Friday, 27 October 2023




GOD OF ENCOUNTERS - What Is Purpose Series 004?

Psalms 139:3, KJV

"Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways."

I can testify that there's a God who directs the wheel of life of individuals. It is then I can fellow with the Psalmist to say, "He knows my sitting down and my rising up" (Psalm 139:2). The testimony and the summary of it all is that, "He has besetted me round about and laid His hand on me" (Psalm 139:5). 

In 2010/2011, I chose to attend Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) Ile Ife, Nigeria. I filled in Politics, Philosophy and Economics as my course of study. If I had not filled this form myself but was told there's a thing like that, I might have probed it further and not earlier believe. But I do still believe because I still have even the exam slip as a testimonial. Mama (my mother) arranged for me to stay with a friend's son. They were Muslims but humanity and love beat that. The night to my writing my Post JAMB (entrance exam into OAU) in Ife, the Lord came to me in a night dream. I can through that testify that the Lord do come to people in their dreams (Gen.20:3, 28:12, 31:24, 37:5). You see, I was a cricketer in secondary school. I saw that we went for a cricket competition which we won however. The trophy was presented to me and I lifted it up in victory. However, what baffled me was that the fellow who presented the trophy to me was a brother I knew. That was Bro. Sina Adeleye. We were like family friends from the same hometown in Yewa North and then the same mother church, St. Paul's Anglican Church, Ayetoro. Moreso, we were both in the church's Choral Group before he left for campus. 

It was that night I knew something has gone over me. It seems the God of encounters is turning my ship elsewhere. I knew Bro Sina or (Shyna) as we popularly called him was in Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED), Ijagun, Ogun State at that time. I knew what the dream meant. I knew God was saying, "not Ife", but why now? I had sincerely prayed on being led till then because I wanted to escape regrets, wastage of time, effort and resources (we didn't have much to expend). God might have communicated before then and I might not have heard however. That's because I wanted to attend OAU. I never doubted it won't work. It's a reputable school. I just filled in TASUED at that time - not that I knew the school or have learnt anything on its reputation. I just filled it for second choice to fulfill the requirement. However, when OAU didn't work, I didn't develop any hate for TASUED. I clung to it. 

Somehow (another story on its own), I couldn't meet up with the cut off mark of OAU and had to contact Bro Sina. It was he who told me TASUED's late form was still out. That was how I got that one to get on that ship. That was how God changed my direction. Bro. Sina Adeleye who I saw in that dream became a landmark man in my life. He helped me with all my admission processes as you'll testify that admission things could freak a newbie, especially someone battling with inferiority complex at that time. It was He who accommodated me in his student room at Campus Villa (or something like that), Ojuri, Ijagun and even catered for my needs. He acted as my brother and till date, I acknowledge him as same. He even bought me my first campus hymn book. Though I was the one who enquired for Anglican Students' Fellowship immediately I got to campus, he was the one who took me there. He was a member of the Drama Band himself and a political executive in National Association of Ogun State Students. Through him, I got my own student room eventually. He even went to the market with me to buy furnishings for the room. Never to forget all that. 

However, destiny is at work here. Why would God turn me about from OAU to TASUED? I found out that God had a plan in mind for me. He wanted to expose me to Christian and ministry things especially (though I was born again before arrival on campus). God simply wanted to train me for ministry and in His will, it was in ASF TASUED and TASUED He could do that. For where else would a man have been accommodated to become president of three systems at once? God stretched me and I was stretched. Bro. Sina was symbolic of TASUED in my dream. He was a student there before my arrival. He was in 100 Level then. His giving me the trophy predicts my ascension and outcome in TASUED. Though I went through hell before graduating, I graduated. I kept reminding God of having sent me to TASUED. No wonder He kept being Jireh always. He appeared when all hope was lost. He sponsored my education all through. Twice when I couldn't afford the school fees any longer and was affected by the school's policy of 'no school fees, no exam' did I see God came for me. I paid on scholarships on those two occasions. It remained so close for my university education to be forfeited then but God bore me up on His hands. I knew people (fellow students) who however dashed their feet on the stones. A very painful event that a 300 Level student like myself could have faced. God serially on campus humbled me and grew me. The trophy in the dream however symbolized 'headship' or 'being the head'. Indeed, I carried headship in TASUED. People just found it easier putting me in leadership positions. I found out that God took these people and systems over basically because "I'm a chosen vessel in His hands". When you are, He'll go any length after you and for you like He did for Saul of Tarsus. Since He wants to stretch and grow you, He'll commit much into your hands and expect much from you also. It was the hand of God I saw all through.

Today, I'm revealing God to you as the God of encounters who can change the course of a man for the purpose He has seen and wanted him to fulfill. God has our greater good in mind. His intent for us is still of good and not of evil (Jer.29:11). That has not changed. Where He leads us to is where there's green pastures and enough space for us to lie and be accommodated. If I had been admitted into OAU, I bet it, I probably couldn't have smelled being a president let alone being availed the numerous stretchings, trainings and experiences I received. That would be because OAU and the seats there would be reservations for another or other men God wanted to train. The future God wants to give us however is what He prepares us for. The God of encounters can turn a boat for another direction other than the pre-planned and that'll be because He has an intent for that turning. Over the course of my journey on earth, I therefore have Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) as a place to reference as my ground of making and preparation for Christian and ministerial things. Later as I graduated, I met a prophetic mentor, father and minister there also. Our being together till now has proven that God do lead men to where to be because of the ordainment of paths and destiny meet He has slated.

Today, thanks to God, Bro. Sina Adeleye, TASUED, ASF TASUED, ASF Ogun Chapter, CU TASUED and all my helpers on and outside campus. You made a dream come through.

PRAYER: Father, lead and guide me. Let even providence work for me. Prove for me until arrival. Encounter and turn the astray to their right paths. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 51:1-53; Titus 2:1-15; Psalm 99:1-9; Proverbs 26:17

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