Thursday, 15 June 2023




HE HIDES HIMSELF - Hidden Series 001

Proverbs 22:3, KJV

"A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished".

"...and he hides himself". What wisdom! Good and bad are the programmes that run on earth. If you're of the human race, these two events remain undeniable. Meanwhile, a Christian has not been left at the mercy of the situations of his days. Just as Jesus is Lord over the Sabbath (Matt.12:8), man by divine revelation can rule over life and its events also. You can always be ahead and above. John speaking of Jesus says, "He who comes from above is above all" (John 3:31). If you're of this "above" seed, your experiences ought replicate Christ's whom you're joined to. If you claim Him to be your model, you can't but have an impartation of your life by His. Accident/crashes, riot, market downturn etc are events that can never be wholly stamped out. Meanwhile, you can take cover and be sure to have cover when they happen. 

Christian, in short, you can rule by divine revelation. There are two subjects that must be taught in order that it might become flesh to us. Over the years, I have emphasized on these. It is how to live by faith and how to be led by the Spirit. As a Christian, priortize it above power. If you can master how to walk with the Holy Spirit, so much more that where He seeks to turn you is where you turn at a particular time, then, many things in this life won't be able to beat you. 

Reveal to me a Christian who died in an accident, on the operation table, lost a child in an incident or money in a deal, these are usually emotional people who don't rule or live by divine revelation. May I announce something to you? The kind of events that would happen as End Time nears and because Satan now goes about in a hurry and with much seriousness as his time winds down are not ones any thoughtful for survival Christian ought take for granted by excusing themselves from the girding and preparation that can anchor them when the storm comes. Satan has opened his whole armoury. He's not sparing any weapon. He wants to dampen and depress Christians by the untold events that would befall their families, businesses, ministries, finances and even health, so that they may be rendered weary and depressed if at all they can't be quenched. If you've ever being under an assault of the devil before like Job faced (where before one unfortunate event concludes, another is declared - Job 1:13-19), you'll know what it means for one's arm to be strengthened by the Lord God of Jacob or for one's bow to abide in strength.

End Time would feature war, famine, rumour of war, pestilence, persecution, deception etc (Matt.24:6-31) and this would not spare anyone. It is therefore your responsibility, your sole responsibility to team with the Holy Spirit as to how to be carried above these life challenges that He can forecast, foresee and communicate to you as each would be revealed. If you miss this divine help and think a robot or a new invention would substitute God Almighty in this realm, you might have perished with your wealth before you know that the God head is different from a gold head. 

That place says, "the prudent man foresees the evil, (ad because he has a notification at hand) takes the initiative of "hiding himself." Have you met people who lament with, "had I known before?" Have you heard people say, "only if I knew." You see, it's not all of such people that are seeking to excuse themselves. Some are sincere men and women who if they had known what evil was to befall the earth could have gone to hide by arming themselves with the right preparation. Meanwhile, not knowing would not still shield you from the fate of the ignorant! Having a heart that could have obeyed would not still exclude you from being punished with sinners because you eventually didn't obey anything. Off course, that'll solely be because you despise God's provision in the person of the Holy Spirit to you. Holy Spirit custodies all knowledge: of things that have happened, that's happening and that'll happen. You can draw and receive updates from Him daily. We know this comes from first receiving Jesus into one's life (being born again) which can be furthered by intentionally pursuit of fellowship with the Holy Spirit under the released grace of God to grow and be perfect. If you can't pay this price, you could then wait to be counted amidst the multitude who are godless and without hope in this world when the next natural disaster or calamity happens. 

It is either you live or you leave. Christians must be resolute in their decision to live with refusal to be shifted out of the earth until they have fulfilled the will of God in their generation like David (Acts 13:36). As far as the Holy Spirit is witnessing to me, "some will leave their estates behind taking a bow" and that's because they can't "live" to service a relationship that would open them to the floodgates of information that awakens their being and makes them be the 'fortunate ones' always. An evil is coming upon the earth, it shall come and not tarry. The greatest will be the rapture. So, are you hidden in Christ? Is your name written at all in the Book of Life? If you don't have that testimony and you know, get ready for an eternal loss instead of eternal life or security. 

PRAYER: Lord, teach me to cherish hiding and all it entails. I confess Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. I'm saved from eternal flame.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 12:20-13:34; Acts 9:26-43; Psalm 132:1-18; Proverbs 17:6

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