Saturday, 14 August 2021





Ecclesiastes 1:15, KJV

“That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered.”

Is it true? I mean, is this Bible verse true of crooked things? Is it true that once a thing solidifies in life and becomes what it wants to become, it can’t change again or be disassembled? Is it true? The preacher said “that which is crooked cannot be made straight…” It is not a joke. He meant the truth and you should be serious to what God has to say on this matter that concerns you. 

It means once a thing goes wrong in the beginning, correcting it or putting adjustment to it becomes impossible or let’s say almost impossible. You will agree with me that there are many mistakes you have made. Many of these mistakes wanted to be corrected or reversed but it was just not possible. They have been done and they have been done. Period! You even seeked to make amendments with tears but despite that the line drawn cannot be erased. It seems to have been a line drawn with a permanent marker that can’t be wiped off again. It seems permanent. Even when you’ve been forgiving and have personally released the past, the memories are still there.

The fact that crooked things cannot be made straight should serve as enough warning for us to take our time not to hastily make decisions that becomes impossible to alter in latter days. Once you go a particular path in life and it turns out to be the wrong road, that is it.  You have created a life that will be with you forever. You won’t be able to do much to reverse all the outcomes and results seen on that road.

That is why, it is what is that will eventually be. That is why, it is what you know now you will eventually know at full stature. If you are known for waking up late daily with other habits that a youth on morning wings should not cultivate, that may be the vehicle and practices that will continually carry you into the future. Most especially, once a man reaches the solidifying stage of life where habits have already being formed and only needed to be improved on, he can’t change much about himself even when he wanted to. If you don’t learn how to speak correct English now, that may be it forever. You may continue to destroy English Grammar even at fifty.

This idea of a crooked thing cannot be straightened is what is behind good home training. My mother will say a fresh fish can still be bent but a dry one can’t. Any attempt to bend it is wanting to break it eventually. It simply means once a thing takes an accustomed posture or position over the years, it is stupidity to come a day and say “today is your day, you will be changed.” In the first instance, did it take a day to become that which it has become?

This is why it is difficult for hardened older sinners to get born again. They have identified with crookedness until they become crooked. Wanting to separate them from that way of life that they have acclimatized with is like wanting to separate the Spirit from the body. That is why it takes more than persuasion to get them born again. It takes the power and outworking of God even if you don’t sound persuasive or convinced that your message can turn a thing to get them into the fold. It becomes almost difficult even after being born again maintaining the new life. If you are observant, you will see the traces of once being crooked in their lives. It will be evident. Why? It almost becomes impossible for a crooked thing to be straightened. The mark that that’s who they are will often cry forth and come on the scene. So, the solution is not to get to the place of crookedness where all sort of twistedness and confusion reigns as the order of the day in one’s life.

It is a true fact that once one becomes someway, it may be difficult changing colours. That may mean, that’s how one will stay till eternity. So, don’t let things come to this point of crookedness/stillness where they will be deviant to solutions to have them turned. I don’t know if you’ve ever presented a case before a professional before with a response like “madam/sir, we can’t do much about it. It has become stiffed. But you should have come earlier.” If a professional i.e a doctor tells you that about your health, I wonder where you will turn. God is there anyway!

If you have ever worked to loosen rusted bolts before, you will understand what it means for a thing to have become crooked. The bolt won’t loosen by itself with the use of a spanner on it. You will need to pour oil on it and allow it to be eased. That will take days at times before it will be ready to be loosened. Why that long process? Because it has become crooked. In wanting to adjust a crooked thing, a thing that has gone into coma, you spend much effort than wanting to awake a thing that has just fallen asleep.

So, If you want to correct, adjust and redirect, do so when there is still flexibility and accommodation for such. If that thing should stagnate, no professional can easily immediately call it to another way.

PRAYER: I receive wisdom to make good decisions as I go and grow.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezra 4:24-6:22, 1 Corinthians 3:5-23, Psalm 29:1-11, Proverbs 20:26-27

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