Sunday, 22 October 2023




IT WILL MEET PREPARATION ON GROUND - It'll Meet Preparation On Ground Series 005

Genesis 41:53-54, KJV

"53 And the seven years of plenteousness, that was in the land of Egypt, were ended. 54 And the seven years of dearth began to come, according as Joseph had said: and the dearth was in all lands; but in all the land of Egypt there was bread.

What God is about to do, He tells Pharaoh. In same way, what God is about to do or what shall soon come upon the earth shall be told you. 

Genesis 41:28, KJV

"This is the thing which I have spoken unto Pharaoh: What God is about to do he sheweth unto Pharaoh".

As far as God is concerned, it is concluded. What He therefore communicates to Pharaoh is the conclusion and establishment of events that have been slated. For a Christian, events of life shouldn't just catch you unawares. We should have been in the know since awhile before the event. We are not like those of the world who become wiser after the event had happened and by then have learnt how to protect themselves next time. No! We see and act wisely before the event ever happens. We're the prudent men and women. What will soon happen is what we see from afar so that we can put necessary preparation in place in hiding, saving and protecting ourselves. The Bible records concerning the virtuous woman that, "she is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet" (Proverbs  31:21, KJV). First question is, "when did she get scarlet for her household?" Obviously before the snow! When men are suddenly afraid and their hearts fail, it is usually because of an event that has struck which they have little or no preparation in place for. This woman is a woman of days to come. She knows the snow would come and so acquires the right clothing for that change in season. So when the season arrives, she was not thrown into frenzy or erratic behaviour of seeking curtailing and controlling measures. She had taken thought ahead of time against such problem. Always, the snow always meet preparation on ground in her household. She's not taken unawares by what she has privileged information and understanding over that same will come. Never!

Look, it'll meet preparation on ground. If it comes and it doesn't meet preparation on ground, it means you have been nonchallant and independent of God's communication to you. God doesn't want you to act that way. When God gave Pharaoh dreams on the plenty years and the famine to come, the counteracting solution is to save up grains in those seven years of plenty so that it might be used to tackle the hunger and famine of those seven years of famine. God is just. He'll not allow any temptation or trial come to you without providing a way of escape still. With every hardship comes a commensurate solution and relief. The seven years of plenty is the key to dispelling and making of no effect the seven years of famine. The land or ground as interpreted by Joseph would bring forth plentifully - that is unusually abundant (Gen. 41:29). That is something that Egypt has not known before but it's to an end. That the land will bring forth unusually unlike before is something to be suspicious of. God wouldn't have allowed the land to yield this way if He was not trying to equate them with the hard days of famine that'll not make those days of plenty to be known or traceable at all. 

However, it meets preparation on ground. It didn't catch them unawares. The seven years of famine came indeed, but before then, the Bible records that Joseph had stored up grains as the sand of the sea shore and he has even left numbering (Gen.41:49). So, the seven years of famine that could have plunged the entire country into death became a walkover just by the power of revelation, action and preparation. We should likewise act this way. It is better for our preparation to be in excesses than it not being as the sand of the sea shore. If it's not as the sand of the sea shore, we'll find out we have not prepared at all even some few miles into the event. So, go all the way.  

God won't owe us. He'll not keep from us anything that can benefit us and save us from trouble. He'll give you a very floral job so that by it you might be able to handle the famine in the land or the one to come. All He hopes you'll do is that you'll learn the power of investment and the saving/gathering of the remnant. But if you blow your allocated portion like the prodigal son, just get ready for the famine that shall rise and visit after your riotous living. A greater tribulation is coming upon the world and many sectors shall be shaken. Take scarlet for your household now! Only the foresight would survive it. It is the preparation we put in place that makes us men of strength in the face of what could have broken us. The Bible says, "the conies are a people feeble but they build their houses in the rock" (Prov.30:26). Living in the rock therefore gives them strong shelter and makes these feeble animals strong as well. Look at how their preparation and a place they intentionally make choice of aids them for strength against and ahead of any unforseen circumstances. Let anything yet to come but which you have seen or that is slated meet preparation on ground. Prepare! Go all out. Gather grains round the cities round about you. Fill all the basins with the oil now that you're in your season and the time of preparation. Stress yourself and gather till you can't number any longer. Until then, your preparation is not strong and you might not have bread to eat and spare. Be like the ants who have a default setting and a reputation of "not being strong yet gather their meat in summer" (Prov. 30:25). Look, let preparation make your weak strong!

PRAYER: Father, teach me the power of preparation towards the revelation and divine move you'll open my understanding to.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 39:1-41:18; 2 Timothy 1:1-18; Psalm 90:1-91:16; Proverbs 26:1-2

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