Thursday, 19 August 2021





Jonah 1:5, KJV

"15 Then the mariners were afraid, and cried every man unto his god, and cast forth the wares that were in the ship into the sea, to lighten it of them. But Jonah was gone down into the sides of the ship; and he lay, and was fast asleep.  1:6 So the shipmaster came to him, and said unto him, What meanest thou, O sleeper? arise, call upon thy God, if so be that God will think upon us, that we perish not.

There's difference between the storm rises and it becomes defiant. In today's passage, the storm rose at the ship bearing Jonah. Everybody was fine and no one took thought to call the supernatural into their natural, divinity or a deity into their humanness until what was working for them stopped working. The ship was having good sail until the Lord sent against it a wind.

Jonah 1:4, KJV

"But the LORD sent out a great wind into the sea, and there was a mighty tempest in the sea, so that the ship was like to be broken."

It was this that brought them to the place of calling for help. That place says, "the ship got where it threatened to break or was about to break." If it breaks, they know what danger they would be in. So, they cried to their gods. These were heathen mariners yet they prayed. There's no one on earth that has not prayed, is not praying or will not pray to someone even if He doesn't give that acknowledgement to God Almighty.

Look, man will always get to a place where his training, education, experience and everything that's human can't surmount what faces him again. On that note, he'll need an external help. Even at such time, such men don't mind where it comes from. That's even why some Christians backslide after trusting God for a breakthrough but which tarries. If it could be gotten elsewhere, they'll do. Man seeks relieve in trouble and this can in turn make him acknowledge God or any god. Mind you, another human can substitute God also.

Sense of dignity isn't maintained when one gets to this brink of life where death matters. You immediately fling away your estimation for yourself and cry unto the place where you believe your help can come from. Since you're a Christian, that's God. 

Jesus in His own days in the flesh prayed to God in a described manner that shows His helplessness. You too, when your day comes, you'll pray. Those days are not interesting. They come to humble us and show us we are humans who shouldn't be divorced from the supernatural or God. 

Look, there are many things you can do for yourself but once same get out of hand, transfer the issue in prayer. Mariners are familiar with storm but when this one began to get out of hand, they knew to pray. Who knows when last they prayed as an act of obedience and loyalty but that day, they were forced to cry unto their god. What's the lesson?Let not your desperate situation force prayers on you. Rather, enforce prayers on your situation. Pray before trouble comes. Preemptive prayers preserves you the future.

PRAYER: Lord, I overcome any current storm. Glory over it.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezra 10:1-44, 1 Corinthians 6:1-20, Psalm 31:9-18, Proverbs 21:3

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Wednesday, 18 August 2021





Read Luke 22:39-44, Matthew 26:36-44

Hebrews 5:7, NIV

"During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission."

Where NIV version says, "during the days of Jesus' life on earth"; KJV says, "In the days of His flesh." I'll say I like both. 

What happen during the days of Jesus' flesh? The days of His flesh was when He was here; when He once walked and lived on this earth; when He ate like we eat now and was a man of like passion just like us and like Elijah was. What happen to Him?

We were told that He found Himself in a strait. You can call it the most difficult situation on earth. Nothing can be as difficult as death knocking on one's door or one knowing his life will soon be taken! Who will rejoice and begin to clap especially when it seems more is still expected of one or one can still give more? So, on this hard day when it appeared glaringly to Jesus that the time of His being offered for sin draws near, He responded with something. He offered up PRAYERS and PETITIONS with FERVENT CRIES and TEARS to somebody. The very One who could save Him from death. That was His Father, our Father. The One all prayers are directed to. The One unto whom all flesh comes because He answers prayers. 

Yesterday, you saw what "petition" was. It's entreaties or pleas. Imagine Jesus doing that. No one is on his own. Let all of us know it. Don't say, "I can't humble myself or nothing can bend me." Even Jesus, something bent Him. Whenever the day of shaking appears, man can't but be moved. It is such days that make it a necessity for us to seek the stability of God and pray in a manner that we will find for ourselves and not one we would be called into like: "open your mouth and cry wide", as dictated by the one leading the prayer. 

