Friday, 27 October 2023




GOD OF ENCOUNTERS - What Is Purpose Series 004?

Psalms 139:3, KJV

"Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways."

I can testify that there's a God who directs the wheel of life of individuals. It is then I can fellow with the Psalmist to say, "He knows my sitting down and my rising up" (Psalm 139:2). The testimony and the summary of it all is that, "He has besetted me round about and laid His hand on me" (Psalm 139:5). 

In 2010/2011, I chose to attend Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) Ile Ife, Nigeria. I filled in Politics, Philosophy and Economics as my course of study. If I had not filled this form myself but was told there's a thing like that, I might have probed it further and not earlier believe. But I do still believe because I still have even the exam slip as a testimonial. Mama (my mother) arranged for me to stay with a friend's son. They were Muslims but humanity and love beat that. The night to my writing my Post JAMB (entrance exam into OAU) in Ife, the Lord came to me in a night dream. I can through that testify that the Lord do come to people in their dreams (Gen.20:3, 28:12, 31:24, 37:5). You see, I was a cricketer in secondary school. I saw that we went for a cricket competition which we won however. The trophy was presented to me and I lifted it up in victory. However, what baffled me was that the fellow who presented the trophy to me was a brother I knew. That was Bro. Sina Adeleye. We were like family friends from the same hometown in Yewa North and then the same mother church, St. Paul's Anglican Church, Ayetoro. Moreso, we were both in the church's Choral Group before he left for campus. 

It was that night I knew something has gone over me. It seems the God of encounters is turning my ship elsewhere. I knew Bro Sina or (Shyna) as we popularly called him was in Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED), Ijagun, Ogun State at that time. I knew what the dream meant. I knew God was saying, "not Ife", but why now? I had sincerely prayed on being led till then because I wanted to escape regrets, wastage of time, effort and resources (we didn't have much to expend). God might have communicated before then and I might not have heard however. That's because I wanted to attend OAU. I never doubted it won't work. It's a reputable school. I just filled in TASUED at that time - not that I knew the school or have learnt anything on its reputation. I just filled it for second choice to fulfill the requirement. However, when OAU didn't work, I didn't develop any hate for TASUED. I clung to it. 

Somehow (another story on its own), I couldn't meet up with the cut off mark of OAU and had to contact Bro Sina. It was he who told me TASUED's late form was still out. That was how I got that one to get on that ship. That was how God changed my direction. Bro. Sina Adeleye who I saw in that dream became a landmark man in my life. He helped me with all my admission processes as you'll testify that admission things could freak a newbie, especially someone battling with inferiority complex at that time. It was He who accommodated me in his student room at Campus Villa (or something like that), Ojuri, Ijagun and even catered for my needs. He acted as my brother and till date, I acknowledge him as same. He even bought me my first campus hymn book. Though I was the one who enquired for Anglican Students' Fellowship immediately I got to campus, he was the one who took me there. He was a member of the Drama Band himself and a political executive in National Association of Ogun State Students. Through him, I got my own student room eventually. He even went to the market with me to buy furnishings for the room. Never to forget all that. 

However, destiny is at work here. Why would God turn me about from OAU to TASUED? I found out that God had a plan in mind for me. He wanted to expose me to Christian and ministry things especially (though I was born again before arrival on campus). God simply wanted to train me for ministry and in His will, it was in ASF TASUED and TASUED He could do that. For where else would a man have been accommodated to become president of three systems at once? God stretched me and I was stretched. Bro. Sina was symbolic of TASUED in my dream. He was a student there before my arrival. He was in 100 Level then. His giving me the trophy predicts my ascension and outcome in TASUED. Though I went through hell before graduating, I graduated. I kept reminding God of having sent me to TASUED. No wonder He kept being Jireh always. He appeared when all hope was lost. He sponsored my education all through. Twice when I couldn't afford the school fees any longer and was affected by the school's policy of 'no school fees, no exam' did I see God came for me. I paid on scholarships on those two occasions. It remained so close for my university education to be forfeited then but God bore me up on His hands. I knew people (fellow students) who however dashed their feet on the stones. A very painful event that a 300 Level student like myself could have faced. God serially on campus humbled me and grew me. The trophy in the dream however symbolized 'headship' or 'being the head'. Indeed, I carried headship in TASUED. People just found it easier putting me in leadership positions. I found out that God took these people and systems over basically because "I'm a chosen vessel in His hands". When you are, He'll go any length after you and for you like He did for Saul of Tarsus. Since He wants to stretch and grow you, He'll commit much into your hands and expect much from you also. It was the hand of God I saw all through.

