Monday, 23 October 2023




GOD IS SHOWING YOU WHAT HE IS ABOUT TO DO - It'll Meet Preparation On Ground Series 006

Genesis 41:25, KJV

"And Joseph said unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh is one: God hath shewed Pharaoh what he is about to do".

Do you know what is paining me the most? It's that God keeps bypassing a lot of us. How? When God comes down to you with communication and you fail to heed or let that communication influence your action, you'd successfully allow God to pass you by. God came but He didn't benefit you and that won't be because God chooses so but because you did. 

The intent is to put you in the know of what's to soon happen. Do you think God just wakes people's ears morning by morning to hear instructions in vain? No! Since the Bible already tells us how man should live, saying, "man shall not live by bread (physical food) alone but by every word (rhema word of instruction) that comes out of the mouth of God" (Matt.4:4). It means as daily as we need physical food to survive daily, so also do we need God's rhema word or instruction to survive. It then means not being in the know of world events, natural disasters or even your neighborhood events may be the doom or end of you. But how does God overtake such events? By coming to you before their happenings. But it'll be unfortunate if God speaks to you and the closeness/urgency of the communication does not influence your action or change your attitude. I was on campus in Tai Solarin University of Education, TASUED Ijagun, Ogun State when a student ruckus broke out against the State Authority actually. However, students began to show their anger by making it show on campus. It warranted the students destroying many school's properties. It was just a total state of anarchy. To put an end to it, the school management requested for soldiers from Ilese Barracks (it should be). I had just finished bathing that day and was contemplating either to stay in my small room at Joy Gate Hostel at Ijagun to study or not. I wanted to stay to read in my home but I just lost my peace over staying at home. Going to St. Peter's Anglican Church just became the vocal point. I was almost hearing St.Peter's. I submitted and I left for there. I was entering the compound of that church when I saw pick ups of these battalions beginning to roll into town. I never knew it only remained some minutes for students to be shut off and curtailed by them. That day, those battalions were going from hostel to hostel beating and dealing with students and they didn't mind whether you were guilty of the offence or not. They got to my hostel and dealt with almost all the students there except for any who might have escaped into the bush. Even those who locked their doors weren't safe for they were forcefully opened or broken. That was what God saw coming before saying I should go to read in a religious place where they'll fear to desecrate. I just stood by that church's fence watching the turmoil from inside. Everywhere was lit and loud. It was too much. Even some of my fellowship members were so beaten that they had to go home for treatment and rest. Would it have been good therefore if it was heard that their president (I was president of the fellowship then) was as well beaten. God forbid! I refuse to share in the reward of the wicked. Since I didn't destroy any property, why should I be overtaken with such consequence. Just like me, many students might receive God's leading but they just might have despised it. But I thank God who always leads us to victory for having not kept back any communication that'll be to our saving at each particular time. You may be on your conversant road and the Spirit might appeal or protest to you to jettison it for another. Whether you'll hear or not is now the ultimate. Over the years, there are two skills I've horned. It's being led by the Holy Spirit and living by faith. You can't master those two and be stupid or fail. 

Joseph says, "God has shown Pharaoh what He is about to do". It means sooner or soonest, God will bring to pass the seven years of abundance and the seven years of famine. It isn't going to be something with patience and longevity of years like the return of Christ (for which God is showing mercy to the yet unconverted). 

The same is the communication of God to Peter in outlook. It became a manifestation almost the same instant he had had that trance. As a matter of fact, the Spirit had to call him off from further rumination because the means through which the trance would begin to come to pass has made arrival to seek him out (Acts 10:17-21). This event is not for donkey years to come. God is the One showing you what He is about to do. It's something that must come to pass shortly. Due to this, you can't joke with what action to take promptly. Knowing this, Joseph recommended gathering grain like the sand of the sea shore -  and it worked. If the fulfilment was deceptively said to be for the future, all of them would have missed it and God would have bypassed them though He brought them that aid of the seven years of abundance. What to watch for rather is that the ground would yield greatly abundantly unlike before. That's the mark of having entered into that season of special abundance that must be conserved. Brethren, what God has shown you is what He wants to bring to pass shortly. May you not be defiant to it. May you rather provide it bodies and means to find expression through. I declare you blessed and unintimidated in the face of sweeping world, national and local challenges. Escape is always yours. 

PRAYER: Lord, I listen. I am the sheep of your pasture and I am led. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 42:1-44:23; 2 Timothy 2:1-21; Psalm 92:1-93:5; Proverbs 26:3-5

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