Sunday, 19 December 2021




THE BIRTH OF A HOLY THING - Spirit Turning Series 006

Luke 1:35, KJV

"And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".

What your calling will birth will be super ordinary. It was said of Mary's Child:Jesus, that He would be a holy thing. The aftermath of the Spirit's overshadowing is the extraordinary we saw Mary vomit. It was a thing but a holy thing. There are things but there are more distinct things. All of us testifies to the fact that Jesus isn't only holy but a blessed child. He was born perfect, blameless and sinless. For such befits the lamb that would be offered for the sins of this world [John 1:29].

Once you heed the call, the call will begin to use you to fulfill why you were called. In the fulfilling of why you were called, your manifestations will be such that will attract an adjective or a testimony of being different. I'll like you take a sample. Check through those you know who have heeded the call who don't have something of surprise to see in their ministries. Jesus commanded awe at birth as a manifestation from the obedience of Mary. It was to a great extent that as a baby, he drew wise men from the East. That's apart from the Holiness. Everything about Him was special at birth. You wouldn't call Him the 'common' child. He was holy from the womb and grew in same holiness till His offering. That is the extraordinary mark that shocks us all. 

People over time have seen what calls of people have produced. They've described it in so many words. Unbelievable, powerful, gigantic, awesome etc. They have chorused, "who did this? Also, they have answered, "Jesus!". There's no ordinary call. Every call is equipped to bring forth what will trouble human mind. Who knows whether your calling has "a holy, surprising, unbelievable thing to deliver?" From some callings, schools: even tertiary institutions that matches or surpasses that of the government came out. People wondered at how from the teachings of fishermen and men of little birth, some could now earn doctorate degree today. A holy thing! How come we have school of entrepreneurial studies and business from the Bible and the revelation given to those who heeded the call? No book has given solutions and answers to men than the Bible. From it, insightfully coaches of world leaders and nations have risen. A holy thing!

Submit to your call and see what thing would be  described to have come from your own call.

PRAYER: Mary bore a holy thing from her call. What a surprise! I believe for the birth of peculiars through my call.  

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Habakkuk 1:1-3:19, Revelation 9:1-21, Psalm 137:1-9, Proverbs 30:10

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Friday, 17 December 2021




HE HELPS OUR INADEQUACIES - Spirit Turning Series 005

Luke 1:34-35, KJV

"34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? 35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".

What did Gabriel prophesy of Mary? "That she shalt conceive in her womb, and bring forth a son, whose name shalt be called JESUS. Same shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David"[Luke 1:31-32, KJV]. Mary then wondered how that would be possible since she knows no man. Her not knowing any man is her inadequacy since she couldn't get pregnant unless she knows a man. That's what she needs help over if she'll ever get pregnant and fulfill her call. However, this her inadequacy was eliminated. Gabriel offered a solution to her inadequacy by saying, "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God". In other words, Gabriel was saying "I'm fully aware that you can't get pregnant on your own. For you as a lady to be pregnant, you need a man to have his way with you. However, I offer a solution which will settle the problem of "how will this be since I know not a man". At the overshadowing of Mary, what she was troubling herself over while asking how such great promise would come to pass was taken care of.

Once the Lord calls you to use you, you won't feel ready or feel whole but He'll make you ready and whole. You may give excuses or reasons why you believe the offer they say you'll carry out won't be possible. Moses said he was a stammerer. God offered to be with his mouth. When he refused, God went the extra mile to give him a spokesman [Exodus 4:10:17]. One time, Jeremiah refuted God and said he couldn't speak because he was a child. God then put His word in his mouth [Jer.1:4-10]. Did you see how God helped their infirmities or inadequacies and made them firm? Everything that disqualifies you which you know or don't know are what God will glory over to qualify you for His own use. In your calling, there's provision for you to do what you couldn't do naturally. It is always in every call. Mary said, "How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?"

That "seeing I know not a man" is the problem, the challenge that must be taken care of and God did. I don't know what you've been showing to God as excuses or genuine reasons why you're not fit. Don't worry, those ones are taken care of. That's how Gabriel alleviated the doubt, reasoning, enquiry and fear of Mary. Gabriel assured her, "look, we have a remedy to your not having known any man. It is the Holy Spirit overshadowing you. That way, pregnancy will result". Did it happen? Yes, we bear witness. What looks impossible in our own sight that's creating fear, tension, doubt and suspicion isn't to God. Did you read that passage to see how Gabriel handled the matter without any iota of "how will that be possible" which Mary asked and was worrying over?