Today, I'm revealing God to you as the God of encounters who can change the course of a man for the purpose He has seen and wanted him to fulfill. God has our greater good in mind. His intent for us is still of good and not of evil (Jer.29:11). That has not changed. Where He leads us to is where there's green pastures and enough space for us to lie and be accommodated. If I had been admitted into OAU, I bet it, I probably couldn't have smelled being a president let alone being availed the numerous stretchings, trainings and experiences I received. That would be because OAU and the seats there would be reservations for another or other men God wanted to train. The future God wants to give us however is what He prepares us for. The God of encounters can turn a boat for another direction other than the pre-planned and that'll be because He has an intent for that turning. Over the course of my journey on earth, I therefore have Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) as a place to reference as my ground of making and preparation for Christian and ministerial things. Later as I graduated, I met a prophetic mentor, father and minister there also. Our being together till now has proven that God do lead men to where to be because of the ordainment of paths and destiny meet He has slated.

Today, thanks to God, Bro. Sina Adeleye, TASUED, ASF TASUED, ASF Ogun Chapter, CU TASUED and all my helpers on and outside campus. You made a dream come through.

PRAYER: Father, lead and guide me. Let even providence work for me. Prove for me until arrival. Encounter and turn the astray to their right paths. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 51:1-53; Titus 2:1-15; Psalm 99:1-9; Proverbs 26:17

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Thursday, 26 October 2023




MARKED FOR USE - What Is Purpose Series 003

Mark 11:2, KJV 

"And saith unto them, Go your way into the village over against you: and as soon as ye be entered into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereon never man sat; loose him, and bring him".

Some of you are marked people. Let me show you who you are as the Lord portrays it to me. You're not different from this colt that is tied down until word comes for its release for the purpose for which it is tied. You may not be tied in the sense that you're still living for yourself and have not even been made ready for your Lord who seeks and wants to perpetuate Himself through you - by using you. However, because you have a mandate over you which cries over you and predates your earthly existence, you're therefore by that tied to God who has planted eternity in the hearts of men - thereby putting His remembrance in us all. Even the hardest atheist do stop to think about God for awhile. He even does frequently, only that He has no revelation of Him and has jumped to the conclusion that there's no God as he seeks to vindicate and free himself of the entity called God. That's for him! We are not a Godless people. Even secular people know this when they say, "it's in Him we live, move and have our being" (Acts 17:28). 

You're tied to and for God. You're marked for use already. The mandate on you predates you and it is what marks you for God and tie you to Him. It is also what predicts you and your end even if you choose to wander all around like Noah's ark for now before settling for Ararat. What is major is that after making all the turns and rounds, you'll end it at Ararat. Just don't bring chicken feed to the things of God. Bring your youth and not old age - when the night has begun to catch up with you. The Lord tells Ananias that "Paul is a chosen vessel in his hand who'll bear the gospel/His name before kings and nobles" (Acts 9:15). 

The question is, "when did Saul become such chosen vessel?" That day? That very time? Or according to ordainment, before he was even conceived (as said in Jeremiah 1:5)? We know it's before his earthly existence and conception? Now, if it be, why the life Paul lived until then? You see, that's the lie and diversion of the devil. That's what the devil has subtly cooked to replace his genuine calling in life. A man will live in his false calling until the authentic shows up and makes demand on him. Something will have you or might have had you before you realize what your life should be given to. It may not be sinful or criminal at times but it may be wrong for your destiny. Imagine if Peter, Andrew, James and John have been fishermen all the days of their lives and Mathew sat at the Tax Collection Office when the calling on them is to become fishers of men. Thanks to God who called them away from that to the higher life. You too will answer the cry of your mandate. The call that has gone over you throughout eternity will come to pass on you. For Jeremiah, it is,  "before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations" (Jeremiah 1:5, KJV). You can't escape this. 

That day, God knocked Saul down from his high horse of pride. I know Saul would have been one of the people who would have proudly say, "may I never join people like this (people of the Way that He persecute). But at the end, he joins them and even become a chief amidst the apostles. 

