Wednesday, 22 February 2023





Read Numbers 31:41-54

Numbers 31:49, KJV

"And they said unto Moses, Thy servants have taken the sum of the men of war which are under our charge, and there lacketh not one man of us."

If you're a leader, much is expected of you. This is because when things fail, people are quick to point to you. One time, David went to war and accompanying are his men. At their arrival, they found their entire families taken away. You should have seen how much was expected of David that day though he was away and as victimized as any of them who had gone to war. He was almost stoned! (I Sam. 30:6). This tells us the masses have earmarked a supernatural quality to their leaders. Their expectation of you could be out of this world. "You must deliver", is their cry. If things aren't working therefore, you'll be called to answer. Somebody lost a loved one, she turned to her pastor with tears and say, "pastor, why did he die?" You see, she's almost holding the pastor responsible.

The captains of thousands and hundreds came to Moses to express their rude shock and ultimately thanksgiving. They have one habit. They number men drawn for battle before the battle and renumber them after the battle. This is to count their loss and survivors.  But on this day, the report is astounding. The question is, "how possible?" Can you take men to battle and not record any loss at all? Yes it is. While we don't wage physical battle as a church or individual Christians, yet I'll say, we still attempt what could bring us losses today just like in physical battle. The spiritual battle we wage daily is number one endanger. Many untold people have been lost due to inadequate spiritual fight personally or especially by their leadership. Also, imagine travelling to and fro. This alone has been reported to have caused the death of thousands. Therefore, anything that can endanger the human life when a human goes into it but comes out safe and sound is worthy to be esteemed as "war" with potency of claiming lives.  So, if you as a minister, parent or leader take out successfully and bring back successfully, then you'll have the testimony of these captains. I pray that all school owners, founders, pastors and leaders won't incur losses - especially of human life. 

Those captains said, "we have numbered those under our charge." This is responsible leadership. They're not ignorant of those allocated to them. This leadership begin to reveal responsibility when they take the sum of those put under their charge. This numbering would make them provide war gears and provision for them according to their number. It won't be that they'll get to war and find that one is not adequately equipped because they didn't take proper headcount. No! Statistics is well done. 

Two, those men are put under their charge. If people are put under your charge, it means they'll be asked after afterwards. It also means you're also under someone's command. So, they anticipated accountability by numbering them for knowledge of what number they're going out with and should trust to return with. If you have no anticipation as a leader, you'll work at nothing. They knew they'll give a report on each of them and at the end, their saying is, "no man is lacking." May God make your family, church and organization have this testimony. With my experience, if God hasn't called you to found a thing for Him and you do, one of the things you'll lack is the experiencing and witnessing of "God's salvation." God's salvation is deliverance and quick intervention between you and death or losses when it seems inevitable. The Psalmist praised God who gives great deliverance to his king (Psalm 18:50, KJV).  But if you're a genuine minister with Christ as the head of your church, you'll witness it. What God gave to Israel in today's passage is simply God's salvation. God just intervened and didn't allow anyone lose his life. It isn't that what could claim life didn't happen at war but God's preservation was sure. Anyone who's not subject to God can't have this cover. Who can resist the devil unless he's first subject to God? Such defiants will therefore take out but won't bring back. If they depart with a whole, they would return with a part. Then, they'll be at the danger of accounting for that sum or one that's missing. I know people including school owners who have been endangered before by just one student they couldn't watch over and keep secure. But for these captains, their testimony is, "we've taken a sum of them (obviously again) and not one is lacking." Not even one for that would still have been a good excuse and a good success. Are you not a successful warrior if you take 100 as a captain to war and you return with 90? It seems you are but what success there be in that if you're a father who takes his family on a trip only to return with one less? Would you be applauded? If not, that's how important one is in the sight of God. So, fight and do all to ensure that at day's end, "none will be lacking." I pray for you that you'll have done all as not to lack one. If you have not done all (be subject where you should, ensure no edge is broken by sinning, pray to build hedge where it should be built) and preservation will be sure. So, coach the sheep over whom the Holy Spirit has made you overseer how to live and stay alive in conjunction with the "doing of all" you are observing. I pray that neither you or them would be found wanting to have given the devil a foothold to strike. May none committed into your care get lost. May you always return to share the testimony of going out in full and coming back in full.

PRAYER: Give us shepherds after Your own heart who look to the ways of the flocks. We ask for cover over all that God has made us overseer of from the family to the church and to all institutions.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 13:1-59; Mark 6:1-29; Psalm 39:1-13; Proverbs 10:10

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