If God has come to you to use you, He'll equip you for the usage. It was part of the equipping of Mary as a virgin that the Spirit will overshadow her for conception. If God is saying He'll use you as a healer; He'll definitely release to you the healing anointing. So, name all your inadequacies, why you're not qualified to have pregnancy which is what heaven is looking for from all Marys and you'll see God giving you answers to them. That's the easiest to attend to in heaven even if it is challenging to you. Look, God still answers, "how will this be seeing I know not a man?".

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for assuring to help me do Your work. I receive your strength, grace, anointing and all other divine resources. I'm overshadowed and so I'm capable.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Nahum 1:1-3:19, Revelation 8:1-13, Psalm 136:1-26, Proverbs 30:7-9

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Thursday, 16 December 2021




IF IT IS WITH GOD - Spirit Turning Series 004

Luke 1:36-37, KJV

"36 And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. 37 For with God nothing shall be impossible".

If it is with God, nothing shall be impossible. If it is with men, you know as I do that many things will be impossible. Do you know why? The frame of man is dust and the power he weaves is one only allowed him by God.  He is not the most supreme in the universe. He will forever be limited except an external power comes to be with him. The Bible however speaks of God as the Governor among all the nations [Psalms 22:28]. He created all and so has authority to deal with all His creatures in ways He desires. You're welcome to the reading of odd things again. For awhile, we've been studying about doing the impossible because of the power of the Highest which will overshadow and aid us. Gabriel while interacting with Mary also let a cat out of the bag. Should I say he gossiped to Mary about Elizabeth who was at that time really old but has become pregnant and was in her sixth month? While Gabriel was drawing his conclusion, he said, "for nothing is impossible with God". This was despite the fact that Elizabeth has been labelled barren and one whose matter has closed and can't bring forth again. Same is rather in her sixth month already. Imagine that! Did you see it's odd. It's like saying this is he they say can't leave the shore of his country but has travelled the whole world. We have heard of Benny Prasad who travelled the whole 195 nations of the world. God surpasses all. He surpasses doctor's report. If it is men that says "no way" somewhere and not God, you can still hope for a way. It even means there's a way since He who created them, you and all things haven't spoken. Anyone can say whatsoever, take any decision and print out any report but unless we have God's report, we actually don't know which to believe. God's report is, "did you see her who they said it is final for. Look at her who they said is old and barren. She's rather in her sixth month. Isn't that a miracle that reveals, "with God nothing shall be impossible".

How many of you believe "for with God, nothing shall be impossible?" Do you believe you can be used by God to preach, teach, heal, plant churches, release albums, establish institutions, change national and world politics, invent, fund projects and do all others? Smith Wigglesworth raised 21 dead. I'll raise over 121. With God, nothing shall be impossible. "Nothing" means all things shall be possible with God.  Name it. Is it a situation, event, dream, desire, goal or revelation? Is it a crooked situation like the one Solomon said can't be straightened back? [Eccl.1:15]. If God accompanies you, they will be possible. No impossibility with God. This might sound bogus but it's not. It is WITH GOD not WITH MAN. To us, the sense of unreliability of men may bring the dark feeling of seeing God as not been all capable also. However, believe that "with God NOTHING shall be impossible".

"With God" means if God is a participator with you. I have been writing the devotional for six years now. It's getting better, richer and more impacting. How could a man be doing this except God is with him? One devotional that I publish a day is what could be broken into two or three devotionals. I so much have much revelation by the Spirit to offer that I devised teaching in series on a singular line of thought. With God, nothing shall be impossible. The impossible is softened with God and suddenly you'll feel able and capable of achieving or doing the impossible. All of you who have received a glorious future but have been asking like Mary, "how will this thing be?" I'm hearing in my spirit an echo of "with God, all things are possible." If you want to fetch a water from a deep well, do you fetch with your hand? Will it reach? However, in your own wisdom, you'll send a fetcher. That container you send is with what you're accomplishing the task of fetching water. The task of doing anything - easy or more importantly difficult or thought to be difficult is by God or should be by God. Only then will you have the testimony of "so, it is possible and this simple!" That's when you can say difficult things are made easy. Some of you may not believe it is hard writing daily. Go and start and see if you won't finish after awhile. If that possibility exists, it means if you see any doing it, something is aiding them. An external power that was not previously with them or theirs is helping. In our case, it's the Holy Ghost from the Father. It has overshadowed us like it did Mary. It is with God that it is possible for any doing the impossible. If you see someone minister with healing and miracles, it is with God. Everything is with God and when it is with God, we reap the testimony of been able to bend a bow of bronze or accomplish difficult things. I heard, "with God nothing shall be impossible" no matter how impossible those things are or look. Nothing means anything you could think of. If you so believe, you'll have the mindset to act towards whatsoever God is offering you. If He tells you, you'll reach the whole earth in their languages, you won't doubt it even if you're not on the national stage now that you've hit seventy. Mary didn't know any man but with God she conceived. Tell someone, if it is with God, impossibility (no matter how numerous) becomes possible. 