For those of you on the run, keep running. Saul was on his way to Damascus, running away from his ordained life (by living and fulfilling another substitute calling day in, day out) in zeal. He therefore seems like being far away from God's hands. However, the more he seems to become ardent persecutor of the Way (church) and could be reputed to have gone far from his calling, the more he actually nears God who'll catch him. God is waiting for you in Damascus. He'll pick you up there. He'll cut it quit for you on that trip. That's even if you made it there with your original plans. He has beset you round about. He knows you. 

Psalms 139:5, KJV

"Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me".

The vivid description of Saul given to Ananias shows God knows all of us and even all run- aways. I know Saul is a choleric and he couldn't sit-down in one place. He needs work to stimulate himself which is why after earning a law degree, he still goes ahead to collect letters to arrest people for the jail. His active mind seeks an expression. Unfortunately, the devil hijacked it until that mandate at his creation came calling once more, "for he is a chosen vessel in my hands". Let the mandate over you speak so that you'll be halted, turned and taken out of your substitute call. Jonah ran to Tarshish but where he flees to is where God is also. You will always meet God wherever you go. He has network everywhere. It is everywhere you go. You can't beat Him. You'll always meet Him in front. You'll always play into His hands. Then, you'll see that your devices and initiatives are small and unworthy. You are a chosen instrument in God's hands and He'll come for you. May you sense that He's even calling you now. May you sense that this tiredness and burn out you've been experiencing on that particular task, job or lifestyle is even a call to call it quit to come into the new call he has ordained for you. First into new life as a Christian and then the discovering of your purpose. This weariness of heart, this insatisfaction you yet don't have an answer to but which you seek to cure is far off at the stream - in Him and your purpose alone. It is when you do what you're created for that you can truly be happy. That's when life really makes sense and you feel really given to humanity - having contributed your quota where it's needed (even if you're never broadcasted on a national TV). It's then you'll be satisfied because your deeds would meet needs that heaven will acknowledge and respect also. What is actually calling you to come is purpose and being in Him, you'll find rest and be rest assured you're living or have lived.

PRAYER: Lord, save hardened sinners and all troublers of Christianity to preach the gospel. May I not go without fulfilling the mandate that ran over me ahead of time. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 49:23-50:46; Titus 1:1-16; Psalm 97:1-98:9; Proverbs 26:13-16

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Wednesday, 25 October 2023




RESTED IN ARARAT - What Is Purpose Series 002

Genesis 8:4, KJV

"And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat".

You can become erratic - going from one place to the other purposelessly. Anyone who becomes erratic is in search of something. Yes, a search for what satisfies. A search for true inner joy - fulfilment of a cause they know should be beyond them. However, erratic living can stop today. I know you have gone far in your search. I'm aware you're lost and have been injured in your search for what satisfies. However, erratic living - jumping from this to that, seeking to use the latest trends or another addiction to meet your inner satisfaction can stop right away. Wine can't satisfy you. If all man is made for is to eat and die, then why are you thus? 

Genesis 25:22, KJV

"And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the LORD."

Why has a gorge of unfulfillment fill your inside? Rebekah knew something was wrong when she sees the many struggle in her, she called it quit to go and enquire. When she does, she immediately has an answer as to why she has been thus. You've been seeking for answers and that's what God is giving you today. You're asking, "why am I tired of life?why does it appear that my riches can't give me joy?" You are thus like that because you're like a mad man chasing nothing (in purpose). That's because you have not found your calling, life's assignment or vocation. There's no man who stumbles on purpose and begins to live it who crazily wants to leave it. They'll testify that it is life. No wonder, Jesus calls purpose, "my meat" (John 4:34). He said, "my meat is to do the will of He that sent me and to finish his work". Anything that becomes food or like food to you is what by compulsion and natural love you can't do without. The trees would not refuse to be persuaded to be made kings or exhorted with great glory for having discovered their purposes also. The question they all keep asking is, "if I should leave my wine, fatness, sweetness and fruit, by what should men be cheered or satisfied" (Judges 9:8-13). Ooh, it means they have discovered that there's more to life than having this earth's goods, glory but missing appointment or purpose. Therefore, they refuse to be converted. They rather cling to their purposes.

