliverance could be wrought. All of us leaders should pant and cry unto God to give us "our men amidst men." Men who will be zealous with your zeal and jealous with your jealousy. Men who are of clean hands and pure hearts. Men who are worthy to mount up the hills of the Lord. Men who are clear in their consciences and who the fear of men have not become a snare to. God, give us our men!

Today's reading educates us on the truth that God sieves men and if any shouldn't be part of the work, He can separate him from it. While some people emphasizes spirituality, some emphasizes secularity and would rather have things done by the tradition of men. This is why we suffer and things do not answer us in life and in the kingdom. Leadership is a choice that must stem from God's heart. God must be allowed free hand to make a choice of men by who He desires to save and grant deliverance unto those He has intention for. That's why it is God who calls people and not people who call themselves. All of you who have to do with leadership should be spiritual with this thing and in this thing. There's the will of God truly and that should be allowed to flower. 

When Gideon made a choice of his men, God answered that they are too much and gave him a methodology of leaning them down. "He who is afraid should go back home." Twenty two thousand returned and ten thousand were left. He did and a number went home. Later on, God beheld them and in shock still wonders at how much they are. He had no choice but to tell Gideon to take them to the testing machine where He'll sever for him. Say, "God, sever for me. Wherever I have made the mistake of choosing the wrong friends, partners in business or in any life's endeavor, please sever for me." Separate my men from the men there be. Give us men under whose leadership a soul would not be missing. Men who are not diabolical in ministry but shepherds with an upright heart and skillful hands. Just like David!

At this testing machine, God separated the chaff from the wheat. No one would have suspected that many there be who are not the will of God but who have come to the river bank. Until the test was over and the result visibly seen, we didn't know the qualify from the unqualified. God, you have made covenants with a lot of your people. You made with Abraham, David and Israel as a whole. Make with me also - on occasion that I'll always have my men. 

In the bid not to lack men, in the bid to call people to the assignment, one might gather the wrong hands. We might gather hirelings and those who are only borrowed hands. These are those who will see the wolf coming and flee. Thereby, leaving the sheep at its mercy. O God! Save us from pastors who don't carry members in their hearts but who tick them as numbers on paper. 

At the end, God arrived at Gideon's men. Just 300 of them out of ten thousand. Then God says, "by these three hundred men that lapped will I save you."

Only these 300 exhibited having a different spirit like Joshua and Caleb. They did it differently from others in the way God was expecting to see. God, give us our men! Sieve men for us that we may have the assurance of doing it right. I pray for you that no enemy will masquerade as friend to you. Your 300 will appeal to you. You won't be seduced to the remnant and miss the men by which God ordains you save and deliver.

PRAYER: Lord, teach me to gather right fellows. Test, try men for me until I'm left with my men. May ministry be a thing of glory and victory in my hands.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Leviticus 15:1-16:28; Mark 7:1-23; Psalm 40:11-17; Proverbs 10:13-14

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ http://morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Thursday, 23 February 2023




THE POWER OF ONE - Our Saviour Series 001

Read Exodus 15:4-6

Numbers 31:49, KJV

"And they said unto Moses, Thy servants have taken the sum of the men of war which are under our charge, and there lacketh not one man of us."

Today, I'm teaching on, "the importance of one." One is important. It's very very important and I want to be able to say like Jesus that I have kept all that is entrusted to my hands. If anyone ever falls or misses of all that'll be committed to my custody, I want heaven to clearly understand that that one is a child of perdition (John 17:12). Despite this, I carry a thirst for the salvation of people that Paul carries when he says, "he wished he were accursed for his brethren" (Rom.9:3).

The captains of Israel says, "we have numbered those under our charge and not one is lacking." One! One? It means if one were lacking, it would have been excusable. At least, they'll praise such commander who lost one out of ten soldiers, ten out of hundred. Everybody would understand why those ones have died at war. Yet, God preserved a testimony for these captains and not one of those under their charge was missing. They were glad to report that. So, one is this important? So important that the captains of Israel gladly brought their thanksgiving offering for not even losing one. What an importance of one! May we all come to this discovery. 