In the quoted verse above, you could see the trouble of Jesus. He got to His own full stop and though He had been praying willingly before, He can't but pray again because of a need that shows up in a seemingly way that looked as if He would be swallowed by it. An African proverb says, "when a child encounters fear; he sure must be moved." That is, he can't but act somehow or someway that has been already predetermined. Fear is fearful and it can shake one. Today quoted verse actually reveals Jesus praying in Gethsemane. What happen in Gethsemane? He prayed that the cup would pass over Him but while rather acknowledging why He was sent on earth. So, He said, "let thy (God's, My Father's will) be done.

The battle could have been lost here. Experiencing this and knowing what's to come of the suffering to endure, he quavers under the heaviness of such task. The Bible said as he prayed, his sweat became as thick as blood. Does that not describe to you droplets from a labourer falling to the ground? [Luke 22:39-44]. It shows what sort of hard work He was apprenticed to at that time. If Jesus had given up at Gethsemane, that would have been the end. The victory at the cross was first the victory obtained at Gethsemane for there wouldn't have been any victory at the cross if the battle of will and acceptance of assignment was defeated, forfeited and lost here. 

So, on that day, Jesus prayed and petitioned God with hot cries and tears. Imagine how he prayed. I've heard people say, "cry aloud to God" before. That's not sinful or bad. Meanwhile, you can cry aloud without being told or taught when you find yourself in circumstances that looks like a day of death to you too. Our needs will dictate what we pray and how we pray it. Your need can teach you prayer. Jesus' bent Him to pray and He did so in an extraordinarily sympathetic was. He so much needed help lest He collapsed under the weight of that assignment that even an angel was released to strengthen Him. 

No one that's on this earth is therefore offered an escape from prayer. If such is not praying now, it is because the day of his own emergency and fear hasn't arrived. When Jesus' arrived, He prayed earnestly until the by-product from his body was as thick as blood! What a labour, a groaning and a crushing! The reason why we can't but pray is that as long as we are on this earth, in this life, in this realm, we will sure be needy. Even if you don't make a practice of prayer, your need one day will drive you to pray. Even if you don't know Jehovah, you'll make prayers on your own day of need to a place where you believe your help can come from. No one is excluded. No middle ground either. You can't but pray. All of us including atheists have made prayers before even if it was to a mere man. If you tell another for instance, "please, ensure you come to pick me up." What have you done? You have prayed them to do you something you can't do for yourself at that time even if you know how to drive. You have asked, begged or pleaded for something. Even when your statement is void of the word, "please", you'll still be deemed to have made a request that's not in your capacity to fulfill but of another. 

Now, because all of us will find ourselves in a look alike situation of Jesus; where we will be fretted, surrounded on all sides, distressed, confounded with compounded problems, we can't but look somewhere for help. On Jesus' day, He did that like a child. He didn't keep His dignity or let His hand remain in his pocket while doing that. Some things will snatch "ego, show off and pride" from you. Such is the day likened to Jesus' day of death that can't but come upon you in this life. It may be the falling sick of a child, the involving in an accident of a spouse, the immediate need of money to pay an embarrassing debt. All these and other helps which you may on that day need will make you too take a posture or do acts that will make mockers to diminish and laugh at your show of calling unto God. When this day of sobriety, humiliation and challenge comes, may the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ hearken unto you too just like He hearkened unto Jesus and supported Him to drink His cup. 

May this Psalm find fulfilment on you at such time when you need an anchor that keeps the soul. 

Psalms 20:1, KJV 

"The LORD hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee."

PRAYER: Lord, stay close to me as I walk this earth in this my lifetime. When the day likened unto Jesus' day of death draws near, hearken to my cry and be my fortitude.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Nehemiah 12:27-13:31, 1 Corinthians 11:1-16, Psalm 35:1-16, Proverbs 21:17-18

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Tuesday, 17 August 2021





Daniel 6:10-11, KJV

"10 Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime. 11 Then these men assembled, and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his God."