When the flood descends and the water swims the ark, it continues wherever it is carried until we have a record of it finding rest in Ararat. Many lives have depicted the journey of the ark. Till hitherto even as I talk, they've been walking the earth up and down, to and fro with a search and a longing for what satisfies. They've been diverted from the right course, converted to the wrong and their energy and focus dispelled, misappropriated and allocated into the wrong things of life. Till now, they have gone wherever the current of life in latest trends in fashion, music, food and behaviour etc pushes them. They don't give the dictates on what to do and how to live. They're dictated to by what they see as popular at a particular time. However, all have failed. All have failed to satisfy them. With drooping head on a feeble feet, they seek what satisfies. The longing in their hearts cry out. Jesus while speaking says in John  6:55, "for my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed". It means if you take it, you shall be saved and have the ultimate, eternal satisfaction and rest. Your first call is to salvation. You must receive the Son of God and believe in Him. From there, we move to purpose discovery and fulfilment. 

The intent for which God saves anyone is to drive him or her to Ararat - a place of rest where he'll stay permanently to fulfill purpose. The ark after its wondering found rest in Ararat. Now, Ararat as I'm speaking is not merely a physical location but let's say a space, geography, field, calling or place of work. God chooses what our work should be on earth. If you have not found rest and heart satisfaction, we might need to probe if you're settled where you should be settled. As it concerns you - you have a mandate. When God was sending your spirit into your mother's womb, like Jeremiah's, a call followed you saying, "I have ordained you to be this and that" (Jer.1:5). Making arrival here and thinking you can silence, divert, allure or mortify that mandate is a joke. If you don't know, it is the only thing by which your success will be measured. When Jesus says, "I have glorified Thee on earth" (John 17:4), what do you think He meant? He meant I have lived the life that pleases you by which I know I'll have your commendation. Many people are living all other lives to the exemption of the life that matters. They might have been blindfolded or bewitched but my prayer is this, let this hunger in your breast, this tiresome in your soul lead you to crying out and saying, "fill me or I die; find me or I'm lost". The poem titled "The Pulley" portrays this. It summarily says God puts weariness in our hearts that we may seek Him. It therefore becomes like a deer pants after streams of water. Today, Ararat is not far. Purpose awaits you. If you'll have a rethink to call it quit in the world, you shall find rest in Ararat. When at Ararat, there's no erraticness any longer. You become stable, stabilized having arrived at what should be your life's task and assignment. No wind of sweet talk or doctrine can shift you away from what you have found to be true and sure to your life's mandate. Ararat therefore becomes your base from which you send glorification to God. You therefore stay and tarry in Ararat until He who gives the breath asks it. I pray for you that you'll eventually be driven to Ararat - purpose. I know you have tested and tasted this and that but all that doesn't matter as long as your journey dovetails into Ararat eventually. You'll arrive at a new place - different from where you've been before. You'll arrive at a place where your ark will know rest and will no longer be tossed here and there by all the things you've thus pursued thinking it's in them and through them you could have satisfaction.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive you into my heart. I as well receives sight, understanding and revelation into what my purpose is.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 44:24-47:7; 2 Timothy 2:22-3:17; Psalm 94:1-23; Proverbs 26:6-8

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Tuesday, 24 October 2023





Read Psalm 19

Psalms 19:1, KJV

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork".

Have you been frustrated by a vehicle that refuses to work before? You'd hit the spanner on the bonnet in release of your emotion. If I may ask, "why do men get angry over what suddenly refuses to work?" Simply, they're being disappointed. Their expectation is not working out. They have known that thing for its definite purpose. Not living up to it any longer or at that time is defying purpose which they know shouldn't be since it was originally created to do or fulfill what it now refuses to do. On that ground, man suddenly grows impatient and you would see all kind of emotions in his face. This same thing happens to Balaam when his beast of burden refuses to journey any longer. He couldn't help it but hit her. Balaam believes it is that that'll restore senses as it were back to this animal. Balaam further gets frustrated when with all he did to restore the beast to alignment, nothing just works. However, we get to know through the confession of that ass that she has never for once being in the habit of acting that way but is rather the ass Balaam has riden all the days of his life unto that day (Num.22:21-33). At the time that ass refuses to move further, it stops fulfilling the very purpose for which it was created. It was created to bear burdens and travel. However, it defied that. That was what Balaam responded to. While the reason for the defiance is understandable and undebatable in that context, yet it is understood that when a thing compromises the very reason for its creation, it immediately stops fulfilling purpose and stops giving glory to who it should be given. 

