Friday, 16 June 2023


FRIDAY - 16TH JUNE, 2023


HE'S A PRUDENT MAN - Hidden Series 002

Proverbs 22:3, KJV

"A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished".

All of us are born with "closed eyes". If you ever have an awakened consciousness of something, it is from having cultivated or trained your faculty to receive and tentacle such things. He who despises instruction  the Bible says despises his own soul (Prov.15:32). Many times, it doesn't show for all to see that many have been living in defiance to instructions until they begin to reap consequences that alludes and vividly reveal them as fools to the world. 

However, our verse for today says, "a prudent man foresees the evil..." Why would or should he be called a prudent man? At what point did he earn that honourable name of being "prudent?" Did it just fall on him or by some kind of initiative he earns it? The Bible says, "He (God) wakens morning by morning, He wakens mine ear to hear as the learned" (Isaiah  50:4). This man who got described as prudent here has earned a Ph.d in knowing things and that comes from the receptive ability to foresee. He not only foresee evil but he also foresees good. The Holy Spirit inside you or the very purpose of discernment is not only to decipher what evil is coming on earth but what good God has ordained for a season. The earlier privy to the knowledge of these two  is what always ensure a better preparation for both events. You can maximize good and escape the evil. For that reason, you must become a prophet yourself - one who foresees by the telescope of the Holy Spirit things that are to come upon the earth.  This prudent man is not in the class of he who sees the evil of today and doesn't sight that of tomorrow. He is a prophet. He becomes that and earns being called, "the prudent man" because he always avoid the unfortunate fate of others. What makes him prudent is not in the money that he has more than another but in the fact - simple and just fact that he could foresee the evil and by this knowledge take cover. You see, what marks you as wise before the whole world would be the difference in what you experience. 

Today, may your ears pop open. May you see beyond all constraints. May you be taken for a walk by the Holy Spirit into the deep things of God and future events. You'll no longer be a fool - who sleeps and wakes yet without any instruction that falls to him from heaven to act on. Even Jesus acted on heavenly instructions and that's what makes the difference. The revelation we're opened to and the knowledge we have becomes the protective armour we can wear for defence against days that'll become intolerable.

You can never never be marked as prudent if you don't begin to receive and act on divine wisdom, precepts and instructions. The day your body begins to be harnessed and controlled by unparalleled instructions of heaven is the day that you enter the degree of a man worthy to be called, "prudent". The Bible says, "for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah  55:9). Now, if God's thoughts are higher than ours, it means living by that same thought and oracular wisdom would make you live and excel above the wisdom of men on earth. You have heard of the Lock Down that came on all unexpectantly before. In these last days, we can all expect more brutally oriented events nationally and worldwide but the prudent would always have it different. It's not because they are the most educated or politicians who have news but basically because they are men who are in pact with the Holy Spirit - the author of divine breathing. This breathing like God released into Adam and gave to the church on Pentecost is what quickens them, make them alive and over-takers of world events. World events will overtake and grind many to pieces but the prudent are directed by divine impartation of God's wisdom to float about what will trouble the earth. The flood will come and many shall be washed away but be sure that Noah will dwell secured in the ark. What sinks some will therefore float others. That'll be because of readiness and preparation taken. You can be prepared too.

PRAYER: Lord, I want to earn the testimony and name of being, "prudent". Open my eyes to see and act.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 14:1-15:24; Acts 10:1-23; Psalm 133:1-3; Proverbs 17:7-8

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Thursday, 15 June 2023




HE HIDES HIMSELF - Hidden Series 001

Proverbs 22:3, KJV

"A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished".

"...and he hides himself". What wisdom! Good and bad are the programmes that run on earth. If you're of the human race, these two events remain undeniable. Meanwhile, a Christian has not been left at the mercy of the situations of his days. Just as Jesus is Lord over the Sabbath (Matt.12:8), man by divine revelation can rule over life and its events also. You can always be ahead and above. John speaking of Jesus says, "He who comes from above is above all" (John 3:31). If you're of this "above" seed, your experiences ought replicate Christ's whom you're joined to. If you claim Him to be your model, you can't but have an impartation of your life by His. Accident/crashes, riot, market downturn etc are events that can never be wholly stamped out. Meanwhile, you can take cover and be sure to have cover when they happen. 

Christian, in short, you can rule by divine revelation. There are two subjects that must be taught in order that it might become flesh to us. Over the years, I have emphasized on these. It is how to live by faith and how to be led by the Spirit. As a Christian, priortize it above power. If you can master how to walk with the Holy Spirit, so much more that where He seeks to turn you is where you turn at a particular time, then, many things in this life won't be able to beat you. 

