Saturday, 21 October 2023




LIFTING UP A STANDARD AGAINST IT - It'll Meet Preparation On Ground Series 004

Isaiah 59:19, KJV

"So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him".

A standard as rendered there is also banner. The Bible says, "when the enemy (or let's say that which is contradictory to a Christian's welfare) shall come in like a flood (suddenly, unannounced, rushingly, shockingly) that the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him/it. 

I said a standard is also a banner. Then, let's ask, "how will a banner be the answer to a sudden attack of probably a rushing army or well coordinated invasion? Very simple. Banner there is just synecdochical or metonymic of your own resources also - an army or what help the Holy Spirit will bring in for you. If you'll observe, you'll see that when armies go to battle, they go with flags and banners. Each nation has its flag and banner. So, when that place says, "when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift a standard against him, it means God shall come in to stop his raging mouth. There'll be a resistance that coming flood or event will meet at hand. The Bible records that for forty days and forty nights, Goliath rails at the army of the Lord saying, "give me a man that we may fight together" (I Sam. 17:8). However, God lifted a standard against him in David who God sent to the battle field by the hand of Jesse. What will answer the enemy is at hand. What will put a full stop to any work or ongoing activity of Satan in your life has been engineered and as soon as Satan moves against you, God also is obligated to move those resources for you. Don't forget that no sooner that Bible passage says hints casting oneself down, it as well says, "on their hands they'll bear you up" (Psalm 91:11-12).

I see God with a standard. I see God earmarking a provision that can eradicate, nullify, numb the launchings of the enemy against you. God can see that the times would be hard and so might come ahead for you by giving you yet a better job so that you might have wherewithal to sow (invest) and to eat. That's no lesser a lifting of standard against what the Lord has foresaw is coming your way - economic hardship. I remembered my journey to my hometown one day. When I boarded the vehicle at Sagamu, I felt a stirring to begin to pray in tongues. I did till I got to Abeokuta and I continued until I got to Lafenwa where I would board a vehicle going to my hometown. I never knew I was arousing my sensitivity level, refreshing my spirit to new consciousness that day and counteracting something in the spirit. I had taken the seat beside the driver so that I might have view of things as we traveled. Just then, a woman came wanting to sit with me. She asked politely but I just felt like leaving the front seat for her. I did. Our vehicle had not gone a mile when it had an accident. It was a head on collision. Thank God the harm was nothing except for a little scratch of the vehicle. That woman in fear relocated to the back and kept looking at me in awe. Later in time, I deduced my prayer not only saved me but was even intercession for everybody in that vehicle. Else, it would have been more terrible than that. I've had this same experience of being stirred to pray on another journey. The second was on a journey from Ikenne Remo to Ondo State. I prayed in tongue to and fro though pounded yam was seated in me while returning (from a function) at Ondo. Yet, we escaped an accident and what could have been a really dangerous somersault. These acts of praying are ways by which God lifted a standard against what the enemy rushingly came in to do those days. No sooner the enemy came in like a flood, God answers with the lifting of a standard. 

Mind the use of language. That place says, "the enemy shall come in like a flood". Flood is always out of control when it hits. When it comes, it rather sweeps everything in its track away. That's why when water or flood of water comes, humanity is usually helpless even in the physical. It's this characteristics of the natural flood that makes mess of the best and brilliant minds that God says He'll help lift a standard against. That is, He'll as well release an allocation to stop, resist and override it. Your allocation won't tarry. Wherever a coordinated attack is planned against you, I pray, may God override it by lifting a standard - raising an army, a voice, a resource for you against it all. You shall always experience salvation. In six or seven troubles, no harm will come to you. Write it down and be assured of it. God is your salvation. 

PRAYER: Lord, lift a standard against any coming like a flood of the enemy against me. Give me foresight to team with you. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 37:1-38:28; 1 Timothy 6:1-21; Psalm 89:38-52; Proverbs 25:28

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