Today's Bible passage says, "the heavens declare the glory of God, the firmament shows his handiwork". Summarily, it means both the heavens and the firmament fulfill purpose and so send back glory to God. God is praised for their uncompromising commitment to living out purpose. Anything that has stopped living the purpose for which it was created immediately stops giving glory to God. Glory means delighting or sending pleasure to One's maker. So, when that place says, "the heavens declare God's glory", it means the mightiness, creativity and nobleness of God is seen in the heavens and the firmament. As such, men give glory to God. Looking at the expanse firmament without pillars or any support, they can't just but acknowledge that there is a God somewhere who must have done that. No architectural design surpasses that. On another level, the heavens or the firmament keeps fulfilling its purpose. Because it does, it keeps delighting God as the created that has never been found wanting or in a compromising state before. God is therefore personally delighted that the programming He installed at the creation of the heaven and the earth still runs on the hub and by the template He had set in motion at the beginning. As such, He's delighted nothing is compromised, missing or broken. Things are running according to plans - their mandates and that is satisfactory to God's heart. If things should run contrary when it has been planned, that would mean deliberate disobedience of God's creature and that wouldn't delight God. The Bible says in Psalms 104:19 that, "He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down." This reveals God as the God of order - One who has given roles to all of creation which they must play and abide by at their definite times. It is this consistent constant abiding that keeps delighting God. When you abide by what you're created for, installed for or put in place or sent here for, the fragrance of such pleasing life would ascend to God and He'll simply be glorified - delighted, acknowledged, exalted, honoured and worshipped. None of God's creation runs contrary. They fulfill their reason for their ordainment. The heavens that declares God's glory and the firmament that proves being God's creation or craftsmanship testifies to that. So are all of creation and so should man be. 

Jesus while speaking says, "I have glorified Thee on the earth. I have finished the work which Thou gave me to do" (John 17:4). Imagine Jesus saying He also has glorified God on the earth. How do you glorify God on the earth other than not living as you like but as He wills you live. All of us know that till the moment Jesus utters this statement, He had lived in perfect alignment to the very will of God. At the time of the utterance, He nears being poured as offering for the sin of the human race. So, He makes that declaration that till hitherto, I have lived the life that pleases you and I have done the work you gave me to do. Indeed, Jesus did. He once told His disciples. Did you not say, "it's four months to the harvest. Lift up your eyes and see that the field is ripe. My meat is to do the will of He that sent me and to finish His work" (John 4:34-35). That "meat" is living the reason of His existence on earth - which was why He took on flesh. It's for this reason the son of man manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil (I John 3:8). 

So, let me ask, have you glorified God till now? Have you pleased God till now? Has your life being the ordained one at all and then the ordained one every step of the way? Have you discovered purpose? I'm asking because that's the only thing that can make you glorify God on the earth. If you ever send spikenard perfume to heaven, it'll be because the life they said you should live here is what you're living. When the ass of Balaam refuses to journey and was going astray, Balaam was not honoured. The ass therefore brought no glory to him. Rather, the ass receives his displeasure in beatings. He sought to align it back to the path. However, the firmament are said to have God's remark of praise and acknowledgement continually because they keep delighting God. As they fulfill the reasons for their installation up there, men sees that great sight, sighs and acknowledge the Creator of heaven and earth. Only God knows how much accolades, honours, worship, glory He has received from those who will occasionally take note and wonder at God's created expanse sky. Brethren, you can come to glory. Not until you die. When a man comes to glory, he lives the ordained, purpose regulated life and He sends glory to God in heaven. All God's creature are meant to glorify Him. All of creation was created for that purpose and that included even Jesus the son of God. Any deviation is doing otherwise. I pray for you that you won't live to glorify yourself or the devil but God and God only. May you enter into the company of the heavens, the firmament and Jesus who lived to glorify God. May your life has meaning henceforth. May it stop being erratic - lacking focus and concentration. May all diffused energy therefore be concentrated at your finding and settling in your ordained or pre-ordained life. 

PRAYER: Lord, rest me in purpose. The ark found rest in Ararat, let me find in You and my purpose. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 44:24-47:7; 2 Timothy 2:22-3:17; Psalm 94:1-23; Proverbs 26:6-8

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Monday, 23 October 2023




GOD IS SHOWING YOU WHAT HE IS ABOUT TO DO - It'll Meet Preparation On Ground Series 006

Genesis 41:25, KJV

"And Joseph said unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh is one: God hath shewed Pharaoh what he is about to do".