Reveal to me a Christian who died in an accident, on the operation table, lost a child in an incident or money in a deal, these are usually emotional people who don't rule or live by divine revelation. May I announce something to you? The kind of events that would happen as End Time nears and because Satan now goes about in a hurry and with much seriousness as his time winds down are not ones any thoughtful for survival Christian ought take for granted by excusing themselves from the girding and preparation that can anchor them when the storm comes. Satan has opened his whole armoury. He's not sparing any weapon. He wants to dampen and depress Christians by the untold events that would befall their families, businesses, ministries, finances and even health, so that they may be rendered weary and depressed if at all they can't be quenched. If you've ever being under an assault of the devil before like Job faced (where before one unfortunate event concludes, another is declared - Job 1:13-19), you'll know what it means for one's arm to be strengthened by the Lord God of Jacob or for one's bow to abide in strength.

End Time would feature war, famine, rumour of war, pestilence, persecution, deception etc (Matt.24:6-31) and this would not spare anyone. It is therefore your responsibility, your sole responsibility to team with the Holy Spirit as to how to be carried above these life challenges that He can forecast, foresee and communicate to you as each would be revealed. If you miss this divine help and think a robot or a new invention would substitute God Almighty in this realm, you might have perished with your wealth before you know that the God head is different from a gold head. 

That place says, "the prudent man foresees the evil, (ad because he has a notification at hand) takes the initiative of "hiding himself." Have you met people who lament with, "had I known before?" Have you heard people say, "only if I knew." You see, it's not all of such people that are seeking to excuse themselves. Some are sincere men and women who if they had known what evil was to befall the earth could have gone to hide by arming themselves with the right preparation. Meanwhile, not knowing would not still shield you from the fate of the ignorant! Having a heart that could have obeyed would not still exclude you from being punished with sinners because you eventually didn't obey anything. Off course, that'll solely be because you despise God's provision in the person of the Holy Spirit to you. Holy Spirit custodies all knowledge: of things that have happened, that's happening and that'll happen. You can draw and receive updates from Him daily. We know this comes from first receiving Jesus into one's life (being born again) which can be furthered by intentionally pursuit of fellowship with the Holy Spirit under the released grace of God to grow and be perfect. If you can't pay this price, you could then wait to be counted amidst the multitude who are godless and without hope in this world when the next natural disaster or calamity happens. 

It is either you live or you leave. Christians must be resolute in their decision to live with refusal to be shifted out of the earth until they have fulfilled the will of God in their generation like David (Acts 13:36). As far as the Holy Spirit is witnessing to me, "some will leave their estates behind taking a bow" and that's because they can't "live" to service a relationship that would open them to the floodgates of information that awakens their being and makes them be the 'fortunate ones' always. An evil is coming upon the earth, it shall come and not tarry. The greatest will be the rapture. So, are you hidden in Christ? Is your name written at all in the Book of Life? If you don't have that testimony and you know, get ready for an eternal loss instead of eternal life or security. 

PRAYER: Lord, teach me to cherish hiding and all it entails. I confess Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. I'm saved from eternal flame.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 12:20-13:34; Acts 9:26-43; Psalm 132:1-18; Proverbs 17:6

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Wednesday, 14 June 2023



There's a thing like that and it pleases God to show you what "tailored ministration" is. Tailored ministration is that which is fixated on a particular people, in a particular place, with their particular needs and at a definite time. God always locate such in their cocoon and habited space. God is not interested in saying, "they should come", rather He goes to meet them. What a thing! May God tailor ministration towards you too. 

One of the Bible passages that I've been chewing for months now and from which I've done several teachings and from which I've ministered impartation is still what the Spirit has need of. That Bible passage keeps exciting me. I keep seeing new things in it. It says, "the people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up" (Matthew 4:16, KJV). Say with me, "what a verse!" It is loaded and we shall unravel and dig out the preciousness of what it harbours. 

It says two things but which are the same. I'll itemize it this way. 

a. The people which sat in darkness saw great light

b. ...and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung on.

What a verse! What a scripture! What an anointing it is stirring on me! What a God who gives us such a verse! 

Let me ask you. Who are those who saw great light? You'd say, "those who sat in darkness". Again, who are those that light is sprung on? You'd say, "those who sat in the region and shadow of death."