PRAYER: Lord, may I first believe and then see that indeed WITH YOU, nothing (in any form they exist) is impossible.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Micah 1:1-4:13, Revelation 6:1-17, Psalm 134:1-3, Proverbs 30:1-4

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Wednesday, 15 December 2021





READ Luke 1:26-38

Luke 1:38, KJV

"And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her."

No matter how much you desire a baby, if you refuse to open up to a man or be assisted with his sperm, you will not have one. You'll only have one except the miracle of divine conception is wrath on you like we have here. Meanwhile, this is a reserved miracle except God comes to you and gives you a promise of it. God did it once and He has broken the mould by which He wrath it. He wrath it for His glory and the honour of the vessel that accepted that blemish-bringing call. 

Those that became mothers opened up to a man. They allowed him have his way with them so that the preemptive result could be birthed. In today's passage, after Mary had reasoned the possibility of the prophecy coming to pass by asking, "how will this thing be?" and had been told how possible it is since she'll be Holy Ghost assisted and divinely overshadowed by the power of the Most High, she then accepts the prophecy. She shows willingness and submission in being the one that will give birth to that holy thing. She said, "who am I except God's handmaiden? Be unto me according to your word (desire)". It means I am not for myself. I am for someone and whatsoever is His will for me can be done on me. I submit. I open up. Have your way Father. A tool I am: a vessel and I submit". These were things Mary said and at acceptance, conception took place promptly. 

The prophecy of divine conception was brought her ago but she was reasoning it and asking how. Since she has not accepted it by showing interest in carrying such call of reproach (becoming pregnant without knowing a man but through what society will contest), conception never happened. God seeks your consent before He'll use you too. He doesn't force Himself on people. If He calls you and you're yet to agree to what He said He'll use you for, the call may be suspended until you show interest and come into agreement one day or you may finally be substituted. Know that if God has given you a dream, vision or revelation and He calls you to come into ministry for instance to co-labour with Him to get a thing done, that call will be waiting until you say YES. Marrying a revealed person is also a call. Until Mary surrendered and said, "Your will, not mine", conception was rather withheld.

Today, God wants you to open up. A woman who needs a baby don't struggle with the husband if she wants to be pregnant. She rather accepts his proposal to come in. She gives him free hand to do with her as deemed fit and chosen by him. This permission will then lead to pregnancy. You may not know how glorious your future is until you accept and walk the road of the calling. Will you say to God today like Mary did over the matter the Spirit has been contesting with you that, "I am your handmaiden (a servant), do with me whatsoever you choose". If you'll see the aftermath, you must accept. Gabriel departed after the acceptance of Mary to carry that call and didn't have cause to come to persuade Mary over same again because she has agreed once and for all. Some of you are making God revisit you. God is merciful. Until you accept or finally become reprobate, He'll keep bringing that call to you. The sheet didn't leave finally until Peter had exhausted his chances [Acts 10]. It is yours to say, "okay" or "no" to. However, I counsel you, say, "yea". The call may be reproached today but silences mockers tomorrow.

PRAYER: Lord, the special call that will in turn be to my honour, which you offer me, may I see and embrace.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Micah 1:1-4:13, Revelation 6:1-17, Psalm 134:1-3, Proverbs 30:1-4

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Tuesday, 14 December 2021




THE MEETING OF PROPHECY AND TIME - Spirit's Turning Series 002

READ II Kings 7:1-20

Luke 1:34-35, KJV

"34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? 35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".

