Friday, 24 February 2023




BY WHO I WILL SAVE YOU - Our Saviour Series 002

Judges 7:7, KJV

"And the LORD said unto Gideon, By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand: and let all the other people go every man unto his place."

One should pray, "Lord, show me my men. Help me not to waste time by gathering and journeying with the wrong fellows." Leadership with the wrong men will suffer harm. They can hamper his journey to victory and even cause him to fall. We all know it was ill for Moses for their sake (Psalms 106:32). 

My years in leadership have solidified in me that I don't need all. I only need the gift of honourable men. I only need a handful that God would give me and by which great deliverance could be wrought. All of us leaders should pant and cry unto God to give us "our men amidst men." Men who will be zealous with your zeal and jealous with your jealousy. Men who are of clean hands and pure hearts. Men who are worthy to mount up the hills of the Lord. Men who are clear in their consciences and who the fear of men have not become a snare to. God, give us our men!

Today's reading educates us on the truth that God sieves men and if any shouldn't be part of the work, He can separate him from it. While some people emphasizes spirituality, some emphasizes secularity and would rather have things done by the tradition of men. This is why we suffer and things do not answer us in life and in the kingdom. Leadership is a choice that must stem from God's heart. God must be allowed free hand to make a choice of men by who He desires to save and grant deliverance unto those He has intention for. That's why it is God who calls people and not people who call themselves. All of you who have to do with leadership should be spiritual with this thing and in this thing. There's the will of God truly and that should be allowed to flower. 

When Gideon made a choice of his men, God answered that they are too much and gave him a methodology of leaning them down. "He who is afraid should go back home." Twenty two thousand returned and ten thousand were left. He did and a number went home. Later on, God beheld them and in shock still wonders at how much they are. He had no choice but to tell Gideon to take them to the testing machine where He'll sever for him. Say, "God, sever for me. Wherever I have made the mistake of choosing the wrong friends, partners in business or in any life's endeavor, please sever for me." Separate my men from the men there be. Give us men under whose leadership a soul would not be missing. Men who are not diabolical in ministry but shepherds with an upright heart and skillful hands. Just like David!

At this testing machine, God separated the chaff from the wheat. No one would have suspected that many there be who are not the will of God but who have come to the river bank. Until the test was over and the result visibly seen, we didn't know the qualify from the unqualified. God, you have made covenants with a lot of your people. You made with Abraham, David and Israel as a whole. Make with me also - on occasion that I'll always have my men. 

In the bid not to lack men, in the bid to call people to the assignment, one might gather the wrong hands. We might gather hirelings and those who are only borrowed hands. These are those who will see the wolf coming and flee. Thereby, leaving the sheep at its mercy. O God! Save us from pastors who don't carry members in their hearts but who tick them as numbers on paper. 

At the end, God arrived at Gideon's men. Just 300 of them out of ten thousand. Then God says, "by these three hundred men that lapped will I save you."

Only these 300 exhibited having a different spirit like Joshua and Caleb. They did it differently from others in the way God was expecting to see. God, give us our men! Sieve men for us that we may have the assurance of doing it right. I pray for you that no enemy will masquerade as friend to you. Your 300 will appeal to you. You won't be seduced to the remnant and miss the men by which God ordains you save and deliver.

PRAYER: Lord, teach me to gather right fellows. Test, try men for me until I'm left with my men. May ministry be a thing of glory and victory in my hands.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Leviticus 15:1-16:28; Mark 7:1-23; Psalm 40:11-17; Proverbs 10:13-14

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