Look at Luke 15:7 and 10. It reports summarily that there's joy in heaven over one sinner who repents. Not two! Just one! I'm baffled. If you're a fisherman and after toiling all night, you could only catch a fish - as in just one; I know you won't be filled with gratitude because that worth nothing. It would be better if you enclose a shoal of fishes. But in the sight of God and all who have come to discover the importance of the human soul, one is important. There was a time I went on evangelism with my beloved in our neighbourhood. We were able to speak to three people over a period that lasted one hour thirty minutes. Two of these confessed to be Christians but one was a practicing Muslim. Though she didn't receive Christ in our presence that day yet we sow the seed of life to this one.  Now, we do not know much good that'll happen or be done until this one is saved.  The Bible says, "one sinner - just one sinner will destroy much good (Eccl. 9:18)." Now, if just a sinner who has the potential for much evil by destroying much good is saved, how much good do you think would be preserved from destruction? Let's say that sinner is a corrupt official who takes bribe, gives bribe, gets offended when not given bribe and could use his office power to get you in trouble when not bribed; now, don't you think an end would be put to some good he has been destroying? Don't you think he'll begin spreading the fragrance of Christ by the time he begins to say no to bribery? What would people say? To who will they trace this? This is the good Satan doesn't want to allow even one sinner to come into. He knows he'll redeem much evil even after destroying much good. That's why there's joy and such joy in heaven just over a soul who repents. Heaven knows he stops destroying much good to begin to redeem much evil. A sinner saved will save God, Christendom and the community a lot of headache. Sinners are those filled with all evils we detest and seek to even arrest by law. What if one by one, they now become saved and godly? How good will our society be? So, never recon that you're not achieving. If it's only a person who faithfully reads this devotional daily and the fellow becomes strong in the Lord from such act, I'm grateful to God. It means it is not in vain. If heaven who has perfect understanding would think it wise to go into jubilation just because hell has lost a soul and heaven has gained one, then I should rejoice if my message only gets a fellow impacted. I shouldn't get offended that my labour is underpaid. That only one could become such a tremendous tool that will cause Satan much harm. Today, let us seek to preserve one and in the bid to preserve one as leaders, we'll be preserving all by our care and constant responsible act which has now become second nature. Imagine if you care for one in your local assembly and he becomes such a Christian that lightens and set others on fire for Jesus. Would you be said to have done nothing or contributed insignificantly? Samson is just one yet he created a fire that has such impact that even the Philistines asked, "who has done this?" You don't ask "who did this" unless the harm is such a visible one that you can see for what it is. Yet, just from one. Moses is just a soul and Jesus is just a soul. What if these two have not been saved alive? Would much have been done as to change the course of destiny of nations? One is important. If it's important to God, it should be to you. If only one person shows up in your church on Sunday apart from you, do all the necessary things. Don't shortchange him of kingdom training by shortening the process. If your sermon is 1 hour 30 minutes, don't let it become 30 minutes. This one, this sole one, this lone one may be your salvation and that of the world. Ooh, may God take you over. May you see something special in that Moses as not to give up on him. May you say, this child is beautiful." Even when placed among the reeds, may your heartfelt prayer ever go with him. Who knows that I'll be authoring a devotional and doing good today? Yet, just one! Ooh, may there ever be a jealous watchman over all one. One who won't be ashamed to say, "I will get you a nanny for him (Exo.2:4,7)." Don't forget also that God doesn't save by multitude. It's just one, just few. The question we should be asking as leaders is, "who has God chosen to give us deliverance or salvation by." 

Judges 7:7, KJV

"And the LORD said unto Gideon, By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand: and let all the other people go every man unto his place."

Did you see? By who will the Lord save Israel and deliver the Midianites into Gideon's hands? By the multitude or the chosen few? Locate that one or those few and as a leader recon with them because they're the ones God have to do. The future will not end that way. People will receive their salvation that way. I pray, God won't let you esteem less the ones that are His tools. May you see the hint of destiny in people as to adopt them for destiny training even if they're just one, just few. May this be as long as they are the few 300 God will save you by. 

PRAYER: Lord, give us our one - by who we'll be saved. Move us to that one - to choose him for adoption above others.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 14:1-57; Mark 6:30-56; Psalm 40:1-10; Proverbs 10:11-12

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Wednesday, 22 February 2023





Read Numbers 31:41-54

Numbers 31:49, KJV

"And they said unto Moses, Thy servants have taken the sum of the men of war which are under our charge, and there lacketh not one man of us."