I had the blessing of visiting the headquarters of the largest denomination on earth recently. I was left in awe at what God could do through a singular man He's delighted in and has called. I started asking myself how he has been able to do all the things that span the whole world which are visible and have gone as testimonies that we hear. The answer I got was that of Mary when she asks, "how will this thing be?" Gabriel replied, "The Most High will overshadow you". It is this overshadowing that will lead to Mary being able to do the impossible - conceive a child without having had sex or reported to have passed through the natural process of conception common to all women. Who don't know that is an impossibility but which however defies gravity! May God do you a miracle where He'll choose for you that will break processes. Mary also reasoned this prophecy but she didn't doubt it. She rather accepts it [Luke 1:38]. Come to such place of rest even if you don't know the details or road to its fulfilment. The nature of prophecy is to offer the conclusion only while the walk is yet to be walked. I beg once more, in your reasoning prophecy, don't doubt it. Consequences do follow it even if you'll later have it. People fall into the trap of doubting prophecy because it is always too high. Too high that even the wise will call it void and call God's mouthpiece a liar. That's why that Lord in all his human wisdom, investigation of the situation, conclusion of same as impossible said, "even if the Lord would make windows in heaven, might this thing be? [II Kings 7:2]" Even that one - the making of windows in heaven, I believe it since God's arm has been afore shown me on occasions that defies my thinking. Yet, God didn't have to go that extra mile before He brought to pass what He had said. He only had to create a circumstance on earth (while still using the Syrians as His test tubes) and rather not aspire heaven in order to bring to pass what He had said. 

Prophecies always make  fool of men. There's always a reason to doubt it. However, don't behave like that Lord. No matter how high a thing may be - taller than you or far off from your sight or farther away from your understanding, just believe that "with God nothing shall be impossible" [Luke  1:37,KJV]. We don't reason many natural things or take thought for them as to doubt their coming to pass. God that gives the prophecy, promises, vision and revelation will fulfill it. Its coming to pass does not hinges on how you've been able to find out how God might work it out. God always conceals His work so that when wrath, it will be seen and esteemed as a miracle. When a couple have intercourse, do they worry themselves as to how the sperm will fertilize the egg? Do they worry on the inner working inside of the woman? What they concern themselves with is, "intercourse". There's a God that sees to the sperm fertilizing the egg after that. That's His own specialization. May I tell you too, the sperm will hit the egg. They will meet. Your prophecy and time will collide and like a man born out of due season, you'll emerge into destiny and God's will for you. Mary became God's handmaiden on whom the impossibility was wrath. It's my prayer that God will find you a vessel to use to display His unlimitedness to the world. So, don't be caged in your thinking. Let your mind be very spacious to accommodate the future your spirit is downloading into your soul. May I tell you that if a very great future is revealing itself to you through your mind and you wonder if in years to come you'll become that, I tell you, you'll become it by believing and working actively towards all you've perceived. The receiving of prophecy is not the end of active steps. If you have a prophecy of prosperity, you must still work because God is looking for a justified means that won't be illegal, criminal or evil to bless you. When abundance came at the gate of Samaria, the people went out to gather their ration. They exercised faith towards possessing what they've being prophesied to. Look, are there things you harbour in your mind as "too deep, way heavy or too wonderful to utter or share?" Their manifestation is at hand. The zeal of the Lord God of hosts is doing it.

PRAYER: God watches over His word to perform same. As He has spoken, so will He do. He isn't a liar. May your faith not crack up from fueling your vision and at the sight of your prophecy. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jonah 1:1-4-11, Revelation 5:1-14, Psalm 133:1-3, Proverbs 29:26-27

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Monday, 13 December 2021




THOSE ASKING HOW THIS THING SHALL BE - Spirit's Turning Series 001

READ Luke 1:26-35

Luke 1:34-35, KJV

"34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? 35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".

This is what Gabriel, God's messenger angel told Mary, the virgin. Why Mary wouldn't believe in her giving birth to a child was because she hasn't known any man. We should all question the possibility of becoming pregnant and giving birth if one doesn't have intercourse. How will that be? It is this realistic question she asked Gabriel that made Gabriel respond with the response we have as our quotation. We all know with man, it is impossible but with God or by the Spirit's aid, all things are possible. How? The power of the Most High will overshadow Mary and that will result in her being able to conceive supernaturally and do that which she couldn't have done except she has intercourse with a man. 