When you read, "prayerlessness is pride", you may enquire plainly or wonder with ego why it is pride. That's why one of the things that's difficult to judge by all that's written instantly for meditation is a quote. It is not all quotes that seems so glaringly explanatory at contact. A quote is like a tip of the iceberg. The iceberg itself is deep down and more massive than the tip. You can't even have the tip without the iceberg. My quotes are from my teachings for instance. And at times when I receive a quote before a teaching, I could then go to do a teaching from the quote. So, don't be quick to judge. Those who won't judge are those who have had that revelation of why prayerlessness is pride already or those who are meek to learn. 

Prayerlessness is pride! In today's passage, Daniel was caught praying to God. In the words of his accusers, he was praying and making supplication to God. 

When we pray, what do we do? We acknowledge another's presence or existence. We address an invisible God that by faith we believe exists and rules in the affairs of men. No one prays that don't believe God exists first of all. The Bible says, " he that comes to God must believe that He is and that He's a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. [Hebrews 11:6]"

In prayer, you acknowledge your helplessness the moment you begin to speak to God about something or someone. If you could help yourself, you wouldn't look unto another. That's what reliance is all about. That's what self sufficiency is. So, any that prays or prays often can be described as humble because it takes humility to acknowledge somebody else over oneself. 

Now, when we come to pray, what do we do? We make supplications. This is a type of prayer. You can come to God to declare or make decrees but in Daniel's case which I believe you've fallen into before, he was making petition otherwise known as supplication to God. Supplication is also entreaty. What does it mean to entreat? It means to beg. "Begging" here don't connote having the slavish mental attitude of not being bold or believing God is One's Father. Have we not been told "to come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need [Hebrews  4:16]?"

Now, a going up is to get what accomplished? "To receive help." 

Any that acknowledges he need something but which he can't give himself but looks unto another to give can't but pray. So, if you're this reliant on another, you're not proud. That's why those that are wealthy according to human standard tend to be proud thinking they are a self contain kind of people. Why many of them proclaim themselves atheists is because of all they have working for them in the natural. Affluence can make you detach from God or even any human relationship while equipping you with the mindset of my money answers all things. Was it not said of Jeshurun that when he grew fat, he kicked against the Lord? [Deut.32:5]. Was it not said of Uzziah that after the Lord helped him till he was strong [could then stood on his own] kicked against God? A revelation that one can declare his detachment at the revelation that he is now something.

Whether you decree or supplicate, you still acknowledge somebody over you and you trust Him to bring to pass what you're praying on. "Prayer" or "praying" is an encompassing word. It describes many types of prayers. That's why we were told to "pray always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints [Ephesians  6:18]."

We humans must know that we are not on our own. If you claim there are what you can do for yourself without God. It must be clear to you also that there be many things you'll need the supernatural to do for you. If you don't want to seek the devil for what's unnatural which you can't accomplish, you're left with no option but to submit to God, believe He is, take his yoke (demands on you) and pray to Him while you await Him show His obligation towards your prayers.

Daniel didn't say he was enough. He was the number one politician amidst all appointed by the king. Yet, he was found to often go back (detaching from the kingdom duties) to pray and supplicate to God. No wonder, though he was popularly known as Daniel, many prophecies of the end time was still received by him. That makes him a prophet.

Daniel's prayers to God shows his need of God. Your day/moments of prayerlessness reveals your not being a needy again. It's my prayer that perpetually, we will be needy so we can be tossed back to Him. Show me he who has no need to meet now or later in the future and I'll show you a man that can do away with God and man. It is need that makes us cry to the one Jesus offered prayers unto in the days of His flesh. When you're shaken but needs the stability that no man can provide, you'll need to look up somewhere for help. May that be to God!

PRAYER: Lord, may I see my helplessness as to often pray to You for help.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezra 10:1-44, 1 Corinthians 6:1-20, Psalm 31:9-18, Proverbs 21:3

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Monday, 16 August 2021





READ 1 Kings 18:21-39

1 Kings 18:38,KJV

"Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench."

While man avoid impediments knowing it hinders or limit him; God rejoices when there are impediments on His own way. He even seek for one which He can glory over.

Elijah at the time of sacrifice did something that I considered out of tune. Apart from the fact that the animal offered is wet with blood (making it difficult to be consumed), Elijah requested that water should be poured on the sacrifice until it flows around the altar without leaving the trench out.  That is, the wood, meat etc were all very much soaked and were dripping with water.