Do you know what is paining me the most? It's that God keeps bypassing a lot of us. How? When God comes down to you with communication and you fail to heed or let that communication influence your action, you'd successfully allow God to pass you by. God came but He didn't benefit you and that won't be because God chooses so but because you did. 

The intent is to put you in the know of what's to soon happen. Do you think God just wakes people's ears morning by morning to hear instructions in vain? No! Since the Bible already tells us how man should live, saying, "man shall not live by bread (physical food) alone but by every word (rhema word of instruction) that comes out of the mouth of God" (Matt.4:4). It means as daily as we need physical food to survive daily, so also do we need God's rhema word or instruction to survive. It then means not being in the know of world events, natural disasters or even your neighborhood events may be the doom or end of you. But how does God overtake such events? By coming to you before their happenings. But it'll be unfortunate if God speaks to you and the closeness/urgency of the communication does not influence your action or change your attitude. I was on campus in Tai Solarin University of Education, TASUED Ijagun, Ogun State when a student ruckus broke out against the State Authority actually. However, students began to show their anger by making it show on campus. It warranted the students destroying many school's properties. It was just a total state of anarchy. To put an end to it, the school management requested for soldiers from Ilese Barracks (it should be). I had just finished bathing that day and was contemplating either to stay in my small room at Joy Gate Hostel at Ijagun to study or not. I wanted to stay to read in my home but I just lost my peace over staying at home. Going to St. Peter's Anglican Church just became the vocal point. I was almost hearing St.Peter's. I submitted and I left for there. I was entering the compound of that church when I saw pick ups of these battalions beginning to roll into town. I never knew it only remained some minutes for students to be shut off and curtailed by them. That day, those battalions were going from hostel to hostel beating and dealing with students and they didn't mind whether you were guilty of the offence or not. They got to my hostel and dealt with almost all the students there except for any who might have escaped into the bush. Even those who locked their doors weren't safe for they were forcefully opened or broken. That was what God saw coming before saying I should go to read in a religious place where they'll fear to desecrate. I just stood by that church's fence watching the turmoil from inside. Everywhere was lit and loud. It was too much. Even some of my fellowship members were so beaten that they had to go home for treatment and rest. Would it have been good therefore if it was heard that their president (I was president of the fellowship then) was as well beaten. God forbid! I refuse to share in the reward of the wicked. Since I didn't destroy any property, why should I be overtaken with such consequence. Just like me, many students might receive God's leading but they just might have despised it. But I thank God who always leads us to victory for having not kept back any communication that'll be to our saving at each particular time. You may be on your conversant road and the Spirit might appeal or protest to you to jettison it for another. Whether you'll hear or not is now the ultimate. Over the years, there are two skills I've horned. It's being led by the Holy Spirit and living by faith. You can't master those two and be stupid or fail. 

Joseph says, "God has shown Pharaoh what He is about to do". It means sooner or soonest, God will bring to pass the seven years of abundance and the seven years of famine. It isn't going to be something with patience and longevity of years like the return of Christ (for which God is showing mercy to the yet unconverted). 

The same is the communication of God to Peter in outlook. It became a manifestation almost the same instant he had had that trance. As a matter of fact, the Spirit had to call him off from further rumination because the means through which the trance would begin to come to pass has made arrival to seek him out (Acts 10:17-21). This event is not for donkey years to come. God is the One showing you what He is about to do. It's something that must come to pass shortly. Due to this, you can't joke with what action to take promptly. Knowing this, Joseph recommended gathering grain like the sand of the sea shore -  and it worked. If the fulfilment was deceptively said to be for the future, all of them would have missed it and God would have bypassed them though He brought them that aid of the seven years of abundance. What to watch for rather is that the ground would yield greatly abundantly unlike before. That's the mark of having entered into that season of special abundance that must be conserved. Brethren, what God has shown you is what He wants to bring to pass shortly. May you not be defiant to it. May you rather provide it bodies and means to find expression through. I declare you blessed and unintimidated in the face of sweeping world, national and local challenges. Escape is always yours. 