Now, before that verse came, some other matters were written. Some activities had taken place. Jesus left Nazareth for Capernaum to dwell in a particular, stipulated and designated place that even Prophet Isaiah while looking into the future to come had prophesied about (Isa.9:2). Patiently read it here:

Matthew 4:13-16, KJV

"13 And leaving Nazareth, he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the sea coast, in the borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim:  

14 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying,  

15 The land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles;  

16 The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up."

Did you see how we arrived at verse 16 which I earlier quoted? That verse came into being because of God's plan of love for mankind and specifically some humans who are designated to live in a region said to be dominated by darkness. It's those people God's light fell upon and found. First of all, you have to know that God wants to reach you. Due to this, Jesus, even Jesus had to relocate to Capernaum to bring light to Galilee of the Gentiles. In Galilee of the Gentiles, there be many people who need to repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. In Galilee of the Gentiles, there be many more who are marked for destruction by Satan but must be delivered. All these people are the reasons for which Christ's relocation and change of neighborhood was prophesied long ago and then fulfilled. Jesus as an evangelist - as an itinerant minister must bring ministration to these ones too. And if you were to visit Galilee of the Gentiles, you'd see many heathen there. It's seriously, thickly and densely populated by Non-Jews with their abhorred practices. And should they be left alone? Should Christ not have been sent to them?

Having this in mind, God planned inclusion for them and sent His Anointed (Jesus) to tailor a ministration to them and to them only who are living in the "region of darkness". It means that ministration does not concern you if you're not living in Capernaum by the sea coast, in the borders of Zabulon and Naphtalim. Only those people is Jesus' ministration tailored towards that time. Others even if they have needs are exempted as long as that's not where they live. However, any who travels to Capernaum may not have been cut out also but this verse describes one thing - the specialness of a ministration to a certain people only. What a thing! I called this, "carved-for- me ministration." That God would see your need and bring the specific ministration you need to you where you are. This is the idea that forms taking ministry and ministration to people in designated places nowadays. Crusades, campaigns that are situated in specific places are intentionally brought to be enjoyed by those living in the crusade's cited colonies. 

You know, I'm still amazed at that verse. That verse marks for us some people who dwells in no other place  than, "the region of darkness". How would their lives be? How easy would they conduct their affairs? How sweet would their homes look when they're reported to live, walk, dwell, school, business, entertain, pleasure, sleep, wake and to continue living in no other place than in the region of darkness and shadow of death? They therefore no nothing of God's plan. They have no enlightenment of the gospel. They don't know that they can live by the Word and be guided by the Holy Spirit. They no nothing about all Christ bought for them which they can enjoy. So, they're always like scattered sheep without a shepherd. They're harassed, suffered and diminished. What a thing Satan has done to this people! He has successfully cheated them and cast his shadow on them. If they ever see, they only see dimly. If there's ever any light, it's darkness.

For that reason, Christ had to go on a campaign and take ministry to this side where the operation of the devil is thick, where the ground has not been broken and the atmosphere over them torn. He had to go. So, He came to live in Capernaum which is upon the sea coast in the borders of Zabulon and Naphtalim. What a thoughtful God who administers His ministers to places wanting of ministration so as to be able to bring ministration to the several needy there. I can witness, God is still sending ministers to thick darkly places as to break the hold of Satan and all evil on such places' occupants. Those places today are the regions of darkness and where death casts its shadow boasting in triumph over people. A place where Satan has built a colony, multiplied disciples and is confessing that he must take all of them with him to hell. A place where people are patronized by the devil and patronizes polygamy, poverty, sicknesses, diseases, idolatry, satanism and all sorts of witchcraft. As in, the people in such a place are no better than the people of Samaria that for long have been held in bewitchment. Being under bewitchment for long, they have even lose their senses for right judgement because they praise evil as being the great power of God! What a thing Satan can do!

"And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries" (Acts 8:11, KJV). 

Imagine that! That place says, "to him (Simon) they gave attention and respect because they've been lost for long in bewitchment." That is, they don't know any better again. They've lost discernment of good and evil, light and darkness. So, they keep following him sheepishly. In this way, Satan continues to triumph and hold all these people in captivity in the region of darkness. As a matter of fact, the people were so bewitched in this place called Samaria that they gave heed to Simon (a sorcerer and false prophet) from the greatest to the lowest saying, "he's the real power." (Acts 8:10). We should ask, "how?" Any in light can't but exclaim at the suffering with which Satan has suffered this people without reclamation until Philip's kingdom stepping in.

They've been enchanted, buffeted, surrounded, enveloped, swallowed, eaten and bewitched by Satan's power for long so much more that they'll need a deliverer because they know not the way and can never find it themselves. Such places still occur where a man or a practice or belief of hell prevails and hold sway. I knew a lady on campus that a guy would sleep with, ate her food, collected her money and chastised her by beating also often. They were doing husband and wife as students but it's clear that one is the captive of the other. Light needed to alight on both of them but one needs to experience it faster. There are bad powers that must be dislodged. Imagine being under the hold of a feared man/woman who dictates your life to you because he has a hold on you by witchcraft. But you don't have to because, "Jesus through death has destroyed he that has the power of death, that is the devil" (Heb.2:14). We have prevailing power over the devil and all works of his hands. 

