Monday, 12 June 2023


MONDAY - 12TH JUNE, 2023



Read Acts 10

Acts 10:3,5, KJV

"3 He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius. 5 And now send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter."

The first cure to not being worried or perplexed about your not being here and there is that you know that God is with you. Christ's intention for which the disciples were called also is to first be with Him and then that He might sent them out to preach (Mark 3:14). It is always that He might sent them out to... However, we know that He can and will send you out. That's because the harvest is plentiful and the labourers are few (Lk 10:2). Coupled with the fact that we are in the last days that the devil himself is hurrying because he knows he has a short time (Rev.12:12). God also can't withhold but open His armoury and deploy men by great admnistering where they ought to be in order to counter and eliminate the needs (as problems) Satan is creating in people's lives. However, though it is, "that He might sent them out", if you'll purge yourself of what's ignoble, I can bear witness that He'll use you (II Tim.2:21). 

This truth above will always help you as a minister. Bear it in mind. On door(s) of ministry today, you must know it is not the act of man but God's. While people now use ministry door to do, "one good turn deserves another", yet you must know that's not chosen of God. The Holy Spirit, the great Minister Himself ought to be the One who tells and makes choices of which ministers we invite at a particular time. The Holy Spirit knows what the needs of the masses are and He can meet them and bring to you a vessel who He can have glory by. Don't forget that God chose for Gideon those by who victory would be given him (Judges 7:7). He can give you ministers in whose hands and through whom He could give you the victories, expectations and such needs you want met. Someone may be your friend in ministry, that doesn't warrantee calling him everytime. Nobody's position or status is fixed with us except any the Holy Spirit approves and gives us for His own use at a particular time. It is of utmost importance to pray always on being led to bring those who God have chosen for a time and a season. Or else, you can destroy God's work. 

In today's reading, without effort or lobbying, Peter got an invitation. Especially as a minister, seek to receive the endorsement of God. He enlists you and you must please Him. When you're endorsed of God as a minister, God might begin to open ministry doors to you. Like I said yesterday, these doors will be commensurate to what He wants to achieve or do through you and with you. Don't take more than He apportions you. Be very careful. Peter didn't request to be invited. He as a matter of fact didn't know Cornelius except for the brief intro God gave him in a trance (Acts 10:11-16) and until later time, he couldn't make a connection of both (Acts 10:28). However, God brought him to minister where he had not thought, planned or had any work with them as to be invited. Solely, it's God's work. 

Won't you like such kind of invitation where from a town, city and even beyond your shore, you'll receive a mail saying, "God will have need of you for us?" They don't have to have known you before. All that matters is that heaven bears witness of who you are to them. They don't have to have seen your video on YouTube or heard testimonies from one big minister about you. No! God's endorsement and recommendation is all that matters. The witness of heaven clears all doubt. Like I said yesterday, such kind of door is void of reproach also. I found out that what the Lord does is always straight and you can wait for that time when God will recommend you and spread your aroma before men or you take shield and buckler to begin to find a way for yourself. 

I want a miracle invitation. Someone might say, "this does not happen frequently." It can become your very smooth way of being invited if you'll always wait on God to ascertain where He wants you to go minister and where He's refraining your legs from. Many there be of ministers who have never rejected a ministration before. You don't have to have rejected any if God is not rejecting it but do you ever pray to God to know His mind about that invite. When honourable men came to invite Balaam for a ministration at Balak's Place, he told them to sleep that night so that he might enquire of God. He did and when God came, His question to him was, "who are these men with you?" (Num.22:8-9). God is still asking that question. It indicates those you must never answer their invites. It doesn't matter what they promise or what they could give. If you're propelled by the gain and error of Balaam anyway, you may despise all these but that'll be to your destruction as a minister. For this reason, a minister ought wait for a door that's solely opened by the Lord. A door could be opened slightly and widely even by the Lord. The Lord can from a ministration give you a long time friendship and relationship with your host. This would be because of God's solitary work of giving you an allowance with them. But never make the mistake of always running at first whistling. Even Peter might have been in contemplation because we heard the Holy Spirit told him not to doubt anything but rather follow them (Acts 10:19-20). He seals his ministration. 

My prayer is that you'll be an answer to people's prayers. Peter is to Cornelius'. Won't you be joyous if before you're called to mount the pulpit, they share a testimony of how they had witness to invite you despite the impossibility of ever reaching you. Peter has such testimony to give. He was saying to God, "I have never eaten anything unclean before. I have never have to do with the Gentiles before" but he bears witness that God has told him not to call anyone "unclean or common" (Acts 10:28). Invitations can come from across the sea, a new culture, tongue and people entirely. That's what Peter went to experience. He might have eaten a special dish also and saw another view of life while tarrying with this Gentile household of Cornelius. What the Lord is doing, let Him cook it. Wait until God sends men to come and seek for you. They came for Peter. They had his address. Your phone number, mail or address isn't difficult to see. With God, all things are possible. He can fling you across a city, town or even your nation. Just let it be by Him. When it is, you'll have a better testimony where the people would be in earnest expectation and where even as you minister, mighty things happen effortlessly. The reason is simple. That meeting and ministration was orchestrated by God. May you not go on a ministration where heaven becomes of brass to you. Ask Peter about the honour with which they honoured Christ in his life. Cornelius was falling before him big time but he never took advantage of this. He said, "I myself I'm also a man. Rise up" (Acts 10:26). While He yet speaks, the Holy Ghost fell on the people (Acts 10:45). Look, the meetings and ministrations God calls for, He's committed to coming forth in them. Let God have the glory. 

PRAYER: Father, teach me Yourself and the understanding of how prosperous what You do is. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 8:1-66; Acts 7:51-8:13; Psalm 129:1-8; Proverbs 17:1

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