PRAYER: Lord, I listen. I am the sheep of your pasture and I am led. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 42:1-44:23; 2 Timothy 2:1-21; Psalm 92:1-93:5; Proverbs 26:3-5

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Sunday, 22 October 2023




IT WILL MEET PREPARATION ON GROUND - It'll Meet Preparation On Ground Series 005

Genesis 41:53-54, KJV

"53 And the seven years of plenteousness, that was in the land of Egypt, were ended. 54 And the seven years of dearth began to come, according as Joseph had said: and the dearth was in all lands; but in all the land of Egypt there was bread.

What God is about to do, He tells Pharaoh. In same way, what God is about to do or what shall soon come upon the earth shall be told you. 

Genesis 41:28, KJV

"This is the thing which I have spoken unto Pharaoh: What God is about to do he sheweth unto Pharaoh".

As far as God is concerned, it is concluded. What He therefore communicates to Pharaoh is the conclusion and establishment of events that have been slated. For a Christian, events of life shouldn't just catch you unawares. We should have been in the know since awhile before the event. We are not like those of the world who become wiser after the event had happened and by then have learnt how to protect themselves next time. No! We see and act wisely before the event ever happens. We're the prudent men and women. What will soon happen is what we see from afar so that we can put necessary preparation in place in hiding, saving and protecting ourselves. The Bible records concerning the virtuous woman that, "she is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet" (Proverbs  31:21, KJV). First question is, "when did she get scarlet for her household?" Obviously before the snow! When men are suddenly afraid and their hearts fail, it is usually because of an event that has struck which they have little or no preparation in place for. This woman is a woman of days to come. She knows the snow would come and so acquires the right clothing for that change in season. So when the season arrives, she was not thrown into frenzy or erratic behaviour of seeking curtailing and controlling measures. She had taken thought ahead of time against such problem. Always, the snow always meet preparation on ground in her household. She's not taken unawares by what she has privileged information and understanding over that same will come. Never!

Look, it'll meet preparation on ground. If it comes and it doesn't meet preparation on ground, it means you have been nonchallant and independent of God's communication to you. God doesn't want you to act that way. When God gave Pharaoh dreams on the plenty years and the famine to come, the counteracting solution is to save up grains in those seven years of plenty so that it might be used to tackle the hunger and famine of those seven years of famine. God is just. He'll not allow any temptation or trial come to you without providing a way of escape still. With every hardship comes a commensurate solution and relief. The seven years of plenty is the key to dispelling and making of no effect the seven years of famine. The land or ground as interpreted by Joseph would bring forth plentifully - that is unusually abundant (Gen. 41:29). That is something that Egypt has not known before but it's to an end. That the land will bring forth unusually unlike before is something to be suspicious of. God wouldn't have allowed the land to yield this way if He was not trying to equate them with the hard days of famine that'll not make those days of plenty to be known or traceable at all. 

However, it meets preparation on ground. It didn't catch them unawares. The seven years of famine came indeed, but before then, the Bible records that Joseph had stored up grains as the sand of the sea shore and he has even left numbering (Gen.41:49). So, the seven years of famine that could have plunged the entire country into death became a walkover just by the power of revelation, action and preparation. We should likewise act this way. It is better for our preparation to be in excesses than it not being as the sand of the sea shore. If it's not as the sand of the sea shore, we'll find out we have not prepared at all even some few miles into the event. So, go all the way.  

God won't owe us. He'll not keep from us anything that can benefit us and save us from trouble. He'll give you a very floral job so that by it you might be able to handle the famine in the land or the one to come. All He hopes you'll do is that you'll learn the power of investment and the saving/gathering of the remnant. But if you blow your allocated portion like the prodigal son, just get ready for the famine that shall rise and visit after your riotous living. A greater tribulation is coming upon the world and many sectors shall be shaken. Take scarlet for your household now! Only the foresight would survive it. It is the preparation we put in place that makes us men of strength in the face of what could have broken us. The Bible says, "the conies are a people feeble but they build their houses in the rock" (Prov.30:26). Living in the rock therefore gives them strong shelter and makes these feeble animals strong as well. Look at how their preparation and a place they intentionally make choice of aids them for strength against and ahead of any unforseen circumstances. Let anything yet to come but which you have seen or that is slated meet preparation on ground. Prepare! Go all out. Gather grains round the cities round about you. Fill all the basins with the oil now that you're in your season and the time of preparation. Stress yourself and gather till you can't number any longer. Until then, your preparation is not strong and you might not have bread to eat and spare. Be like the ants who have a default setting and a reputation of "not being strong yet gather their meat in summer" (Prov. 30:25). Look, let preparation make your weak strong!

