IF IT IS WITH GOD - Spirit Turning Series 004
Luke 1:36-37, KJV
"36 And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. 37 For with God nothing shall be impossible".
If it is with God, nothing shall be impossible. If it is with men, you know as I do that many things will be impossible. Do you know why? The frame of man is dust and the power he weaves is one only allowed him by God. He is not the most supreme in the universe. He will forever be limited except an external power comes to be with him. The Bible however speaks of God as the Governor among all the nations [Psalms 22:28]. He created all and so has authority to deal with all His creatures in ways He desires. You're welcome to the reading of odd things again. For awhile, we've been studying about doing the impossible because of the power of the Highest which will overshadow and aid us. Gabriel while interacting with Mary also let a cat out of the bag. Should I say he gossiped to Mary about Elizabeth who was at that time really old but has become pregnant and was in her sixth month? While Gabriel was drawing his conclusion, he said, "for nothing is impossible with God". This was despite the fact that Elizabeth has been labelled barren and one whose matter has closed and can't bring forth again. Same is rather in her sixth month already. Imagine that! Did you see it's odd. It's like saying this is he they say can't leave the shore of his country but has travelled the whole world. We have heard of Benny Prasad who travelled the whole 195 nations of the world. God surpasses all. He surpasses doctor's report. If it is men that says "no way" somewhere and not God, you can still hope for a way. It even means there's a way since He who created them, you and all things haven't spoken. Anyone can say whatsoever, take any decision and print out any report but unless we have God's report, we actually don't know which to believe. God's report is, "did you see her who they said it is final for. Look at her who they said is old and barren. She's rather in her sixth month. Isn't that a miracle that reveals, "with God nothing shall be impossible".
How many of you believe "for with God, nothing shall be impossible?" Do you believe you can be used by God to preach, teach, heal, plant churches, release albums, establish institutions, change national and world politics, invent, fund projects and do all others? Smith Wigglesworth raised 21 dead. I'll raise over 121. With God, nothing shall be impossible. "Nothing" means all things shall be possible with God. Name it. Is it a situation, event, dream, desire, goal or revelation? Is it a crooked situation like the one Solomon said can't be straightened back? [Eccl.1:15]. If God accompanies you, they will be possible. No impossibility with God. This might sound bogus but it's not. It is WITH GOD not WITH MAN. To us, the sense of unreliability of men may bring the dark feeling of seeing God as not been all capable also. However, believe that "with God NOTHING shall be impossible".
"With God" means if God is a participator with you. I have been writing the devotional for six years now. It's getting better, richer and more impacting. How could a man be doing this except God is with him? One devotional that I publish a day is what could be broken into two or three devotionals. I so much have much revelation by the Spirit to offer that I devised teaching in series on a singular line of thought. With God, nothing shall be impossible. The impossible is softened with God and suddenly you'll feel able and capable of achieving or doing the impossible. All of you who have received a glorious future but have been asking like Mary, "how will this thing be?" I'm hearing in my spirit an echo of "with God, all things are possible." If you want to fetch a water from a deep well, do you fetch with your hand? Will it reach? However, in your own wisdom, you'll send a fetcher. That container you send is with what you're accomplishing the task of fetching water. The task of doing anything - easy or more importantly difficult or thought to be difficult is by God or should be by God. Only then will you have the testimony of "so, it is possible and this simple!" That's when you can say difficult things are made easy. Some of you may not believe it is hard writing daily. Go and start and see if you won't finish after awhile. If that possibility exists, it means if you see any doing it, something is aiding them. An external power that was not previously with them or theirs is helping. In our case, it's the Holy Ghost from the Father. It has overshadowed us like it did Mary. It is with God that it is possible for any doing the impossible. If you see someone minister with healing and miracles, it is with God. Everything is with God and when it is with God, we reap the testimony of been able to bend a bow of bronze or accomplish difficult things. I heard, "with God nothing shall be impossible" no matter how impossible those things are or look. Nothing means anything you could think of. If you so believe, you'll have the mindset to act towards whatsoever God is offering you. If He tells you, you'll reach the whole earth in their languages, you won't doubt it even if you're not on the national stage now that you've hit seventy. Mary didn't know any man but with God she conceived. Tell someone, if it is with God, impossibility (no matter how numerous) becomes possible.
PRAYER: Lord, may I first believe and then see that indeed WITH YOU, nothing (in any form they exist) is impossible.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Micah 1:1-4:13, Revelation 6:1-17, Psalm 134:1-3, Proverbs 30:1-4
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