Hope this isn't an exercise of pride? The sacrifice is very wet, yet you're making it more difficult to be burnt or consumed by fire by pouring over and over on it water.

I Kings 18:33-34,KJV

"...Fill four barrels with water, and pour it on the burnt sacrifice, and on the wood. And he said, Do it the second time. And they did it the second time. And he said, Do it the third time. And they did it the third time."

Did you see that an impediment is created for fire to consume the sacrifice, wood and all associated with it? That is an impediment. Why would Elijah request they pour not even water once on this sacrifice? He wanted to register in the minds of the people how mighty God is. He wanted to proof a point that God not only consumes sacrifice that are free of such impediments but ones that have strong impediments like this one woven around it.

What happen when fire came down on the sacrifice? The Bible recorded astoundingly that the water was licked. Naturally, it is water that could overpower fire. Now, it is the fire overpowering what it shouldn't have overpowered. More so, the overpowering was described with a sense as if the fire has a mouth with which it licked to dryness the water.

Did you see the so many impediments the fire consumed? It didn't exclude the stones. Nothing could withstand it. 

That's a lesson we have to learn about the will of God. The will of God is like a big train moving at a great speed. It is not afraid of anything before it. If there are irons, stones or what have you in its track, it is still not afraid. The train can't be hindered. It will grind or knock it all out of its way to pass. So also, the will of God is a grinder and a knocker off of hindrances in its passage. This is why you must not be found standing against what the Lord has authored and He is set doing at one time or the other. If you decide to become a constraint to the fulfillment of what God has determined, you become grinded to fine dust like a grinder blends things to fine dust.

What is the testimony of the people afterwards? "The Lord, he is the God" That's what they were chorusing. That left them in awe. They were astounded at what manner of God this is that consumed the sacrifice with all the impediments that surrounds it about.

God is not afraid of the difficulties in your life. He is even looking for challenges to exercise His authority over. When problems see God, they gravitate towards Him because God is their bulldozer. Today, the impediments in your life and path are consumed by God's fire.

PRAYER: Lord God, glory over the impediments that besets my life round about.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezra 7:1-8:20, 1 Corinthians 4:1-21, Psalm 30:1-12, Proverbs 20:28-30

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Sunday, 15 August 2021





Read Psalm 56

Psalms 56:9, KJV

"When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me."

It is because you have not cried. Don't argue with God or regard His servant a liar. I say once more, "the reason for your smallness and continuity in this negative cycle is because of one thing and that is 'your having not cried to God.' You have to scare your enemy. You have to roar and until then, they won't be terrified and destabilized. Until you show your determination for change by crying, don't expect a new beginning. You must know action births reaction. 

Today's word from God says, " when you cry unto God, then will your enemies turn back." It stands to reason if you don't cry to the Lord, your enemies will keep pursuing. They will keep harassing, seeking your downfall etc. However, if your enemies can be so relaxed as to make the mistake of giving you the opportunity to cry to God in prayer, I don't care how much they are, they'll all flee. If they're witches, they'll stop working on your cases. If they're spirits, they'll immediately cease. That's what you reap when you CRY unto the Lord. Even if your enemy is a president of a nation, he must turn back. He must turn back doesn't mean he'll die. It means he'll give up on you. Who are those that needs to give up on you? I say, "give up today." God with you or God that is called into your matter or called to take over your matter is what the enemy detests and can't withstand. That's the key to winning. Don't fight in your strength or wisdom. Call unto God. His presence can't be refuted but yours can still be taken for granted and debated. 

Look, there's a change of season in the spirit. In this season, God is making your winning over your enemy (devil, your arch enemy and his cohorts) and any stubborn human being that has vowed to see to your end easier by leaning what you'll do to just one thing. Now, what's that thing? Just to cry unto Him. You must know where your deliverance will come from. It is by crying to God. It is from Him.

When the Bible says when you cry to the Lord, your enemies shall turn back, the imagery being painted is that of two armies fighting in battle. When one is stronger for the other to handle, what happens to that weak one? It runs. It turns its back (change position from fighting its opponent face to face) to fleeing. There and then, they'll throw down their weapons of war, do away with encumbrances and flee as much as possible for escape. This is where as much as my legs can carry me is implemented. They won't even look back because the terror of you will be on them really well. The only thought in their mind would be safety - to the hills, to the caves, to the rocks, to the holes. 