If you're a leader, much is expected of you. This is because when things fail, people are quick to point to you. One time, David went to war and accompanying are his men. At their arrival, they found their entire families taken away. You should have seen how much was expected of David that day though he was away and as victimized as any of them who had gone to war. He was almost stoned! (I Sam. 30:6). This tells us the masses have earmarked a supernatural quality to their leaders. Their expectation of you could be out of this world. "You must deliver", is their cry. If things aren't working therefore, you'll be called to answer. Somebody lost a loved one, she turned to her pastor with tears and say, "pastor, why did he die?" You see, she's almost holding the pastor responsible.

The captains of thousands and hundreds came to Moses to express their rude shock and ultimately thanksgiving. They have one habit. They number men drawn for battle before the battle and renumber them after the battle. This is to count their loss and survivors.  But on this day, the report is astounding. The question is, "how possible?" Can you take men to battle and not record any loss at all? Yes it is. While we don't wage physical battle as a church or individual Christians, yet I'll say, we still attempt what could bring us losses today just like in physical battle. The spiritual battle we wage daily is number one endanger. Many untold people have been lost due to inadequate spiritual fight personally or especially by their leadership. Also, imagine travelling to and fro. This alone has been reported to have caused the death of thousands. Therefore, anything that can endanger the human life when a human goes into it but comes out safe and sound is worthy to be esteemed as "war" with potency of claiming lives.  So, if you as a minister, parent or leader take out successfully and bring back successfully, then you'll have the testimony of these captains. I pray that all school owners, founders, pastors and leaders won't incur losses - especially of human life. 

Those captains said, "we have numbered those under our charge." This is responsible leadership. They're not ignorant of those allocated to them. This leadership begin to reveal responsibility when they take the sum of those put under their charge. This numbering would make them provide war gears and provision for them according to their number. It won't be that they'll get to war and find that one is not adequately equipped because they didn't take proper headcount. No! Statistics is well done. 

Two, those men are put under their charge. If people are put under your charge, it means they'll be asked after afterwards. It also means you're also under someone's command. So, they anticipated accountability by numbering them for knowledge of what number they're going out with and should trust to return with. If you have no anticipation as a leader, you'll work at nothing. They knew they'll give a report on each of them and at the end, their saying is, "no man is lacking." May God make your family, church and organization have this testimony. With my experience, if God hasn't called you to found a thing for Him and you do, one of the things you'll lack is the experiencing and witnessing of "God's salvation." God's salvation is deliverance and quick intervention between you and death or losses when it seems inevitable. The Psalmist praised God who gives great deliverance to his king (Psalm 18:50, KJV).  But if you're a genuine minister with Christ as the head of your church, you'll witness it. What God gave to Israel in today's passage is simply God's salvation. God just intervened and didn't allow anyone lose his life. It isn't that what could claim life didn't happen at war but God's preservation was sure. Anyone who's not subject to God can't have this cover. Who can resist the devil unless he's first subject to God? Such defiants will therefore take out but won't bring back. If they depart with a whole, they would return with a part. Then, they'll be at the danger of accounting for that sum or one that's missing. I know people including school owners who have been endangered before by just one student they couldn't watch over and keep secure. But for these captains, their testimony is, "we've taken a sum of them (obviously again) and not one is lacking." Not even one for that would still have been a good excuse and a good success. Are you not a successful warrior if you take 100 as a captain to war and you return with 90? It seems you are but what success there be in that if you're a father who takes his family on a trip only to return with one less? Would you be applauded? If not, that's how important one is in the sight of God. So, fight and do all to ensure that at day's end, "none will be lacking." I pray for you that you'll have done all as not to lack one. If you have not done all (be subject where you should, ensure no edge is broken by sinning, pray to build hedge where it should be built) and preservation will be sure. So, coach the sheep over whom the Holy Spirit has made you overseer how to live and stay alive in conjunction with the "doing of all" you are observing. I pray that neither you or them would be found wanting to have given the devil a foothold to strike. May none committed into your care get lost. May you always return to share the testimony of going out in full and coming back in full.

PRAYER: Give us shepherds after Your own heart who look to the ways of the flocks. We ask for cover over all that God has made us overseer of from the family to the church and to all institutions.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 13:1-59; Mark 6:1-29; Psalm 39:1-13; Proverbs 10:10

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