It is on this note, God located Philip to Samaria to let light spring up in darkness and free all such people who are living under the influence of such satanic spell, enchantment, bewitchment yet are dancing in ignorance saying, "this is the best that could ever happen to us in this life." What best? The best of Simon the sorcerer? The best of Satan? Never the best!

On this note we pray, God, raise Philips, Raise a Paul who will go to break the hold of Satan in Paphos so that such Barjesus keeping Sergius Paulus and hindering him from salvation might be judged. Brethren, I tell you that there's nothing fit for ministration in such places than power. If you'll read Acts 13, you'll see how Paul under inspiration of utterance judged Barjesus. That chapter shows contest for a soul by two opposing forces: God's and Satan's. But Paul delivered the prey from the predator that day! Satan wanted to keep Sergius Paulus seated in the region of darkness and shadow of death but God forbid it. 

We pray that every region and shadow of death will have light spring up in them. This includes families still given to satanic tradition, beliefs and practices. It begins by having a minister to send to such places and people. May God launch men. Receive your specific commission from God. Receive power back up. Receive the mouth of Jeremiah that plants but also plucks down. Receive the mouth of judgement and make God's own declarations. God is counting on you to deliver the prey of the predator. It's for this reason, just this sole reason Jesus relocated to Capernaum. It's so as to destroy the works of the devil. The Bible says, "...For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil" (1 John 3:8, KJV). You see, you too have become an eraser. You'll go about wiping all dots of the devil. I say, fulfill mandate to destroy the works of the devil. As He spurns his wool, may you be the one God has set at the gate to set it ablaze until he vanishes and God be planted in that area, village, city, neighborhood and even nation. May you dislodge the devil. May He flee from you. You triumph. May any who has been oppressed till hitherto be loosed also. May you find expression, smoothness unhindered and joy where you've been greatly hindered. As it stems out of Philip's hands in Acts 8, let it be to those who desire one ministration or the other. Receive your need and let great joy flow from your heart! 

Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 3704 6812

Tuesday, 13 June 2023





Read Gen.2:18-25

Genesis 2:18, KJV

"And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

Time is everything. It is what makes life and each event of a time beautiful. At your time that has come, you'll have it beautiful for you. It'll play out even more than you've always desired. God is the God of seasons and times. The Bible says, "for man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them" (Ecclesiastes  9:12, KJV). 

It won't fall suddenly upon you! Be assured.

When any man misses his time, his path and that of the destroyer meets (Psalms 17:4). However, God didn't appoint that you'll have a slated meet with evil. When you do not miss your time, it's either you're gone or behind the evil slated to happen by the elemental forces of nature or darkness itself. Evil will happen everyday but it's your own responsibility to be led and guided so much more that you're always kept. Nothing evil shall therefore catch you by surprise. It won't happen and you'll open your mouth. It is basically because you keep your time by knowing it and activiting in it. 

God said concerning Adam that, "it is not good that man should be alone and that He'll make him an helpmeet." The truth is this. When did God come to this realization? Has some time not passed over Adam since his creation and being as a human? Has he not stayed all alone in the garden (though with God's often visitation). He has fulfilled all these. It was after this moment which we don't know how lasting it was that God now sees and says that "for Adam, it is not fit that he should be alone any longer." It simply hints at something. Adam is carefully under God passing through his time. I found out that whenever you don't allow time to pass over you but rather seeks to cut corners, you don't mature and you're not discipled. Not that you don't want to mature or you can't be matured by the patience you'll learn on the way and the other many things that'll also happen that may be the details of your own situation but because you have jumped the details of your process, you can't but miss what would have processed you. It is the process, the pressing, pressurizing and the heat that moulds us and make us fit to handle our new season. God solely watches over what He allows to press us so that in character we might grow. Never forget that God Himself says, "no temptation has overtaken you which is not common to men. But in all, He won't allow one that'll be over your head. Even in that, He'll provide you with a way of escape" (I Cor.10:13). I know you're being tempted. Tempted to jump out. Tempted to defy it all and spit on God's face. Just ensure you don't seek for a way of escape that God is not orchestrating. Many always quit before the God orchestrated escape or relief comes. Don't jump out of your cycle and go wind up with an unbeliever but who's under guise of a believer. Let God make you that man or woman. Let God observe you at work and see what would fit you and by that make you someone to couple you.  It is God's solitary escape waited for that would bring relieve and makes you not eventually quenched under the pressing of such pressing. 

The season came to be over on Adam. He has been all alone for awhile without a wife but one day, just one day, an announcement went over him saying, "it is not good that man should live all alone, now I'll make him an helpmeet but one FIT for him." That's what you get when you wait. 