Crying to God literally has to do with praying but it means fervent prayer. It is a hot boiling prayer. A prayer birthed from the revelation of, "you've done enough. I also want rest and want to be in full possession and control of what is mine." That's the kind that can turn anything. 

James 5:16-17, KJV

"...The EFFECTUAL FERVENT PRAYER of a righteous man AVAILETH MUCH.  5:17 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he PRAYED EARNESTLY that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months."

Mind you, it is "when I CRY unto the Lord and not when I PRAY unto the Lord." "Crying" to the Lord is also praying to the Lord but crying to the Lord is much more with zeal, demand for change, focus, faith and a laying hold for a turn around. Here, you know why you're praying and that reason is propelling you to pray really hard. Here, they don't need to dictate prayer points to you before you bend the knee. Realization of the fact that your enemies must turn their back is enough. Your goal is to stop all the men or spirits at work in your life and put the stop sign to their faces. Road closed! Door slammed! Entry blocked!

Symbolically and generally, "crying or praying" there means taking the needed action where it's needed. When you cry to the Lord, your enemy will turn their back and flee. When you study, you'll pass as well. When you apply labour and hard work, you'll come back with profit as well because in all labour, there's profit.

Did you see how God has made simple what will make you victorious easy to do? Just do an act and reap the consequential outcome. It is those that cry that will turn their enemies away. Those that keep quiet can't have that result. That is why, you must pray differently this morning. Where, what or whom do you need to cry to God for? Raise prayers as inspired and triggered by this teaching and the Holy Spirit and see the result.

I hear, "the result will be immediate. The anointing has brought it within your reach." Once you begin to see it anytime soon, share your testimonies with me here: +234 81 3704 6812 or the mail downward. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Nehemiah 7:73-9:21, 1 Corinthians 9:1-18, Psalm 33:12-22, Proverbs 21:11-12

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Saturday, 14 August 2021





Ecclesiastes 1:15, KJV

“That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered.”

Is it true? I mean, is this Bible verse true of crooked things? Is it true that once a thing solidifies in life and becomes what it wants to become, it can’t change again or be disassembled? Is it true? The preacher said “that which is crooked cannot be made straight…” It is not a joke. He meant the truth and you should be serious to what God has to say on this matter that concerns you. 

It means once a thing goes wrong in the beginning, correcting it or putting adjustment to it becomes impossible or let’s say almost impossible. You will agree with me that there are many mistakes you have made. Many of these mistakes wanted to be corrected or reversed but it was just not possible. They have been done and they have been done. Period! You even seeked to make amendments with tears but despite that the line drawn cannot be erased. It seems to have been a line drawn with a permanent marker that can’t be wiped off again. It seems permanent. Even when you’ve been forgiving and have personally released the past, the memories are still there.

The fact that crooked things cannot be made straight should serve as enough warning for us to take our time not to hastily make decisions that becomes impossible to alter in latter days. Once you go a particular path in life and it turns out to be the wrong road, that is it.  You have created a life that will be with you forever. You won’t be able to do much to reverse all the outcomes and results seen on that road.

That is why, it is what is that will eventually be. That is why, it is what you know now you will eventually know at full stature. If you are known for waking up late daily with other habits that a youth on morning wings should not cultivate, that may be the vehicle and practices that will continually carry you into the future. Most especially, once a man reaches the solidifying stage of life where habits have already being formed and only needed to be improved on, he can’t change much about himself even when he wanted to. If you don’t learn how to speak correct English now, that may be it forever. You may continue to destroy English Grammar even at fifty.

This idea of a crooked thing cannot be straightened is what is behind good home training. My mother will say a fresh fish can still be bent but a dry one can’t. Any attempt to bend it is wanting to break it eventually. It simply means once a thing takes an accustomed posture or position over the years, it is stupidity to come a day and say “today is your day, you will be changed.” In the first instance, did it take a day to become that which it has become?

