Friday, 16 June 2023


FRIDAY - 16TH JUNE, 2023


HE'S A PRUDENT MAN - Hidden Series 002

Proverbs 22:3, KJV

"A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished".

All of us are born with "closed eyes". If you ever have an awakened consciousness of something, it is from having cultivated or trained your faculty to receive and tentacle such things. He who despises instruction  the Bible says despises his own soul (Prov.15:32). Many times, it doesn't show for all to see that many have been living in defiance to instructions until they begin to reap consequences that alludes and vividly reveal them as fools to the world. 

However, our verse for today says, "a prudent man foresees the evil..." Why would or should he be called a prudent man? At what point did he earn that honourable name of being "prudent?" Did it just fall on him or by some kind of initiative he earns it? The Bible says, "He (God) wakens morning by morning, He wakens mine ear to hear as the learned" (Isaiah  50:4). This man who got described as prudent here has earned a Ph.d in knowing things and that comes from the receptive ability to foresee. He not only foresee evil but he also foresees good. The Holy Spirit inside you or the very purpose of discernment is not only to decipher what evil is coming on earth but what good God has ordained for a season. The earlier privy to the knowledge of these two  is what always ensure a better preparation for both events. You can maximize good and escape the evil. For that reason, you must become a prophet yourself - one who foresees by the telescope of the Holy Spirit things that are to come upon the earth.  This prudent man is not in the class of he who sees the evil of today and doesn't sight that of tomorrow. He is a prophet. He becomes that and earns being called, "the prudent man" because he always avoid the unfortunate fate of others. What makes him prudent is not in the money that he has more than another but in the fact - simple and just fact that he could foresee the evil and by this knowledge take cover. You see, what marks you as wise before the whole world would be the difference in what you experience. 

Today, may your ears pop open. May you see beyond all constraints. May you be taken for a walk by the Holy Spirit into the deep things of God and future events. You'll no longer be a fool - who sleeps and wakes yet without any instruction that falls to him from heaven to act on. Even Jesus acted on heavenly instructions and that's what makes the difference. The revelation we're opened to and the knowledge we have becomes the protective armour we can wear for defence against days that'll become intolerable.

You can never never be marked as prudent if you don't begin to receive and act on divine wisdom, precepts and instructions. The day your body begins to be harnessed and controlled by unparalleled instructions of heaven is the day that you enter the degree of a man worthy to be called, "prudent". The Bible says, "for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah  55:9). Now, if God's thoughts are higher than ours, it means living by that same thought and oracular wisdom would make you live and excel above the wisdom of men on earth. You have heard of the Lock Down that came on all unexpectantly before. In these last days, we can all expect more brutally oriented events nationally and worldwide but the prudent would always have it different. It's not because they are the most educated or politicians who have news but basically because they are men who are in pact with the Holy Spirit - the author of divine breathing. This breathing like God released into Adam and gave to the church on Pentecost is what quickens them, make them alive and over-takers of world events. World events will overtake and grind many to pieces but the prudent are directed by divine impartation of God's wisdom to float about what will trouble the earth. The flood will come and many shall be washed away but be sure that Noah will dwell secured in the ark. What sinks some will therefore float others. That'll be because of readiness and preparation taken. You can be prepared too.

PRAYER: Lord, I want to earn the testimony and name of being, "prudent". Open my eyes to see and act.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 14:1-15:24; Acts 10:1-23; Psalm 133:1-3; Proverbs 17:7-8

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