May God see it is no longer good for you to be all alone. May God bring you out of that long lasting weary season. May you see a new day and have the testimony of a new experience. Yes, all under God. God saw that's it's no longer good for Adam to dwell alone. How many of you saw in that God's speech that He utters it out of sympathy and affection. If your time is due, God has already written you on His heart and you can be sure that the Lord is making you a helpmeet. You have not waited till now in vain. I told some brethren that, "when your thing delays, it's because God is making it." You may say, "is there anything God does not make?" God makes all things but you must know that destiny and grace is most seen in what God releases at its due time. He always makes it a wonder. These are things that only have the testimony of being, "beautiful" because of their happening and release at their times. They fit you and fit time - commanding the praise of God and men. Ensure you wait for the reward of righteousness brethren.   When God makes you something in the sense I meant, He brings special attention into it and does something special for you. The content is well designed and filled with all good and precious things. What you enjoy in who you marry is the amount of how God has conquered them. Let God bring somebody He has worked on. It just has all you might need or desire. It won't miss in details including provision. This is what it means when God said, "I'll make him a helpmeet fit for him." And indeed, He made Adam a helpmeet so suitable. It's so full of wonders that when God brought it before Adam to see what He has made him, Adam exclaimed, "this is the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh, she shall be called woman." Adam was in awe. He was captivated. He gazes on the woman and wonders how God could have created somebody so fitting. Somebody who could only have been for Himself. Someone who could only have been the product of God's good and welfare thoughts towards him. When God said of Adam, I'll make him an helpmeet suitable for him, do you think God would have made something Adam would have hissed at? No! Adam has fulfilled his course and it's now time to reward his waiting. Don't forget that Adam didn't even contemplate marriage. He was lost in the garden business God gave him to do but as he was busy doing the works of his Father, God Himself takes thought for him. Christian, have you found a work to do? Are you indeed occupied and busy with that work? Is it a profitable work and one that's worthy that a woman could be brought into to join? Oooooh, if it's so, your time might be over. God is making you a helpmeet this morning. Both men and women, I'm declaring like God declared into the atmosphere, "it is no longer good that you're alone. God has made up His mind now to make you a helpmeet." You have cleared His doubts that you're now ready. Receive your helpmeet! Receive it now. You have a new season upon you. The former of being alone is over. 

PRAYER: Father, thank You for the gift of a suitable helpmeet. I receive it. Even if I'm married, keep making my spouse a suitable helpmeet for me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 8:1-66; Acts 7:51-8:13; Psalm 129:1-8; Proverbs 17:1

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Monday, 12 June 2023


MONDAY - 12TH JUNE, 2023



Read Acts 10

Acts 10:3,5, KJV

"3 He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius. 5 And now send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter."

The first cure to not being worried or perplexed about your not being here and there is that you know that God is with you. Christ's intention for which the disciples were called also is to first be with Him and then that He might sent them out to preach (Mark 3:14). It is always that He might sent them out to... However, we know that He can and will send you out. That's because the harvest is plentiful and the labourers are few (Lk 10:2). Coupled with the fact that we are in the last days that the devil himself is hurrying because he knows he has a short time (Rev.12:12). God also can't withhold but open His armoury and deploy men by great admnistering where they ought to be in order to counter and eliminate the needs (as problems) Satan is creating in people's lives. However, though it is, "that He might sent them out", if you'll purge yourself of what's ignoble, I can bear witness that He'll use you (II Tim.2:21). 

This truth above will always help you as a minister. Bear it in mind. On door(s) of ministry today, you must know it is not the act of man but God's. While people now use ministry door to do, "one good turn deserves another", yet you must know that's not chosen of God. The Holy Spirit, the great Minister Himself ought to be the One who tells and makes choices of which ministers we invite at a particular time. The Holy Spirit knows what the needs of the masses are and He can meet them and bring to you a vessel who He can have glory by. Don't forget that God chose for Gideon those by who victory would be given him (Judges 7:7). He can give you ministers in whose hands and through whom He could give you the victories, expectations and such needs you want met. Someone may be your friend in ministry, that doesn't warrantee calling him everytime. Nobody's position or status is fixed with us except any the Holy Spirit approves and gives us for His own use at a particular time. It is of utmost importance to pray always on being led to bring those who God have chosen for a time and a season. Or else, you can destroy God's work. 

In today's reading, without effort or lobbying, Peter got an invitation. Especially as a minister, seek to receive the endorsement of God. He enlists you and you must please Him. When you're endorsed of God as a minister, God might begin to open ministry doors to you. Like I said yesterday, these doors will be commensurate to what He wants to achieve or do through you and with you. Don't take more than He apportions you. Be very careful. Peter didn't request to be invited. He as a matter of fact didn't know Cornelius except for the brief intro God gave him in a trance (Acts 10:11-16) and until later time, he couldn't make a connection of both (Acts 10:28). However, God brought him to minister where he had not thought, planned or had any work with them as to be invited. Solely, it's God's work. 