There be those asking how these things shall come to pass for them as well. Before Mary asked how this thing would be, she was told what would be. Have you been told what would be? What will come to pass shortly through you but which you wonder in great curiosity how they'll be. This message is for you. How all the 'impossibilities' communicated to you will be is by the Holy Spirit overshadowing you. You just need the Spirit's touch and aid to do the unnatural and you'll begin to see the manifestations of what you wonder how they'll be. Mary didn't get pregnant by the will of man. That holy thing was conceived supernaturally. All the prophecies you have received concerning being the head of nations will not come to pass by your desire or hard work superiorly but by God's Spirit aiding you. Only the Spirit makes difficult things easy. How do the sick, the deaf, the blind, the halt, the lunatic etc get healed? It is by God's Spirit overshadowing a minister and using him to touch them. Healing doesn't happen by the minister remaining man but rather being altered as a man through whom the oil could flow. It's that oil otherwise known as the anointing or Holy Spirit that now heals. How could a man in his lifetime take the gospel to the ends of the earth and plant churches at every five minutes trek of every place? How easy is it turning a jungle into a city where the headquarters would be settled to draw all races to itself if not through the handle of the calling leveraged on by the Holy Spirit overshadowing one? How could a nonentity and the despised build orphanages, schools, health institutions e.t.c from his calling if not for the Holy Spirit that has overshadowed him and now makes him able to get this done? Do you think it's easy opening branches? In the secular, people have retail outlets. Ask them how difficult it is for them opening another one let alone going from nations to nations and having branches where they don't know people from Adams. That is why Gabriel said to Mary, "Don't worry. I know it is a difficult, hard and impossible task. Meanwhile, with and by the Spirit, it is accomplishable. What will happen won't be by or through any man but by the Holy Spirit's overshadowing (aiding) you.

Look, there's nothing that can't be cracked by the Holy Ghost. He masters all impossibilities and makes them answers. If you have received a promise, prophecy or a revelation of what to become but same seems too gigantic in your sight, don't fight it but surrender to it in order to be the vessel on which they'll be done. Just believe by the Spirit's aiding or swallowing you up that nothing shall be impossible. Today, the testimony that they'll begin to give concerning you and I is "by the Spirit", even if the thing to do is harder than a stone.

PRAYER: Lord, anoint me afresh for my assignments - to fulfill calling (destiny). Anoint me specifically for  (mention them).

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Obadiah 1:1-21, Revelation 4:1-11, Psalm 132:1-18, Proverbs 29:24-25

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Sunday, 12 December 2021





READ Psalm 139

Psalms 139:12, KJV

"Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee."

Don't we know that it's adversely out of order for night to shine as the day?

Is this not why we all require illumination when night falls? Night ushers in darkness. Even when awake with open eyes, yet vision is always impaired at night. However, the reverse is the case in this revelational Psalm of today. I'm already  apprehended, noising Yahweh because His ways are past finding. Night couldn't become night to Him. What a fellow! For God, when people are saying, "I can't see"; He sees. He does because of the spiritual faculty that makes the physical night as day to Him. This matter has gotten to the head as it has hit the crescendo of all seriousness which necessitates you to enter into this realm of activity also. When other professionals, artisans or people are saying "off season" in your field; because of this medicine that will become a reality in your life, you will stand akimbo with mouth agape and wonder aloud in sincerity "you don't mean it?

They'll say, "aren't you experiencing same? Who don't know our business is seasonal? You're not an apprentice but a master in this profession, yet you're asking why sale has not been forthcoming."

Those ones are category A and that's the album they release often.  However, what is yours as one that Christ is his hope of glory? 

"The night shines as the day".

Nothing changes for bad for you though seasons, times, periods be altered. Your day experience however is translated into the night of world's affairs for you. By an invention in the laboratory of spirituality, we're causing a replication of your day experiences even in the night. We have captured the night and subdued it for you. It is now your slave and you will rejoice in every moment men hollers, "something has suddenly gone wrong!" This remedy worked for Joshua, for he cheated the night by the agreement of the Almighty and went on operating when the whole world knew it should be out of season for him.

Joshua 10:13, KJV

"And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day."

Look, when others are lacking in spiritual strength, what is night to them will be day to you. By the Spirit of prophecy on me, I call you to begin to have distinct results even at night time. Your outcome will deviate from that of the great congregation at the outer court of life. In war, you will know peace. In recession, you will know abundance because of grace, mercy, power of preparation and the anointing that empties supernatural outcome into your container. Yours is different in this December. Let night function as the day for you. 

PRAYER: Thick darkness will cover the earth but the Lord will arise on me.  When people's confession is "it is night/bad, I'll testify it's day/good."

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Amos 7:1-9:15, Revelation 3:7-22, Psalm 131:1-3, Proverbs 29:23

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