Tuesday, 14 December 2021




THE MEETING OF PROPHECY AND TIME - Spirit's Turning Series 002

READ II Kings 7:1-20

Luke 1:34-35, KJV

"34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? 35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".

I had the blessing of visiting the headquarters of the largest denomination on earth recently. I was left in awe at what God could do through a singular man He's delighted in and has called. I started asking myself how he has been able to do all the things that span the whole world which are visible and have gone as testimonies that we hear. The answer I got was that of Mary when she asks, "how will this thing be?" Gabriel replied, "The Most High will overshadow you". It is this overshadowing that will lead to Mary being able to do the impossible - conceive a child without having had sex or reported to have passed through the natural process of conception common to all women. Who don't know that is an impossibility but which however defies gravity! May God do you a miracle where He'll choose for you that will break processes. Mary also reasoned this prophecy but she didn't doubt it. She rather accepts it [Luke 1:38]. Come to such place of rest even if you don't know the details or road to its fulfilment. The nature of prophecy is to offer the conclusion only while the walk is yet to be walked. I beg once more, in your reasoning prophecy, don't doubt it. Consequences do follow it even if you'll later have it. People fall into the trap of doubting prophecy because it is always too high. Too high that even the wise will call it void and call God's mouthpiece a liar. That's why that Lord in all his human wisdom, investigation of the situation, conclusion of same as impossible said, "even if the Lord would make windows in heaven, might this thing be? [II Kings 7:2]" Even that one - the making of windows in heaven, I believe it since God's arm has been afore shown me on occasions that defies my thinking. Yet, God didn't have to go that extra mile before He brought to pass what He had said. He only had to create a circumstance on earth (while still using the Syrians as His test tubes) and rather not aspire heaven in order to bring to pass what He had said. 

Prophecies always make  fool of men. There's always a reason to doubt it. However, don't behave like that Lord. No matter how high a thing may be - taller than you or far off from your sight or farther away from your understanding, just believe that "with God nothing shall be impossible" [Luke  1:37,KJV]. We don't reason many natural things or take thought for them as to doubt their coming to pass. God that gives the prophecy, promises, vision and revelation will fulfill it. Its coming to pass does not hinges on how you've been able to find out how God might work it out. God always conceals His work so that when wrath, it will be seen and esteemed as a miracle. When a couple have intercourse, do they worry themselves as to how the sperm will fertilize the egg? Do they worry on the inner working inside of the woman? What they concern themselves with is, "intercourse". There's a God that sees to the sperm fertilizing the egg after that. That's His own specialization. May I tell you too, the sperm will hit the egg. They will meet. Your prophecy and time will collide and like a man born out of due season, you'll emerge into destiny and God's will for you. Mary became God's handmaiden on whom the impossibility was wrath. It's my prayer that God will find you a vessel to use to display His unlimitedness to the world. So, don't be caged in your thinking. Let your mind be very spacious to accommodate the future your spirit is downloading into your soul. May I tell you that if a very great future is revealing itself to you through your mind and you wonder if in years to come you'll become that, I tell you, you'll become it by believing and working actively towards all you've perceived. The receiving of prophecy is not the end of active steps. If you have a prophecy of prosperity, you must still work because God is looking for a justified means that won't be illegal, criminal or evil to bless you. When abundance came at the gate of Samaria, the people went out to gather their ration. They exercised faith towards possessing what they've being prophesied to. Look, are there things you harbour in your mind as "too deep, way heavy or too wonderful to utter or share?" Their manifestation is at hand. The zeal of the Lord God of hosts is doing it.

PRAYER: God watches over His word to perform same. As He has spoken, so will He do. He isn't a liar. May your faith not crack up from fueling your vision and at the sight of your prophecy. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jonah 1:1-4-11, Revelation 5:1-14, Psalm 133:1-3, Proverbs 29:26-27

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