Won't you like such kind of invitation where from a town, city and even beyond your shore, you'll receive a mail saying, "God will have need of you for us?" They don't have to have known you before. All that matters is that heaven bears witness of who you are to them. They don't have to have seen your video on YouTube or heard testimonies from one big minister about you. No! God's endorsement and recommendation is all that matters. The witness of heaven clears all doubt. Like I said yesterday, such kind of door is void of reproach also. I found out that what the Lord does is always straight and you can wait for that time when God will recommend you and spread your aroma before men or you take shield and buckler to begin to find a way for yourself. 

I want a miracle invitation. Someone might say, "this does not happen frequently." It can become your very smooth way of being invited if you'll always wait on God to ascertain where He wants you to go minister and where He's refraining your legs from. Many there be of ministers who have never rejected a ministration before. You don't have to have rejected any if God is not rejecting it but do you ever pray to God to know His mind about that invite. When honourable men came to invite Balaam for a ministration at Balak's Place, he told them to sleep that night so that he might enquire of God. He did and when God came, His question to him was, "who are these men with you?" (Num.22:8-9). God is still asking that question. It indicates those you must never answer their invites. It doesn't matter what they promise or what they could give. If you're propelled by the gain and error of Balaam anyway, you may despise all these but that'll be to your destruction as a minister. For this reason, a minister ought wait for a door that's solely opened by the Lord. A door could be opened slightly and widely even by the Lord. The Lord can from a ministration give you a long time friendship and relationship with your host. This would be because of God's solitary work of giving you an allowance with them. But never make the mistake of always running at first whistling. Even Peter might have been in contemplation because we heard the Holy Spirit told him not to doubt anything but rather follow them (Acts 10:19-20). He seals his ministration. 

My prayer is that you'll be an answer to people's prayers. Peter is to Cornelius'. Won't you be joyous if before you're called to mount the pulpit, they share a testimony of how they had witness to invite you despite the impossibility of ever reaching you. Peter has such testimony to give. He was saying to God, "I have never eaten anything unclean before. I have never have to do with the Gentiles before" but he bears witness that God has told him not to call anyone "unclean or common" (Acts 10:28). Invitations can come from across the sea, a new culture, tongue and people entirely. That's what Peter went to experience. He might have eaten a special dish also and saw another view of life while tarrying with this Gentile household of Cornelius. What the Lord is doing, let Him cook it. Wait until God sends men to come and seek for you. They came for Peter. They had his address. Your phone number, mail or address isn't difficult to see. With God, all things are possible. He can fling you across a city, town or even your nation. Just let it be by Him. When it is, you'll have a better testimony where the people would be in earnest expectation and where even as you minister, mighty things happen effortlessly. The reason is simple. That meeting and ministration was orchestrated by God. May you not go on a ministration where heaven becomes of brass to you. Ask Peter about the honour with which they honoured Christ in his life. Cornelius was falling before him big time but he never took advantage of this. He said, "I myself I'm also a man. Rise up" (Acts 10:26). While He yet speaks, the Holy Ghost fell on the people (Acts 10:45). Look, the meetings and ministrations God calls for, He's committed to coming forth in them. Let God have the glory. 

PRAYER: Father, teach me Yourself and the understanding of how prosperous what You do is. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 8:1-66; Acts 7:51-8:13; Psalm 129:1-8; Proverbs 17:1

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Sunday, 11 June 2023


SUNDAY - 11TH JUNE, 2023



Acts 10:3,5, KJV

"3 He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius. 5 And now send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter:"

Here, God opens a door of ministry for Peter. God will give you a door but one that'll be commensurate to what by allowance He wants you to do for Him. It's of His fullness we have received grace for grace (John 1:16). From Him also every good gift and perfect gift comes from (James 1:17). This solely situates us somewhere. Where we know by revelation and even experience that the door that any man ought have opened to him ought be from the Lord. If it is not prompted, slated and caused by the Lord; please, let it slip. I believe such doors can then cause you vexation of spirit and grieve of heart. Such doors always fulfill this verse. 

I Timothy 6:9, KJV

"But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition."

I want to be rich but not somehow or someway. When that place says, "but they that'll be rich...", it tells of those who takes every offer and are unmindful of sifting it because they have a determinate counsel of, "I must be rich." These are those who are always blinded from seeing the blessing that's not the Lord's. They've been overwhelmed, taken, ridden, chained and caressed knittly by, "I must be rich." Off course, it means, "at all cost." This is not a sole motivation to success but one that always bite more than it can chew and seeks to entreat all helps. When will such not fall into hurtful lusts that leads to destruction?

