Tuesday, 13 June 2023





Read Gen.2:18-25

Genesis 2:18, KJV

"And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

Time is everything. It is what makes life and each event of a time beautiful. At your time that has come, you'll have it beautiful for you. It'll play out even more than you've always desired. God is the God of seasons and times. The Bible says, "for man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them" (Ecclesiastes  9:12, KJV). 

It won't fall suddenly upon you! Be assured.

When any man misses his time, his path and that of the destroyer meets (Psalms 17:4). However, God didn't appoint that you'll have a slated meet with evil. When you do not miss your time, it's either you're gone or behind the evil slated to happen by the elemental forces of nature or darkness itself. Evil will happen everyday but it's your own responsibility to be led and guided so much more that you're always kept. Nothing evil shall therefore catch you by surprise. It won't happen and you'll open your mouth. It is basically because you keep your time by knowing it and activiting in it. 

God said concerning Adam that, "it is not good that man should be alone and that He'll make him an helpmeet." The truth is this. When did God come to this realization? Has some time not passed over Adam since his creation and being as a human? Has he not stayed all alone in the garden (though with God's often visitation). He has fulfilled all these. It was after this moment which we don't know how lasting it was that God now sees and says that "for Adam, it is not fit that he should be alone any longer." It simply hints at something. Adam is carefully under God passing through his time. I found out that whenever you don't allow time to pass over you but rather seeks to cut corners, you don't mature and you're not discipled. Not that you don't want to mature or you can't be matured by the patience you'll learn on the way and the other many things that'll also happen that may be the details of your own situation but because you have jumped the details of your process, you can't but miss what would have processed you. It is the process, the pressing, pressurizing and the heat that moulds us and make us fit to handle our new season. God solely watches over what He allows to press us so that in character we might grow. Never forget that God Himself says, "no temptation has overtaken you which is not common to men. But in all, He won't allow one that'll be over your head. Even in that, He'll provide you with a way of escape" (I Cor.10:13). I know you're being tempted. Tempted to jump out. Tempted to defy it all and spit on God's face. Just ensure you don't seek for a way of escape that God is not orchestrating. Many always quit before the God orchestrated escape or relief comes. Don't jump out of your cycle and go wind up with an unbeliever but who's under guise of a believer. Let God make you that man or woman. Let God observe you at work and see what would fit you and by that make you someone to couple you.  It is God's solitary escape waited for that would bring relieve and makes you not eventually quenched under the pressing of such pressing. 

The season came to be over on Adam. He has been all alone for awhile without a wife but one day, just one day, an announcement went over him saying, "it is not good that man should live all alone, now I'll make him an helpmeet but one FIT for him." That's what you get when you wait. 

May God see it is no longer good for you to be all alone. May God bring you out of that long lasting weary season. May you see a new day and have the testimony of a new experience. Yes, all under God. God saw that's it's no longer good for Adam to dwell alone. How many of you saw in that God's speech that He utters it out of sympathy and affection. If your time is due, God has already written you on His heart and you can be sure that the Lord is making you a helpmeet. You have not waited till now in vain. I told some brethren that, "when your thing delays, it's because God is making it." You may say, "is there anything God does not make?" God makes all things but you must know that destiny and grace is most seen in what God releases at its due time. He always makes it a wonder. These are things that only have the testimony of being, "beautiful" because of their happening and release at their times. They fit you and fit time - commanding the praise of God and men. Ensure you wait for the reward of righteousness brethren.   When God makes you something in the sense I meant, He brings special attention into it and does something special for you. The content is well designed and filled with all good and precious things. What you enjoy in who you marry is the amount of how God has conquered them. Let God bring somebody He has worked on. It just has all you might need or desire. It won't miss in details including provision. This is what it means when God said, "I'll make him a helpmeet fit for him." And indeed, He made Adam a helpmeet so suitable. It's so full of wonders that when God brought it before Adam to see what He has made him, Adam exclaimed, "this is the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh, she shall be called woman." Adam was in awe. He was captivated. He gazes on the woman and wonders how God could have created somebody so fitting. Somebody who could only have been for Himself. Someone who could only have been the product of God's good and welfare thoughts towards him. When God said of Adam, I'll make him an helpmeet suitable for him, do you think God would have made something Adam would have hissed at? No! Adam has fulfilled his course and it's now time to reward his waiting. Don't forget that Adam didn't even contemplate marriage. He was lost in the garden business God gave him to do but as he was busy doing the works of his Father, God Himself takes thought for him. Christian, have you found a work to do? Are you indeed occupied and busy with that work? Is it a profitable work and one that's worthy that a woman could be brought into to join? Oooooh, if it's so, your time might be over. God is making you a helpmeet this morning. Both men and women, I'm declaring like God declared into the atmosphere, "it is no longer good that you're alone. God has made up His mind now to make you a helpmeet." You have cleared His doubts that you're now ready. Receive your helpmeet! Receive it now. You have a new season upon you. The former of being alone is over. 

PRAYER: Father, thank You for the gift of a suitable helpmeet. I receive it. Even if I'm married, keep making my spouse a suitable helpmeet for me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 8:1-66; Acts 7:51-8:13; Psalm 129:1-8; Proverbs 17:1

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