This is why it is difficult for hardened older sinners to get born again. They have identified with crookedness until they become crooked. Wanting to separate them from that way of life that they have acclimatized with is like wanting to separate the Spirit from the body. That is why it takes more than persuasion to get them born again. It takes the power and outworking of God even if you don’t sound persuasive or convinced that your message can turn a thing to get them into the fold. It becomes almost difficult even after being born again maintaining the new life. If you are observant, you will see the traces of once being crooked in their lives. It will be evident. Why? It almost becomes impossible for a crooked thing to be straightened. The mark that that’s who they are will often cry forth and come on the scene. So, the solution is not to get to the place of crookedness where all sort of twistedness and confusion reigns as the order of the day in one’s life.

It is a true fact that once one becomes someway, it may be difficult changing colours. That may mean, that’s how one will stay till eternity. So, don’t let things come to this point of crookedness/stillness where they will be deviant to solutions to have them turned. I don’t know if you’ve ever presented a case before a professional before with a response like “madam/sir, we can’t do much about it. It has become stiffed. But you should have come earlier.” If a professional i.e a doctor tells you that about your health, I wonder where you will turn. God is there anyway!

If you have ever worked to loosen rusted bolts before, you will understand what it means for a thing to have become crooked. The bolt won’t loosen by itself with the use of a spanner on it. You will need to pour oil on it and allow it to be eased. That will take days at times before it will be ready to be loosened. Why that long process? Because it has become crooked. In wanting to adjust a crooked thing, a thing that has gone into coma, you spend much effort than wanting to awake a thing that has just fallen asleep.

So, If you want to correct, adjust and redirect, do so when there is still flexibility and accommodation for such. If that thing should stagnate, no professional can easily immediately call it to another way.

PRAYER: I receive wisdom to make good decisions as I go and grow.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezra 4:24-6:22, 1 Corinthians 3:5-23, Psalm 29:1-11, Proverbs 20:26-27

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Friday, 13 August 2021

HOW TO ASSURE A WOMAN: Eliminating Fear & Insecurity in Relationships


We all want security. It has even become a great need in our time. From the churning out of armoured vehicles to the recruitment of professional guards, all point to the need for security of life especially.

We want job security also. No employee wants to be in danger of being laid off at the leisure of the employer just like that. You crave for permanence and none making you afraid. If you have the secret fear of losing your job any time soon, it will affect your performance on that job. You can never never give your best. How can you be on a job where the threat you're hearing often is, "I'll just sack you!"

I've found out one of the greatest needs of women also. It is security. Is your wife or fiancée secured in that relationship? If she's unsure of you but doubtful you're still not hers, then, both of you can't build together. 

When a woman loves you, she'll lose her heart to you. She'll personally sacrifice for you. Women don't like competition. Your wife or your fiancée don't want another female's name, personality or description to overshadow hers. Leave that space. She even don't want your friends or colleagues to take her place in you. Not even your job. Are we saying be careless with what will feed you all? No. Just ensure in all you do, she's the one the spotlight is always on in your life. Make her have rights and a thick sense of laying claim on you anytime she wants. Nothing gives a woman importance, value and confidence than if her car develops a fault and she could call you while you leave all promptly to join her there; replace her vehicle with yours while you battle with the problem. You have just told her, "I only live for you." If you're out with friends and she can lay hold on you and have you come back home just to be with her, you have purchased for yourself a testimony and witness that money can't buy. You may get home to find out there is nothing in particular she was calling you for though she sounded somehow serious on phone. Do you know what she wants? Fellowship that comes through seeing your presence - that masculine father figure round her and the children. There's no time to speak into the heart of a woman than when you're stroking her. Just whisper into her ears 'I'm yours and yours only.' She may say, 'awwwwn?' You know, as if to question your integrity on that but don't worry, she already believes that. It is only when you've made your wife a Thomas through consistent and over the years acts of perforation that she'll request you to prove it. Don't be surprised if she asks you to swear by requesting for another covenant (one she will now solely oversees). Look at these verse.

Hebrews 6:16, KJV

"16 For men verily swear by the greater: and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife."