That's why the Bible says, "the blessing of the Lord makes a person rich and he adds no sorrow with it" (NLT). How many of you are here who wants to have a blessing now and by tomorrow begin to be queried for it? Look at this funny typology. When that place says the blessing of the Lord makes rich and he adds no sorrow with it, it is best illustrated with God giving you a car. A brand new car that if you kick once, it'll start that once. The other blessing that adds sorrow comes of the devil and through men that God is not using for you but who might have sent themselves. They know what they're looking for. They know the recompense they want in return. This in itself is a kind of sorrow. The fact that they'll hold you to an obligation that'll be above your head. Someone once wanted to help me get a job. He said once he does, "we'll partition my salary and he'll also have a share." Both culturally and as a Christian, I was not brought up this way. This is selling and buying of favours. But I'll have been grateful in a way that that kind hearted heart would praise God for me. All these and many more are doors the Lord is not giving. They're blessings He's not sending.

To have also the correct image of a blessing that adds sorrow; let's say the blessing that adds sorrow is typified by a terribly overused car which before it'll start, you have to daily sweat. Imagine what much sorrow comes with using a vehicle that is already over with but which you're trying to manage due to lack of resources. You have a car but it's a car that adds sorrow. While you're grateful for having a car yet you don't desire facing the troubles that car often brings. You may be blessed but it may be one that'll bring what you'll soon live to despise or detest. In being blessed, admitted, assisted, promoted, recommended etc, some have come to grow weary of the slavery and the sorrow with which they're paying back. It ranges from being a partner in immorality, to being initiated into the occult or being made a puppet or second fiddle to their helpers. They're never allowed to exercise dependency. They're always taking dictations on their false seats. 

Another place admonishes us to ask of God who gives liberally without reproach (James 1:5). And I can tell you, it isn't wisdom only God gives liberally without reproach. If it's inherent in God to give liberally without reproach, I'm sensing a contrast being subtly made between God and man here. It means man is prone to reproaching you even with what he has stingily and grudgingly measures out to you. Yet, all God's gifts, blessings and open doors always come without reproach. You can wait for His or you ride in false alternatives.

Promotion the Bible says does not come from the East, West or South. God is the judge of all (Psalm 75:6-7). Say, "God is the judge of all!" If indeed we have settled the fact that God is indeed or should indeed be the only one qualified to fling doors open for us, then it means to say, "we should await him for our open doors." Until your word comes, please let it tarry (Psalm 105:19). Many doors there be that God didn't open for His children. These are blessings and happiness courted through another means. Most times, something is always at stake or to be compromised. Be mindful of false doors. Doors that are not doors. Doors that'll seem to open but are actually trap doors. Opportunities, privileges and come-up- hithers that are snares are now many and mass manufactured to detour people from ever knowing real joy or having a taste of the good and perfect gift afore prepared for them by God. Joseph's door would open after he might have fulfilled his course with God but Satan came ahead of his graduation into his prepared joy to open unto him a false door and hope. Beware of anything that comes to relieve you with pleasure when you should still be in labour. Like Satan says to Jesus, "bow to me and all these shall be yours" (Matt.4:9). That was the same implied words of Potiohar's wife to Joseph. It is, come lie with me and I shall promote you in this house. It can't be more than that. Potiohar's wife does not have national influence. May household and parlour influences not substitute national and international influences in your life. God does greater if we wait for His arrival. Thank God Joseph saw this was a false door. Thank God He didn't enter by it. Thank God he didn't take it but despises it as not being authored by God. What is being a head of a house to being the head of a nation? However, you need to be aware that once you enter or take the false door, it's Satan's intention to use it to trap you so that reversal into the joy God has prepared for you from the foundations of the earth are at all not known. This is why I cry and say, "Lord, may I not go the way of error. May I not take the help that's not your gift to me." All such gifts come with a dose of payment that weighs down! Those who collect them are forced to escape from temporal suffering but behold, their sorrow shall soon be multiplied.

I'm hearing, "I've opened you a door which no man can shut." Now is your time! And let me ask you, what the Lord does, who can revise or reverse it? It's always a case closed and a done deed. You have open doors but which only comes from above!

PRAYER: Lord, may I not despise Your waiting spirit. Thanks for the opened door.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 7:1-51; Acts 7:30-50; Psalm 128:1-6; Proverbs 16:31-33

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Saturday, 10 June 2023





READ Exodus 4:19-26

Exodus 4:24, KJV

"And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, and sought to kill him."

What is this? Why would the Lord seek to kill His messenger? The Lord has just given Moses his call and with instructions on what he should say to Pharaoh once he gets to his field. But, why would the Lord act contrastingly and seek to kill him? 

