Wednesday, 25 October 2023




RESTED IN ARARAT - What Is Purpose Series 002

Genesis 8:4, KJV

"And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat".

You can become erratic - going from one place to the other purposelessly. Anyone who becomes erratic is in search of something. Yes, a search for what satisfies. A search for true inner joy - fulfilment of a cause they know should be beyond them. However, erratic living can stop today. I know you have gone far in your search. I'm aware you're lost and have been injured in your search for what satisfies. However, erratic living - jumping from this to that, seeking to use the latest trends or another addiction to meet your inner satisfaction can stop right away. Wine can't satisfy you. If all man is made for is to eat and die, then why are you thus? 

Genesis 25:22, KJV

"And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the LORD."

Why has a gorge of unfulfillment fill your inside? Rebekah knew something was wrong when she sees the many struggle in her, she called it quit to go and enquire. When she does, she immediately has an answer as to why she has been thus. You've been seeking for answers and that's what God is giving you today. You're asking, "why am I tired of life?why does it appear that my riches can't give me joy?" You are thus like that because you're like a mad man chasing nothing (in purpose). That's because you have not found your calling, life's assignment or vocation. There's no man who stumbles on purpose and begins to live it who crazily wants to leave it. They'll testify that it is life. No wonder, Jesus calls purpose, "my meat" (John 4:34). He said, "my meat is to do the will of He that sent me and to finish his work". Anything that becomes food or like food to you is what by compulsion and natural love you can't do without. The trees would not refuse to be persuaded to be made kings or exhorted with great glory for having discovered their purposes also. The question they all keep asking is, "if I should leave my wine, fatness, sweetness and fruit, by what should men be cheered or satisfied" (Judges 9:8-13). Ooh, it means they have discovered that there's more to life than having this earth's goods, glory but missing appointment or purpose. Therefore, they refuse to be converted. They rather cling to their purposes.

When the flood descends and the water swims the ark, it continues wherever it is carried until we have a record of it finding rest in Ararat. Many lives have depicted the journey of the ark. Till hitherto even as I talk, they've been walking the earth up and down, to and fro with a search and a longing for what satisfies. They've been diverted from the right course, converted to the wrong and their energy and focus dispelled, misappropriated and allocated into the wrong things of life. Till now, they have gone wherever the current of life in latest trends in fashion, music, food and behaviour etc pushes them. They don't give the dictates on what to do and how to live. They're dictated to by what they see as popular at a particular time. However, all have failed. All have failed to satisfy them. With drooping head on a feeble feet, they seek what satisfies. The longing in their hearts cry out. Jesus while speaking says in John  6:55, "for my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed". It means if you take it, you shall be saved and have the ultimate, eternal satisfaction and rest. Your first call is to salvation. You must receive the Son of God and believe in Him. From there, we move to purpose discovery and fulfilment. 

The intent for which God saves anyone is to drive him or her to Ararat - a place of rest where he'll stay permanently to fulfill purpose. The ark after its wondering found rest in Ararat. Now, Ararat as I'm speaking is not merely a physical location but let's say a space, geography, field, calling or place of work. God chooses what our work should be on earth. If you have not found rest and heart satisfaction, we might need to probe if you're settled where you should be settled. As it concerns you - you have a mandate. When God was sending your spirit into your mother's womb, like Jeremiah's, a call followed you saying, "I have ordained you to be this and that" (Jer.1:5). Making arrival here and thinking you can silence, divert, allure or mortify that mandate is a joke. If you don't know, it is the only thing by which your success will be measured. When Jesus says, "I have glorified Thee on earth" (John 17:4), what do you think He meant? He meant I have lived the life that pleases you by which I know I'll have your commendation. Many people are living all other lives to the exemption of the life that matters. They might have been blindfolded or bewitched but my prayer is this, let this hunger in your breast, this tiresome in your soul lead you to crying out and saying, "fill me or I die; find me or I'm lost". The poem titled "The Pulley" portrays this. It summarily says God puts weariness in our hearts that we may seek Him. It therefore becomes like a deer pants after streams of water. Today, Ararat is not far. Purpose awaits you. If you'll have a rethink to call it quit in the world, you shall find rest in Ararat. When at Ararat, there's no erraticness any longer. You become stable, stabilized having arrived at what should be your life's task and assignment. No wind of sweet talk or doctrine can shift you away from what you have found to be true and sure to your life's mandate. Ararat therefore becomes your base from which you send glorification to God. You therefore stay and tarry in Ararat until He who gives the breath asks it. I pray for you that you'll eventually be driven to Ararat - purpose. I know you have tested and tasted this and that but all that doesn't matter as long as your journey dovetails into Ararat eventually. You'll arrive at a new place - different from where you've been before. You'll arrive at a place where your ark will know rest and will no longer be tossed here and there by all the things you've thus pursued thinking it's in them and through them you could have satisfaction.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive you into my heart. I as well receives sight, understanding and revelation into what my purpose is.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 44:24-47:7; 2 Timothy 2:22-3:17; Psalm 94:1-23; Proverbs 26:6-8

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