Tuesday, 21 February 2023




THE POWER TO RETRACT! - Retract Series 004

Read I Kings 13:1-4

I Kings 13:4, KJV

"And it came to pass, when king Jeroboam heard the saying of the man of God, which had cried against the altar in Bethel, that he put forth his hand from the altar, saying, Lay hold on him. And his hand, which he put forth against him, dried up, so that he could not pull it in again to him."

Did you read, "so that he could not pull it in again to himself?" There's a power. It's the power to retract. Many people can sponsor, initiate or launch but the problem is in retracting. And if you can't retract, the cycle is not complete and you're really not powerful. 

Today, my own prayer for you is that you'll be given power to start out and retract. It's that you'll possess within you the ability to initiate and yet bring the cycle to completion. Any who begins the process but can't bring it to the intended end would be gloried over by the force that incapacitates him. So that your case won't be same, God wants to specifically endow you with the power to lay down and take back again. I call it the power of "to and fro." Jesus says, "no man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again (John 10:18, KJV). Jesus speaks of His own life here but from this, we have an example of a man who exhibits the power of "to and fro."

In today's reading, the minister who cried against the altar and gave a sign whereby it is torn down was almost arrested. The king in specifying pointed at him - by reaching or pulling his entire hand at him. Within a jiffy, that part shriveled up and it could not be retracted in again. What a power! What a power that treads over scorpions, serpents and every power of the enemy! What a power of the Holy Ghost (to us nowadays)!

You see, Jeroboam reached at that prophet. But it doesn't end there. His reaching is for a purpose. To have the man of God taken and hammered. But the process he began or set in motion never saw completion. That's because an interruption actually occur on the way. This is how God will make those who rise against you share in disgrace. Their intention would be theirs. Their devices won't see the light of the day. If they set out in activity, it'll be interrupted. The cycle of their evil plot would never be allowed to complete. 

The hand therefore shrivels up and he couldn't retract it. This is an enough warning to the guards who might have wanted to move at the king's command. On your matter, God is saying, "I'll make a scape goat that all eyes would see so that they might fear." 

However, God will like to point our attention to a fact. The fact that a man set out and couldn't return. So far, we've been considering going out and coming in. We've seen that it's not everyone who sets out that comes back. Jeroboam's inability to retract his hand affirms that again. Jeroboam set out but he couldn't come back. On his way back, on his intending to retract, he was rather suspended. All the people who went out and never came back home had this revelation fulfilled in their lives. But God is making you another kind of man today. The one who will set out and would be able to retract. Jeroboam wanted to retract but he couldn't. He has been incapacitated and so lacks the power to return his hand. God's power has arrested him. His will is now under subjection of a higher power. A simple lesson that wish doesn't translate into will. 

For you, I pray that you'll be able to reach out and at the same time retract. Now, is there anybody with a body part that's stiff and static - immobile and dysfunctional. I pray, be loosed. Today, you're receiving power to reach out and retract. You'll begin to pull out and pull in that body part. Also, you're receiving the power to bring an expected activity to ending. If you've gone out, nothing shall successfully hold you from ever coming back. It is still, "for he shall give His angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways - both in going out and coming in." For you, "retract is a possibility. Taking back is a corresponding action!" If Jesus "laid down" and also "took up", then you're birthed after Him in manifestation today. 

PRAYER: I receive power to retract or return. I shall not be incapacitated by any strange spirit. When I go, I shall come. Healing for all dysfunctional parts. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 11:1-12:8; Mark 5:21-43; Psalm 38:1-22; Proverbs 10:8-9

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