May you not become a reprobate. May you not get here. As you journey step by step and line by line into becoming a reprobate, may it be that you'll have nipped it in the bud, once and for all and upon an earlier correction. Further steps of disobedience may be regarded as open defiance that may  warrantee the Holy Spirit leaving you to yourself. He'll regard it as you grieving Him but we have an instruction.

Ephesians 4:30, KJV

"And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption."

Don't forget He's a perfect gentleman who you must not offend. He'll strive with you but He'll also not always strive with you (Gen.6:3). Meaning, He can eventually let you be. However, seek not to have Him conquered in your life by refusing and refuting to act on a commanded area. Being a delicate Spirit, you must seek to incline to Him whenever He brings you a word for a season (that may even be correction) but which must be acted on. No human likes telling  another something repeatedly that he won't do. That's why such humans would eventually go silence and let such disobedient alone. However, you must seek never to get here - where you'll be without divine voice or sound (communication). Those who did are always on Satan's ground and into his teeth soonest.

Moses has a gray area in his life though he's the called of God. He's the anointed we can say. He's the man appointed of God and deliberately chosen to bring out God's people from the house of bondage but He is openly causing disinterest to God. Despite confrontations and many corrections, this slip of Moses was still not taken care of. What you must know is that God is no respecter of persons. Though Moses be a man of God yet God came to hold him accountable to the utmost standard. God doesn't lower His standard for any even though we are His beloved and we're accepted in Jesus Christ. The foundation of God still stands sure bearing this seal... (II Tim.2:19). "Let every man that calls on the name of Christ depart from iniquity". There's no time when refusal to God in an area won't become sin to you eventually if you choose to persist. Thank God, the Bible also warns that we "abstain from all appearance of evil" (I Thes.5:22). Even if that thing is not outright evil but a shade of it with just a dot or tittle concentration of evil or such that could ever be counted as evil or become sin, the Bible still advises that we flee from it. Here's God justified over you and I or anybody who seeks to persist in refusal that could outrightly label him as sinning and therefore make him a sinner. Anything that you know indulgence in it could eventually lead to sin ought to be abstained from all together. This will be your protection instead of opening yourself to a strife and continuous struggle with the Holy Ghost. 

The matter between Moses and God is one thing - circumcision. God commanded Abraham on circumcision (Gen.17:9-14). It'll be a token of His covenant with the Hebrews. Moses must have tarried long enough in not circumcising his son (which may be because he's a respecter of persons (his wife who's not an Israelite). Until the Lord says, "now or else", no deliberate action was taken on that pending instruction. As a Christian, don't get where God uses concrete authority to address you. If God begins to force your hands or body into action on certain matters, it only reveals you as an unyielding clay. You're just not fit for moulding. But that's the situation in which Brother, Minister and Anointed Moses found himself? He was regarding his wife until God's wrath is beginning to be incurred. Let me ask you ministers especially, what is your highest love that can put you in trouble with God? Go and slay that Isaac and prove to God He has no rival. But if you won't, just know that you can't be used. Or let me say, "you can't be used unhindered." 

It is this situation Moses' wife - Zipporah seeks therefore to ameliorate. She knows what gray area exists between Moses and God. The husband must have disclosed to her the need for circumcision over time but she might just have been unwilling. She might have by murmuring objected to it and in so doing incapacitates Moses. She might have done all that. However this day, when she saw the confrontation and fierceness of the Almighty, she helped Moses to obey God herself. Many like getting here before flinging to action. Ok, continue to reduce your witness before heaven. Though she did, it was still grudgingly done. After doing the circumcision, her comment was that Moses is a bloody husband to her. It means till the circumcision, she still wasn't seeing reasons with Moses why any circumcision should have been done. Many there be like that. You can't but have this result when you marry someone outside your faith. God takes thoughts for moments like this when He straitly says, "do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers" (II Cor.6:14). That place goes on to say, "what concord exists between light and darkness?" Imagine, calling one person light and the other darkness! Ok!

Today, God is seeking to shake you out of the lethargy of growing familiar with God's Word or instruction and then taking such for granted. This is also a word to you spouse, especially those who are hindering their partners from completely obeying God in an area that you both know. When the rebuke comes, you'll be a first-hand risk taker and partaker of that disobedience. When Zipporah saw what the consequence would have been, she shivered into obedience. May it be that there'll never be a pending area of action but disobedience in your life. May it be that when you're inspected, your testimony will be, "and nothing is found in him implicating or incriminating" (John 14:30). May there be no ground in your life for which the Holy Spirit will still come to strive with you and not let you be. And may there be no reason for which He'll let you to yourself. 

PRAYER: Lord, cause me to have perfect light on any struggling area of my life that I may repent. Lord, I release it all.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 5:1-6:38; Acts 7:1-29; Psalm 127:1-5; Proverbs 16:28-30

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