THOSE ASKING HOW THIS THING SHALL BE - Spirit's Turning Series 001
READ Luke 1:26-35
Luke 1:34-35, KJV
"34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? 35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".
This is what Gabriel, God's messenger angel told Mary, the virgin. Why Mary wouldn't believe in her giving birth to a child was because she hasn't known any man. We should all question the possibility of becoming pregnant and giving birth if one doesn't have intercourse. How will that be? It is this realistic question she asked Gabriel that made Gabriel respond with the response we have as our quotation. We all know with man, it is impossible but with God or by the Spirit's aid, all things are possible. How? The power of the Most High will overshadow Mary and that will result in her being able to conceive supernaturally and do that which she couldn't have done except she has intercourse with a man.
There be those asking how these things shall come to pass for them as well. Before Mary asked how this thing would be, she was told what would be. Have you been told what would be? What will come to pass shortly through you but which you wonder in great curiosity how they'll be. This message is for you. How all the 'impossibilities' communicated to you will be is by the Holy Spirit overshadowing you. You just need the Spirit's touch and aid to do the unnatural and you'll begin to see the manifestations of what you wonder how they'll be. Mary didn't get pregnant by the will of man. That holy thing was conceived supernaturally. All the prophecies you have received concerning being the head of nations will not come to pass by your desire or hard work superiorly but by God's Spirit aiding you. Only the Spirit makes difficult things easy. How do the sick, the deaf, the blind, the halt, the lunatic etc get healed? It is by God's Spirit overshadowing a minister and using him to touch them. Healing doesn't happen by the minister remaining man but rather being altered as a man through whom the oil could flow. It's that oil otherwise known as the anointing or Holy Spirit that now heals. How could a man in his lifetime take the gospel to the ends of the earth and plant churches at every five minutes trek of every place? How easy is it turning a jungle into a city where the headquarters would be settled to draw all races to itself if not through the handle of the calling leveraged on by the Holy Spirit overshadowing one? How could a nonentity and the despised build orphanages, schools, health institutions e.t.c from his calling if not for the Holy Spirit that has overshadowed him and now makes him able to get this done? Do you think it's easy opening branches? In the secular, people have retail outlets. Ask them how difficult it is for them opening another one let alone going from nations to nations and having branches where they don't know people from Adams. That is why Gabriel said to Mary, "Don't worry. I know it is a difficult, hard and impossible task. Meanwhile, with and by the Spirit, it is accomplishable. What will happen won't be by or through any man but by the Holy Spirit's overshadowing (aiding) you.
Look, there's nothing that can't be cracked by the Holy Ghost. He masters all impossibilities and makes them answers. If you have received a promise, prophecy or a revelation of what to become but same seems too gigantic in your sight, don't fight it but surrender to it in order to be the vessel on which they'll be done. Just believe by the Spirit's aiding or swallowing you up that nothing shall be impossible. Today, the testimony that they'll begin to give concerning you and I is "by the Spirit", even if the thing to do is harder than a stone.
PRAYER: Lord, anoint me afresh for my assignments - to fulfill calling (destiny). Anoint me specifically for (mention them).
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Obadiah 1:1-21, Revelation 4:1-11, Psalm 132:1-18, Proverbs 29:24-25
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