PRAYER: Father, teach me the power of preparation towards the revelation and divine move you'll open my understanding to.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 39:1-41:18; 2 Timothy 1:1-18; Psalm 90:1-91:16; Proverbs 26:1-2

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Saturday, 21 October 2023




LIFTING UP A STANDARD AGAINST IT - It'll Meet Preparation On Ground Series 004

Isaiah 59:19, KJV

"So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him".

A standard as rendered there is also banner. The Bible says, "when the enemy (or let's say that which is contradictory to a Christian's welfare) shall come in like a flood (suddenly, unannounced, rushingly, shockingly) that the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him/it. 

I said a standard is also a banner. Then, let's ask, "how will a banner be the answer to a sudden attack of probably a rushing army or well coordinated invasion? Very simple. Banner there is just synecdochical or metonymic of your own resources also - an army or what help the Holy Spirit will bring in for you. If you'll observe, you'll see that when armies go to battle, they go with flags and banners. Each nation has its flag and banner. So, when that place says, "when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift a standard against him, it means God shall come in to stop his raging mouth. There'll be a resistance that coming flood or event will meet at hand. The Bible records that for forty days and forty nights, Goliath rails at the army of the Lord saying, "give me a man that we may fight together" (I Sam. 17:8). However, God lifted a standard against him in David who God sent to the battle field by the hand of Jesse. What will answer the enemy is at hand. What will put a full stop to any work or ongoing activity of Satan in your life has been engineered and as soon as Satan moves against you, God also is obligated to move those resources for you. Don't forget that no sooner that Bible passage says hints casting oneself down, it as well says, "on their hands they'll bear you up" (Psalm 91:11-12).

I see God with a standard. I see God earmarking a provision that can eradicate, nullify, numb the launchings of the enemy against you. God can see that the times would be hard and so might come ahead for you by giving you yet a better job so that you might have wherewithal to sow (invest) and to eat. That's no lesser a lifting of standard against what the Lord has foresaw is coming your way - economic hardship. I remembered my journey to my hometown one day. When I boarded the vehicle at Sagamu, I felt a stirring to begin to pray in tongues. I did till I got to Abeokuta and I continued until I got to Lafenwa where I would board a vehicle going to my hometown. I never knew I was arousing my sensitivity level, refreshing my spirit to new consciousness that day and counteracting something in the spirit. I had taken the seat beside the driver so that I might have view of things as we traveled. Just then, a woman came wanting to sit with me. She asked politely but I just felt like leaving the front seat for her. I did. Our vehicle had not gone a mile when it had an accident. It was a head on collision. Thank God the harm was nothing except for a little scratch of the vehicle. That woman in fear relocated to the back and kept looking at me in awe. Later in time, I deduced my prayer not only saved me but was even intercession for everybody in that vehicle. Else, it would have been more terrible than that. I've had this same experience of being stirred to pray on another journey. The second was on a journey from Ikenne Remo to Ondo State. I prayed in tongue to and fro though pounded yam was seated in me while returning (from a function) at Ondo. Yet, we escaped an accident and what could have been a really dangerous somersault. These acts of praying are ways by which God lifted a standard against what the enemy rushingly came in to do those days. No sooner the enemy came in like a flood, God answers with the lifting of a standard. 

Mind the use of language. That place says, "the enemy shall come in like a flood". Flood is always out of control when it hits. When it comes, it rather sweeps everything in its track away. That's why when water or flood of water comes, humanity is usually helpless even in the physical. It's this characteristics of the natural flood that makes mess of the best and brilliant minds that God says He'll help lift a standard against. That is, He'll as well release an allocation to stop, resist and override it. Your allocation won't tarry. Wherever a coordinated attack is planned against you, I pray, may God override it by lifting a standard - raising an army, a voice, a resource for you against it all. You shall always experience salvation. In six or seven troubles, no harm will come to you. Write it down and be assured of it. God is your salvation. 

PRAYER: Lord, lift a standard against any coming like a flood of the enemy against me. Give me foresight to team with you. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 37:1-38:28; 1 Timothy 6:1-21; Psalm 89:38-52; Proverbs 25:28

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