While we were much younger, I'd personally asked people to swear to end the strife or doubt in my heart over matters. At times, we bit the coin or the paper money. We sworn in the names of gods as requested for by the ones whose strife we wanted to end. Oath is for confirmation and until then, no consolation is received on the said matter. There will always be reasons to be afraid or anticipate probabilities. "I'm not saying it is not so as you've said but let me be assured it's so by your giving me an oath." That's that thing!

Don't get to a place where your wife because of being perforated by insecurity which comes upon her overtime will require you to swear by another thing outside the marriage covenant that is binding on you both. It shows you've been failing. I tell you, a woman can go any length to possess a man for herself especially if she's the serious type who wants to keep her husband and is zealously jealous to protect her territory and have you for her children only [...and she's correct. That's how it should be]. Don't be surprised if she brought out a thing from her wardrobe and asks you to do some rituals with her. To her, the marriage covenant can't hold again. She has to improvise and lock you with her through another means. If you're not careful, that's the beginning of demonic entrance into your family and from there, your wife can by witchcraft begin to lord it over you. Off course if you refuse, you've given her a more solid ground to continue to believe in what she has already come to believe of you. Your only escape is to open up to your pastor who will call both of you for settlement. At day's end, you'll see you pushed her where she became insecure until she needed security which she sought in what the heathen believes strikes down at once when violated. Only after settlement and clarity of all things will she be able to trust you again. Why is this education coming? There may be men who are ignorantly doing what makes their wives suspicious and doubtful of them.

But when you pass through the correct road of not making her afraid and she is not indeed; you can measure her being confident you're hers at times by this sense of security that will make your wife treat you like her child or what she has obtained and she's just sure 'it is my thing.' Don't be offended. That's how to gauge she's secured and assure you're not out of hand. She can just boldly call you by your name or command you to do something. But you'll know that it is not to insult you. That act comes from being secured that I have rights to turn you wherever I want [smiles]. At least, we own ourselves. No third party.

Please, make her feel esteemed, really appreciated and loved. If you're a speaker, often speak of her in admiring words in front of your audience. Let it be known to many that she's the only queen in your castle. If her own soul knows this right well, there won't be any cause for shaking.

The Bible says,

Job 11:18-19, KJV 

"18 And thou shalt be SECURE, because there is hope; yea, thou shalt dig about thee, and thou shalt take thy REST in SAFETY. 19 Also thou shalt LIE DOWN, and NONE shall make thee AFRAID; yea, many shall make suit unto thee."

Contextually, that place speaks of clearing oneself from any unrighteousness with God as to be able to enjoy those listed benefits. Meanwhile, it's relevant to our study.

It is God's will that you will feel secured. One must be assured no danger or harm can strike one suddenly when one is taking his rest. Your wife must be able to take her rest also, close her two eyes, put her legs on the table without a beating heart. Any who has lost rest is troubled or has an unknown fear. That fear of losing one's spouse is an evil fear. If it's demonically sponsored, I break its hold off you. 

If it's humanly caused, the spouse concerned should take practical steps in eradicating it. Your family may not enjoy stability until your wife is made the possessor of the entire you. Women like it when they know they're in control of their husbands. "In control" here doesn't mean leading or giving him instructions. It means being assured he's for her wholly and his life is sold out to look after her only, their children and not any other contestant. They're verily assured when your action, speech or demeanour don't suggest they are strangers. If she feels this good about you, look, she's secured and you have passed the test of trust.

Also, don't arouse her suspicion or jealousy sense in wanting to make her know your value or appreciate you the more. Your own relationship may not survive that. Some did and they still made it; some did and they failed. If you make your partner jealous, untold evil can penetrate your family indescribably.

In your house, let it be known that she's the only Mount Zion which can't be moved. Even in your cracking jokes, never say 'she will one day go to her place or know her level.' Even, if she refuses you sex or becomes stiff at times, don't recompense her or force her to be willing by sputtering, 'thank God, you're thankfully not the only one.' That may take a minute to say but may take eternity to erase. 

On all her special days, have her in remembrance and start the celebration of these her days ahead of time. Drop hints around of those days and really make her loved by doing something new or surprising. 

Finally, don't forget your wife or spouse is your real only reward on earth. So, give time and attention to take pleasure in her/him.

Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria. 

+234 81 37 04 68 12.
